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The Western Australian Council of Social Service is the peak body for the WA community sector.

We drive social change with communities, through collective action and policy formulation, strengthening community services and influencing decision makers to ensure justice and equity.

Photos from WACOSS's post 13/09/2024

The Heat Vulnerability Project team visited Sydney last week for the AIDR Conference on Gadigal Country.

The team presented a poster on the project at the AIDR Knowledge Hub.

The Conference welcomed delegates and speakers from across the country, New Zealand, the UK and the USA.


In this fortnight's Sector News -

📢 WACOSS will be quite busy in the coming months with the launch of our Election Campaign, the announcement of the Conference theme and abstracts for our biennial Conference in October (for the event in May 2025), and the launch of the State Budget Submission and Annual General Meeting in October!
📢 The ninth report in the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre / Workplace Gender Equality Agency Gender Equity Work Insights series was released, highlighting the shift in how employees engage in work, and the drop in part-time work
📢 Submissions are open until Friday 20 September for the Truth and Justice Commission Bill 2024, to establish a Truth and Justice commission.
📢 Injury Matters has released their 2024 WA Falls Report
📢 Check out the webinar hosted by the AIDR (Australia Institute of Disaster Resilience), on The First Year – Collaborating for Community, on Tuesday 17 September

📌 Sector News: 11 September 2024 - https://mailchi.mp/wacoss/sector-news-11-september-2024

📧 Subscribe for fortnightly updates - http://eepurl.com/dkLEer

Photos from WACOSS's post 10/09/2024

It's Annual Report writing season!

The DropIN Solutions team design captivating and vibrant materials for the sector, and they have some availability to take on a few more annual report projects.

Request an Annual Report design quote from the team by the end of September 2024 and save 10%.

Members will receive an additional 10% discount - a total of 20% off your annual report!

Reach out to the team via [email protected]

Photos from WACOSS's post 10/09/2024

Last week Dylan and Elliot from the WA Digital Inclusion Project had a very successful trip to the North West.

In Broome, they trained the project’s very first regional Community Champion, who is looking forward to helping upskill the Broome Community. Travelling south to Bidyadanga, they provided training and digital skills support staff and community members over two excellent days, through their project partnership.

The WA Digital Inclusion project supports community members and employees of partner organisations to improve their digital skills and literacy. If you are interested I finding out how you or your organisation can get involved, email [email protected]

Photos from Australian Council of Social Service's post 09/09/2024

This Australian Council of Social Service research supports what we have heard from community service providers across the state, especially during our State Budget Submission consultations.

Increased cost of living pressures has forced people to cut back on essentials - meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, and many are skipping meals altogether.

This is why we are calling for immediate and longstanding cost of living relief in our State Election Campaign, through targeted programs for Western Australians who need it most; and targeted reforms so that people doing it tough have access to fair and equitable financial assistance.


We are absolutely obsessed with the colour palette and design of our State Election Campaign asks booklet. 🎨 😍

This was designed in-house by the DropIn Solutions team, our very own social enterprise who provide the sector and start-ups with high-quality design and creative solutions!

They have some remaining availability for annual reports - and it is the annual report season!! So if you're looking for some beautiful design work, get in touch via dropinsolutions.org.au

Photos from WACOSS's post 06/09/2024

Congratulations to the Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing's successful WA Women's Health Conference!

Louise and some of the WACOSS team attended yesterday, and it was an honour to be there.

A particular shout out goes to the Honourable Dr Cheryl Davenport who featured on the abortion care reform journey panel, and was one of the original driving forces of abortion care in the 1990s. The panel was expertly facilitated by Dr Katrina Stratton MLA.

Having women in leadership - such as Katrina, Cheryl and now a the Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson, as Minister for Health - is how we have been able to meaningfully progress abortion care in this state.

Our thanks and congratulations goes to the team at the Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing, panellists, and all conference speakers. It's great to be part of these discussions, especially during Women's Health Week.


This State Election, let's leave no-one behind.

Our campaign platform for the 2025 State Election Campaign is to Make WA Fair. A fair place for everyone to live, where everyone can thrive.

All of our election campaign asks are achievable, it's just a matter of choice.

Read our 2025 State Election asks: www.wacoss.org.au/make-wa-fair

Photos from WACOSS's post 05/09/2024

Thanks to everyone who joined us at the launch of our Make WA Fair campaign!

An especially big thank you to Freda Ogilvie, Whadjuk Balladong Noongar Elder who Welcomed us to Country and shared some fantastic tales about her 20 year career in teaching, weaving culture through education.

