Definitive Fitness Training

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 / 𝐍𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡⁣
Certified Sports Nutrition Coach⁣
BioForce Conditioning Coach⁣


12 Week Strength & Conditioning Program To Build A Complete Athlete.

If you're reading this right now, you are an athlete who is serious about improving your athleticism for your sport.

This program is a full step-by-step blueprint that will help athletes succeed in ANY sport. I’ve taken all the years of knowledge I have and put it into this program

You are going to learn how to level up;

✅️Your Agility
✅️Your Strength and Conditioning
👉And you’ll get stronger, faster, more mobile, healthier, and more mentally strong than ever before.

I can’t wait to help you on this journey, I’ll see you on the inside!

DM "🔥" and we'll send you the details!

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Photos from Definitive Fitness Training's post 02/14/2024

Start 2024 off on the right foot 💯

The 12-Week Off-Season is going to run starting

You are going to learn how to level up;
✅️Your Agility
✅️Your Strength and Conditioning
✅️Your hitting ability

If you are ready for 2024 to be your breakout year where you start separating from the rest, this program is for YOU 💯

DM "🏐" and we'll send you the details!

◾️Share with someone who you would like to do this with.

Photos from Definitive Fitness Training's post 02/14/2024

Start 2024 off on the right foot 💯

The 12-week off-season is going to run starting

You are going to learn how to level up;
✅️Your Agility
✅️Your Strength and Conditioning
✅️Your hitting ability

If you are ready for 2024 to be your breakout year where you start separating from the rest, this program is for YOU 💯

DM "🏐" and we'll send you the details!

◾️Share with someone who you would like to do this with.


5 reasons why you should take a rest day or pay the price.

Rest days are something I used to overlook in my training. It's hard to want to rest when you're on a solid roll and everything is going right. Until you face Injury and wonder what the f**k happened.

Not listening to my body because my ego was so BIG. The mentality of f**k it just keep pushing, if I feel pain who cares just keep going. The reason you could be facing a nagging injury can be from you not recovering enough.

I like to use the term "recovery debt" it like a credit card if you keep spending and don't pay it off you accumulate debt. Now think of that as your body. If you keep training with out rest "paying your card off" you accumlate recovery debt.

Now it's going to take longer for your body to recover and feel 100% because all you want to do is lift at 100% everytime.

So what are the actual reasons to you taking a rest day?

✅️ It makes your stronger

Muscle is developed in its 'repair phase', when you're resting and refuelling

✅️ It helps you avoid injury

Working out when your body and mind are tired means you're more likely to have bad form, trip or stumble.

✅️ It helps you make progress

✅️ You can train even harder

Taking time off gives your body and mind time to reset, recharge and recover.

✅️ They help you build long term habits
Decreases the chances of a burn out

So the ball is in your court.

Do you want to hold yourself back? Or do you wants to see the progress you've been training for?

It's okay to take a day off and do nothing. Give your body and mind a break. Take the break and listen to your body.
Train smart for your athletic development 👏


Why you should avoid over training or get comfortable sitting on the sidelines.

Over training was the death of me, and guess what? I got comfortable sitting on the sidelines.

Do you enjoy playing? Then f**k take a rest day and take recover.

Here's is how you can figure out if you're overtrained.

What is overtraining?

◾️Overtraining happens when you do more training than your body has time to recover from. As a result, you might start to notice a decline in performance

What are the symptoms:

◾️Insomnia/disturbed sleep:
◾️General feeling of tiredness and lethargy:
◾️Decreased performance, despite increased training: 
◾️Rapid weight loss:
◾️Elevated heart rate and blood pressure, even when resting:
◾️General feelings of weakness or decreased strength
◾️You notice you have colds, sore throats and other minor ailments more often:

How do you prevent this?

Of course rest but proper programming that aligns you to have the right amount of rest and proper intensities especially if you're playing in a league.

Listen to your body and take rest days

You won't have all of these at once but be aware of them when you've noticed that all you've done all week is kick your own ass.

It's the quality of work over the quantity of work.

I only say mention all of this because I want you to perform at your best everytime you step into competition.


6 ways to build strength

Building strength is a multifaceted task. Here are some things to keep in mind.

◾️Warm up. 

