A Wave Of Life

Life encourager raising awareness by guiding you through authenticity, self-love, speaking your trut



So, you perceive every detail, are easily overstimulated, feel & process deeply? So you get stressed & exhausted quickly. That's a lot of energy to replenish.

I'm talking mild, gentle & constant self-care every day. It's not only going to the gym, getting a massage & going on with your life. No we need deep, nurturing self-care to survive & thrive. It's getting quiet, listening to your body & asking yourself on a daily basis:

"What do I need"


"How do I want to feel?"

Here are 5 tools I use to reconnect with myself & recharge:

✔️ We need more, good, nurturing & consistent sleep! I go to bed around 23h & wake up around 8h. I try to stick with it at least 5 days/week & when I get off track, I remind myself "it's okay". Be gentle with yourself. I rather listen to my body than deplete it. We only have one...

✔️ I start my day with a morning ritual. You choose what replenishes you as it is personal. For me it is meditation - conscious dancing/moving my body - journaling - a nice hot shower to relax my muscles - eating healthy. And it doesn't has to take long, experiment & feel what's best for you. I take 1,5h & schedule it in my calendar. But 5 or 10 min per activity is allready enough. It's 'doing' it!

✔️ Then I start work. And as I work a lot with my computer, every 2 hours I close my eyes, take a deep breath, get up, put up a funky tune, start dancing, laugh and get goofy to get the pressure off. After I feel energized again! Shake if off, even when you don't feel like it!

✔️ After work I take time for myself & relax through resting, breathing mindfully, singing, reading, walking, music, watching a serie or movie, eating healthy, meeting people, exercising, ...

✔️ I end my day with journaling my gratitude & how I felt. It's easy to get lost in our mind, but pausing to look at what went good in your day, shifts your energy to positivity & helps you stop worrying to get a good sleep.

Without these habits I get 🤯, 😭 or 😑

Hope this can inspire you to put yourself first & no it's not selfish! As we give to ourselves first, we can give to others after. 🔥

YOU matter! Be your number 1 ❤️

Artwork ✨🙏



Let's talk boun-da-ries babyyyy!

What's that now? 🧐

It's like drawing a line in the sand "untill here, and not further". That simple. Yet we all make it more complex & tend to overstep our and others boundaries.

It's like bouncing right to the other side of the line without even realizing the large impact it has. 🥴

We feel threatened, unsafe, unrespected, insecure.

But why do we overstep? There are several reasons being fear, lack of self-awareness, being raised this way and being unclear of what boundaries are, how to express or respect them, low self-esteem or even to take advantage and manipulate.

For me personally this has been a huge journey the past years from being unaware and unknown with them, gradually learning through trial and error what the healthy way of boundaries are.

Imagine that line in the sand. That's easy right, but human beings make it complex. It's just a matter of accepting it from the first time and choosing from a place of trust & love. Instead we act from a place of fear & premade mental programs.

So most of the time we choose to cross them because we're afraid...

As an HSP we're more quickly to overstep our own because we tend to people-please, being afraid of conflict or to show our true self. You recognize this?

Choose love & learn to set your boundaries in 3 steps:

1️⃣ 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬: what are your boundaries? Write it down in a list. Ask yourself: when do I feel angry? When do I get overwhelmed? When do I feel burdened by others needs?

2️⃣ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲, in a calm and assertive tone. Maybe even setting consequences... Know you have the right as anyone else to assert yourself.

3️⃣ 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭. Nothing others do or say is because of you. What others do and say is a projection of their own reality. It says everything about them, not you. So relax!

Let's choose to fully emerge ourselves in wellbeing & choose love over fear. This also includes being gentle with yourself if you fail. That's okay. You're learning and that's the most powerful! ✨

You're doing GREAT! 🔥

Tessa ❤️


There's a whole range of feelings to choose from ...

Yes choose.

You choose how you feel about things. You choose how you react to things. You choose how you think about things. It's your own responsibility. In interaction with another soul, people just behave through what they have experienced and learned... It has nothing to do with you. They do not treat you in any way. The other person makes a decision how to internalize these experiences. It's vital we don't blame.

Let's take fear. Fear is a learned animal response to a stimuli and once you've learned it, it's like computer software programmed into you. Our body and our mind learn responses for many reasons, the main one is for survival. So it serves a purpose, for example protecting ourselves to keep us safe.