We are grateful to hear from Nolan Hunter, former CEO of the Kimberley Land Council and current Co-Chair of Reconciliation WA, who shared some of his first hand experiences of the strength and resilience of First Nations people, despite the immense challenges experienced - particularly in remote WA.

To all of the leaders, politicians and media in the room, thanks for joining us to hear more about our platform and how we can create a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

A world where these things are achievable, and it's just a matter of choice.


Last night we launched our State Election campaign, Make WA Fair.

We stand on the precipice of the next State Election and the challenge we face are more acute than ever. After three years of high costs and low wage growth, many Western Australians are missing out.

But there are solutions. We can tackle the big challenges. It won’t be easy. Our leaders will need to be bold, brave and show ambition.

In the lead up to the 2025 State Election we have a platform for reform to ensure people hit the hardest by the cost of living are supported to thrive.

Western Australia is a great state. Let's make it a fair one too.

Read our blueprint - www.wacoss.org.au/make-wa-fair

‘The system has failed’: Mother of boy who took his own life at Banksia Hill speaks out 03/09/2024

A second child has died in WA's youth detention system.

This is amid the ongoing inquest into the death of 16-year-old Cleveland Dodd, who died less than one year ago in Unit 18.

This is a devastating loss, and we send our deepest respect and sympathies to his loved ones.

Use the Social Reinvestment WA link below to write your local MP and tell them how you feel.


‘The system has failed’: Mother of boy who took his own life at Banksia Hill speaks out The mother of a boy who died by su***de while being held in youth detention in WA says he will be deeply missed by his family and the juvenile justice system in the state is "failing all youths regardless of race".


Melanie Hopkinson from the Financial Counsellors' Association of Western Australia spoke to Nadia Mitsopoulos on Mornings ABC Perth about the rising cost of living and the impact on people having to make dire choices on whether to buy nutritious food, and keep a roof over their head.

Keep an eye on our socials on Thursday when we announce our State Election Campaign: what we want to see to make Western Australia a fair state for everyone.


After three years of high costs and low wage growth, the cost-of-living is biting families.

In a recent report, 51 per cent of the people surveyed had cut back their spending on food, and nearly 40 per cent of Western Australians wouldn't be able to cover an unexpected $500 bill without borrowing money, selling assets, or using a credit card.


Today is Wear it Purple Day, which started in 2010, in response to a spate of su***des among the LGBTQIA+ community. It aims to raise awareness and understanding of the issues the LGBTQIA+ people experience.
LGBTQIA+ young people are 2.5 times more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition, 6 times more likely to experience depression, and 3 times more likely to experience anxiety. They are also overrepresented in the homelessness space - many have been ostracised, or ousted by family and have nowhere else to go.
We can create a better world, we just need more love, understanding and acceptance.

Pictured is our Board proudly wearing purple at our Board meeting this morning.


Sometimes a program will freeze or stop responding properly while you are trying to use it. Don’t worry – it happens! Click through to find out what to do if you find yourself in this situation.

Photos from WACOSS's post 30/08/2024

It was a packed venue and a sell out event this week for Politics in the Pub: Equal Pay Day!

United Workers Union Public Sector Coordinator, Lisa Judge, said that for the first time in a long time she is feeling hopeful, and that was a really welcome takeaway from the evening.

A massive shout out to all of the speakers, Dr Jennie Gray for emceeing the evening, and to our partners the Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing and the UWA Public Policy Institute!


In this fortnight's Sector News -
📢 The Department of Communities has changed the rules for community service agreements, and audited and certified financial statements are no longer required to be submitted for each and every agreement at the end of the FY
📢 People With disabilities WA is seeking to engage people with lived experience of mental health who are accessing AOD services to contribute to the Mental Health and AOD Strategy
📢 Perth Inner City Youth Service has shared a collection of stories from young LGBTQIA+ young people to help show the impact and benefits of inclusive practice
📢 We were sad to hear that Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia CEO Sandy McKiernan has tended her resignation, but wish them best of luck with new opportunities!
📢 Check out job opportunities from Rise, Mission Australia, and the Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia - AHCWA

📌 Sector News: 28 August 2024 - https://mailchi.mp/wacoss/sector-news-28-august-2024

📧 Subscribe for fortnightly updates - http://eepurl.com/dkLEer See less


Have you registered for the Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing 2024 WA Women’s Health Conference?

Register now for the event next Thursday 5 September!

The evidence is clear - listening to women and actively prioritising women’s health advances our society and economy, helps close the gender gap and improves women’s lives.

