Massage Addict

Massage Addict is Canada's premier massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture and reflexology Massage Addict is Canada's premier therapeutic provider.

Our experienced Registered Massage Therapists, Licensed Chiropractic, Registered Acupuncturist and Certified Reflexologists provide high-quality treatments at an affordable price. Whether its massage, acupuncture or reflexology, we have you covered.


We can’t believe it’s already the last day of August! You know what they say—time flies when you’re having fun. We know you’ll be spending this long weekend getting organized for back-to-school, but why not take a second to go online and book an appointment next week for Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, or Reflexology? We’ll help you get back into the swing of things.


Fear of needles is a very common reason people tend to shy away from Acupuncture. We’re here to set your mind at ease. These needles are incredibly thin and super flexible, not much thicker than a strand of hair.. In fact, most people barely feel the needles our Registered Acupuncturists use (some clients mention some pressure, but no pain.)

Book an assessment with us today and our Registered Acupuncturists can answer all your questions and share the many benefits.


To celebrate Wellness Wednesday this week we have a challenge for you: spend time outside and soak up some nature. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply sitting in your backyard, spending time outdoors has incredible benefits for both your physical and mental health. So put down your phone, step away from your desk, and reconnect with the natural world around you. Your mind and body will thank you!


It's time to treat yourself to some 'Me Time'! With summer winding down and back-to-school season approaching, it's the perfect opportunity to focus on YOU. After a hectic July and August, take a moment to relax and recharge. Consider booking a session of Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Reflexology, or Acupuncture to show yourself some much-needed self-care.


When most people think of Orthotics, they often picture insoles in unattractive shoes. However, Custom Orthotics are actually highly beneficial medical devices that can assist with various health issues such as chronic pain, muscle sprains, achy joints, and tension. By wearing Custom Orthotics, you can experience personalized support for your feet, ankles, calves, and knees, which can also alleviate back, neck, or hip pain. Plus, the good news is that Custom Orthotics are frequently included in employee benefits packages!


We love to make your visits as relaxing, stress-free, calming, and enjoyable as possible. It’s one reason we now offer direct billing to most insurance providers. Just make sure our guest service administrators have your most up-to-date plan information, and you’re all set. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your me time.


Our guest services associates get this question often, and we understand why! Ensuring you’re prepared for your Massage is a smart idea and can help you reap the benefits after you leave the clinic. Here’s a few tips:
- Wear something comfortable
- Hydrate
- Arrive Early
- Communicate your needs
- Relax and enjoy!


We’ve been chatting with clients in our clinics, and it sounds like everyone’s having a super-fun, super-active summer! We’re wondering—what are you enjoying most about summer 2024? What sports or activities are you into? Pickleball? Morning yoga on the beach? Hiking trails in Canada’s National and/or Provincial Parks? Swimming laps in your backyard pool? Tell us what you’re up to in the comments!

And don’t forget—Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Reflexology, and Acupuncture are highly effective therapeutic treatments when it comes to easing muscle pain and tension and staying active all season long.


No one is immune to feelings of stress and anxiety—these emotions are something we all tend to feel at one time or another. And if you’re someone who experiences added stress caused by busy work schedules, or parental responsibilities, anxiety can sometimes feel like it’s taking over.

Reflexology focuses on reflex or pressure points on specific areas and promotes relaxation, thanks to the way it releases tension, slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates and releases feel-good endorphins.

If you’ve never tried Reflexology, book a treatment today to see how it can help calm your body and mind.


Happy National Relaxation Day! Few things are more relaxing than a therapeutic treatment, if we do say so ourselves! Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Reflexology, and Acupuncture are the gold standard when it comes treatments that evoke calm and relaxation, decrease stress and anxiety, and boost your overall sense of wellbeing.

No matter how you do it, take some time to relax today!


Of course we believe Massage Therapy is beneficial all year-round, but people often ask why it’s so important to keep up with Massage appointments in the summer months. While there are a bunch of reasons how it can help, injury treatment —and even prevention—is a big one.

Most of us tend to be more active in the summer months. Massage Therapy improves flexibility and range of motion, eases tension, helps to protect us from getting hurt, decreases swelling and inflammation, and relieves stiffness we feel after golf, tennis, and long walks.

It's always a good idea to keep up Massage Therapy no matter the time of year, but if you’re more active in the warmer-weather months, it’s especially important to prioritize self-care.


If you tend to check the time on your phone before you go to bed—or when you wake up in the middle of the night—you’re certainly not alone. Clock-watching is a not-so-great habit that can wreak havoc on your sleep—odds are, you’ll end up fixating on the time, how many hours of sleep you have left until your alarm goes off, and panic and stress follow.

Do yourself a favour—if you have an old-school alarm clock, cover it up or turn it around. As for your phone, move it from your night table to a dresser on the other side of the bedroom. Better yet, leave it in another room altogether. You’ll thank us in the morning.


