Grace Lockard Personal Training

Helping you feel empowered & STRONG AF inside & outside the gym 🔥


A year ago today, I ventured out on my own and moved my business to 🥹

Reflecting on the last year, it’s been one heck of a ride. But such a good one. 😍🔥

I can’t thank .mena and the crew at A1 enough ( ) for creating such a welcoming and cool environment for both myself and my clients. 🙏🏼

It’s been a year of change, growth and awesomeness and I am more in love than ever with what I do!

So keen to see what the next year and all the years after have in store! 🚀


Let’s talk weight selection 👇🏼

When you’re wanting to build muscle or increase strength. The weight you’re lifting needs to be producing reps that are HARD enough to stimulate growth.

This is what we call “stimulating reps”.
How can we measure this? -> ensure your reps are actually slowing downnnnn.

The actual number you’re lifting doesn’t matter, what matters is the intensity / how hard that weight is to lift.

So if you’re doing sessions at different gyms and the weights aren’t matching up - don’t just do the same weight cause you were told to, if it’s not hard enough, match the intensity!

This is why utilising something like RPE with your training can be super beneficial.

Make sure you’re giving you’re muscles a reason to grow 🫡


made a post the other day which hit me right in the feels.

The most empowering thing a women can do is realise how truly powerful her body is and it’s capabilities.

This is what lifting does for me, and many women (and men, and everyone)

There is nothing that gives me more confidence than lifting and feeling strong as f**k.

And my purpose is to help others feel the same 🔥🩷


I’ve been feeling guilty lately.

Guilty that I’m not putting 100% into my training
Guilty that my nutrition is having more off days than usual
Guilty that I’m not as active on social media and promoting myself and my business

What I’ve come to realise the last couple of years is that we all go through seasons in life.

My season right now is studying and finishing my degree.
That’s where most of my energy is going.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t care about my training and nutrition.

It just means that I’ve had to adapt my expectations of how much I can get done and my results.
It just means that I can’t train 5 days a week when I’m in the middle of semester.
It just means a few more take away meals as I grind through assessments.

And I’m actually doing a damn good job and juggling it

I find myself less guilty for these things now a days, because I know I’m literally doing my best.

A season will come again where my all will be able to be in these things.
But for now, we get that damn degree 📜


I love lifting 🤌🏼🩷


Been runnin here and there and likin it

I’ve ALWAYS had this thing:
“I’m not a runner”
“I’m not built for running”
“10 reps is cardio”

But like the TRUTH is any body can run.
Your starting point may look a little different to those that have the natural ability, but that’s like anything right?

Also, if 10 reps puffs you out that much maybe some cardio is good for ya Grace 🤣

Yes running is a big trend in the fitness industry.
But it’s a great one.
Promoting cardiovascular health and inclusion gets a big ✅ from me


Do you hate being s**t at something?
I know I do, my ego hates it 🤣

BUT everyone is s**t when they start something new.
If you want to try something, you do have to be okay with being s**t at first.

No one is instantly an expert, unless they have PURE talent (which is rare) and this also applies to being new to the gym. 👇🏼

When I started, of course I had no fkn clue about anything, especially compared to what I know now.
I had no idea what I was doing, what I was doing it for.
My technique s**t. I wasn’t as strong as I am now.

But I kept showing up, investing time, money, and energy into learning the new thing. Over and over again. Week on week.
And as scary as it was, I’m so grateful that anxious, nervous, scared version of me pushed through.

The way to get better at something is to practice.
Like any other new skill.
You want to get better at cooking? You cook more.
You want to get better at a sport? You practice more.

So please apply the same mentality to your gym work.
And know that everyone starts somewhere and it’s okay if you’re s**t when you start.
Learn to be okay with sucking for a while, it’s part of the process. 🫶🏼


Yes I’m stronger now then on those first few clips.
But I’m also a hell of a lot more confident.

But it hasn’t been weeks or months between these videos.

It’s been YEARS.
Years of showing up pretty consistently.

Learning from people who knew more.
Trying and failing.
Trying and succeeding.
Simply just showing up most weeks.

Consistency breeds confidence.



Here’s Day 1 / 4 of my current training split
Currently running 2x upper 2x lower and lovin it

A1: DB incline bench 3x10-12 reps

B1: Dips 3x6-8 reps

C1: Lat pulldowns 3x8-10 reps

D1: Cable rear delt flys 3x12 reps
D2: Cable lateral raises 3x12 reps e/s

You’re welcome 🤝🏼


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS in 2024, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra 🔥
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM


Wow, what a start to 2024 for GLPT 🫶🏼✨

We have some new faces and many returning faces, and they are all absolutely smashing it.

