The Blitz Initiative

The Blitz Initiative

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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from The Blitz Initiative, Nonprofit Organization, Townsville.

Please show our current serving Australian soldiers and veterans support by following us in our journey to modify a 1942 Ford Blitz truck to tour Australia while raising awareness to veteran su***de and mental health.


I need ALL of these.........and I AM doing all of these whilst we are away. Just thinking about it makes my heart smile and fills my soul šŸ§˜


VALE - Laurence Meacle

With deep regret I have to inform you on the passing of former 2RAR member Laurence Meacle.

Family members turned off Laurenceā€™s life support last night at approximately 11pm.

I wonā€™t go into any further details of his passing. I will say this, he was visited by a number of his mates over the course of his final day and half. His family was well supported by former serving and current serving Battalion members right up until his final moments.

As details of his funeral are set, this will be passed on.

RIP Digger your duty is done.


Our condolences and thoughts are with her family.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Heather Anderson, aged 28. Heather was a current serving medic who also played for the Adelaide Crows in AFLW. Anderson had immediate success as part of the Crows, playing eight games for Adelaide and winning the inaugural AFLW premiership. Heather was also a fan favourite, wearing a distinctive pink headgear, which she explained was so her vision-impaired mother could spot her.

Heather tragically took her own life on barracks Sunday morning in Perth.

We canā€™t harp on this enough which is why we repeat it so often. Whether you are serving or ex-serving, know that we are a community that helps each other out. Please reach out to your mate for help if you need it. There is so much out there now to support you and most importantly, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Itā€™s time we reach out and conduct a matecheck on our mates.

Please get in contact with the below organisations, they are a great help to current and ex-serving members.

- Overwatch Australia - 1800 699 2824
- Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
- Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling - 1800 011 046
- Young Veterans

Condolences to Heathers family, friends and the Medic Brotherhood.

Lest We Forget šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ šŸšŸšŸ

Joshua Driver 17/08/2022

Gday everyone josh here,

As many of you would be aware last year we did mullets for mental health through the black dog institute and had a fantastic response from you all and managed to raise some money for a very worthy charity, me and boydy have been growing our mullets since last September and they are looking filthier then ever and we have been able to spark many a conversation about the black dog as a result.

Please find the link below for our fundraising effort this year and help us get behind the black dog institute and raise some much needed funds for the fight.

We will post some picks later tonight of our efforts so far!

As always we appreciate the support from all the followers to the page without you all we wouldnā€™t be able to achieve what we are aiming to achieve.

Joshua Driver I'm raising money for a cause close to my heart and would love your support.


I welcome the findings of the interim report from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Su***de.

For far too long, this issue has been dealt with in the shadows. Today, we have shone a spotlight on the darkest corners of our defence force which will allow us to finally take the necessary action that I believe will start the decline of the national shame that is defence and veteran su***de.


And there we have it everyone the old girl has arrived safely in Townsville, and in the coming week we should be able to post some more photos and possibly do a walk around of the old girl

Photos from The Blitz Initiative's post 26/07/2022

Gday everyone,

Driver here, we have some exciting news to announce to you all. Thanks to a member of the team taking some time out of his busy schedule to travel to ravensho we have been lucky enough to acquire another blitz to add to the collection and we should see it arriving in Townsville on Friday !!

This old girl has had what looks to be many good years as workhorse on the timber up north and has had some pretty cool modifications over the years. We are very excited to add her to the collection and with some fabrication we should have an eye catching truck for taking around to public events to promote the blitz initiative and raise awareness for our cause.


condolences to his family, another digger gone to soon.

Absolutely devastating to announce that on the 19th of July 2022, Nikolaj Helle-Broe passed away at the age of 30. He leaves behind his beautiful family - his partner Taylor and his little boy Bjorn (8 months).

He proudly served in the ADF at 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and was recognised by his friends and peers as a brilliant soldier.

The Pineapple Express Patreon members have donated $4,000 to Nikolajā€™s family. If you would like to support the family, please follow this link:

Our thoughts are with the Nikolajā€™s family and the members of the 6RAR Brotherhood.