Imagine a day where you wake up feeling vital, healthy, active, ready to take on the challenges of the day, and not missing out or fearing activity for pain. Chiropractic Care can help you:

• Manage pain
• Improve mobility
• Improve Alignment

Watch this informative video where Dr. Laura Baxter dives deeper into how Chiropractic Care can help you stay healthy and active all season long.


’Tis the season for a plethora of sports and activities, and if you’re like us, you’ve been enjoying all that summer has to offer.

So, to our friends who are avid golfers, swimmers, ballplayers, runners, hikers, cyclists, tennis players, rowers, and walkers, we salute you! And we’re here to help keep your performance up and your aches to a minimum. A Sports Massage Treatment can work wonders when it comes to ensuring you feel your best on the track, field, court, links, lakes, and everywhere else you get active.

Book an appointment with one of our Registered Massage Therapists today and find out how they can help you excel at your sport all while staying pain-free.


It’s not a new phenomenon, but walking meetings are becoming more popular, especially during the summer months, when meetings can be taken outdoors. Not only do these meetings-on-the-move get you up from your desk and active, but they also promote creativity and innovation—you’ll be surprised at how easily ideas flow when you’re not staring at conference room walls and fluorescent lights!


Hey members! It's time for a self-care check-in! Don't forget to take advantage of your preferred member pricing and treat yourself to a rejuvenating treatment today. An hour of Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Reflexology, and Chiropractic Care will keep your body and mind healthy and stress-free. Book today - You deserve it!

Not a member? Talk to your local clinic and discover how you can enjoy preferred pricing with a Massage Addict Membership.


While this is supposed to be easy-breezy season, there’s something that never takes vacation time in the summer: Stress. (Anxiety never gets the memo!) Massage Therapy isn’t just great for relieving sore muscles—it’s also a proven treatment for easing stress, boosting feel-good hormones, and enhancing relaxation. So, if your summer is turning out to be more taxing or hectic than you anticipated, book an appointment with a Registered Massage Therapist and get some relief.


Tomorrow’s International Friendship Day, so there’s no better time to call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Catching up, checking in, and reconnecting is often good for the mind and soul. So, pick up the phone, schedule a coffee date, or just send that text you’ve been meaning to send. You’ll be glad you did.


We carry a lot of tension in our necks, so here’s a friendly reminder to take a quick break and stretch!

Try a simple neck extension:
- Slowly look down, extending your neck. Keep your shoulder stationary. Hold for 5 seconds.
- Gently move your neck to the left. Hold for 5 seconds.
- Return to centre, then slowly look upwards, keeping shoulders stationary and away from ears. Hold for 5 seconds.
- Gently move your neck to the right. Hold for 5 seconds.
- Return to starting position.

Photos from Massage Addict's post 07/24/2024

We’re big fans of self-care here at Massage Addict, so we’re pleased to celebrate International Self-Care Day with our clients, healthcare practitioners, and the people who make up our communities. Our therapeutic services are all about prioritizing self-care, easing pain, lessening stress, and promoting good physical and mental health.

Be sure to put some time aside today (and every day, for that matter!) to do something that makes your body and mind feel good. You’ll reap the benefits of making self-care part of your daily routine for years to come.

Photos from Massage Addict's post 07/22/2024

Participating in sports makes most of us happy, but ’tis the season many of us experience tennis elbow. This injury is caused by repetitive forearm activities, overworked tendons, poor technique, muscle weakness, and sometimes misalignments. While rest, stretching, and strengthening exercises can help with pain and get you back on the court faster, consider Acupuncture.

This age-old treatment has been shown to increase circulation and blood flow and ease inflamed ligaments, muscles, and tendons, helping you to heal quicker.

Our Registered Acupuncturists have plenty of experience with tennis elbow, and they’ll customize a treatment plan that will have you back at it in no time.


Got nothing on this weekend? Perfect! We all need a break now and then. Why not unplug and do something that sparks joy and relaxation—spend time in your garden, go for a bike ride, catch a ballgame, do some journalling, take the kids to the park, take an hour for some me time and book a Massage! Take it easy and enjoy a restful, low-key weekend!



If July is filled with scorching-hot days where you live, you might notice your feet and ankles tend to swell more than usual. Why? It’s because the extreme heat causes our veins to dilate, which, in turn, causes fluid to leak into nearby tissue. It’s not comfortable, and it’s certainly no fun.

Massage Therapy can help ease swelling in the feet and ankles. How? By promoting lymphatic drainage, a massage helps fluid disperse and circulate, alleviating pain and reducing swelling.

Book an appointment with an RMT—they can help ease discomfort and give you more tips to keep swelling at bay.


If July is filled with scorching-hot days where you live, you might notice your feet and ankles tend to swell more than usual. Why? It’s because the extreme heat causes our veins to dilate, which, in turn, causes fluid to leak into nearby tissue. It’s not comfortable, and it’s certainly no fun.

Massage Therapy can help ease swelling in the feet and ankles. How? By promoting lymphatic drainage, a massage helps fluid disperse and circulate, alleviating pain and reducing swelling.

