Alessandra Edwards

Musings on the interplay between our genes, biochemistry, microbiome and emotions.


Week 2 of Bloody Long Walk training 15km done and dusted! Post walk refuelling meal. Thanks for the awesome recipe from Zoe. Roasted zucchini, cannellini beans, apricots, garlic with home made pesto and eggs for extra protein. 11g fibre and 36g protein.


Gorgeous sunny day in Melbourne to start training for The Bloody Long Walk in October. Week 1: 9km. Sore feet but happy spirit!


When a friend surprises you with a thoughtful gesture because you shared you were feeling low at the weekend. Prof James Doty says we all have the power to improve one person's life daily. you did that for me today. 🥰 I shall pay it forward.

Photos from Alessandra Edwards's post 03/05/2024

It was wonderful to attend 's book launch yesterday. 🥂

If you haven't seen Dr Mahler in action, please do yourself a favour and try to catch one of her keynotes or master-classes. In a world where everyone is an 'expert', Louise embodies that rarest of combinations: depth and delivery.

Her presentations are engaging, exhilarating, and always hit you with a few truth bombs.

Her Gravitas book is a must-read for all professional women. I've bought several copies to give to my clients.

Brava, Dr. Mahler! 👏👏👏
I can't wait to attend her Gravitas Masterclass in Melbourne on June 7th.


As I'm training 8-9 hours a week for the triathlon, I have had to find a way to eat like an athlete whilst keeping the rest of my family satisfied with tasty meals.

I have found that you can actually achieve both with the help of these two gems.

🍴'Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat Slow' - By Shalane Flanagan & Elyse Kopecky
🍴'The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook' - By Martina Slajerova, Thomas Delauer, Nicolas Norwitz & Rohan Kashid

Both are full of super healthy, nourishing and delicious family-friendly recipes for the amateur athlete and peeps who are into nutrition for high performance.

I love love love these books!


THE LUME Melbourne Monet exhibition in Melbourne. Time off with family is the best 💕

There is nothing like having real quality time to switch off. We had a staycation over the holidays, full of experiences in town and day trips around.

By allowing ourselves to fully recharge and be present with the ones we love, we increase our performance significantly when we get back to our regular life.


High performers obsess about efficiency.

While the rest of the world is busy drinking soy, matcha, decaf, organic chai with herbal super boosters and taking a scattergun approach to 'wellbeing', high performers know exactly the 2-3 interventions they obsess about for exceptional results.

💤 Some obsess about their sleep
🏃 Some obsess about exercise
🧘‍♀️ Some obsess about meditation

It’s not about doing everything.

It's about understanding your kryptonite

It’s about having the knowledge necessary to distil your strategy down to the bare essentials.

Small investments. Higher dividends.

Do you want to take on the year with a great advantage, a high-efficiency personalised plan for vitality and longevity, and understand your DNA blueprint for life? DM me to find out about my DNA Discovery Program™️.


I've wanted a Vegepod for ages. I've grown veggies in my garden before but I've always lost confidence as soon as critters move in and start decimating my crops.

VegePod keeps the bugs out plus you can connect it to a watering system so it takes care of itself. The kids and I can just enjoy picking the veggies for dinner.


As I reflected on reaching the half-century mark this year, I realised that I wanted to give myself and my family the gift of energy, vitality, and longevity.

I knew that as I aged, my physiology would change, but I also knew that with intelligent and precise training, I could out-train the inbuilt aging mechanisms and remain strong, active, and productive for the next 40 years. That's why I decided to train for my first triathlon at the age of 50.

Training for a triathlon is not an easy feat. I'll share more of my journey along the way, but for now, I just wanted to post this photo at my local outdoor pool. If you, like me, aren't a natural-born swimmer....50m is LOOONG lap. But after one month of training, I can now swim 1.5km (slowly, granted - even the grandmas in the slow lane are overtaking me presently).