Never above you.
Never below you.
Always beside you.
Brothers by choice.

Lest we forget šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ



Just a reminder we at the blitz initiative are available any hour of the day if you , a mate or a family member need a chat.


Gday everyone Driver here,

Next couple of weeks will be fairly slow for progress as Iā€™m out of action for a bit due to getting some restoration work done on myself ahaha. But boydy will still be chipping away at what he can on the truck under my cripple supervision as well as the other boys working on there respective parts of the project . As always if you need anything message the page and one of us boys will be in contact asap


Gday everyone,

Appologies for the long time between posts, the Blitz team recently added a new member to the Driver clan, Harrison, so life has been busier than normal.
We thank those who are still supporting us, supporting veterans.

We just wanted to touch base with everyone and let you all know progress is still being made on the old girl. Parts have been slowly coming in from all over the country with a big thanks to some very generous people. These amazing people have both a passion for these old trucks as well as what we are aiming to achieve with our project. We have been chipping away at the old girl when time and funds are available. We have also been waiting on the paper trail to catch up as far as our non for profit status is concerned as anyone who has dealt with this before can attest it is a lengthy process that we hope to have all finished shortly!

As always if there is anything we can do to support you, a mate who needs it or if you just need a chat then feel free to drop the page a message and one of us fellas will be there to help.

Thank you all once again!


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Lest we forget.


First run of stickers on the cricut cutter, thanks to Jess O'Rourke for her tireless effort in doing the hard yards on working out how to turn this from an idea to a reality. Keep an eye out for more to come.


Hey everyone I just wanted to quickly touch base and let you all know we are still working towards getting the Blitz going ASAP but as it always work life has gotten in the way and slowed us down.

We will be working on getting back in the saddle and posting more on the progress of the Blitz and any other Veteran news that we come across.

Thank you all so much for still believing in us, it means more than you would know.

Till next time have a good one



Today I Remember


BBQ TO REMEMBER: Iā€™ve been extremely honoured to be the patron of mental health charity Swiss 8. On Remembrance Day and throughout the month of November, Swiss 8 is encouraging people to come together, have a bbq and reflect on our nationā€™s most bravest, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice on operations or succumbed to their war within here on home soil. Weā€™re in this together - connection matters. You can register to join the cause and host A BBQ To Remember here:


Humans are tribal creatures, the need for connection is hardwired into us.

With anxiety and depression now at epidemic levels, it's time for every individual to take control of their mental health. Something as simple as connection can make the biggest difference in our lives.

When we are isolated, we feel anxious and depressed. Disconnection from things that give us purpose, from our loves one and from being able to interact in a social environment. All of these contribute a negative impact to our mental wellbeing.

With the restrictions easing, and the weather warming for summer, there is no better time to connect with your mates than around a BBQ.

Register to host a BBQ. Help us fundraise to support free proactive mental health tools for everyone.

Connect with your mates. Go to

Photos from The Blitz Initiative's post 30/09/2021

(Last minute update) Evening Team hope everyone is doing great, I wanted to share some awesome news.
As most would be aware Driver and Boydy have been participating in the Blackdog mullet fund-raiser. These two legends have even working on their lushest mullets. With the wicked support of all our lovely followers the boys were able to raise $1111 for this amazing cause.
The Blackdog Institute is doing great things nationally for both our youth and adults alike, from running and maintaining online and mobile support to online Webinars with mental health programs.
Thank to everyone for the support, and we hope to be able to participate in another su***de prevention fundraising activity in the future.

Have a good one


Photos from The Blitz Initiative's post 30/09/2021

Gday everyone ,

As you all know me and Boydy have been doing our best to grow a filthy mullet to raise much needed funds for the black dog institutes mullets for mental health. Today is the last day of September so please get behind a great cause and help us achieve our objective, and for those who have already donated thank you from all of us at the blitz initiative.



Why should all Australians host A BBQ To Remember for Remembrance Day?

While I understand everyone has different views on what Remembrance Day means, in order to understand what Remembrance Day is supposed to stand for, we have to look at the day's history, both in Australia and in all allied countries.