When preparing to lift heavier weights, it’s important to warm up your body before performing. This can include lighter aerobic activity, lighter weight sets, and dynamic warm-up exercise like arms circles, leg kicks, and windmills.

◾️ Focus on form.

Keep good form when lifting to muscular failure. If you can no longer maintain good form, you’ve reached the failure point for that set.

◾️Prioritize progressive overload. 

Increase the volume of your repetitions to improve strength. This can be done by keeping the weight heavy, around >80% 1RM, and increasing the number of sets to 3–5.

◾️Try compound exercises.

 If you’re pressed for time, utilize compound exercises that involve multiple joints, such as the squat and bench press. They may offer more bang for your buck than single-joint isolation exercises like bicep curls or knee extensions.

◾️ Stay consistent.

Keep consistent with strength training by performing strength workouts three times per week. This can be total-body training, or if preferred, you can alternate between upper- and lower-body training.

◾️ Seek the help of others. 

Consider teaming up with a friend for motivation and to keep each other accountable. You can also seek out the guidance of a professional, like a personal trainer, to follow a tailored exercise program and advice


Did you know these 7 benefits to training plyometrics?

I preach a lot about plyometrics because it is my favorite thing to train. It's fun, I feel athletic, and I don't get bored.

Aside from those, the benefits are also good.

✅️Increased power output in the muscles

✅️Increased force in muscle contractions with less energy consumption

✅️Faster speed of muscle contractions or speed in general

✅️Improved ability to change directions quickly, which fitness professionals may refer to as agility or nimbleness

✅️Overall, you have better control when stopping and starting movements

✅️Increased jumping height

✅️Decreased risk of injury to the joints and muscles

For you to become more athletic, these benefits seem pretty damn good to take into consideration 🤔



Did you know mobility is important for performance?

First what is mobility?

Mobility is the ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion.

Mobility helps athletes move more efficiently allowing for ease of movement through an active range of motion.

How long do you work on it for?

3-4 targeted mobility exercises will be appropriate for a warmup, and can make an effective mobility session. Complete each flow 3-5 times through before moving on. Get creative on your flow patterns and have fun.

Better movement quality = less energy used on the court. You'll have increased performance and reduced injury risk.

Go train your mobility.


For a beginner, work on these step by step to achieve a higher jump without the use of weights.

There are steps to learning how to jump higher without developing pain right away. If your sport forces you to jump as high as you can, you have to start with these 5 progressions.

1️⃣Learn how to land. You must learn how to land before you can jump!

◾️Toe drops or snap downs.
◾️Pogos double leg first, then single leg.

2️⃣Box Jump.

◾️Start low and progress to a higher box later.

3️⃣Vertical Jump.

◾️Jump as high as you can in one spot. Works on jumping and landing.

4️⃣Depth Jumps.

◾️Working on now rebounding back up as fast as you can. Working on repeat contact.

5️⃣Depth Jump Variations.

◾️lastly, the most advanced doing single work. (ex: Single leg, Depth Jump to sprint, Depth jump to lateral bound) These are going to require more control and are a more advanced plyometric progression.

Put your ego aside and start from the basics to maximize your potential.


Did you know that if you want to be a better athlete, you need better lateral movements.

You should be working on this if you want to become a more well-rounded athlete. And there are 3 different ways to strengthen it.

➡️Lateral Strength – Athletes need to be strong laterally in order to support the body for the physical demands of high-speed change of direction.

➡️Lateral Power – Athletes need to be able to absorb and generate high levels of force to be explosive while changing direction.

➡️Lateral Speed – Athletes need not only foot speed and quickness but an opportunity to practice movement strategies such as shin angles, hip turns, and transitional movements like crossover steps.

Some examples you can do to work on these are.

Lateral strength
◾️Lateral goblet lunge
◾️Single arm Lateral Lunge

Lateral Power
◾️Lateral Skater Bounds
◾️Lateral Hurdle jumps

Lateral Speed
◾️5m Lateral line shuffle
◾️3 Cone Drill

So, if you want to become a better athlete, go work on all three systems of your lateral power and dominate.


Did you know you can work on these 5 powerful ways to become more athletic?

Sorry to say, but training like a bodybuilder isn't going to help you become a better athlete for your desired sport.