But does the software always serve us?


Sometimes it is misplaced.

We can teach ourselves over time (often with professional help) to heal.

But in order to heal, we need to feel.

If we don't choose to feel, it's here to stay. It will always come back, like a boomerang. 🥴

So allow, embrace, choose to feel what's there. And choose to feel to be okay with it. Let it be.

It's important to realize that fear does not essentially exist, it's not tangible. You can not touch it, you can only feel it and who does the feeling? You do the feeling. Who chose the feeling? Our mind chose the feeling. Who can undo the feeling? You can.

So how can we heal this overwhelming fear? Become aware, acknowledge and feel that it's there. That we chose it. Hold space and ultimately choose to be okay with it. Self-care, boundaries and knowing you are in control are very helpful tools.

Acceptance is a big part of the healing process and acceptance comes in waves, like the ocean. It takes wave after wave after wave. And feeling okay is a vital one. Because sometimes there are times that life is not okay, but we can still choose how to deal with that.

So let's choose to heal and feel okay..

You are in control.

Choose love & trust over fear. 🙏

Let's open up and share how you feel in the comments below or send me a dm.

Many thanks and credits of this stunning visual artwork goes out to ❤️


"Why can't I just be normal?" ..

Is a thought often crossing your mind if you don't know you're hsp ..

Are you wondering if you might have this trait?

The founder of scientific research on HSP is Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychotherapist who first introduced the term and conducted research on it in 1996. Do her test and find out:

⬜ I am easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input
⬜ I seem to be aware of subtleties in my environment
⬜ Other people’s moods affect me
⬜ I tend to be very sensitive to pain
⬜ I find myself needing to withdraw during busy days, into bed or into a darkened room or any place where I can have some privacy & relief from stimulation
⬜ I am particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine
⬜ I am easily overwhelmed by bright lights, strong smells, coarse fabrics, loud noises or sirens
⬜ I have a rich, complex inner life
⬜ I am deeply moved by arts or music
⬜ My nervous system sometimes feels so frazzled that I just have to go off by myself
⬜ I am conscientious
⬜ I startle easily
⬜ I get rattled when I have a lot to do in a short amount of time
⬜ When people are uncomfortable in a physical environment I tend to know what needs to be done to make it more comfortable
⬜ I am annoyed when people try to get me to do too many things at once
⬜ I try hard to avoid making mistakes or forgetting things
⬜ I make a point to avoid violent movies and TV shows
⬜ I become unpleasantly aroused when a lot is going on around me
⬜ Being very hungry creates a strong reaction in me, disrupting my concentration or mood
⬜ Changes in my life shake me up
⬜ I notice and enjoy delicate or fine scents, tastes, sounds, works of art
⬜ I find it unpleasant to have a lot going on at once
⬜ I make it a high priority to arrange my life to avoid upsetting or overwhelming situations
⬜ When I must compete or be observed while performing a task, I become so nervous or shaky that I do worse than I would otherwise
⬜ When I was a child, my parents or teachers seemed to see me as sensitive or shy
[𝘚𝘖𝘜𝘙𝘊𝘌: 𝘩𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

How many did you answer YES to?

If it's more than 14 ...

Congratulations! You are normal, you are highly sensitive! ✨




It's my birthdaaaaaay, *iiieeeee* "leave me alone" 🚪🏃‍♀️
. I'ma do what I like..


You know that feeling of wanting to be surrounded by only a few of your closest friends or loved ones? Not needing a big party and a lot of stimuli? Only the thought of it makes you cringe, right? Because the more stimuli, the more overwhelmed we get .. Aaaaand ...

70 procent of the HSP's are also introverts, so there's a good chance you do.

And you know? We're not supposed to be like all the rest! Gone with all those expectations, am I right? 👋

𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 to spend your birthday in stillness, peace and just be.

YOU are totally okay!

I'm entering my 29th year, and I'm wishing for an abundance of ...

