Dr. Jayelle Haavaldsen, ND

Dr. Jayelle Haavaldsen is a licensed naturopathic doctor practicing in Hinton and Jasper, Alberta. She is on maternity leave until Spring 2024.


I can’t believe it has been 8 weeks of life with my little one! Time is flying by and I realized I am due for an update.

Here is some news on my return to practice:

✨ I will be available starting the week of March 18th for a limited number of telemedicine appointments only.

✨ I will be available in person at Shan Wellness starting in April. My hours will be limited to start and will gradually increase with time.

✨My locum, Dr. Anna Garber will continue to be available to support you up until my return. She has got you covered!

You all know how much I value honesty and vulnerability so I want to share with you: I am really excited to see my patients but admittedly, returning to work sounds scary. Babies become your whole world and opening up to share your energy with anything else is nerve wracking. I feel deeply in myself that I need to honour that and so my return will be slow and gradual. Me and my little family appreciate your patience 🙏❤️


✨Happy New Year✨

I know I say it a lot but thank you to my patients for trusting me and allowing me to be part of your journey. I’ve learned so much from you this past year and it’s been such an honour. I hope 2024 brings us all more self love, deeper healing, and authentic joy.

2023 was a big year of transition for me and I don’t anticipate 2024 will be any different…

On that note, meet Vanessa Grace Haavaldsen. She was born on December 20th. To say we are in love with her doesn’t even feel adequate. 🥰

So grateful to the wonderful healthcare practitioners in Hinton and my doula Jenna who helped make her birth an incredible event I’ll never forget. Very grateful to have access to care like this in this small town. 🏔️

Happy New Year from my new little family to yours ❤️


Just a sweet gentle reminder….

The dark season is here.

While I think it’s a very good idea to keep up the practices that serve your physical and mental health throughout this time.

It’s also okay to slow down. To turn inwards. To sleep a little more. To rest a little deeper.

Everything in nature does at this time of year. You are a natural being. You are not a machine. Tune into the ebbs and flows of nature. Trust in the cycle.


Photos from Dr. Jayelle Haavaldsen, ND's post 11/01/2023

Happy November! ❄️

There are 4 more weeks to book in with me in Hinton before I take a few months off for maternity leave.

I am also making one more trip to on Nov 18th, and there is still a spot available in the afternoon that day.

If is also time to introduce to you my locum, Dr. Anna Garber ND! Dr. Garber will be available virtually to take of my patients while I am away. She is a a wonderful ND and she will be able to give you top notch care so you don’t have to lose any steam in your health journey. You’ll be able to book in with her through my booking platform.

Looking forward for seeing your faces this month and as always - reach out if you have questions!

Dr. J 💕🙏


What is it like to work with me?!

There is alot of diversity in my profession, so here are some little tidbits about what you could expect from me as your ND:

✨First and foremost, I look nothing like this picture currently😂🤰

✨I am fairly minimalist with supplements. I rarely prescribe more than 2-3 supplements at a time. Taking a ton of things at once can easily become a mental and financial burden, and it typically isn’t necessary. I also take an evidence based approach to prescribing supplements -I don’t think it is fair to patients to just have the kitchen sink thrown at them.

✨I rarely recommend restrictive dietary changes. There is certainly a time and a place for elimination, but in my experience the “here is a list of 10 foods to stop eating” makes people feel better for a month but then they throw in the towel, and haven’t made any meaningful lasting changes, nor do they have a better understanding of their own nutrition. I’d rather teach you how to nourish your body.

✨I am not afraid of your tears or your big emotions. My favourite part about being an ND is that we get to honour that your health is an intertwinement of your physical, mental, and emotional being. Crying during your appointment does not make me uncomfortable, at all.

What else do you want to know?!


Photos from Dr. Jayelle Haavaldsen, ND's post 10/10/2023

Don’t underestimate the importance of the practitioner-patient relationship.

I know that many people don’t feel validated in their healthcare concerns, and it is common to turn to the internet (i.e. TikTok..) looking for solutions. But I think this still leaves most people feeling lost in a sea of info that they aren’t sure if it is for them or not.

I’ve actually found myself hesitant to share much health info online because quite frankly I think people have so much stuff thrown in their face already and why should you trust me over some other person on here? I feel like I’d just be adding to the confusion. My patients ask me ALLL THE TIME if they should do “this thing they saw on the internet” and I LOVE these conversations.
Having someone qualified who knows you be able to be like “Nope, you don’t need to do that” or “sure, that is actually a great idea for you” is so valuable.


