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Messages in the bible for end time christians
End time christians last message is the three angels message

Messages in the bible for end time christians The last message for planet earth is the three angels messages Everyone on earth is to decide their destiny on how they will receive this three angels messages of revelation 14 End time christians last message is the three angels message

Why would God punish those who refuse the three angels messages ? Because it would expose them as liars and dishonest . Messages in the bible for end time christians It is l ike the message od Noah , those who rejected Noah died in the flood The deception of christians churches is to believe that as long as they believe in Jesus it is enough to go to heaven

End time christians last message is the three angels message They do not realize that this is the first step justification But to get to heaven one needs to 1 clense themselves from all sins 2 accept all truth that come If we reject new truths, then we reject God . And fall into darkness .
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Adventistas del septimo dia en Europe
Es la iglesia Adventista en estado de Laodicea ?

Adventistas del septimo dia en Europe Los Adventistas del septimo dia son muy diferentes de una parte del mundo a otra Hay tradiciones locales y costumbre que en otra parte seria visto como abominacion . Es la iglesia Adventista en estado de Laodicea ? Pero cuando una parte del mundo no cree en Elena White la profeta o no sigue el mensaje de salud, cuando no da los 3 angeles directamente Ya sabemos que la iglesia esta a punto de ser vomitada por la boca de Dios .

Adventistas del septimo dia en Europe La gente no se da cuenta que Dios nota todo El legalismo es pensar que uno es bueno esto es otro pecado de muchos adventistas . Esta iglesia tiene la verdad del fin del mundo . Pero esta tibia dormida y cree ser buena cuando la biblia dice nadie es bueno .

Es la iglesia Adventista en estado de Laodicea ? Dios les dio mensajes de justicia por la fe Los mensajes son la verdad Como anda la gente es peor que los mundanos . Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us


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The midnight cry The story of William Miller
William Miller documentary The first angels message of revelation chapter 14

The midnight cry The story of William Miller Gabriel tells Daniel sels this book until the time of the end Daniel asks When shall these things be ? Gabriel says unto 1260 years . The papacy ruled 1260 years which ended in 1798 . William Miller documentary The first angels message of revelation chapter 14

So we can look for this first angels message to be given only after 1798 Because the prophecies of Daniel and revelation were sealed unto 1798 Who gave this message about the sanctuary, the cleansing of the sanctuary and the timf of judgment after 1798 ? The only person who gave this message is William Miller .

We can remember that this cannot be an abscure messagte as all nations , countrie sneed to listen to the message . The midnight cry The story of William Miller When this message was given almost all churches in United States rejected the message . And Jesus says in the bible that they fell and became babylon . The daughters. William Miller documentary The first angels message of revelation chapter 14 Warch listen suscribe and support us


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What is the second angels message in the book of revelation ?
What is the three angels message about in the bible ?

What is the second angels message in the book of revelation ?This is the most incredible message in the bible . The last message for planet earth Jesus always sent test to prove to see if the person can be allowed in heaven The ark of Noah was a test Most people back then were believers .

What is the three angels message about in the bible ? But when a test is come people are tested in their unbelief or faith and honesty . This message says Jesus entered most holy place end of the 2300 days prophecy Gabriel says in daniel 12 This will happen end of the 1250 years prophecy which ended in 1798 . What is the second angels message in the book of revelation ?

The light of bible prphecy was sealed until the time of the end . This 3 angel smessages could only be given after the 1260 years of papal supremacy What is the three angels message about in the bible ? 538 Justinian gives temporal and spiritual power to the pope 1798 Berthier Napoleon general takes pope captive The 1260 years papal supremacy The wound will be healed the bible says Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support us


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Pastor David Gates How imminent is imminent ?
End time bible prophecy book of revelation sermon

Pastor David Gates How imminent is imminent ? Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour Does it mean no one shall ever know the day or the hour ? No The time is short and Jesus return will be at the time you think not , the son of men comes . Jesus returns as a thirf in the night It does not mean that Jesus will return secretly invisibly . It means Jesus will return quickly and so fast that people will not have time to repent and turn from their sins .

