MSD Belgium

MSD Belgium

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MSD is a global healthcare leader working to address unmet health needs. Merck & Co., Inc.

MSD is a leading global biopharmaceutical company that has been inventing for life for more than a century. Bringing forward medicines and vaccines for many of the world's most challenging diseases. Through our prescription medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies, and animal health products, we work with customers and operate in more than 140 countries to deliver innovative health solutions. Kenilworth, NJ USA, is known as MSD outside the United States and Canada.


We are thrilled to share that our company-supported employee business resource group NGN (Next Gen Network) successfully hosted the 'MSD ONE' event on Thursday, May 23rd. This inspiring event brought together all three MSD Belgium entities: MSD BV, MSD EUROPE BELGIUM, and MSD AH.

During the event, our colleagues had a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights into various departments, fostering their career growth and strengthening connections within our organization. The dynamic presentation and networking session helped bridge gaps and foster collaboration among our talented professionals.

We extend our sincere appreciation to all the speakers and organizers who made this event a resounding success. Special thanks to Katrien De Vos, Mairead McCaul, Indiana Tanret, Elena Chernyshova, Randa Roumanos, Irene Kyriakides, Angelika Joos, Yannick Apers, Pauline Horwood, and Joost Van Driessche for sharing their expertise and contributing to a memorable experience.

We look forward to more enriching events like these, creating opportunities for growth and collaboration within our organization.


Last week, our colleagues took on the challenge of the 6MWD test during the campaign “Move for PH” of PH Belgium - Pulmonale Hypertensie vzw.
The 6MWD (six minutes walking distance) test is performed upon diagnosis and follow up of patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and reflects their ability to perform daily activities.
Seemingly looking like an easy task, this effort can be a confronting reality for PH patients. With a total of 12,9 walked kilometers over 114 minutes, we raised awareness about this partially invisible disease.

More info on the initiative “Move for PH” can be found on


Yesterday we ran and walked with heart and HATtitude during the 20K of Brussels. Together, we ran with purpose, supporting Caring Hats and their mission to provide comfort and confidence to those facing illness. Thank you to everyone who joined us in making a difference!

Photos from MSD Belgium's post 14/05/2024

Join MSD's healthcare community, pioneering infectious disease solutions for over a century. Embrace innovation with our expert team and let us push medical boundaries together.


Our MSD colleagues are gearing up for the 20K of Brussels alongside a great initiative! 🎉 This year, we're proud to support Caring Hat Fund, a charity that creates hats for patients to help them face alopecia caused by an illness or treatment side effects by restoring their confidence and self-esteem. Let’s lace up together and make a difference! 💪

Photos from MSD Belgium's post 03/05/2024

🌟Last week we had the again! The 🚗 stayed in the garage because colleagues all jumped on their 🚲 again. It's good for our physical and mental health, we help fight transport poverty and even our planet will thank us! 🌍 Proud of our colleagues who ride a bike or can even rent a bike at the company! Leasing your dream bike! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️


🌞 May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month! 🌞 Do you know how to spot a suspicious spot on your skin? Learn the ABCDE method with the free Check-A-Mole game at Don’t forget your annual check-ups with your dermatologist!


Wereldvaccinatieweek: voorbereiden op de toekomst, vanaf vandaag

"Vaccinatie kan helpen om onze bescherming tegen het windpokkenvirus en de gevolgen daarvan te verbeteren. Praat er vandaag nog over met je arts of apotheker."

Meer info:


Semaine Mondiale de la Vaccination : préparons l’avenir, dès aujourd’hui

« La vaccination peut aider à améliorer notre protection contre le virus de la varicelle et ses conséquences. Parlez-en dès aujourd’hui à votre médecin ou pharmacien »

Plus d'infos :


Wereldvaccinatieweek: voorbereiden op de toekomst, vanaf vandaag

"Vaccinatie kan helpen om onze bescherming te verbeteren tegen bepaalde ziekten die worden veroorzaakt door pneumokokken, zoals een longontsteking. Praat er vandaag nog over met je arts of apotheker."

Meer info:


Semaine Mondiale de la Vaccination : préparons l’avenir, dès aujourd’hui

« La vaccination peut aider à améliorer notre protection contre certaines maladies causées par les pneumocoques, comme la pneumonie. Parlez-en dès aujourd’hui à votre médecin ou pharmacien. »

Plus d'infos :


Wereldvaccinatieweek: voorbereiden op de toekomst, vanaf vandaag

"Preventie zoals vaccinatie kan helpen om onze bescherming tegen bepaalde HPV-gerelateerde ziekten te verbeteren. Praat er vandaag nog over met je arts of apotheker."