There is a time when, yes, you'll have to train like one for a specific amount of time, but training like a bodybuilder 365 isn't it if your goal is to be more athletic.

Incorporating all of these methods into certain blocks is what is going to help you become a better athlete.

✅️Explosive, high-speed exercises. Jumps, sprints, Olympic lifts.

✅️Heavy strength training.

✅️Moderate rep (5-12 rep) hypertrophy exercises.

✅️Isolation and high rep muscle-building exercises.


Focus on incorporating a balance of these 5 will help you become more athletic.

◾️Train to be explosive, fast, and agile.


Why aren't you seeing results with your vertical jump?

Not seeing results for your vertical jump can be a number of things, for example


◾️Weak Legs and Upperbody
◾️Not training hard enough to get adaptation
◾️Pain in your knees.

If you're new to working on your vert, just jumping will help you increase a few inches.

But if you're not new to jumping, a lack of strength can be your problem to your lack of progress.

Pain will also hinder your jumping ability!

So figure out what your weakness is and work on that.

You must work on:

1️⃣Power development (Work on plyo drills that develop power)

2️⃣Elasticity (Plyo drills that keep your springy meaning less ground contact time per jump)

3️⃣Become stronger (lowerbody strength)

4️⃣Become pain-free (mobility and strength)

Now go work on your weaknesses and see improvement to your vertical jump.

◾️Save for future reference
◾️Share to someone who needs this.
◾️If you need help, reach out about my Jump Pro Program


Should you do your speed & agility at the start or at the end of your workout?

✅️The best time to complete your speed agility is the start of your workout when your body is fresh and there is little to no fatigue, causing your form to break down.

❌️If performed at the end after your workout, there are more chances of injuries due to you being fatigued and the breakdown of your body.

Get a good dynamic warm-up in and go get fast and more explosive.

Save your static stretching for the end of your workout.

Stay fast and perform any speed and agility workout at the start.


Did you know you can use these 4 drills to help you develop a faster first step?

✅️Wall drill
✅️Half-Kneeling Sprint Start
✅️Plyometric Drills (Jumping)
✅️Building strength in your posterior chain

◾️Wall drills are a great way to develop a faster first step because they replicate all the mechanics of propelling the body forward.  The forward body lean, making sure the body stays in a straight line through the ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders is the exact way our body should be in the drive phase of the initial take-off.

◾️Half-Kneeling drill focuses on the positive shin angle from the very start, allowing our ankles, knees, and hips to track over each other in a straight line. 

◾️My favorite. If we are focused on generating power quickly, one way to do that is through unilateral/bilateral plyometric drills (jumping).  The athlete can break down the jumps into broad jumps, distance jumps, and vertical jumps or height jumps.

◾️Exercises that focus on the posterior chain are things like glute bridges, deadlifts, and reverse lunges. Reverse lunges specifically put our bodies in a natural sprinting position.  Squats develop overall leg strength and are crucial because the more absolute strength we can develop, the more force we can produce into the ground.

Work on incorporating these 4 into your program and dominate your sport!


Why are landing mechanics important?

There are two main reasons for focusing on how athletes land: 

✅️Injury prevention 
✅️Power production. 

Both are equally important for you as an athlete of all ages, levels, and positions.

All athletes expose themselves to lower body injuries ranging from ankle sprains to low back pain and probably the most feared by athletes, the ACL tear. 

With that being said, recurrent hard landings by an athlete will lead to premature wear and degeneration of the ankle, knee and hip joints. 

These frequent jolts of the lower extremity transfer force up the kinetic chain at a rate that is 10-15 times that which the body normally experiences during activity. 

Teaching the athlete to land softly, and slowly decelerating the weight of their body will significantly lower the impact forces, decrease the risk of injury and extend the life of joints.

✅️Power Production

landing mechanics are extremely important for power production during sports. 

If an athlete doesn’t land and decelerate themselves after jumping with their weight distributed over their entire foot and their glutes firing, they will be in a poor position to reinitiate explosive jumping or sprinting movements.

You must learn to not only initiate the first jumping movement in an advantageous position but also land in the correct position to initiate the next movement.