If you're in your 40s or 50s, and especially if you're a woman experiencing a physical, mental and emotional downturn due to the massive hormonal changes that occur across this decade....please, please, please do not accept this as your new reality or fate.

I know there are a heap of menopause sites and people out there telling you to age gracefully and tough it out. I think that is complete BS and belies a very ignorant and naive understanding of the ravages that the menopausal and post-menopausal period does to a woman's body and particularly the brain.

You don't need to suffer AND you don't need to lose your vitality and strength!


Hello handsome.

Being a Hungarian Vizsla, I knew before Scooby joined our family that we were bringing in the ultimate high-energy, high-performance dog. And I have loved every minute of it!

Not only has dog ownership been known to better your health and increase your lifespan, but I can see how we can learn and grow through our pets.

I see Scooby giving 100% regardless of the circumstance. I see Scooby live joyfully in the moment. I see Scooby connect and respond with all members of the family. I see Scooby listen and respond to his needs.

Scooby totally has my heart and soul ❤️ ♥️ 💓


Have you watched the awesome documentary Limitless where Chris Hemsworth revealed he has recently discovered he has a genetic variant called APOE4, which increases his risk for Alzheimer’s disease? The doco looks at various diet, exercise and lifestyle interventions to offset the increased risk for the disease.

One thing they didn’t cover, is the beneficial effects of caffeine for carriers of the APOE4 gene.

So, not only is coffee a delicious pick-me-up, but it may also have long-term benefits for cognitive health. Coffee aficionados, rejoice!


In November last year, Dr Amy and I hosted the Reconnected Retreat - a female-only event that brought together leaders from all across Victoria.

It was clear the women that joined us didn't just want to be there, they needed to be there.

The day was a beautiful mix of deep relaxation, reconnection to self and exploration of our inner feminine power. Dr Amy Silver and I spent long hours planning and preparing, ensuring every single participant left the retreat with renewed mental clarity, strength and self-compassion.

Receiving so much amazing feedback (you can read some of it in the video) inspired us to hold the retreat again on Sunday 2nd of April. So, if you're ready for a day specifically curated for you, full of joy and wisdom, then visit the link below now to access our early bird pricing. This is only available for a limited time so get in quick.


Spent the day with my great friend Sally checking out the new geothermal springs at Alba Thermal Springs & Spa . A gorgeous day of luxury, mineral bathing, cold plunges and delicious plant-based food.

Watch out for announcements in the new year for my Live Unstoppable™️ community for leaders who are serious about their vitality and longevity. We will run Wim Hof-style ice bathing retreats, anti-ageing protocols, and rejuvenating IV infusions in 5-star-luxury venues like Alba.

DM me for early interest in joining.


I was born with a congenital heart defect. At age six I was told I could never exercise until I was old enough to have surgery - which I never ended up having.

Guess what?

I'm 49 years old, I exercise daily (running, HIIT, cycling, tennis, swimming) AND I've just found out that my strength has increased so much in the last 12 months that I've gone from being in the 23rd percentile for my age group to the 93rd percentile.

I'm looking to enter my 6th decade in the best shape, fitness, energy and productivity ever.

You're NOT what others tell you or think you are.

You are what you believe you are.

Change your mindset, change your beliefs and you will change your life.

Thank you to my amazing exercise and sports scientist Ryan Aslett and the team at Kieser Australia Sandringham for guiding me all the way to achieving this incredible result.

Photos from Alessandra Edwards's post 28/12/2022

I see it all the time.

There are 10 common signs of impending loss of performance.

The part I find most interesting - you can look out for them. You have most likely noticed them but didn't want to acknowledge them.

If you continue ignoring the signs, you're only getting closer to a significant downfall.

I've experienced it. I've witnessed it. And I know exactly how you can prevent it.