Meer info:


Semaine Mondiale de la Vaccination : préparons l’avenir, dès aujourd’hui

« La prévention telle que la vaccination peut aider à améliorer notre protection contre certaines maladies liées au Papillomavirus Humain. Parlez-en dès aujourd’hui à votre médecin ou pharmacien. »

Plus d’infos :


Join us in celebrating the 20 years of service by our much-appreciated colleague, Mark Janssens, Account Manager Oncology at MSD BeLux! 🎉

For the past two decades, Mark has been a pillar of dedication, compassion, and expertise in the field of healthcare. As an Account Manager in Oncology, he has been at the forefront of discussions with healthcare professionals, tirelessly working to provide life-saving medicines to patients who are battling one of the most devastating illnesses: cancer. Throughout his journey, Mark has witnessed a multitude of changes in this dynamic field. His experience and insights have been invaluable in navigating the ever-evolving landscape.

We are very happy to have Mark on our team, and we believe his unwavering commitment to making a difference has been instrumental in our mission to save and improve lives. 🌟
Stay tuned as Mark shares his thoughts on his role and the profound impact it has had on his career and the lives of countless patients.

Photos from MSD Belgium's post 17/04/2024

(NL) Belgisch verkiezingsdebat bij MSD Belux ❎❗
De verkiezingskoorts in België is duidelijk voelbaar! Op zondag 9 juni staat er een belangrijk verkiezingsmoment op de agenda.
Bij MSD Belux gingen we daarom eens kijken naar wat er precies op het spel staat. Gisteren organiseerden we een interactief debat met de vertegenwoordigers van maar liefst 7 politieke partijen in onze kantoren! We boden deze rasechte politici de kans om de hoofdprioriteiten op vlak van volksgezondheid voor hun partij toe te lichten. En dit deden ze met veel overtuiging!
Onze oprechte dank aan de 7 politici voor hun uiteenzetting en het beantwoorden van al onze vragen.

(FR)Débat électoral belge chez MSD Belux ❎❗
La fièvre électorale est clairement palpable en Belgique! Le dimanche 9 juin, un moment électoral important est à l'agenda.
Chez MSD Belux, nous avons donc souhaité examiner de près les enjeux de ces élections. Hier, nous avons organisé un débat interactif dans nos bureaux avec pas moins de 7 représentants de partis politiques! Nous avons donné à ces hommes et femmes politiques chevronnés l'occasion d'expliquer les principales priorités de leurs partis en matière de santé publique. Et ils l'ont fait avec conviction!
Un grand merci aux 7 représentants politiques pour leurs interventions et leurs réponses à toutes nos questions.



Ne laisse pas certains cancers liés au Papillomavirus Humain (HPV) changer tes projets de vie. Apprends comment les prévenir :


Laat bepaalde Humaan Papillomavirus (HPV) gerelateerde kankers je levensplannen niet veranderen. Ontdek hoe ze te voorkomen:


🚑 First Aid Training at MSD Belux 🚨

Accidents can happen anytime, even at work! That's why we ensured that our MSD BeLux colleagues-volunteers are prepared to handle any situation during the First Aid training sessions held over the past few weeks. The training covered everything from CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) to using AED (Automatic External Defibrillators) devices, which are installed in the office. We also provided training on applying bandages, wound care, and much more!

We're proud to have empowered our colleagues with life-saving skills that make a difference in those critical moments before professional help arrives. Every minute counts, and we're always ready to take action! A big thank you to MSD Belux for providing this valuable training. Together, we can save lives! 💙


On Monday 11th of March, our Digital Marketing Intern Aseel Tamer participated during the DIA "Young Professionals' career and networking event", which took place at our MSD offices in Brussels.

At MSD Belgium, we fully support this great opportunity for students and young professionals to broaden their horizon in the life sciences field and network with future colleagues.

Curious to find out how Aseel experienced the event? Have a look at her video! 🚀✨


Vandaag is het Humaan Papillomavirus (HPV) Awareness Day, een dag die is gewijd aan het vergroten van het bewustzijn over een veelvoorkomend virus dat verschillende gezondheidsproblemen kan veroorzaken, waaronder baarmoederhalskanker.

Het is belangrijk om de risico's van HPV en de manieren om het te voorkomen te begrijpen. Laten we bewustzijn verspreiden en voorlichting over dit belangrijke gezondheidsonderwerp bevorderen.