🔥 Staying close to myself & who I want to be. Keep practicing meditation, wellbeing and self-love
🔥 Deep, meaningful conversations & a lot of laughter, love and connection with my friends
🔥 A lot more of all the beautiful I've experienced the last months with my precious love
🔥 Following my dreams into a thriving, wealthy coaching business where I can guide other high sensitive souls into healing
🔥 Keep processing my own healing journey & surrounding myself with what's good for my health and my soul
🔥 More beautiful souls transforming into more consciousness, healing, self-love and abundance
🔥 More time for stillness, inner peace and relaxation
🔥 But also more time for adventure and new experiences, cause I am one of the 30% of the HSP's that's also an HSS (High Sensation Seeker) 🤪😬
🔥 Slow, conscious and healthy living & not feeling guilty when I need to withdraw myself or rest
🔥 More saying no & choosing the things that truly matter
🔥 Reminding myself daily to be grateful off all the beautiful surrounding me & the road I've travelled
🔥 More being, trusting & the courage to reveal and express more of my authentic, honest self

And as a b-day gift to YOU ... I give away my '1 month intensive deep dive of 4 sessions' (€240 value) for free. It’s available for a limited time, so get your spot by sending me a message✌️

Lots of love and light, beautiful deep soul ✨🙏


My head is going to EXPLODEEE!!! 🤯

"It's too much to handle.
Need to retreat myself.

It's as if a powder filled balloon explodes in my head. POEFFF! 💥

Do you feel quickly 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐝 like this? As if the problems or feelings of the whole world falls down upon your lap and it makes your vision and mind become blurry?

You might be a highly sensitive person if you do.

I am and ...

I know I do feel a LOT like this and fieuwww it's a whole lot to take on.

My whole life I thought there was something wrong with me 🥺

"Why can't I be normal? Why am I crying so much? Why do I feel so much, and so deep? What is wrong with me? Why is everything so intense in my life? Why can't I just function as a 'normal person'? Do I have borderline or chronical depression?" ...
. Were some of the questions racing through my mind when I once again felt overwhelmed.

And this on a daily basis.
Struggling with myself.


I just couldn't understand myself, and if I couldn't understand, how could I accept myself, or even love myself?

I felt different.
Not good enough.

Like a fu***ng alien.

Hearing you are too much, to shush down your emotions, being misunderstood, hearing that it's your fault ..

I feel you, you're not alone ❤️

I know it hasn't been easy to live through this AND get a lot of misunderstanding, but there's beauty, so much beauty in this personality trait (it's not a disorder!). There is healing on the other side of all the misconceptions we've been taught to believe.

A world has opened up when I learned about HSP. It's been a wild, deep and beautiful ride ...

And still is.

I feel understood. I feel whole. I feel normal. I feel as if I'm surrounded by this beautiful gift and the people who have this trait (about 20% in the world is HSP). I feel as if I can be myself and not feel guilty, be ashamed or say sorry for who I am. I can accept and love myself ..


This can be you as well!


The sun will rise
and so will you,
so open your eyes
and just be you.

Let's connect through a private message to guide you the way.

Sending you lots of light and love 💖✨


𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐲𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐚𝐚𝐚! 🕺🎉

You can work with me one-on-one online or on a Walk&Talk in nature, through:

- Individual sessions
- 1 month intensive deep dive of 4 sessions
- Van Journey (coming in 2022)

As you can read in my previous post I touch upon themes on a physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual level based on your needs.

I walk alongside you to guide you. I hold space and listen to whatever may surface within you. Intuitively we go together into your process of healing the things that deserve some light and love. I zoom out and per session I focus on one key element, to go the source. This is the most sustainable method to process and heal.

Are you ready to go on a journey into your beautiful self and breathe in life to it's fullest?

Let's connect through a DM to book your first session or for more info. For the Dutch people out there, I do coach in Dutch as well!

I'm looking forward to listen and guide you!



"I've never heard of it" ...

What the heck is '𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞'?

It's my approach to guide people that includes all of my teachings I've learned the past 10 years. I've been told I connect on soul-level with people to achieve healing, greatness and happiness within themselves, in a holistic way.

Now what do I mean by 'holistic'? Holistic means 'as a whole', not only one part. It's about going to the roots and make a shift in your 'being'. Our mind, body and soul are inevitably connected to eachother. We not only have the visible, physical wellbeing... There's also wellbeing on a physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual level.