End time bible prophecy book of revelation sermon The bible says that when the 3 angels messages is given to all the world to all nations and tongues, then the end of the world will happen Pastor David Gates How imminent is imminent ? The bible says I saw a white cloud and on the cloud one sat like the son of men This is in revelation 14 right after the 3 angels message is given ; End time bible prophecy book of revelation sermon Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support


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Pastor Bill Hugues SDA Prophecy Update 6 24
End time bible prophecy sermon on the book of revelation

Pastor Bill Hugues SDA Prophecy Update 6 24 Paul said that deception was coming How ? By false beliefs Doctrines of devils will fill the churches We are living in this time In the times of Paul there was one church Today there are 2 the remnant of revelation 12 and Babylon the great the mother of harlots . After Paul died wolves entered in and there was also 2 churches The Waldenss church and the papacy . Which one had thr truth of the bible ?

End time bible prophecy sermon on the book of revelation The Women of revelation is said to keep the commandments of God , keep the sabbath saturday , has the spirit of prophecy , a true prophet and preaches the 3 angels messages and the sanctuary message Pastor Bill Hugues SDA Prophecy Update 6 24 The sanctuary message is also the time of the judgment message which we find in daniel 7 14 that says 2300 days and the sanctuary shall be cleansed; End time bible prophecy sermon on the book of revelation Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support


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666 and the mark Jim Arrabito Bible symbolism full documentary

666 and the mark Jim Arrabito Bible symbolism full documentary This is one of the most stunning documzntary I ever watched It changedd my life So many truths are given by Jilm Arrabito No wonder Paul said after my departing grievious wolves shall enter in not sparing the flock . False beliefs would enter in and many christians would be deceived in believing false dotrines from paganism

Another word for paganism we can use is satanic as there is no midel ground between Paganism and Satanic . 666 and the mark Jim Arrabito Bible symbolism full documentary Christians churches today, many of them are teachings beliefs that were used in pagan worship . Amazing to see that the falling away is still happening The daughters of babylon teach most of their beliefs form doctrines of Devils .

666 and the mark Jim Arrabito Bible symbolism full documentary Can a church who has most of its teachings from Satan be called the church of God ? No as it is really worshiping Satan more than God , this is why it is called Babylon The daughters look like the mother So the sunday protestant churches are also babylon Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support


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If i believe false doctrines from the bible does that make me a liar ?
Is babylon churches that teach doctrines of demons in the bible ?

If i believe false doctrines from the bible does that make me a liar ? Nobody forces us to believe a false doctrine We chose wilfully to believe such a thing If you believe aaples are all green does it make you a liar ? Why because it is true that aaples are not green . Did anyone force you to believe that aaples are green? No you have to deceive your mind to believe all aaples are green .

Is babylon churches that teach doctrines of demons in the bible ? In the bible its so much more important that your eternal destiny is at play Heaven or eternal destruction . This is why it is so important to study the whole bible and take time to know that what you believe is really true Because heaven or hell are the results . Like we saw if we believe something false then we become a liar and liars shall not enter heaven

If i believe false doctrines from the bible does that make me a liar ? All lirs shall have their part in the make of fire the bible says And babylon is the house of every unclean spirit Babylon fell the mother catholic, the daughters the sunday protestant churches Is babylon churches that teach doctrines of demons in the bible ? Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support


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Cual iglesia tiene doctrinas de demonios deacuerdo a la biblia ?
Como saver si mi igleisa ensena falsas doctrinas segun la biblia ?