Join us for the 2024 WA Women’s Health Conference on 5 September to understand the barriers, share what works, and inspire possibilities for the future.

With an exciting and diverse speaker line-up we’ll celebrate progress and explore fresh data and actionable insights that clinicians, policymakers and leaders can use to drive change.

Hear from WA Minister for Health Hon. Amber-Jade Sanderson, Dannielle Orifici JP, Debra Barnes, Cheryl Davenport, Amy Dawes OAM, Ngangk Yira, Dr Talila Milroy, Professor Colleen Fisher, Nihal ISCEL, Grace Molloy, Dr Carol Kaplanian, CF, Kianna Barker, Gloria Moyle, Katrina Stratton PhD, MBA, Sisonke Msimang and many more.

📅 Thursday, September 5
📍 Duxton Hotel, Perth
🔗 Tickets on sale until Friday, August 30 2024

New report shows Australia’s tax system is fuelling inequality - Anglicare Australia 27/08/2024

Today, Anglicare Australia has called on government to make crucial changes to tax breaks and superannuation concessions which, as they currently stand, continue to widen the wealth gap in Australia.

The Widening the Wealth Gap report, released today, looks at trends in wealth inequality over the past 20 years, with significant findings.

Read more here:

New report shows Australia’s tax system is fuelling inequality - Anglicare Australia Anglicare Australia has today released its Cost of Living Index, showing that people living on Centrelink Payments can’t afford essentials like rent, food, and transport.

Photos from WACOSS's post 27/08/2024

Last week, Zeina and Elliot from the Digital Inclusion Project Team presented to all staff at Lotterywest and Healthway to share some of the project's highlights and ways in which the grant funding has been used to support people to improve their digital literacy skills.

Zeina and Elliot presented to more than 200 staff both in-person and online, sharing some of the insights and wins the project has had since it started in 2022, including:

🖥 Training over 250 frontline community sector workers
🖥 Upskilling 27 community champions who have led conversations with over 350 of their friends, families and communities in 10 different languages (!!)
🖥 Supported over 75 folks to attend credentialed training at TAFE to gain skills to find or for employment

They showed how the project team are adaptable and capable providing tailored supports to maximise impact and project outcomes.

Congratulations to the team, and thanks goes to Lotterywest for their support to achieve this.


WACOSS is proud to be one of the 40+ Community Partners supporting the Engaging Young Leaders on Aged Care and Community Boards, and they are currently ready to take on another cohort!

New applications are sought from young leaders (under 40 years of age) who are keen to learn more about governance by participating in the 4-month face-to-face program in order to become a Board Director of a not-for-profit organisation board.

Becoming a leader on a community sector Board is a meaningful way to give back to your community and this program is a gateway to impactful leadership!

📅 Applications close 30 September 2024.

📝 www.surveymonkey.com/r/elgp2025

Photos from WACOSS's post 23/08/2024

Earlier this week WACOSS CEO Louise Giolitto spent time in the Kimberley on the Dampier Peninsula, attending the Annual General Meetings of the Kimberley Land Council, Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre, Kimberley Language Resource Centre, Aarnja and Empowered Young Leaders.

The 2024 theme of the three day gathering is 🌊 Tides Change. Together we stand strong 💪🏾🌊 which acknowledges the resilience, hope, unity and strength of Aboriginal people no matter what challenges they face.

It was such a great opportunity to touch base with regional and remote organisations, especially in the context of the disappointing Referendum outcome last year. Here's some of her snaps from one of the most stunning places in the world - Gambanan, Dampier Peninsula.


The Heat Vulnerability Project team travelled from Boorloo to Kariyarra Country last week, spending time with various community groups across Hedland. This is their second trip to Hedland and it was very rewarding to continue nurturing cross-organisational and community relationships.

There was a large community knowledge session with Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre, which involved Kariyarra Elders and community, and they also met with the Hedland Well Women's Centre, Care For Hedland Environmental Association, Youth Involvement Council Inc. and Mission Australia.

Photos from WACOSS's post 22/08/2024

Term 3 WA Digital Inclusion Project Scholarship Program Participants have been offered the opportunity to attend free additional classes hosted by Project Partner National Institute of Technology.

Supplementary to their weekly classes at North Metropolitan TAFE, these tutorials allow students to practice and go over further questions outside of class in a smaller supported environment.

Participants of the inaugural tutorial held this week expressed their thanks to tutor Eduardo and the Project Team for running this session, and were already feeling more confident with the tasks they worked on.