Healing in a holistic way looks like this for me:

- 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥: consuming healthy food, nutrition and hydration, exercise and movement, sleep, relaxation & rest, breathing, physical environment, safety

- 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥: mindset, learning, knowledge, beliefs and values, self-esteem and confidence

- 𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥: processing and expressing emotions, needs and boundaries, being present and conscious, stress resilience, self-love first, gratitude, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, taking responsibility, vulnerability, acceptance, slowing down, inner peace, identity

- 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥: creating safe, healthy and nourishing relationships and eliminating toxic ones, the feeling you belong, support, non-violent, connecting communication, undivided attention, being empathetic, asking for help

- 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥: sense of purpose, meaning, connection, meditation, self-expression, listening to your intuïtion, reflecting, self-development, higher Self, alignment with a higher power, the Universe, being authentic

Do you recognize things that you struggle with or would like to get better at? Probably you do. And don't worry, we all do, no one is perfect and to be alive is to balance between these different elements...

Here is where I walk alongside you to guide you. I hold space for whatever may surface within you and intuitively we go into your process of healing the things that deserve some light and love.

DM me to start the conversation if your inner fire is lit and take a leap to create a shift.

Photos from A Wave Of Life's post 26/10/2021

Hello beautiful souls,

My name is Tessa, I'm 28, an occupational therapist and life coach. I've always been a woman in search of herself. In search of understanding, acceptance and self-love. I'm a HSP so I experience and feel deeply and intense, the good and the bad. I've been told many times I have a gift of healing others and it feels like the reason I'm here, my soul purpose.

We all have our (hi)story, trauma's, fears and insecurities. Almost 10 years ago I've started my journey of uncovering, healing and transforming. It got an acceleration in 2017 when I suddenly was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Hearing that I would never heal, lit my fire and gave me the motivation that brought me to this day. It was the most beautiful gift. The way I (re)learned to live, transformed all areas of my life. My goal was a more healthy, sustainable and conscious lifestyle. That takes us to today where I create space to let others heal and transform themselves as well, in my business:

𝐀 𝗪𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
A Journey Of Transformation

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰 𝘐 𝘥𝘰? ⁣
I offer Holistic Soul Guidance by walking along with you on your path of healing and transformation. Holistic, because we go all the way: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Soul Guidance, because I go soul-deep back to our roots. I believe this is the only sustainable way to heal and ultimately thrive.

- One-on-one coaching through Online Videocalls.

- One-on-one coaching through a Walk & Talk in nature. Move your body to move your mind.

- Private retreats of 1 - 3 days to go on 'a journey of transformation' with my coaching van. We set out on a truth seeking journey into our true Self. This includes pick-up, travel, coaching, healthy meals, meditations, teachings, hikes, stay-over, drop-off, ... ''When you are prepared to face and forgive the most difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you''.

Allow yourself to stumble into the person you want to be - and allready are, within you - to thrive.

Soon you can find more info on my website and upcoming posts! In the next post I'll explain more about my Holistic Soul Guidance - approach.



About 8 years ago I learned to meditate for the first time. At first, I didn't like it. Gradually, I tried to open up to it, and today, it is a regular part of my morning ritual.

It taught me to listen to my body. It made me pause and it calmes my racing mind. It taught me to live in the now, to be grateful ... Every day. I learned that your mindset is the most powerful tool you possess. And meditation is a tool to tame that mindset!

But it wasn't always like that. I really had to learn it, because just to unwind in a busy world, with my tense body and head, was not a given. Not for me anyway.

My body was on active non-stop for YEARS, so in the summer of 2017 I went to volunteer at a Buddhist meditation center in Thailand, where I learned all about Buddhism and meditation. Coming back from this unforgettable experience, along with the month and a half of further solo travel, my body gave up.

The tension I had built up throughout my past now resulted in a shut-down mode: burnout and fibromyalgia. It forced me to stop. Literally, I couldn't move forward anymore. So I had to stand still. Become aware and learn to listen to my body.

The years that followed, until now, were the best of my life. Cliché, yes, but clichés exist for a reason. I delved so fiercely (read: obsessively 😅) into everything from not only Buddhism and meditation, but also health, mindset, self-esteem, relationships, self-love, healing, self-development and so much more, that my lifestyle was not the same as before! I longed nothing more than to regain control of my health and I believed that I could regain a pain-free and a de-stressed body.