Cual iglesia tiene doctrinas de demonios deacuerdo a la biblia ? Caer en la biblia significa rechasar la verdad En Romanos Pablo dice que Israel callo , despues dice que si caida fue por incredulidad, o por rechasar la verdad . Pablo dice que Israel fue cortado del arbol . Y si no sigue en incredulidad Dios puede regresar a aceptar los Judios pero individualmente

Como saver si mi igleisa ensena falsas doctrinas segun la biblia ? En el fin ahora paso que una caida fuerte succedio en Apocalipsis 14 dice babilonia caio Pero la madre catolica siempre fue caida Entonces habla de sus hijas , las iglesias protestantes ;

Cual iglesia tiene doctrinas de demonios deacuerdo a la biblia ? Cuando uno cae ya no esta en favor con Dios . Cuando uno cae ya se pone en las manos de Satanas . Los demonios pueden ya controlar esta persona porque se descrubio que es mentirosa y no sigue la verdad de Jesus . Como saver si mi igleisa ensena falsas doctrinas segun la biblia ? Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support


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En cuanto tiempo sra reconstruido el templo de Jerusalen?
Cuanto tiempo falta para reconstruir el templo de Jerusalen ?

En cuanto tiempo sra reconstruido el templo de Jerusalen? El templo de Jerusalen fue desturido dos veces Cuando llego Babilonia y Cuando el general Tito vino y destuio la ciudad de Jerusalen Fueron castigos de Dios fuerte por un pueblo que rechaso la verdad de Dios . Despues que Jesus murio ppuedemos ver la misericordia de Dios pour un pueblo que mato al hijo de Dios . Nada les succedio por 30 anos haste 70 cuando la cuidad fue destruida .

Cuanto tiempo falta para reconstruir el templo de Jerusalen ? Dios escojio a Abraham para hacer su pueblo Abraham era un Arab viviendo en Irak Babilonia Abraham creio lo mismo que la gente de Babilinoa los dioses paganos . Dios enseno a este hombre Arabe la verdad de la biblie y Abraham fue el primer Judio . Cada persona que queria ser salvo tenia que volverse Judio en el tiempo .

Ahora cada persona que acepta a Jesus es hijo de Dios . En cuanto tiempo sra reconstruido el templo de Jerusalen? Es tema muy interesante escucha el video hermano Cuanto tiempo falta para reconstruir el templo de Jerusalen ? Jesus esta purificando el templo . Earth last day bible channel ama suscribete y soportanos


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A call to stand apart Ellen g White audiobook
Seventh day Adventist audiobook Ellen g White

A call to stand apart Ellen g White audiobook Unless we are different we shall not enter heaven As what is in this world the behaviours, the way people talk, the fashions, the cuscoms are not from God . What is highly exalted in this world is abomination for God . The pride, seldishnes,s apathy, uncaring unkind behaviour. The unbelief, the rudeness of people, the disregard for human life. The decetion of the health, education industries. The rejhection of Jesus and all that is holy and good .

Seventh day Adventist audiobook Ellen g White All these things show that this world is not Gods world but Satan took over many years ago when Adam and Eve fell . What our society seese as great is often an offense to God . Jesus said my kingdm is not of this world . This is why Jesus will make a new kingdom where righteousness dwells , where peace , love kindness, honesty and humility dwells . A call to stand apart Ellen g White audiobook Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support


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The rights of the people Audio book Alonzo Jones 2
Pioneer seventh day adventist audiobook Alonzo Jones
Alonzo Jones Waggoner Audio book adventist pioneer

The rights of the people Audio book Alonzo Jones 2 End time prophecy tells us that the beast will join with a world power to enforce their dogmas Similar as in the middle agens inquisition In fact the bible calls it the image of the beast Or a replay of the middle agens inquisition .

Pioneer seventh day adventist audiobook Alonzo Jones It is important to know bible prophecy as Jesus in his love teache sus what is to come so that we can prepare Do you know what is coming on earth ? Terrible judgments of God will be calling to wake up people from their contidion and destination .

