NOMAD massage and movement

We consult & coach individuals, teams & workplaces to achieve better results in daily routines & fitness regimes through individualised programming.

We provide remedial massage, fitness programs & food coaching. Health funds available for some services. Contact us directly for information on
- corporate packages
- group training
- personal training
- food workshops


Wondering what to get dad for fathers day?

Pro Tip: Dads get sore too. Nomas is not a day spa or a fluffy massage. This is a treatment for the muscles that work hard and play hard.
after all, ads deserve the gift of recovery too.

Photos from NOMAD massage and movement's post 26/08/2024

Shoulder pain is probably the most common complaint in the clinic froom crossfitters. the heavy load over head, particularly in shoulder press, combined with the high reps does put a lot of stress on the shoulder joint.

Although there is great benifit in this type of training no gains come without a price, and we are not indestructable. Maintenance of the stabilisation muscles of the shoulder can help with avoiding injury which allows for more consitant training.


amungst the list of athletes that truely benift from massage and soft tissue treatments crossfitters have to be around the top of that list. Between the high load and increased intensity the stress on the body can be immense. Regular treatments can help stay ahead of burnout and potential injuy.

Photos from NOMAD massage and movement's post 23/08/2024

Why should you get your TMJ treated. Treatment of the TMJ can be uncomfortable so we should make sure its worth while.
Consistant head aches, jaw pain and/or neck pain that feels different or more intense than general muscle tightness is usually a sign that it may well be worth while.


Thats right!
15% Discount for all local Hospo staff, Every Monday.

Just let us know where you work and we willl apply the discount on the day.

Just to say thank you, and we Love you

Photos from NOMAD massage and movement's post 21/08/2024

Get into see Sacha now. from Musculoskeletal disfunction to digestive issues acupuncture could help with them. get in contact and grab a session with her today.
Find her on instagram


Treatment of TMJ can vary greatly between clinics and even practioners, this is due mainly to the practioner approach and skill set. This is no differnt here at Nomad. I personally approach from the angle of fascial release and dry needling. releasing through the neck and back of the head, needling upper traps, masseterer, and temperalis. Although this can be confronting for some it is a wonderfully effective technique.
Meanwhile Sarah"s approach is based around myofacial release, deep tissue, and stretching. Deep tissue and stretching through pecs and traps with myofasacial of neck, scalenes as well as the massseter and temparalis. again amazing techniques with wonderful results.


Here is a breif introduction to TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) from our in house practitioner

When discussing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), practitioners often talk about balancing elements - earth, metal, fire, water, and wood - through various techniques. But what the heck does that actually mean.

TCM explores the elements and their relationships within the body’s microcosm. Therefore, balancing the TCM elements is fundamentally about balancing the body’s biochemistry.

For example, an imbalance in the fire element might present with heat symptoms like fever, redness, panting, dryness, restlessness, or even mania or thrill seeking due to a build up of emotional energy.

The real beauty of TCM lies in its understanding of the complex relationships between these elements, illustrated by the Wu Xing chart. It’s not always as simple as just adding more water to fix a fire imbalance; sometimes, an excess of salty foods might be the real culprit.

TCM practitioners learn to identify these biochemical imbalances by observing various signs and symptoms. We then use ancient techniques designed to restore harmony.

Photos from NOMAD massage and movement's post 13/08/2024

We all have heard of TMJ and that it has something to do wiht the face, but what is it? the TMJ is the 'Tempro-Mandibula Joint' it is literally the jaw joint, the meeting pont of the mandible and Temporal Bones.

As for the muscles involved it is primarily two that we think about, the masseter and the Temporalis muscles. although the majority of the neck and jaw/head muscles will have an impact on the joint and will therefore be involved with any pain experienced in the region.


Trigger points in th calf and lower leg are a common cmplaint. The pain can be quite varied, from the back of the knee to the sole of the foot.

One of the most common is in the mid soleus which causes pain and discomfort on the under side of the heal, making it uncomfortable to walk, run, or jump.

Simple trigger point techniques or dry needling can provide quick relief of the discomfort.


Flexor carpi radialus, Flexor carpi ulnaris, Pulmaris longus, flexor Digitorum, Pronator Teres. These are a few of the muscles that go into making the wrist and elbow operate effectivly.
These muscles, although seperat, share a common attachment. which makes it susceptible to over use and strain injury. Isometric strengthening an wrist mobilisation is a few of the ways we can help avoid elbow pain.

Photos from NOMAD massage and movement's post 25/06/2024

I graduated from a Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), at University of Technology Sydney. I am also currently part way through my studies in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

My approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and cranial therapy revolves around attentive listening and applying techniques tailored to your body's needs. I strive to enhance your well-being holistically by offering personalised lifestyle and dietary guidance, along with herbal remedies and therapeutic stretches.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, collecting plants, gardening, cooking, sewing, and engaging in discussions about the nature of reality. I've been a resident of the Illawarra for four years with my husband, Christian, and our cat, Leo. I love the proximity to both beaches and mountains, which enriches my daily life.
Registered with HICAPS and AHPRA.