In short, I believed myself healthy.

I believe that everyone on this planet, would benefit greatly from meditation, from getting back in touch with yourself. By connecting with yourself, you connect with others and set the most beautiful things in motion!

What about you? Do you meditate and what does it do to you?


I'm good at running.

Or I was.

I'm done with that. Today I quit my job to follow my dream, my life purpose, my soul mission ... What I believe and feel I have to do on this planet, my calling.

It's scary, but I thought I would feel more anxious about it, cause the reason I kept on running for all those years, was out of fear.

l o t

But most of all I feel the calmness return in my body and mind. A sense of trust surrounds me. The feeling that everything will work out, as long as I keep pursuing my purpose in a vulnerable, sincere, empowering and authentic way.

I'm so happy to have experienced my previous work experiences, cause it all made me stronger and led me to this point. The point that I no longer want to minimize myself and hold myself back in the things I really want in my life. We are the ones responsible of creating our own happiness. Who else is going to create it? Nobody. Get that out of your system.

I feel so grateful and lucky to be able to go on this path and share it with all of you.

A Wave Of Life will come more alive from now on. I'll be sharing my process while building my dream: coaching and healing people.

It's been almost 10 years since I've been on a healing journey of dis- and uncovering myself. Now I'm at a point that I want to create space to let others heal themselves as well by guiding them through their process as an experience expert and the areas I'm specializing myself in daily.

Will you dare and are you ready to go on a journey of transformation as well? Are you sick of bumping into the same old patterns? Holding you back from the things you love most? Do you want to finally put of your mask? Are you tired finding peace outside yourself?

Are you ready to look yourself in the eye and feel what needs to be feeled?

It's creepy, but we need to feel to heal. With my profound personal and professional experience I create safety to hold space for whatever arises and guide you through it step by step to come out stronger and more empowered.

I hope to inspire people through my story to create a ripple effect of change, growth and healing.

I am ready. Send me a message when you are too.

More info coming soon! 🙏✨


Lately, I've had a bit too much input from the outside world and felt it's time to go within again, to face myself and my emotions.

For a very long time there was this emptiness inside of me that I was desperately trying to fill up with outside input, which made my void only grow bigger and deeper 🥴

There are intense things in motion in my life and I need time & space to place them. Stop running away or avoiding the hurt. I needed to make some important decisions.

And to be able to make the right choices we need to sit with our feelings rather than run from them 🙏

Setting my boundaries is one of the things that has been moving a lot. I have been saying yes to others for too long and too much, without thinking about myself and what I want or need.

I said 'yes' a lot because I had this fear of letting people down and hurt their feelings. Which causes me to lose myself.

But don't we all do this? 😳

Now I'm trying to listen to myself first, because the only one being hurt, was me. I couldn't fully give or be fully present anymore, without distractions. A trait I find very important.

Sometimes we need someone to mirror our behavior and I realize now that every yes to someone else is a no to myself.

So I'm saying yes to myself for now. ✨

Through sharing my story I want to raise awareness, because who knows, maybe you feel the same and you need a mirror as well? Do you recognize this in your life as well? And don't you think it's time to listen more carefully to yourself? 🌻


[PART 2] A piece called 'Beauty lays in our fractured selfs'.

Read [PART 1] in the previous post first please.

Self-love, is also this.

It is embracing your whole self. Even, or especially the parts every one of us is running away from daily. Yes, you too. And that's okay, we've learned it differently. It's not only embracing the parts that we're proud of and showing off on Instagram.

Beauty lays in our fractured selfs as well. We might not like it, but we can choose to embrace these parts as well. With loving kindness towards our insides. It's choosing to accept, even though we're not so fond of it at the moment, knowing that we can do the inner work while processing through life.

Self-love is not a permanent state, we don't always feel it, but that doesn't mean it's not inside of us. Because it is, it's our natural state, it's only fractured by the painful impressions of life, that every one of us has.

My perfectionism was holding me back to see this. Everyone processes things differently, and this is my way. Here to share this with you so maybe this intrusive and painful experience can inspire you to look at your flaws where you've been running away from your entire life?

Thanks to all the people supporting me this past few weeks. It is all part of this process.


[PART 1] A piece called 'Beauty lays in our fractured selfs'.