I've spoken about my journey to find out why my COVID weight wouldn't drop off. What I did, was an intervention-based program and not a lifelong prescription. It helped me achieve my goals and did not prevent me from ever again, enjoying some of the more indulgent pleasures.

The Christmas season usually adds another layer (physically and psychologically) so now is your chance to do something great for your health and vitality. Start 2023 with a bang and drop those extra kgs that have been so hard to shed (I know how that feels). Improve your energy and mental focus as well as learn the science behind fat loss so you can get lean and stay lean through the DNA of Weight Loss program.

We're starting the 13th of Jan so DM me to save your spot before it's too late ⏰


The impact that the Reconnected Retreat had this year was truly indescribable.

This intimate event for women only allowed each participant the time, space and safety to reconnect, recharge and regain their inner strength, energy and vitality. For some, it was a moment where they could truly let go of all that had been weighing them down. For others, it was an opportunity to remove themselves from the day-to-day and focus solely on their inner feminine power they wanted to rediscover and champion.

From the feedback we've received so far, the retreat was a necessity for all who joined us. I'll be sharing some of this feedback very soon.

On that note, I'm thrilled to announce that Dr Amy Silver and I will be running the retreat again next year on Sunday 2nd of April. If you're looking for the perfect gift for a special woman in your life, then this is it. Plus, early bird pricing is available now for a limited time. Visit the link below to learn more.


I recently kicked off a pilot called the DNA of Rapid Weight Loss™️ program with 6 busy, middle-aged professionals. My goal was to help them lose weight rapidly, increase their energy and have a significant impact on their future health.

For many, this was the first time they had been able to lose a significant amount of weight. They had tried lots of different tactics like diets and exercise to shift their weight and improve their energy. They either didn't work or didn't work for long enough.

When Darren joined the program, things were going 'ok' but his doctor had told him to start thinking seriously about his cholesterol levels and to lose weight.

He joined the program and set to work.

Together we worked out a 7 step plan:

1. Measured his levels of insulin resistance.
2. Monitored his glucose levels continuously with a wearable.
3. Manipulated his diet in a way that forced his liver to access stored fat around his belly and hips for fuel.
4. Changed his daily energy pattern.
5. Provided his body with specific nutrients that sped up the fat-burning process by making his cells more sensitive to insulin.

Darren has lost 7 kg and 7 cm off his waist in 6 weeks without an exercise program. He's achieved this purely through a biochemical manipulation that has shifted his body from fat hoarding to fat burning.

If you want the exact steps and my help in implementing them to help you lose fat rapidly, the next intake starts mid-Jan and will run for 7 weeks. Only 2 spots left. DM me to find out more.


When I was a child growing up in Italy, my mother (who was very French but also spoke Italian and English) would often share quotes in different languages.

At the time, being brought up in a multi-language environment, my brain would take her words at face value and not question if the meaning was surreal or didn’t make sense.

When it came to the famous quote, "Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon.", what I actually heard was:

Knowledge is power. France is bacon.

…which didn’t make sense but it also kind of did as mum was French and she was always going on about how awesome the French are.

Mondegreens (the proper term for mishearing words that make sense in your head but are in fact incorrect) are a fairly common occurrence. While mondegreens are hilarious, I think there is a big piece of learning to be had here. If we're really honest with ourselves, we mondegreen a lot of important information that we just choose to turn into a different meaning.

I used to work crazy hours - the constant wired energy coursing through my body - clearly a sign of overwork. Yet, for years I would pride myself on being a high-energy person, extolling the virtues of being able to work into the wee hours of the night.

Whatever you’re telling yourself that is ‘normal’ – I can pretty much guarantee that it’s not.

My question is, even if you want to continue to live in denial – are you actually happy?


This is a snapshot of a quick 30-minute exercise I squeezed into a recent business trip. I made time for a workout, regardless of it only being 30 minutes, because I understand the importance of this very decision.

I love to make time for even a quick 30 minutes session - regardless of where I am - as the benefits to my performance and health are significant.