Recovery is an important for any person training for an event, giving the body time to heal during the training process is the greatest recipe for success.
Coupling body work such as massage with saunas, Ice baths, mobility, and good sleep will not only help with brining sucess but also help in avoiding burnout and injury.

Photos from NOMAD massage and movement's post 17/06/2024

Tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis) verses Golfers elbow (Medial Epicondylitis). Tennis elbow is pain on the outside of the elbow, usually assocciated with the back hand in Tennis. it is generally described as an over use injury of the common extesor tendon, particularly at Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis.


Rotator cuff needling for shoulder pain. One of the major advantages of dry needling is its ability to efficiently reach deeper muscles that are otherwise difficult and time consuming to reach. This is particularly true with some parts of the rotator cuff, which can be instigators in shoulder pain. This makes needling a highly effective tool for the treatment of pain throughout the shoulder. # massage


Serrartus anterior and shoulder pain. Although serratus does not directly refer into the shoulder it does play a significant role in pain in the area . With discomfort around the side of the ribs and an uncomfortable sensation around the lower part of the shoulder blade it certainly adds to the level of pain in the shoulder. The tigger points in serratus are often active in conjunction with other tight rotator cuff muscles and their trigger points


We can bang on for hours the benefits of regular massage, but just in case you have forgotten here is a few points to remember

- releases oxytocin basically making you feel warm and fuzzy
- it can be a natural painkiller as it releases endorphins
AND helps regulates moods

Not too shabby huh?


START your NEW YEAR right...

Massage sessions available all thru the holiday period


Christmas may be over but have you recovered yet?

Clinic is open for limited hours over the Christmas / New Year break to help you get thru it all.

This Thursday & Friday and Monday & Tuesday next week.

Limited spots available


2 days left & only a hand full of spots left

TODAY 1.30 & 4pm
TOMORROW 7am,10.30 & 11.45 left

Don't be a grinch on xmas day, let smooth that stress away


Give the gift of recovery with a massage gift card

Purchase online and get it sent straight to your email or get a hard copy from the clinic.


Drowning with the lead up to Christmas?

Do yourself a favour and reduce your risk of being a psycho

Book a massage before Christmas

Spots available today, Friday and Saturday left.

Clinic closes till the new year


It’s been a long year, it’s been a long year. You deserve a massage before the onslaught of the festive season.



That's right people, we NOW offer Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy as a service at NOMAD massage & movement thru our partnership with Teale Vella Physiotherapy.

- Neck and Back Pain
- Headaches
- Jaw Pain and TMJ Dysfunction
- Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Injuries
- Hip, Knee and Ankle Injuries
- Sports Injuries
- Load Management
- Post Surgical and Orthopaedic Rehabilitation

You need help with its, we are here to help fix it. Together we provide a comprehensive approach to treatment integrating all our chosen skill sets. physio, dry needling, massage, exercise prescription. We can even provide post comp recovery sessions in the amazing recovery room downstairs



We get asked this question ALL the time, and honestly there is NO 1 answer. It is entirely up to each individual's circumstances.

Generally speaking we do recommend at least every 4-6 weeks. But you can push it out to 8. Much like you go to the hairdresser every 6-8 weeks, you should think about putting a massage into the same rotation. You may look a bit dosile after a session but most people tend to have a feeling of radiance a new haircut CANT give you.

For people in high stress professions and people at risk of cortisol overload we recommend every 2-3 weeks.

If you have an acute issue then sometimes it will be 1-2 sessions a week for 2 weeks, or we would be referring you to Teale Vella our physiotherapist.

Then again some people just love having the extra attention, and that's ok as well.

If in doubt ask Garth or Sarah, they will tell you how often they think.



Female athletes can benefit from a range of services provided by our team at NOMAD massage & movement to enhance their performance, prevent injuries, and promote overall well-being.

Our in-house Womens's Health specialist Teale Vella Physiotherapy can provide specific services such as
- Female Athlete Sports Performance
- Breast Related Injuries
- Bone Health
- Stress fractures
- Pelvic Health Assessment and Treatment
- Education on Pelvic Health, Puberty and Periods
- Returning to Sport after having a baby

Our Massage Therapists can provide
- Sports Massage
- Injury Prevention
- Stress Reduction
- Prenatal Massage

Our Dry Needler can provide
- Improve range of motion
- Pain Management
- Improved Muscle Function
- Recovery Assistance

What ever you need the help with, pre, post event or injury management our team are here to help.



When we experience physical touch, like hugging, holding hands, or receiving a massage, various chemical reactions occur in your body. And some of these reactions are essential for our EMOTIONAL & PHYSICAL WELL BEING such as

Oxytocin or the 👩‍❤️‍💋love hormone. It's released during physical touch, strengthening emotional bonds and trust.

Physical contact can trigger the release of endorphins, natural painkillers that boost mood, reduce stress, and provide a sense of well-being, and well WOW sometimes

Touch can elevates serotonin levels, regulating mood and alleviating depression and anxiety.