Tonight I saw things differently.

The answer to the question "What does self-love and self-acceptance look like?" might be different for everyone ...

I've been battling with myself the last couple of weeks due to a very invasive and agressive incident that triggered my past. As a highly sensitive person I feel and experience this very intense and deeply, so overwhelming it shuts me down completely. Alert for danger, while on the other hand very absent and dissociated from reality. My body is here, but my mind is floating somewhere else. Afraid of falling where I have fallen many times before, depression and self-destructive patterns.

Knowing where I come from and what I've learned the past ten years from all of the self-development, still I feel like this. How is this even possible I'm constantly thinking to myself? Haven't I learned anything? Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel like I'm crashing? I was so happy before this happened?

I'm ending up in this vicious circle where there is a lot of overwhelming negative self-talk. It's to much and I can't handle it.

I feel like a bit fat failure. Me wanting to inspire and guide people through empowerment, vulnerability and self-love. But who I am to do that if I don't walk the talk? Because there's little to no self-love to be seen or felt nowadays.

I've been running away from my emotions, from feeling them and embracing them. While I allready learned that you shouldn't, while my body is giving me clear signs to sit with my pain and don't resist. There's clearly a lot going on.

But then suddenly, when I least expected it. I felt inspirated by an impulse that I acted upon.

And I see it now.

Self-love, is also this.

Read [PART 2] in the comments below to discover what I learned a.k.a. what you can learn as well.

Photos from A Wave Of Life's post 10/03/2021

My own travel- and coaching van, finally!

Wel, dit was het waard.
Dromen najagen, jep grote aanrader!

Be sure to check the building-progress in my highlight 'Vanlife' (still to come: botanic curtains & a table). Also check my highlight 'Coaching' for more details about my project! 🙏

Hit me up to have a talk or walk 🌱🌏

P.s.: Oké, wie gaat er mee op mijn volgende reis?


I know how it feels to be stuck and to be lost with yourself. Not knowing where to go next or what to do. It's paralysing and sometimes it makes you want to run away from all of it.

I get it. I too, stumbled my way into the woman I am today.

Experiencing not only the good vibes of life, but also the hurt and really acknowledging it and looking it in the eye, made me realise there's no such thing as running away.

If you run away, the hurt is here to stay.

Allowing it creates the space to heal.

The impact of the way I learned to live thought me so much in so many ways. I too, wanted to be in the driver's seat of my own life where I can thrive. And just like you, I am still processing as well.

So we're in this together!


It's something some of us find hard to do, but truly the best investment you can make is the one in yourself. For yourself, and others.

Find your own way through. Everyone has a unique story. Let your inner fire out, it wasn't meant to be kept inside. You're worthy of speaking your voice. I try to convince myself of this again and again.

Sometimes I believe, other times I don't. It's a slow process.


Let me ask you another question.

What do you want from life?

A lot of us will answer things like ´I want to be happy´ and often we assume that everything will be fine when we have found this ´long lost happiness´. But happiness is as self-love, not an ending station or a destination. Like many of us think ...

Self-love and happiness comes in waves. You will not always be happy, nor will you always love yourself. It's all about how we deal with ourselves at times when we love ourselves a little less ...

How do you treat yourself then?

That's where I come in to encourage and guide you. Cause it sure can make you feel you´re all alone ... But you aren´t. And believe me, I´ve been in the self-hatred and destructive part, for a freakin´ long time. If I´m still standing, you will be too!

Life comes in waves, just like the sea. And as waves come and go, it assures us that everything will be fine in the end. It helps us remember that everything is temporary. Just like a wave or a thought … But you got to start somewhere. And no, it's not something you´ll master quickly, but it will be worth the wait, I promise! It's like learning how to ride waves. You get out in the open, paddle like crazy until you catch that wave, stand up and fall a thousand times, to only get back up on your board, again and again. As you see, the sea and nature can teach us a lot about ourselves.

It's a learning process that's not always so pretty, but not-so-pretty is still pretty. I am still learning as well. And every day is another opportunity to grow a little. Small steps, every day, is enough.

Transform into the person you want to be and let go of the things, thoughts and tears that don't suit you anymore.

You can say, it's a way of life or a wave of life ;)

For me it's the only way.

Balou 's on board 😅 what about you?

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