I’m feeling such immense gratitude that I get to call this my job, standing alongside these beautiful people, helping them get strong AF inside and out. 🤝🏼

What an honour.
Love my job, love my clients 🙏🏼


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS in 2024, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra 🔥
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM 🩵



You have to actually give your muscles a reason to want to grow.

Let me tell you why 👇🏼

Within our muscles we have low threshold and high threshold motor units.
Our high threshold motor units have better characteristics for muscle growth.
So when we wanna get hench (grow our muscles) we wanna be stimulating these particular muscle fibres.

How do we do this?

When we approach failure, our low threshold motor units fatigue and our high threshold motor units begin to activate, like a booster 🚀, this is what’s called a “stimulating rep”.

We know we are performing stimulating reps when our reps slow TF down.

If you’re reps at the start of your set move the same as they do at the end of the set … you’re bitching your sets 😁


Do you find every set feels slightly different?

A consistent lift STARTS with a consistent set up.

A lot of people underestimate how much their set up matters.
Your set up truly sets the intention for the lift.

Your attitude and your approach is one thing.
But consistency in your set up will allow for much less room for errors to occur.

You see all the elite level lifters do their little quirks in their set up. And they do it EVERY time they lift.
No matter the set, day, session.
There’s a reason for that.

A consistent set up will help with a consistent lift.

So take note during your next lift and find a little “routine” if you will that works for you.


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS in 2024, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra 🔥
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM

Photos from Grace Lockard Personal Training's post 22/01/2024

The only reason I’m posting this is because my quads be lookin huge


A lot of people don’t give a f**k about their health until it goes wrong

We really need to change this narrative.

I see so many people getting into the health and fitness space AFTER something goes amiss with their health.
They get a warning from their doctor, they get the results of a blood test, they realise they’ve put on a few too many kgs over the last few years, they realise they can’t keep up with their kids.

Whilst I’m not discouraging people from beginning their health journeys at this stage.

I would just like to make a point.

If we looked at exercise and nutrition as a preventative measure rather than a fix to a current problem, the world would be in a lot healthier a place.


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS in 2024, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra 🔥
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM


Falling off track is part of the process.

When you’re new, it’s exciting a little nerve racking, expectations are low, progress is quicker, emotions are higher.
Therefore this is a time when motivation is very high. I encourage you to ride this wave.

But as time passes, I will warn you, motivation begins to fade.
Because consistent motivation is not a thing. Reality is, you will not be motivated all the time.
�However, understand that this is a completely normal part of the process and is actually a sign that you are maturing in the gym.

What counts is what you do after you fall off.
Often, this is where people fall off and stay off.

So if you can learn to navigate these periods, adapt during them, know they are coming, and push through them.
You will be able to make the gym a habit that sticks.


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS in 2024, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra 🔥
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM


Make 2024 your year and get after it ⚡️

All my guys and gals have been absolutely smashing their goals and were only 1 week in 🙌🏼

Wanna be the best version of you?

Let’s make that happen in 2024 👇🏼

If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra 🔥
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website - link in bio OR Send me a DM 🩷



I have invested a lot of time and effort into learning and educating myself in the last few months and I’m keen to try out what I’ve learnt by experimenting with my own programming! 🫡

For the next 2-3 weeks we are going to place a focus mainly on technique, as I’m reincorporating some movements that haven’t been done in a while.

Todays Upper Body sesh:

A1: BB Bench Press 3x6-8
3:1:0 TEMPO

B1: Seated row 3x8-10
3:1:0 TEMPO
B2: DB Neutral grip Shoulder Press 3x8-10

C1: Plate loaded high to low row 3x10 e/s
C2: EZ bar bicep curls 3x10-12


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS in 2024, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra 🔥
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM


Just a reminder that at this time of year… ⬇️
One session is better than none.

This time of year is about keeping the habit of training going, it isn’t about optimising, progressing, smashing goals, and being the best.

It is about keeping the habit going, rather than stopping all together.

Because we all know that it is harder to get back on the bandwagon after falling off than it is to stay on the bandwagon but at a different capacity. 💁🏼‍♀️

If you’re struggling with keeping up with your usual training routine, reduce it a little bit.
Who TF cares.
The other 50 weeks of the year means more than the 1-2 weeks around Christmas.