Touch and social interactions lower cortisol, our stress hormone.

Dopamine, associated with pleasure and reward, is released during positive physical interactions, fostering happiness and sublime feeling.

These chemical reactions and physiological responses to touch are crucial for emotional bonding, stress reduction, and overall health and happiness. So do yourself and your loved ones a favour, give them a hug, hold their hand, or book a massage, and let the chemical reaction whisk you away.



All our therapists have to do some form of continued education every year to stay fresh and up to date with current research, techniques and best practice.

From one of Garths recent courses he was reminded of a favourite study on whether parachutes save lives? And it got us all talking..

The study is a humorous and extreme example illustrating the concept of evidence-based medicine and the importance of critical thinking.

The idea behind this thought experiment is to emphasize the importance of not relying solely on the results of scientific studies without considering the context and methodology.

In most scientific research, it is neither practical nor ethical to conduct a controlled experiment with a true control group for something as life-saving as parachutes, because it is universally accepted that parachutes ARE effective in preventing injury or DEATH during free falls.

The importance of this study lies in highlighting the NEED to critically evaluate research, its methodology, and the context in which it is conducted.

It emphasizes that not ALL questions can be answered through randomized controlled trials, as there are ethical and practical limitations to consider. When studying topics where the benefits are overwhelmingly clear, like the use of parachutes in skydiving, it is more appropriate to rely on existing scientific consensus and common sense. Though having said this "common sense" is not as prolific as we would hope for these days either.

What do you think?

Photos from NOMAD massage and movement's post 14/10/2023

It has taken a few years and a whole lot of massages

But finally we have a space we can call a clinic (there is more than just 1 therapist now 😛)

Both rooms have a different feel, much like our therapists. One a little more masculine, the other more feminine, a balance of yin and yang. It's important to us that we provide a balanced approach and service for all our clients and also a space that works for our therapists. Can you imagine Garth treating in a room with whale songs, pink towels and scented candles?

So now we can offer a choice, female or male therapist, viking chants or whale songs. The choice is yours............




IT's TRUE.......YOU can get Carpal Tunnel like symptoms in other parts of your body.

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that specifically affects the hand and wrist. It is caused by compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway in the wrist formed by bones and connective tissue. Common symptoms of CTS include:

Numbness or tingling in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers.
Hand weakness.
Pain or discomfort in the wrist and hand, which may radiate up the arm.
While CTS is localized to the wrist area, other parts of the body can experience similar symptoms if nerves are compressed or irritated.

Such as.........

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - is similar to CTS but affects the ulnar nerve at the elbow. Symptoms include numbness and tingling in the ring and little fingers, hand weakness, and pain in the elbow and hand.

Radial Tunnel Syndrome - This condition involves compression or irritation of the radial nerve near the elbow. Symptoms include pain, tenderness, and weakness in the forearm and hand.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - Think CTS, but in the ankle, tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs when the posterior tibial nerve is compressed. Symptoms include pain, burning, numbness, and tingling in the foot.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome - This condition involves compression of nerves and blood vessels as they pass through the thoracic outlet, which is located between the collarbone and the first rib. Symptoms can include pain, numbness, and tingling in the arm and hand.

Carpal tunnel-like symptoms can occur in various parts of the body when nerves are compressed or irritated, but the specific condition and its associated symptoms depend on the location of the compression or irritation. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment such as a doctor, physio or remedial massage therapist

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Videos (show all)

Wondering what to get dad for fathers day? Pro Tip: Dads get sore too. Nomas is not a day spa or a fluffy massage. This ...
Thats right!15% Discount for all local Hospo staff, Every Monday.Just let us know where you work and we willl apply the ...
We can bang on for hours the benefits of regular massage, but just in case you have forgotten here is a few points to re...
Clinic is only open TODAY. START your weekend right
START your NEW YEAR right...Massage sessions available all thru the holiday period#massahe #remedialmassage #massagewoll...
Christmas may be over but have you recovered yet?Clinic is open for limited hours over the Christmas / New Year break to...
BOXING DAY specialBook a massage for ANY DAY in January & get 30% off that booking.Offer finishes midnight tonight.https...
2 days left & only a hand full of spots leftTODAY 1.30 & 4pmTOMORROW 7am,10.30 & 11.45 leftDon't be a grinch on xmas day...
Give the gift of recovery with a massage gift cardPurchase online and get it sent straight to your email or get a hard c...
Drowning with the lead up to Christmas?Do yourself a favour and reduce your risk of being a psychoBook a massage before ...
Sarah has only 1 spot left for this year. 4pm TODAY.Do yourself a favour, escape the Christmas stress and take time out ...




Ghetto Movement, 12/30 Swan Street
Wollongong, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 7:30pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 7:30pm
Saturday 8am - 1pm

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Lee Massage & Acupuncture Wollongong Lee Massage & Acupuncture Wollongong
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Recieved my diploma in 2000 Worked with local rugby team Tech Tahs 15y Inc Country rugby X Games My athletes are body builders, marathon, soccor to ten pin bowling and also kids g...

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