The primary fact here is glaringly obvious. As described by Romani Rathiā€™s Article from 2019, ā€˜Remembrance Day is the poor cousin of Australian War Commemoration, and unless we as a country and a Veteran community do something to reinvigorate Remembrance Day, it will be lost from national memory, forever.ā€™

The Origins
From 1918, Armistice Day became a more formal and sombre occasion on which people were encouraged to remember the fallen through a moment of silence, and pay our respects for their service and sacrifice.
The language of memory honoured the deceased, acknowledging that they had not sacrificed themselves in vain but for institutions and values such as God, King and Country, and freedom. However, as time passed, this language came to be increasingly contested.

By the mid-1920s, both ā€˜Armistice Dayā€™ and ā€˜Remembrance Dayā€™ were commonly used in Australia, and by the 1930s, the latter term was dominant.

During the second world war, British officials began discussing a change to the date and the significance. To avoid a proliferation of commemorative days and to ensure the date would remain relevant to newer generations, the UK decided that a common commemoration day be made to pause and reflect on all wars and the sacrifices of all men and women involved in all conflicts. The calendar was marked with Remembrance Sunday, the Sunday closest to 11 November was set on the National Calendar.
The USA set 11 November as Veterans Day. A Day to celebrate all military service and to reflect on the sacrifices of all who have served.
From 1946 until the 1970s, Australians joined with Briton in observing Remembrance Sunday.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Australia witnessed the multiplication of official commemorative days, some of which had been recognised by particular groups before being made national commemorative days, such as VP Day, Korean War Day, Long Tan Day, Battle for Australia Day and Reserve Forces Day. Now, more recently, we see the same happening for Middle Eastern conflicts. All used by politicians to win favour in younger Veteran communities. Focus on Remembrance Day and Remembrance Sunday began fading.

Adapt or Die
With new generations of Veterans replacing WW1, WW2 and Vietnam era Veterans, 11 November as a national day has almost been lost.
In the 1990s a national interest in the ANZAC legend and the link to Australian culture gave Remembrance Day a little boost but it clearly separated ANZAC Day as the single day non Veteran Australians focused on.

Since 2000, crowds at Remembrance Day ceremonies have rarely exceeded a few hundred. Anzac Day has clearly been stamped as the single day the nation reflects on its Veterans service while Remembrance Day continues to fade.

In 2018 when, in the year that marked the end of the centenary period, Remembrance Day attracted little public attention. The Centenary of ANZAC Day saw 120,000 spectators in Canberra while The Centenary of Remembrance day didn't break 12,000.

The ability to connect the national community to the annual event explains Anzac Dayā€™s primacy over Remembrance Day.
If we donā€™t find a way to connect the entire country to Remembrance Day, It will be lost from Australian memory.

This is exactly why Swiss 8 and our team of Veterans have set Remembrance Day as the culminating day at the end of our month-long Mental Health campaign. We are encouraging all Australians to connect with their mates around a BBQ from 11 October to 11 November. If you can have that BBQ on Thursday 11 November, even better.

All Australians should be encouraged to join our Veterans on this day of reflection. And most importantly of all, no Veterans should ever spend Remembrance Day alone.

Weā€™re in this together - connection matters. You can register to join the cause and host A BBQ To Remember here:

Thanks for your support, legends.

Fathi, R 2019, Remembrance Day: The Poor Cousin of Australian War Commemoration.

Australian Army (2021) Remembrance Day. Viewed 20 Sep 21


R u ok, a conversation can save a life.

Sorry for the late post it has been a flat out day for me and the team, I just wanted to remind everyone on the page that if you, or someone you know ex or currently serving, spouse, family member etc are ever in need of a listening ear or help message the page any hour of the day or night and one of the team will be there to provide assistance in anyway we can.

Itā€™s not weak to speak, and we at the blitz initiative want to encourage open conversation about any issues you may be having , we are stronger as a group, there is no reason to stand alone.

So take the time tonight to send a mate you havnt spoken to in a while or who may be having a rough time a message and check in.