Just keep it ticking along. At whatever capacity you can manage and enjoy the Christmas period. 🎄🎅🏼


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS in 2024 than listen up ⬇️

If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions at a private PT facility in Unanderra ⚡️
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM 🩵



RPE and RIR 🔑

Intensity is one of the most important training principles when it comes to eliciting muscle growth and strength gains. 💪🏼
So in order to ensure we are training at a good intensity, we can use the scales of RPE and RIR in our training.

👉🏼 Rate of perceived exertion.
👉🏼 It is a scale of 1-10 on how difficult the exercise is. 10 being the hardest and generally under 5 is considered a warm up.
👉🏼 Reps in reserve.
👉🏼 Relates to how many reps you have “left in the tank” at the end of a working set.

They can also be used in relation to one another.
For example, is something is an RPE8 this will mean you have 2 RIR. So an 8/10 in difficulty generally means you have 2 reps left in the tank.

These are great tools to use to measure the intensity of your gym work, and generally speaking most exercises should fall in the RPE6-9 range.

✅ RPE and RIR allows for something called ‘auto regulation’, which is just a fancy word that means to be able to adjust your training based on your performance on any given day.

An example of this is one day an RPE8 on squats may be 80kgs, however, the following week you just got your period and an RPE8 on this day may be 75kgs.
Although the weight has dropped, the intensity is the same and this is what elicits growth and progression.

We all have days where external factors come into play and maybe our sleep was s**t, recovery was subpar and RPE can allow you to adjust whilst still maintaining intensity.

Give it a go next time you’re in the gym!
Note down how many reps you think you had left after your last set of an exercise, or how hard you thought it was out of 10.

Let me know how you go 👇🏼


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM


Come deadlift with me ⚡️🤝🏼

Final 2 weeks of this program and we have dropped reps so we can push that weight a little more.

I have enjoyed getting to know the sumo!

1 more week to push and then we reset with a new program and some new goals 🫡



I've worked with many different women, at many different stages of their health and fitness journey.

I've gathered that there are a few areas in which they are often missing out on serious gains.

1. Training intensity
Now you do not have to cook yourself in every session but you need to be working within a few reps of failure to stimulate growth. I see a lot of girls really under estimating their strength and abilities in the gym, you gotta give your muscles a reason to grow babes.

2. Overtraining
Might seem contradictory to my first point, but 3-4 sessions per week at adequate intensity will be better for growth than 6-7 at a s**tty intensity. I see a lot of women feeling like they need to train every day sometimes multiple times a day, and this is simply not the case.

3. Under-eating
Nearly every woman I see is under eating when they come to me for the first time. Unfortunately, society has had a massive influence on this in my opinion. But us girls need to fuel our bodies in order to growwwww

4. Skipping upper body
We all want a fat ass, I know, same sis. But a strong upper is structurally important and, in my opinion, just as sexy as a dumpy. If you wanna squat heavy, you will also need a strong upper to support it.


If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS, my coaching is for you ⚡️

If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and Semi Private sessions at a PRIVATE PT facility in Unanderra.
1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM

Photos from Grace Lockard Personal Training's post 26/10/2023

Might be cringe but
Lifting has truly been life changing for me

Let me tell you why 👇🏼

🔥 It’s given me confidence, in my abilities and in my body
🔥 It’s taught me that I can do hard things. Can get through hard set = cant get through hard s**t
🔥 It’s made me realise that I am one strong MF, inside and out
🔥 It’s made me test my limits, revealed to me what I’m truly capable of
🔥 But also taught me the importance of going slow and resting
🔥 It’s taught me that good things take time, patience is key
🔥 It’s allowed me to trust myself more, trust that I am able and capable
🔥 It has grounded and centred me, and been a constant through some rough times
🔥 It’s taught me that I am worthy, and can work hard for anything I desire
🔥 It’s allowed me to connect with so many incredible, like-minded people
🔥 It has given me the opportunity to pursue a fulfilling career, one that I am so passionate about sharing because of what I have written here

I will be forever grateful 🙏🏼

Training can be more than just changing the way you look (although this is a nice bonus)
It can be to transform your entire life, inside out. ⚡️

Let me show you how 👉🏼

If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM 📲


A new realisation 👇🏼

Get it out of your head that you’ve got to do a certain thing a certain way.

Broaden your horizons, be open to other avenues.

Sometimes you gotta even throw s**t at a wall to see what sticks, then go with that.

If you’re wanting to level up with your training and see some REAL RESULTS, my coaching is for you ⚡️
If you’re a local gal, I am taking applications for 1:1 Personal Training and semi private sessions
And 1:1 Online Coaching and Powerlifting Coaching is also available 🤌🏼

Check out my website or send me a DM 🩵


Something I have come to realise lately is that confidence isn’t being comfortable doing the things.