If you’re wondering if supplements could be helpful for you, lets talk.
If you’re wondering if dietary changes could be helpful for you, lets talk.
If you’re wondering if herbs could be helpful for you, lets talk.
But lets take your history first.
Let’s get to know you.
And then we can prioritize the stuff that matters. 

I am accepting new patients and will be until my mat leave this winter. Link to book is in my profile.


Have you ever thought about bike commuting?

I’ve daydreamed before about how the health of people (mental and physical) and our planet might be different if even a fraction of the people that could bike more, did.

I won’t pretend that until you are doing it, it sounds like alot of work and it’s easy to find alot of “reasons” why it wouldn’t work for you. But if you’re willing to move through that discomfort and step into a new routine, you might be very pleasantly surprised.

Hear me out - it is SUCH a nice way to start and end your day work day. Light breeze on your face, a little movement and whatever happened in the day melts away. Biking makes you feel like a kid again.

If you’re someone who feels like they want a little more movement and pleasure in their life, it might be worth a try.

I’ve daydreamed before about how the health of people (mental and physical) and our planet might be different if even half the people that could bike more, did.

Do you ever bike commute? Would you try it? What stops you? 👇🚴‍♀️💨


Recently got back from some much needed fun in the sun i.e. Kelowna which also happens to be where my journey to becoming and ND began!

Did you know to become an ND you need 7-8 years of post secondary? I needed to complete a bachelors degree before I could apply to study to become a naturopathic doctor. 📚

For me, that looked like a BSc with a major in medical biochemistry which I completed in Kelowna. I was actually originally going to start school to become an RN (nurse!), but a few months before I was supposed to start I learned what an ND was and immediately asked to transfer to a science degree instead, because I knew that was the path for me. I was 20 years old, and spontaneously decided I was going to move from Alberta to Okanagan (the closest thing I could find in Canada to fulfilling my teenage dreams of being a Cali surf girl 🌊☀️) to pursue my dreams.

Anyways, all that to say is that when you work with me, I bring science and research to your natural healthcare in a big way. I rely heavily on my science background and critical thinking skills to make high quality treatment plans.

Work with me if you want natural and/or lifestyle based healthcare a from educated, regulated healthcare professional, rather than TikTok. You might be surprised at the difference 🤓


For those of you don’t know, my husband and I will be welcoming a new member to our family this winter. 🤰

More specific details will be sent to my patients closer to. However I wanted to give an early heads up, because I will be some taking some time off starting December. This is typically my busiest month with an influx of new patients, as people are keen to try and use up their benefits. All this to say, if you are hoping to come in to see me, I recommend you don’t put it off until the winter to avoid disappointment!

I also wanted to put out a little content warning here. I hope to share more info on here about pregnancy and parenting as I embark on this journey. I know some of you who have joined along with me while on a fertility journey, and this content might not what you’re looking for right now. If you need to step away from my page, I get it ❤️

Don’t be shy to hit me up with any questions you might have! ✌️


I am super excited to announce I am finally set up to offer B-vitamin injections at my clinic space in Hinton!

This treatment can be a great adjunct to a treatment plan where B-vitamins are appropriate (this includes a range of conditions from PMS to fatigue to digestive issues).

Please note this is only available to those who are patients! If you’re looking to book an initial visit, that can be booked online through my booking page. If you are a patient and want more info, reach out!


I love puzzles.

Crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, Sudoku…your strange unanswered health concerns.

I spent the morning looking through patients bloodwork, cross-referencing their history, digging deep, putting together the clues and making plans. I often get that little buzz of “I love what I do” when I am doing this.

Working with me is not just about having “natural” treatment options. It’s also about having someone look deeper, and say hey, I’m committed to helping you figure this out. You and Google don’t need to do it yourselves. 😏

Book an alignment call if you want to chat and figure out if I’m the right detective for you! 🕵️‍♀️ 🧐🤓



Hi! 👋

Its been a couple months since I’ve been active here. Some things in my personal life called me to turn inwards, which meant a little break from social media (more on that and some practice updates will be coming soon!)

So, its time for a re-introduction and to say hello to the new faces!

I am a naturopathic doctor practicing in Hinton and Jasper AB. I’ve only been here for 6 months - prior to that I was living in Edmonton, but my husband and I were tired of driving every weekend to the mountains so we decided to move ourselves out here instead.

This time of year, I live for gardening. I’m a huge foodie, and love every part of the process from growing, to cooking and of course, the eating. I think sometimes people fear seeing a naturopathic doctor as they think they’ll be told to eliminate a bunch of foods. There is a time and place for elimination, but most of the time I am actually hoping to nourish and deepen your relationship with your food. I am a firm believer that food can both support your health and bring you pleasure and joy.