Thank you for your time and I hope you all had a great day,



Hey everyone, Pumbaa here I wanted spread some happy news following this weeks sad news of the lose of our two brothers in arms.

Early this year I went to a Mental Health Wellbeing Weekend with Veterans Retreat and it was amazing If you are in the SEQ area I recommend checking them out ,they currently have a few new events coming up in Oct and Nov.

Worth a check into, till next time team have a good one and lots of love


Photos from The Blitz Initiative's post 02/09/2021

Here at the Blitz Initiative we mourn for the fallen soldier's Warrant Officer Class Two Ryan Leslie,40 and Craftsman Brendon Payne, 29, who tragically died after their vehicle rolled over on a public road in the vicinity of the Townsville Field Training Area.

Warrant Officer Leslie had served for 22 years and two months, was a member of the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and had posted to 2/14 Light Horse Regiment (2/14 LHR) at Enoggera Barracks in January 2021.

Craftsman Brendon Payne joined the Army in March 2020, and had served for one year and five months, and was also a member of the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. Craftsman Payne had posted to 2/14 Light Horse Regiment (2/14 LHR) at Enoggera Barracks in June 2021.

If you need any mental health support and are a family member, you can call the All Hours Support Line on 1800 629 036.
Or alternatively:
Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling - 1800 011 046
Lest we forget.

Photos from The Blitz Initiative's post 21/08/2021

Massive shout out to Jordan at Acres of Skin in Townsville for this perfect tattoo.

Though simple, this Tattoo is to symbolise having your mates back. Something we are huge for here at the Initiative

;IGY6 has a simple but clear meaning- I Got Your Six (6)

In the military, ā€œGot your sixā€ means ā€œIā€™ve got your back.ā€ The saying originated with World War I fighter pilots referencing a pilotā€™s rear as the six oā€™clock position. It is now a ubiquitous term in the military that highlights the loyalty and cooperation found in military culture.

The main goal of this tattoo is to show others that I and the rest of the Initiative are available as an Ear or a Shoulder


Photos from The Blitz Initiative's post 14/08/2021

Gday everyone driver here,
so today we started our mullet journey, we greatly appreciate the donations we have received so far. and we promise to continue to give it our best attempt at the filthiest mullets we can to spark conversations and raise awareness. Big shout out to James McCarthy from JMZ hair for being an avid supporter of the blitz initiative and for taking time out of his busy schedule to cut our mullets in. Please share the link for our team page far and wide and help us support this great cause.

Joshua Driver 13/08/2021

Gday everyone driver here from the blitz initiative, as we mentioned earlier last week me and Boydy are going to be cutting in our best attempts at mullets for the black dogs mullets for mental health this year, as many of you would know this is a very important topic to me personally and I want invite anyone who wishes to join the team to do so, there is a button to join and donate on this link.

Joshua Driver I'm raising money for a cause close to my heart and would love your support.

Mullets For Mental Health 07/08/2021

Both myself and Boydy from the blitz initiative are going to be rocking our best attempt at mullets to support the black dog institutes mullets for mental health, I invite any followers on the page to follow suit and post photos of your mullets for mental health. (Update),
Hey everyone lets try push this as much as we can to raise money for this great cause.

Mullets For Mental Health Show you're all ears for Black Dog Instituteā€™s Mullets For Mental Health. Shape and grow your mullet for the month of September to raise much needed funds for mental health research.

Bombshell as Afghan witness slips up 03/08/2021

Bombshell as Afghan witness slips up An Afghan witness appears to have made a slip-up, claiming in the Ben Roberts-Smith defamation trial that a ā€œbig soldierā€ gave him instructions in Pashto, which Mr Roberts-Smith does not speak.


Morning all , Driver here from the blitz initiative just wanted to post a short video about my walk around the fort track on Maggie island and to give you some updates on the things going on with the project currently , and to talk about getting in place a maintenance plan for our local ww2 sites in Townsville , with some help from local members, perhaps Phillip Thompson Phillip Thompson OAM MP - Fighting For Townsville

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