I am definitely one to let what others may think get in the way of me doing the damn thing.

What I’ve realised is that there, is more uncomfortable to me than someone disagreeing with me or thinking I’m weird.

So, whilst it scares the heck outta me, what’s more scary is the thought of me not reaching my potential.

To me, confidence is being uncomfortable and doing it anyways.

Photos from Grace Lockard Personal Training's post 07/09/2023

The key to long term consistency with your training is learning how to adapt and pivot 🔑

Life moves through ups and downs.
A lot of the time this is out of your control, it’s unpredictable.
So instead of trying to control the externals how about we flip it and help what we can control?

Feeling highly motivated and driven?
Okay sis, ride that wave, train hard, put in the extra effort, enter a comp. Do the things.

Feeling overwhelmed, fatigued?
Don’t try and do the same s**t you were doing before!
Capacity changes = pivot, adapt.

Especially when it comes to mental health challenges, this is super important.

This is how you stay in the damn game. 🤝🏼✅


Reasons I train that have nothing to do with how I look and perform in the gym:
- Better mental health, decreases my anxiety
- Improved energy levels and focus
- Gives me an hour to myself in my day
- Increased mental capacity
- Relieves my stress
- My body feels better, more mobile, more functional
- Better relationship with body and appreciation for what it can do
- Increased sense of achievement and self esteem
- Form of self care and self love
- Allows my brain a break

Why do you train?

What if I was to take away the ability for you to see scale weight changes and / or strength gains in the gym. 🤔
Would you still train?

If your answer is no, I ask you to reconsider why you train.


Lately I've been focusing on looking after my mind just as much as I've been looking after my body. 🧠
Maybe even more.

I've spent too much time neglecting my mind and thinking that working on my physical will suffice.

Then s**t hit the fan.
I have a lot to say on this but for now all I want to say is ...

Take it from me, mental health is just as important as your physical.
Don't neglect it.



I f**ken relate. 🫠

👉🏼 You're resting instead of training and all of a sudden you feel this immense amount of guilt wash over you.
👉🏼 You feel so lazy for sitting on the couch or walking instead of working hard for those gains in the gym!

Something that I drill home to myself and my clients on a regular basis is that REST IS NOT LAZY, it is one of the most productive things you can do for your gains. ✅

Our busy gal brain's are addicted to these constant dopamine hits that come from that sense of achievement, that once we actually give it space to do nothing, it makes us feel like we aren't doing enough.

It then goes searching for that next dopamine hit.

But learning that rest is just as productive is sooooo essential to progress in your journey.


Photos from Grace Lockard Personal Training's post 02/08/2023

I know you want it now, but I can promise you that quick fixes are not the answer. 🙅🏼‍♀️

You're expecting to dismantle the habits you've built over many many years, in just a week or a month.

I fell for it too and so many of us do.

But the saying nothing good comes easy is too true.

My advice is:
❤️‍🔥 Realise that you may not be where you want to be but working towards that person is a perfect place to be.
❤️‍🔥 Fall in love with the process, with the feeling of bettering yourself. There will always be bigger goals to achieve so enjoy the now.
❤️‍🔥 Take a moment to reflect on how far you've already come. We are so quick to look ahead, take a moment to look back.

👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 And do NOT give up.
It gets hard and that's why most people give up.
So keep pushing.


Do you always find yourself being caught up in your thoughts instead of feeling into your body?

You're pushing for that one last rep but your mind is telling you it can't do it.
Or you're doing to work every day but your body is telling you you need a day off.

This is a sign that you're listening to your mind over your body, and this is one thing I teach my clients, and that is to listen to your body instead of your thoughts.

Thoughts are often not facts and it is important that you question the thoughts that are coming in.

The more you space you create for yourself the more you're able to decipher whether that thought is a fact or an excuse.
You are then able to identify when you need to push or actually take a rest.
They're two sides of the same coin.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

A year ago today, I ventured out on my own and moved my business to @_a1hq 🥹Reflecting on the last year, it’s been one h...
A year ago today, I ventured out on my own and moved my business to @_a1hq 🥹
Let’s talk weight selection 👇🏼When you’re wanting to build muscle or increase strength. The weight you’re lifting needs ...
Let’s talk weight selection 👇🏼
@sharellegrant made a post the other day which hit me right in the feels. The most empowering thing a women can do is re...
I love lifting 🤌🏼🩷
I love lifting 🤌🏼🩷
Consistency breeds confidence.



Unit 6/7 Waynote Place Unanderra
Wollongong, NSW

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