Online Japanese Class Kadoya

I offer private Japanese language courses online. /ベルギーからオンラインのプライベ?

I’ve decided to offer private Japanese lessons online mainly to former students who have lost the courses they can take due to the corona pandemic. Based on 15 years of experience in teaching hundreds of students, from private lessons to university, I aim to provide practical lessons to meet the students' goals and to acquire skills students want. This course is a small class of up to 6 people and


その彼が昨年12月に行われたJLPT N4試験に合格しました。これまで独学で勉強しながら挑戦したそうですが、二回、不合格になっていました。今回、彼の日本語能力に沿った受験準備の戦略を立て、実戦形式で指導を行なってきました。それが実を結びました。
今、彼は12月のJLPT N3受験に向けた挑戦を開始しました。学習者の得意なところ、そうじゃないところをしっかり分析し、それに合わせた学習指導を行うことで効率的で無駄のない準備ができると思います。N3合格に向けた私たちの挑戦は始まったばかりです。

It has been three years since KadoyaJPN started. Now I am much less active here as I am busier working at the school. Currently, we only have one class on Mondays and it is a completely private class with only one student. Since that is the situation, that class has now become a place for the learner to prepare for the JLPT.

He passed the JLPT N4 held last December. He had tried studying on his own and failed the test twice before. This time, we developed a preparation strategy for the exam in line with his Japanese language ability and taught him practically. It paid off.

He has now begun the challenge of taking the JLPT N3 in December this year. His new challenge to pass N3 has just begun.

KadoyaJPN - Classes 20/09/2022



日本留学を視野に、JLPT N3合格に相当するレベルの日本語能力を磨く方


KadoyaJPN has reached its second year.

2021-22 was a year of trial and error.
Due to the increase in the number of classes I have to teach at other schools this year, I have to significantly limit the amount of time I can use at KadoyaJPN. Therefore, I would like to recruit as students mainly for those who fall under the following categories, and conduct a slightly special operation.

Those who have studied Japanese for several years
Those who majored in Japanese at university in the past
Those who want to improve their Japanese language skills to a level equivalent to passing JLPT N3 with a view to studying in Japan

If you are one of the above and are having trouble finding a place to study, please contact me.

KadoyaJPN - Classes This page introduces the classes of KadoyaJPN. このページではKadoyaJPNのクラスを紹介します。

kadoya3.pdf 27/01/2022

The third issue of the newsletter "Kadoya Tsuushin" is now available.


今年お世話になった方々へ/To those who took care of me this year 21/12/2021


今年お世話になった方々へ/To those who took care of me this year 日本では年に二回、お世話になった方々へのお礼の意味を込めてプレゼントを贈る習慣があります。八月の『お中元』と十二月の『お歳暮』です。 KadoyaJPNでは今年九月の授業開始から三ヶ月間契約していただいた方へお歳.....

【日付・時間の表記とカレンダーの読み方/Date and time notation and reading a calendar in Japan】 21/11/2021


In the classroom, I mainly use the textbook "Genki", but there seems to be no audio on how to read Japanese dates and calendars, so I made a video.
I think it is more effective to learn how to read the days using audio in particular. If you are struggling to remember them, please use this video. There are English subtitles.

【日付・時間の表記とカレンダーの読み方/Date and time notation and reading a calendar in Japan】 -「月」の読み方/Reading months 0:58~-「曜日」の読み方/Reading days of week 1:52~-「日」の読み方/Reading days of the month 2:58~※There were English subtitles!!Created by KadoyaJPN:...

kadoya2.pdf 20/11/2021

The second issue of the newsletter "Kadoya Tsuushin" is now available.



A poster for KadoyaJPN is ready!

I made this after being told about the interest in the Japanese language by someone who has many Japanese colleagues in his office.
In September 2021, I started this small school with five former students who lost their place to study in Belgium, but now that I have welcomed new students, I am finally ready to take the next step.

For learners who haven't found a school on the other side of the border, why don't you try learning Japanese through the Internet?





When rooting through my PC, I found a strange image from the past!


Online Japanese Class KadoyaJPN has officially started on September 6, 2021, with five former students of mine at the level A2-B1. I’m currently preparing demo lessons to welcome new students.
There are still a lot of challenges inside and outside the class, but I would like to clear hurdles one by one and provide as many people as possible with a place to enjoy learning Japanese.


新しい学習者の皆さんへ/To new Japanese learners 24/08/2021

新しい学習者の皆さんへ/To new Japanese learners (Enlish text below) これはあくまで私がこれまで教えてきた、ヨーロッパ言語を母語とする新しい日本語学習者に向けたメッセージです。これから日本語学習を進める方への応援メッセージとしてお読みいただければ幸いです。 ...

ゲームを使って文法解説/Explanation of grammar using pc games 18/08/2021

ゲームを使って文法解説/Explanation of grammar using pc games 文法解説をなんとか実践的かつ楽しくできないかと、ゲームを使いながら説明したりしてるんですが・・・。どうなんでしょうね。 いろんな企画を考えてみたいと思います。その前にPlay Station 5を買わないといけないんです...

カタカナを舐めてはいけない!/Don’t make light of katakana! 11/08/2021

カタカナ学習について考えました。/I thought about Katakana learning.

カタカナを舐めてはいけない!/Don’t make light of katakana! 2021-22年度は久しぶりに一年生に文法を教えることになりそうです。ひらがな・カタカナもゼロから教えることになります。 カタカナ・・・簡単ではないですね。 恐らく、一般の日本語学習者の頭の中では日本語の文字の難...

ニュースレター創刊号発行/The first issue of the Newsletter 01/08/2021

The first issue of the newsletter "Kadoya Tsuushin" is now available.


ニュースレター創刊号発行/The first issue of the Newsletter ニュースレター『かどや通信』創刊号ができました。休み中の日本語の勉強と発見に役立てば嬉しいです。ダウンロードは こちら から。 The first issue of the newsletter "Kadoya Tsushin" is now available. We ho...


You can apply for the course from the website. For more information about tuition fees and class hours, please visit the website.


Contact Me 31/07/2021

If you have any inquiry, please contact me from here./お問い合わせはこちらから。

Contact Me お問い合わせ

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