Book an appointment with an RMT—they can help ease discomfort and give you more tips to keep swelling at bay.


t’s World Emoji Day, so we thought we’d have a little fun. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect when you visit Massage Addict clinics:

👋 A warm welcome
😊 A better mood
🛑 An end to aches and pains
😌 Relaxation and less stress
🚴 More energy
✌️ Peace
🛌 More restful sleep
💆‍♀️ Me time
❤️ Better overall health and wellness


It’s World Emoji Day, so we thought we’d have a little fun. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect when you visit Massage Addict clinics:

👋 A warm welcome
😊 A better mood
🛑 An end to aches and pains
😌 Relaxation and less stress
🚴 More energy
✌️ Peace
🛌 More restful sleep
💆‍♀️ Me time
❤️ Better overall health and wellness


If there’s one thing all our Registered Massage Therapists agree on, it’s this: If you want to reap the most benefits from your treatment, be sure to communicate with your practitioner.

Our RMTs routinely ask a series of questions at the beginning of each appointment, but they rely on you to fill them in on how you’re feeling and your goals for your Massage. Tension in your shoulders? Sore knees? Just looking for an hour of peace and quiet? We want to know. You can never give us too much information, so don’t be shy—let us know how you feel and what you’re looking for. Then enjoy your treatment!


We strive to do our best to make visiting our clinics as easy and as stress-free as possible—that’s one reason why we offer direct billing to most benefits providers. Not set up for direct billing? Simply come in, give your plan information to one of our guest service administrators, and they’ll help get you set up.


We strive to do our best to make visiting our clinics as easy and as stress-free as possible—that’s one reason why we offer direct billing to most benefits providers. Not set up for direct billing? Simply come in, give your plan information to one of our guest service administrators, and they’ll help get you set up.

Addict | Burlington Appleby and Upper Middle


You know we’re big advocates of health and wellness at Massage Addict—both inside and outside our clinics. So, take part in today by going outdoors for a walk. Try a new hiking trail, follow the path at your local park, or just take a lap or two around the block—as long as you’re getting fresh air and moving your body, you’re on the right track!

Addict | Burlington Appleby and Upper Middle


You know we’re big advocates of health and wellness at Massage Addict—both inside and outside our clinics. So, take part in today by going outdoors for a walk. Try a new hiking trail, follow the path at your local park, or just take a lap or two around the block—as long as you’re getting fresh air and moving your body, you’re on the right track!


Whether it's alleviating inflammation and swelling from the summer heat or releasing tension for relaxation, Massage Therapy is an essential part of a healthy self-care routine. Treat yourself to a summer massage and experience the rejuvenating effects on your overall health and well-being by scheduling a session with one of our skilled Registered Massage Therapists today.

Click on link below to book your treatment today!


Whether it's alleviating inflammation and swelling from the summer heat or releasing tension for relaxation, Massage Therapy is an essential part of a healthy self-care routine. Treat yourself to a summer massage and experience the rejuvenating effects on your overall health and well-being by scheduling a session with one of our skilled Registered Massage Therapists today.

Click on link below to book your treatment today!

Addict | Burlington Appleby and Upper Middle

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Our Story

Massage Addict is Canada’s premier provider of therapeutic services and it’s our mission to help Canadians improve their health and wellness. Our Registered Massage Therapists, Licensed Chiropractic, Registered Acupuncturists, and Certified Reflexologists help clients manage pain, reduce stress, relieve muscle tension and more. We offer the very best treatments, in our modern, clean and safe clinics, designed for optimal comfort. For clients requiring regular treatments, we offer 6 & 12-months membership plans, at a preferred rate. Where applicable, we will bill most insurance providers directly, making it simple to experience the positive effects of regular therapeutic treatments.

Videos (show all)

Happy National Relaxation Day! Few things are more relaxing than a therapeutic treatment, if we do say so ourselves! Mas...
Imagine a day where you wake up feeling vital, healthy, active, ready to take on the challenges of the day, and not miss...
’Tis the season for a plethora of sports and activities, and if you’re like us, you’ve been enjoying all that summer has...
t’s World Emoji Day, so we thought we’d have a little fun. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect when you visit Mas...
It’s World Emoji Day, so we thought we’d have a little fun. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect when you visit Ma...
If pain is preventing you from participating in your favorite summer activities, Custom Orthotics could be the solution....
With only four working days this week, do yourself a favour and get organized. Book your next Massage Therapy, Reflexolo...
National Health and Fitness Day celebrates an objective Massage Addict is super passionate about: promoting the health a...
Wondering how to prep for your Massage Therapy appointment?  Here are five quick tips to get ready for an hour of rest a...
Every year on March 8, we celebrate the countless extraordinary achievements of women around the world, and the women on...
Participating in a sport is a great way to stay active, but musculoskeletal injuries are common — sprains, strains, burs...
It’s been a while since we last introduced ourselves—if you’re new here, we’re glad you found us. Massage Addict provide...



1900 Appleby Line
Burlington, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9:30am - 5pm

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