I don't usually post photos of myself in a bikini. So why now, you may ask?

Because I want to inspire you and motivate you to start taking excellent care of your body.

You've only got what are you doing treating it as if you're a cat with nine lives?

I get it...
I used to be tired, overweight and unfit.
I would work relentlessly and then party hard at weekends.
I used to smoke, eat a heap of carbs, not exercise.

And I felt invincible....until I didn't.

I experienced a significant crash that took me to a very dark place.
It was the best thing that could have happened to me as I lost the ability to be present, experience joy, to have the energy to live.

Regardless of where you're at you can start now and make a huge difference in your present and future life.

I am nearly 50 and I can:
Leg press 270lbs
Run 5km no problem

My blood tests are those of someone in their 20s.
I feel the best I've ever felt. I honestly feel better than I did in my 20s.

I want this for you too.


Because when we feel happy, energised, healthy, and proud of our achievements we're much nicer humans to one another and to the planet.


I also want to ensure that there are some kick-ass peers I can hang out with in my tenth decade. If you're all living in retirement homes, who am I going to go party with??

So if you're ready to start investing in yourself, to optimise this awesome body of yours, book an Introductory Call to find out what's possible for you.


Proof that you can have your cake and eat it too. Or in this case, a glass of Cabernet Merlot and the most addictive chips in Australia.

All the strongest, happiest and healthy (in body and mind) individuals I know, have developed an in-depth knowledge of their genetics and what works and doesn't work for them. Along with this, they have developed the flexibility to adapt to their circumstances.

A while ago, before I developed all my knowledge about how our genetics interact with our diet and lifestyle, I went through a phase of feeling really flushed after drinking wine. It was so uncomfortable - my ears would go bright red and my neck would get all splotchy. I would then get a headache and would sleep very badly. I would also get this reaction with random foods, and I was always congested.

Needless to say, this really affected my energy as I couldn't breathe or sleep well. Fast forward to when I really started to delve into the DNA of performance, and I discovered that genetically I tend to break down a food chemical called histamine very poorly. This chemical accumulates inside our cells and if you're body - for genetic or other reasons - is slow at clearing it, you end up with all sorts of unpleasant symptoms such as the ones I mentioned above. I was easily able to clear this chemical backlog and these days I know how to support my histamine genes so I never have to suffer a red-tomato face when enjoying a glass of Cabernet Merlot.

If you want to discover all the weird and wonderful aspects of your genetics that either push your performance up or pull it down, DM me to find out more about booking a one on DNA Discovery with me.


When it comes to your wellness strategy, don't start working on it because:

- Your doctor told you
- Your partner keeps hassling you about it
- You want to look good on your Bali holiday
- It's trending in leadership

Do it so that in 10 years time when everyone around you is complaining about:

- Feeling old
- Feeling in pain
- Feeling like their brain isn't working
- Feeling like life has already happened're feeling like Richard Branson, kite surfing on Necker island with the wind blowing in your hair.

If you want to unlock this level of vitality and protect it as you grow older, then the DNA Discovery program is the perfect first step. It always amazes me to see and hear the improvements in energy, digestion, weight and mental clarity that every client experiences from the very beginning of this program.

Want to learn more? Let's chat! Visit the link below to book a free Introductory call.


This week I attended my 14-year-old daughter's District Netball Awards Presentation.

The one recurrent theme throughout the coaches' speeches was how impressed they were with those players who showed up no matter what, even when they were not feeling well.

It struck me how young we indoctrinate our children into a life of disconnection from their body and their self.

So here's my golden tip for you this week:

When you're tired, rest.

And a great way to rest can be by booking a glorious holiday to Bali. Like I did, here 😎

Less is often more. It's important we remember that.

In particular, if at a genetic level you are an Electric Star or Falling Star, it is essential to understand how to design cycles of recovery after high-intensity periods.