Alonzo Jones Waggoner Audio book adventist pioneer Only a group will enter heaven, even the remnant church will not enter heaven as many are legalists and will return to babylon Most of christianity is infiltrated by false doctrines . What it the solution ? How can i know that i can follow the truth ? Listen to find out earth last day bible channel


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Que es la puritificacion del sanctuario en el libro de Daniel ?
Que quiere decir la hora de su juicio ha llegado en el libro de apocalipsis ?

Que es la puritificacion del sanctuario en el libro de Daniel ? Cuando Jesus fue bautisado dijo El tiempo es cumplido Cual tiempo fue cumplido ? La profecia de los 2300 dias de daniel 8 14 Donde nos explica en Daniel 9 Gabriel que el Messias sera unjido o bautisado . Esta purificacion dle sanctuario quiere decir que el tiempo del juicio ha llegado Como nos dice Apocalypsis 14 en el primer angel del mensaje de los tres angeles .

Que quiere decir la hora de su juicio ha llegado en el libro de apocalipsis ? La purificacion del sanctuario quiere decir tiempo de juzgar para Jesus . Al fin de los 2300 anos Jesus entro en el lugar santisimo para empezar a decidir quien va al cielo y quien sera destruido . Que es la puritificacion del sanctuario en el libro de Daniel ? Gabriel dice en Daniel 9 desde Jersualem reconstruida que fue en 457 Vc a Jesu entrando en le lugar santisimo son 2300 anos Entonces 457 mas 2300 es 1844 ;

Que quiere decir la hora de su juicio ha llegado en el libro de apocalipsis ? La profecia nos dice que desde 457 hasta Jesus bautisado son 483 anos Jesus fue bausisado en 27 Gabriel sigue diciendo 3 anos y medio despues Jesus sera cortado En 31 Jesus fue crucificaco Y el pueblo Judio fue rechasado en 34 Que es la puritificacion del sanctuario en el libro de Daniel ? Esta profecia es muy ilpressionante y precisa .

Que quiere decir la hora de su juicio ha llegado en el libro de apocalipsis ? Nos explica que el fin del mundo es muy pronto y que Jesus vas a regresar cuando termino de decidir el destino de cada alma . Porque no aceptar a Jesus ahora ? Repite Jesus persona mis pecados entra en mi corazon ayudame a ser fiel a ti hasta el fin en el nombre de Jesus amen Earth last day bible channel ama suscribete y soporta nuestro ministerio


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Consejos para la iglesia Elena G White libro audio 3
Libros Elena G White video entero
Libro audio de profeta cristiano del fin del tiempo

Consejos para la iglesia Elena G White libro audio 3 Libro increible que nos ensena que muchos aun cristianos no entraran el cielo . Muchos diran Jesus Jesus Y el les dira No les he conocido . Quitan se de mi vista ustedes que practican el pecado . Poruqe muchos cristianos tienen el nombre cristiano pero no son como Jesus . Si so son como Jesus , como quien son ? Como Satanas . No hay otro maestro Jesus o Satanas .

Libros Elena G White video entero Esto es por fe que Jesus lo puede hacer , pero no puede hacer este cambio con los que son legalistas Porque un legalista piense ser salvo por sus obras Y haciendo asi piensa que no tiene nececidad de Jesus . Esta tan perdido qu el pecador comun en la calle . Libro audio de profeta cristiano del fin del tiempo

Sin reconocer que uno es pecador no puede ir al cielo Y no tiene salvacion .Consejos para la iglesia Elena G White libro audio 3 Jesus no puede dar poder para vencer el pecado si la persona piensa que ella misma y sus obras valen . Libros Elena G White video entero Este libro increible nos da muchos detalles sobre muchos temas que comporta la vida cristiana . Libro audio de profeta cristiano del fin del tiempo
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Character sketches on the life of Daniel Ellen g White audiobook
Ellen g White audiobook on bible prophecy
Prophet Daniel commentary video audiobook

Character sketches on the life of Daniel Ellen g White audiobook What an amazing book the book of Daniel in the old Testamznt Gabriel says seal the book until the time of the end So the prophecies of the book of Daniel were sealed until 1798 When the 1260 years ended Daniel asks When shall these things be ? Gabriel says until 1260 years .