My reels on how to work on landing will help you develop better mechanics for you to be able to play the sport you love longer.


why have you hit a plateu with your athleticism?

The main thing that goes wrong with athletes is because the majority of the time, they focus on one portion of their lift (Concentric), meaning how much they can lift.

◾️Your lift consists of 3 motions. (ECCENTRIC, ISOMETRIC, CONCENTRIC)

You, as an athlete, will start to feel a lack of improvement because you're not training your eccentrics and Isometrics to improve your athleticism.

When it comes to being a better athlete, you have to work on developing by isolating all 3 portions of your lift so your nervous system can fire in all cylinders for maximum performance.

How can you do that?

✅️Weeks 1-2 Eccentric focus Tempo 6-0-0-0
✅️Weeks 3-4 Isometric focus Tempo 0-3-0-0

✅️Weeks 5-6 Concentric focus. 0-0-0-0
(Meaning everything is fast and reactive)

Use that block and break your plateu!

DM me if you have questions


How many rest days should you take to see improvement?

Workouts look different for everyone. They’re based on your abilities, goals, and the time you have to devote to them.

The amount you should rest depends on how strenuous your sessions are as well as how often you exercise.

It can be strange to think that resting is your ticket to getting faster and stronger — and reaching your fitness goals. But, it’s true.

✅️rest might look like a gentle 15- to 20-minute walk or an easy bike ride around the neighborhood. It can also be mobility work such as foam rolling or dynamic stretches or a yoga class.

✅️take one rest day mid-week and the other on the weekend, or in between bigger workouts.

✅️Once you’ve given your body the rest it needs, you can get back out there.


Being a student-athlete is a full-time job. It’s not always easy to balance school assignments, practices, games, travel, training, and the list goes on and on.

The bro split approach to training can demand up to 5-6 days in the gym. And when life happens, it can throw off your training schedule.

Miss the gym due to illness or travel schedule for games? Now you are out of sync with your training and frustrated you missed “arm day.”

Taking a full-body approach to strength training can offer student athletes many benefits. This training style can be flexible and time-saving.

Chances are, when you are conditioning, practicing, and playing your sport, the entire body is involved. So why not train the body in a manner that complements what you do on the court, the field, or in the ring?

A setup to your full-body approach could look like this ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

• Warm-up: bike or movement specific warm-up.

• Lower body movement:

• Push movement:

• Pull movement:

• Core movement:

The benefits of working full body are:

• Less strength training sessions during the week. This allows more time for

• practices, games, and school-related work. And if you miss a session, there is no scrambling to rework the entire routine.

• Utilize rest days between to focus on conditioning workouts, skill work, balance, or general soft tissue recovery work.

• Our bodies are designed to move and work as a whole. This style of training can help with overall coordination and neuromuscular control.

• Greater recovery time.

• Boost in strength. With a full-body approach, you are hitting the muscles three times a week with recovery in between. With a split body approach, you may only be working for a muscle group once or twice a week. Your session volume may seem low, but collectively over the week, the overall volume of work on the muscle is high, thus forcing the tissue to adapt.

Incorporate full-body to maximize your results.


Keep these 3 in mind when you're looking to improve your athleticism

1️⃣Vary your workouts

◾️Improving athletic performance isn’t about sculpting your body or dropping weight for the sake of it. It’s about improving your muscle strength, response time, and mental prowess on the field.

◾️Full body workout specific to your sport!

2️⃣Train your brain 🧠

◾️Sports and athletic endeavors aren’t just about well your muscles perform. Most sports rely heavily on your mental abilities as well.

For example, football, soccer, and hockey players have to make thousands of split-second decisions, and any one of them can drastically impact the outcome of the game.

◾️You can use an app called Switched On

3️⃣Dedicate enough time for recovery.

You might think it's all about how much work you put in, but recovery is just as important.

◾️Your muscles need time to heal. Every time you exercise, your muscle tissue is experiencing tiny little tears. It’s a crucial part of getting stronger and bulking up

◾️Focus on a good recovery day stretching routine.

Being able to move quickly in all directions is a way you can improve your athleticism. Mobility includes anything from being able to move in higher or lower elevations to moving forward and backward.

Athletes never know what they may come across during a competition or meet. Preparing your body for every possible circumstance can help you get ready for anything.