A piece from Sophie Stewart at Social Reinvestment WA, in light of the second part of the Coronial Inquest into the Death of Cleveland Dodd.

"The standard we walk past is the standard we accept. I know most West Australians would not allow their neighbours' children to be treated in the way Cleveland was. We need to demand the same of those in government who represent us."

WA’s first death of a child in prison custody should matter to every West Australian.

Experts are unequivocal that Unit 18 needs to close - and now. The damning evidence heard at the coronial inquest need to be a catalyst for real change from the WA Government.

SRWA Principal Manager, Sophie Stewart, penned this opinion piece published in todays West Australian - have a read below.


Have you registered for the free advocacy workshop this weekend that will help you share your rental story for change?

Join Anglicare WA, Shelter WA, WACOSS and Make Renting Fair WA and learn how to:

🏠 Craft your rental story
🏠 Amplify your rental story through media and social media, and
🏠 Share your rental story with decision-makers and people with influence

📆 Saturday 24 August
⏰ 9.30am - 3.30pm
📍 Level 1, 23 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth WA 6004

🔗 events.humanitix.com/rental-story-workshop-anglicarewa

Supported by Lotterywest.


The second part of the Coronial Inquest into the Death of Cleveland Dodd finished up last week.

Cleveland died after self-harming in Unit 18, a special unit inside the maximum-security adult Casuarina prison in October 2023. He was WA's first recorded child death in custody. He was just 16 years old.

Unit 18 has been described as as 'institutional child abuse...cruel and inhumane...degrading to children'. We are supporting the calls from Social Reinvestment WA: there is no doubt Unit 18 must close, and youth justice needs to be fixed from the ground up.

It takes just 2 minutes to email your MP, to call on them and the WA Government to urgently close Unit 18.

📝 Write to your MP socialreinvestmentwa.good.do/banksiahillaction/youth-justice-reform

📧 Read more about the issue mailchi.mp/wacoss/help-close-unit-18-an-update-from-social-reinvestment-wa-20-august-2024

During the course of the inquest new evidence came to light. As a result, a third hearing will be scheduled during October this year.

We continue to share our deepest respect and condolences to Cleveland's mother, grandmothers, and to their families.

Photos from WACOSS's post 20/08/2024

Last week we were pleased to be part of a roundtable discussion organised in partnership with the Equity Project and The Australia Institute, hosting Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz.

The topic of conversation centred around idea that if our 'free market' economy is no longer working and the rising tide of neo-liberalism hasn't 'lifted all boats', what economic systems should we be pursuing to truly address inequality?

The Equity Project will share some more discussion insights over the coming weeks (follow their pages!) but here are some of the incredible powerful words from the Professor himself:

“While a small portion of the population has amassed considerable wealth, wages for most people have stagnated. Free and unfettered markets have exploited consumers, workers, and the environment alike. Such failures have fed populist movements that believe being free means abandoning any obligations citizens have to one another.

“Freedom for the wolves can mean death for the sheep. Freedom for the exploiter has meant lack of freedom for the exploited.

“Someone in poverty doesn’t really have freedom, because they do what they have to, to survive."


Is your home too hot in summer? Are you struggling to sleep through heatwaves?

The City of Rockingham – Local Government is offering a Home Cooling Subsidy that includes a variety of products to keep your home cool and comfortable during the hotter months.

To be eligible, you need to:
🏡 Be the resident of the City of Rockingham
💳 Hold a concession card or health care card
🧾 Provide a receipt or a tax invoice

For more information visit rockingham.wa.gov.au/subsidyscheme

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

FCAWA EO Melanie Hopkinson talks to Nadia from ABC Mornings
When a staff member brings their dog to the office at WACOSS we know it's going to be a good day. There's a lot of great...
Heat Vulnerability Project team visits the Pilbara
It has never been hotter. The United Nations have published a call to action as a result of extreme heat across Asia, Af...
It's been a MASSIVE first half of 2024, and we could not have done it without our supporters, members, partners and coll...
$92.2 million funding boost for homelessness services in Western Australia."It's absolutely vital to civil society and o...
“We're pleased to see more support for families that are struggling. And a point to make here is that more and more fami...
Today marks the start of the Noongar season of Bunuru, the hottest time of year in Boorloo and across Noongar boodja. Wa...
Scrapping the stage 3 tax cuts would enable a far better way for Australia to invest this money in those that are doing ...
Data released this week by Prop Trac shows that in 2023, the tight rental market has driven prices up further, particula...


Whadjuk Boodja, Level 2, 3 Loftus Street
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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61 Kitchener Avenue
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