If you want to discover your DNA Energy Type, please DM DNA Discovery to find out how a personalised genetic strategy can give you an effective and efficient blueprint for performance.


It's not a fad diet. It's not diet pills. It's an evidence-based weight loss program where you track, in real-time, how foods affect your appetite and your fat-burning capacity.

The DNA of Weight Loss is a six week, guaranteed weight loss program that does not require exercise.

I created this program for my existing high-performance clients but following the amazing feedback and results (3.5kg average weight loss in the first 2.5 weeks alone) I have decided to run this, for a short period of time only, as a public offering.

I personally guarantee your weight loss on this program.

It is designed for

✔️ Business owners
✔️ Thought leaders
✔️ Executives

who are fed up with yo-yo dieting and are frustrated by how their weight keeps creeping up year in year out. Clients in my program are busy leaders who often have to travel for work. They were all able to thrive in the program and achieve massive weight loss.

This program is for you if:

✔️ You want to lose 4-7kg
✔️ Are after a safe and effective RAPID weight loss method
✔️ You want a program that is not going to promote a yo-yo diet cycle
✔️ You want to improve your long-term health and not just the scales metric
✔️ You want to lose fat and not just weight

And if:
✔️ You are happy to use a wearable (supplied in the program)
✔️ Take fat-burning supplements (supplied in the program)
✔️ You are happy to follow a delicious meal plan (supplied in the program)
✔️ You are keen to be part of a small, supportive group of people who are determined to feel and look awesome at the end of the program.

Gone are the days of "lemon" and "grapefruit diets"!

Please DM DNA Weight Loss to find out more. Booking now for Jan intake.


Once you understand what helps you thrive, it's a pretty easy choice to cut out the things that hinder your performance.

I think it's safe to say everyone knows I am team non-alcoholic when it comes to most of my beverage choices. This picture was taken on my recent birthday trip to Hobart. What a beautiful day! Jazz playing through the picturesque vineyards and the perfect glass of non-alcoholic wine. I loved everything about this day and not a drop of alcohol was had.

I have specific genetic variants that mean that:
🍷 Alcohol slows down my estrogen detoxification (increasing my risk of breast cancer)
💤 It robs my body of methyls (signalling molecules necessary to produce energy, make the neurotransmitters of focus and productivity and healthy moods)
❌ It changes my gut microbiome within 60 minutes of ingestion (I have a gene variant that reduces the amount of beneficial bacteria in my gut)

Not everyone needs to go to such extremes. For example, many of My DNA of Weight Loss program clients have been able to enjoy some bubbly and wine AND still lose a significant amount of weight.

If you're ready to take the exciting step towards your health, especially coming into summer, then the DNA of Weight Loss program is for you. Now is the time to step up and stick to a healthier, more energised and happier life.

Bring on confident sunny days!

Please DM **DNA Weight Loss** to learn more about how this program can set you up for not only a successful summer but a life of vitality as well.

Photos from Alessandra Edwards's post 09/11/2022

I've just come back from a wonderful family holiday in Bali where I enjoyed quality pool time with my children, a blissful daily family yoga lesson and the legendary Balinese hospitality. I even impressed myself with my fastest 100 metre sprint ever, running away from a feisty baboon who thought he needed my mango more than me.

While I felt good going into the holiday, when I came back I was on fire. My productivity and focus have been phenomenal since returning despite significant professional and personal commitments.

Doesn’t life feel joyful and fulfilling when we have unstoppable energy?
And doesn’t it feel overwhelming when we don’t?

For sure the last few years have been hard, but the true impact of the pandemic stress has not truly been felt since now.

Not a week goes by when I don’t share a conversation with a medical colleague about the level of burnout in Australian women. Many are turning to alcohol, overeating and other self-harming practices to cope.

It is time to help the women in our lives. It is a simple yet truthful statement – though somewhat stereotypical – that when the women in our lives thrive, so do the men.