4 benefits why plyometric exercises help you improve your overall athleticism.

Plyometrics is something I love to work on, I enjoy jumping a lot. Growing up, I've always tried jumping over the highest things. I just found it amusing to see something of great height and to be able to jump on top of it or over it.

But I never realized how much it transferred over to my overall athleticism in every sport I played

◾️Plyometric exercises are a great way to build explosive power and strength.

◾️Plyometric exercises help you improve your ability to recover from fatigue during intense workouts and games.

◾️Plyometric exercises help you improve your vertical leap, a key component of many sports.

◾️The stronger you are, the safer you'll be when it comes to injury prevention.

If you're already training with plyometrics involved in your program, that's awesome 👌

If not, why are you holding back from improving your athleticism?

Plyometric exercises can help you improve your overall athleticism, making you better at all other sports.


As a beginner, it's hard to find a drill that will help you progress but not be overly hard for you to complete.

Most of the time, you find drills that are hard, and it pushes you away from wanting to even do sprints in the first place.

So what exercise can you do as a beginner?

You can perform the drill called STRIDES.

Strides are essentially short accelerations – a short burst of speed where you gradually accelerate as you go.

A stride is a running effort at speed over short distances of between 50m and 100m.

It is not a full-out sprint –more a gradual increase in speed with a focus on maintaining good running form.

Strides should not be performed at maximum efforts.

✅️You want to aim for around 80-90% of your maximum speed.

✅️Gradually picking up speed from the start to finish.

Now, what are the benefits?

✅️They are a safe way of introducing a little speedwork into your training routine with the added advantage of not putting the same stress on your body as a full sprint with a possible burnout.

✅️Will get your body prepared for when you're ready to perform more advanced exercises.

Give this a try and let me know how it goes!


Why you should avoid over training or get comfortable sitting on the sidelines.

Over training was the death of me and guess what I got comfortable sitting on the sidelines.

Do you enjoy playing? Then f**k take a rest day and take recover.

Here's is how you can figure out if you're overtrained.

What is overtraining?

◾️Overtraining happens when you do more training than your body has time to recover from. As a result, you might start to notice a decline in performance

What are the symptoms:

◾️Insomnia/disturbed sleep:
◾️General feeling of tiredness and lethargy:
◾️Decreased performance, despite increased training: 
◾️Rapid weight loss:
◾️Elevated heart rate and blood pressure, even when resting:
◾️General feelings of weakness or decreased strength
◾️You notice you have colds, sore throats and other minor ailments more often:

How do you prevent this?

Of course rest but proper programming that aligns you to have the right amount of rest and proper intensities especially if you're playing in a league.

Listen to your body and take rest days

You won't have all of these at once but be aware of them when you've noticed that all you've done all week is kick your own ass.

It's the quality of work over the quantity of work.

I only say mention all of this because I want you to perform at your best everytime you step into competition.


Why is improving your speed for volleyball important?

Let's go over why you need speed.

Speed is of major importance to volleyball and can determine whether or not you are a great defender.

Chasing down a line shot or cut shot requires a quick and explovesive first step followed by either a crossover step or another fast running step.

it’s important to build strength in your lower body since the more strength you have there, the more explosive you can be.

When accelerating, you want to run on the balls of your feet, lifting your knees high and driving your arms back powerfully as they swing. 

Don't be sorry for staying slow on the court.


Congratulations to this killer 👏


Why do preach landing progressions for plyometrics?

In order to be successful with jumping, you must master the basic first.

Imagine you have a car that goes up to 100 mph but has breaks that can handle up to 60mph. I use this concept in the same way for plyometrics.

When you're able to produce a higher vertical jump, you need stronger breaks, meaning your body can tolerate the landing position coming down from a higher height.

The majority of injuries will come from the ground with plyometrics. So if you can prevent that by working on your landing mechanics, do it.

✅️A vertical jump starts from the ground, so I build the athlete from the ground up before teaching how to jump.

✅️Make sure your body can tolerate a landing position.

✅️Makes sure your body has the right mechanics for landing.

✅️Build really good breaks (Your muscles)

✅️Teaching your body how to absorb shock.

Now, go work on your landing even if you're an "advanced" athlete. The basics are a must

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