BE-NON-02094 – Date of last revision 02/2024


Aujourd'hui, c’est la journée du Papillomavirus Humain (HPV), une journée consacrée à la sensibilisation à un virus commun qui peut causer toute une série de problèmes de santé, y compris le cancer du col de l'utérus. Il est important de comprendre les risques associés à l’HPV et les moyens de le prévenir. Soyons-y sensibles et promouvons l'éducation sur cet important sujet de santé.
BE-NON-02094 – Date of last revision 02/2024

Photos from MSD Belgium's post 30/01/2024

Janvier est le mois de sensibilisation au cancer du col de l’utérus. Le dépistage régulier est une méthode efficace pour détecter des précurseurs de ce cancer, pourtant seule 1 femme sur 2 se fait dépister régulièrement. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur ce lien:

Photos from MSD Belgium's post 30/01/2024

Januari is Sensibiliseringsmaand voor baarmoederhalskanker. Regelmatige screening is een effectieve methode om voorlopers van deze vorm van kanker op te sporen, maar slechts 1 op de 2 vrouwen laat zich regelmatig screenen. Klik op deze link voor meer informatie:


Undetectable = Untransmittable! During this year’s AIDS Awareness Month, we want to spread the U=U message and dispel myths around HIV and AIDS. Remember with an appropriate medication, HIV can have such low levels in the body, it can no longer pass on to a sexual partner! , and


Did you know? One of the most amazing steps forward we’ve made is U=U. Undetectable means Untransmittable.

With appropriate medication, HIV can have such low levels in the body, it can no longer pass on to a sexual partner. Myth Busted!


🔎1 december is Wereld Aids Dag. Toon jouw solidariteit en deel deze boodschap.


🔎 Le 1er décembre est la Journée Mondiale de lutte contre le SIDA. Soyons solidaires et partageons ce message.

Photos from MSD Belgium's post 07/11/2023

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!

That is why we call on you to participate in this initiative. Wear a white ribbon and support lung cancer patients and their environment.✨

💡Contact with fellow sufferers? or

Photos from MSD Belgium's post 31/10/2023

"En Belgique, 1 femme sur 8 est confrontée au cancer du sein".*
N'oublions pas de faire notre auto-évaluation de la poitrine régulièrement et d'apprendre les 3 gestes simples pour le faire.


"In België wordt 1 op 8 vrouwen geconfronteerd met borstkanker".*
Laten we niet vergeten om regelmatig onze borsten te controleren met een eenvoudig 3-stappenplan.



We zijn trots dat we "Klare kijk op Kanker” kunnen ondersteunen, het platform van onze geweldige collega Freya Rowaert! 🙌

“Na 20 jaar is kanker een deel geworden van wie ik ben. Maar het bepaalt mij nooit helemaal. Door te delen wat ik onderweg heb geleerd, hoop ik anderen ook te inspireren over hoe ze met hun situatie kunnen omgaan. Goed weten waar je aan toe bent, kan je een pak onzekerheid en stress besparen.”

Ervaringen en kennis delen maakt je sterker als patiënt. Een boodschap waar we helemaal achter staan! 💪🏼❤️

Klare kijk op kanker | Home

Wilt u dat uw bedrijf hét hoogst genoteerde Gezondheids- En Schoonheidsbedrijf in Brussels wordt?
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Video's (alles zien)

Last week, our colleagues took on the challenge of the 6MWD test during the campaign “Move for PH” of PH Belgium - Pulmo...
Join us in celebrating the 20 years of service by our much-appreciated colleague, Mark Janssens, Account Manager Oncolog...
Laat bepaalde Humaan Papillomavirus (HPV) gerelateerde kankers je levensplannen niet veranderen. Ontdek hoe ze te voorko...
Ne laisse pas certains cancers liés au Papillomavirus Humain (HPV) changer tes projets de vie. Apprends comment les prév...
On Monday 11th of March, our Digital Marketing Intern Aseel Tamer participated during the DIA "Young Professionals' care...
Vandaag is het Humaan Papillomavirus (HPV) Awareness Day, een dag die is gewijd aan het vergroten van het bewustzijn ove...
Aujourd'hui, c’est la journée du Papillomavirus Humain (HPV), une journée consacrée à la sensibilisation à un virus comm...
Did you know? One of the most amazing steps forward we’ve made is U=U. Undetectable means Untransmittable.With appropria...
Undetectable = Untransmittable! During this year’s AIDS Awareness Month, we want to spread the U=U message and dispel my...
🔎 Le 1er décembre est la Journée Mondiale de lutte contre le SIDA. Soyons solidaires et partageons ce message. #UequalsU...
🔎1 december is Wereld Aids Dag. Toon jouw solidariteit en deel deze boodschap. #UequalsU  #NISN https://worldaidsday2023...
September shone brightly with a series of congresses and symposia dedicated to medical education. MSD Belgium seized thi...


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