Ellen g White audiobook on bible prophecy This book explains th end times, who the antichrist is , who Babylon is , who would enforce the mark of the beast ? Thise amazing prophecies are repeated and enlarged from daniel chapter 7 which is the chapter about the antichrist Till daniel 12 Daniel 11 is the summum of bible prophecy where all those prophecies are put in great and stunning detail ;

Prophet Daniel commentary video audiobook The antichrist the reformers tauhjt is the papacy Martin Luther studied the bible Revelation and Daniel and found out that the papacy is the antichrist The people are good but Jesus tells us that it is the organisation which is evil and dared to write things in the bible and change the words of God

Character sketches on the life of Daniel Ellen g White audiobook Can you immagine a men so proud that he would change some words in the bible and say the bible says that but i have the authority to change what God said O what amazing blasphemy Writing sunday instead of saturday for the sabbath Erasing not worshiping idols instead of keeping the 3rd commandment which says You shall not bow down to idols .

Ellen g White audiobook on bible prophecy 1260 years is reign of the papacy Many good loving catholics do not know the truth and never read the bible . But once we study prophecy we are responsible to study and follow the truth with honest heart Jesus died for you He wants you to follow him wherever he sends Will you follow the truth and Jesus ? Prophet Daniel commentary video audiobook Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support


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Is fornication s*x outside mariage and it is a sin ?
Is fornication a sin according to the new testament ?

Is fornication s*x outside mariage and it is a sin ? It is better to mary than to burn No s*x outside mariage is not a sin because God never changes and when you ask a Rbbi they will tell you that in old testament times people would have s*x and get married later ? Le 18 15 when a woman has s*x with a men they shall wash themselves and be unclean until the evening . It is better to marry but Gods ideal is not always what circumnstances show as for food Gods ideal is for us to eay raw food only like with Adam and Eve .

Is fornication a sin according to the new testament ? Fornication never means s*x outside mariage fornication is the sins found in leveticus 16 Which are adultery, hoosecuality, lesbianism, in**st, be******ty, adultery . This is what the bible says But it never mentions s*x outside mariage as a sin . Is fornication s*x outside mariage and it is a sin ? But it is better to mary and have only one spoune the rest of your life .

Is fornication a sin according to the new testament ? Fornication originally is an arch where pr******tes for Satan used to stand ? Fornication is s*xual act with pr******te for favour from Satan this is the true meaning of the word ? No wonder that Paul said i do not want you to be the temple of God and the temple of Satan . As early christians in that particular church used to go se epr******tes and go to church at the same time . Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support our ministry


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What do i need to do if i want to make it to heaven ?
How can i make it to heaven according to the bible ?

What do i need to do if i want to make it to heaven ? If you want to work yourself to heaven You will not make it As the first thing a christians needs to understand is that all people , every human being is evil Even the best human being is totally corrupt . For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God .

How can i make it to heaven according to the bible ? Once a human realize this they have hope of going to heaven ? Going to heaven is for someone to accept and see the sinfulness of their sin This is hardd in most people because most people are so proud and most people have no clue how evil is their hearts ?

What do i need to do if i want to make it to heaven ? Only those who spend time in the bible and looking at the character of Jesus can realize how wicked and sinful they are . Once you reach this point then we realize that only God is good and has righteousness How can i make it to heaven according to the bible ?

If only God is able ot give you righteousness then asking God everyday to receive his righteousness is the only way that we can do Gods will through his power and not our works What do i need to do if i want to make it to heaven ? By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be saved . If it is by works then it is no more of faith . By the law is the knowledge of sin How can i make it to heaven according to the bible ? Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support our channel thanks

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Minsk, 220093

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