It is precisely with this in mind that Dr Amy Silver and I have designed a one-day, restorative retreat for women who are in need to pause, restore and reconnect.

The time has come to step into the arena with us and help lift the women in our lives back to their rightful place of joyful thriving.

If you're interested in joining us for the Reconnected Retreat for female leaders, then please visit the link below.


As we hit the pre-Christmas period, many of my clients are working flat out. End-of-year performance goals for executives and filling up the sales funnel for the new year for business owners.

I love working hard. But what I love even more is feeling awesome while I do it. There is nothing worse than getting to the Christmas holidays feeling worn out.

I'm all about personalisation so my clients benefit from customised IV formulas based on their unique DNA and current biological snapshot.

There are so many amazing benefits to IV Therapy.

And with science advancing all the time, I love the fact that I can sit in my living room, working away, while my body gets a healthy dose of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids, specifically matched to my unique genetic requirements.

If you didn't know this already, using the intravenous route is so much better as a higher level of nutrients can be used. This is especially true for people who suffer from digestive issues. That means a huge dose of goodness is introduced straight into the bloodstream, ready to give your cells energy superpower. You can't get that from your daily vitamin!

I like to have my vitamin drip treatment for an extra boost when I know I'm going to be doing a lot of work-related travel, to strengthen my immunity before going overseas or as a performance Super Booster before hitting high-intensity work periods. It's a 45-minute session and we book the nurse to come straight to your house or office. How easy is that 🙌

Are you a high-performing exec or business owner feeling like you've been losing your mojo?

Did you know that there are specific genes that become 'louder' in middle age affecting your energy, focus and weight?

Do you want to find out the ultimate, efficient high-performance blueprint to give you back your youthful vitality and appearance?

DM me to find out about my new DNA Discovery program.


It really is Ms Pebbles' world.

We're all just living in it.

I think all my cat parents would agree 🐱


I never post photos of my family on social media. I believe the greatest gift I can give my children - apart from boundless love - is the gift of anonymity and possibility.

But lately, I've been reflecting on the big "why" behind every choice I make in my life. From getting up to go for a run in the morning rather than snoozing the alarm to choosing a salad over a croissant, from letting go of the cynics and pessimists in my network to choosing abundance over scarcity and an unstoppable life full of health and wealth creation.

And I realised, once again, that these are the humans who fuel my passion, who hug me when life becomes hard, who offer first aid when I'm drowning.

My daughter would need to be in this picture too but I just came across this one from 9 years ago and a whole decade of love came flooding through me.

This is my big "why". What's yours?

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Videos (show all)

THE LUME Melbourne  Monet exhibition in Melbourne. Time off with family is the best 💕There is nothing like having real q...
I've wanted a Vegepod for ages. I've grown veggies in my garden before but I've always lost confidence as soon as critte...
In November last year, Dr Amy and I hosted the Reconnected Retreat - a female-only event that brought together leaders f...
Spent the day with my great friend Sally checking out the new geothermal springs at Alba Thermal Springs & Spa . A gorge...
The impact that the Reconnected Retreat had this year was truly indescribable. This intimate event for women only allowe...
I recently kicked off a pilot called the DNA of Rapid Weight Loss™️ program with 6 busy, middle-aged professionals. My g...
The 2022 annual Asana Anatomy of Work Index reported that nearly half of all Australian workers have suffered from both ...
We get only one life. One life to find our purpose, to experience every moment with relish, to experience every connecti...
Last week I locked myself in my bathroom just to get some respite from homeschooling!When was your last 'anywhere but he...
When switching to a real food diet, a lot of people struggle to find what snacks to eat or feed their family Here are my...
It was a pleasure joining @leanin_newzealand for an episode on their podcast about high performance and wellness.In this...
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! ...and every one of the next 364 days! I feel your joy and your sadness, your energy and your exhaus...



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Melbourne, VIC

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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
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