This year in my garden, my peas are crushing it and for the first time ever, I have successfully grown cilantro (yes, I am 100000% on team cilantro). My cucumbers failed horribly. How is your garden going?

If you have questions about my practice, check out my website or shoot me a message!



I think calcium supplements are often misunderstood.

It is is often seen as a “menopausal” nutrient - women think once they are menopausal they need to start taking it. There *might* be a little bit of benefit in terms of reducing osteoporosis related fractures in this population (but there also *might* be a small amount of risk in taking it!).

Want to know where there is much better research for the use of calcium supplements? Menstruating women with PMS.

Your hormones and your calcium metabolism are closely linked, and calcium deficiencies can cause/worsen PMS symptoms.

This has shown to especially be the case for emotional and mood PMS symptoms of PMS but also physical symptoms such as bloating.

Addressing calcium deficiencies (whether through diet or supplements) is often one my first orders of business when people come in for support with PMS.

Just your friendly reminder this is general education and not medical advice! Talk to your healthcare provider about supplements, especially if you have underlying conditions or are taking medications.



First and foremost I should say there is relatively very little good research on this topic, considering the significant amount of the population who deals with PMS. The general we trend we see is that a “healthier diet” is associated with less PMS - here are a few of the specific points for what that means:

✨Fruits and vegetables - Higher levels of fruit and vegetable intake are associated with less PMS symptoms. We are talking at least 4-5 servings of veg/day and at least 3 servings of fruit/day. 🥦🍓🍆

✨Carbohydrates are important and adequate carb intake, especially in luteal phase is thought to be associated with less mood symptoms. However, higher sugar intake is associated with worse PMS and cramping. This means focusing on carbs from complex carbs (think whole grains, whole/steel cut oats, vegetables such as carrots and squash, brown/wild rice, etc) rather than refined carbs (sugar, white flour based foods, etc) may help reduce PMS symptoms. 🌾

✨Alcohol - Did you know your sensitivity to alcohol changes throughout the menstrual cycle? Alcohol consumed in the luteal phase has been associated with worse mood symptoms compared to alcohol consumed in the follicular phase. Reducing alcohol, especially in the luteal phase, may help reduce PMS. 🍷

I’m really just scratching the surface here and will get into some other nutrition related points later this week.


Premesntrual syndrome (PMS) is a cluster of symptoms that occur specifically in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. There is a wide range of symptoms including mood changes, irritability, bloating, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, and so much more.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of PMS where the mood symptoms are very intense, to the point where some even experience suicidal thoughts.

The best way to know if someone has PMS/PMDD is tracking over a period of time. There is no lab test that can be used to assess for PMS. There are tests that can be done to look at things that could be worsening PMS though.

I usually give patients specific tracking sheet to fill out throughout the month as a way to objectively track symptoms and progress.

Want to know what is crazy? We don’t actually know exactly why PMS happens and why some experience it and others don’t. At the forefront of the current theories is hormone sensitivity - it isn’t that you have too much of certain hormones, but your degree of sensitivity to the hormones is causing the symptoms. There are also nutrient deficiencies and environmental factors that influence PMS (possibly by affecting your sensitivity!), which we’ll talk about this week.


Okay great, you’ve started tracking your cycle - what information do we want to look at?

These are the things I ask about:

✨Average cycle length. The average cycle length is 28 days, and it is normal to have a couple days variability on either side of that.

✨Cycle variability - This tells us how much variation there is between cycles. (i.e. a cycle that is consistently 28 days has low variability. A cycle that jumps from 28 days to 40 days has high variability). Typically your cycle shouldn’t vary more a than a couple days. (ONE irregular cycle doesn’t make a trend - it’s important that you’re looking at least a few months data here).

✨Length and flow of your period. Typically periods last around 5 days, but again, there is normal variation on either ends of that.

✨Spotting before your period or throughout your cycle.

✨Symptoms throughout your cycle.

Irregularities in these parameters can be indicators of issues with ovulation and/or hormone production. Often the cause has a lifestyle component (high stress, erratic sleep, etc) or sometimes they are signs of perimenopause or conditions such as PCOS.

My biggest recommendation is working with a healthcare professional (🙋‍♀️)who focuses on menstrual health and can help you interpret the data you gather from your own cycle tracking and make appropriate recommendations for you.

Alright, I am taking a little break from SM for the weekend but next week we’re going to deep dive PMS. What do you want to know about PMS!?


Why is tracking your cycle important?

✨It gives you specific data about how long your cycle is, and if your cycle is regular. This is super important to know if a cycle is healthy/normal or not! “Guesstimates” like “I get my period around of the 15th of every month” aren’t specific enough.

✨It helps differentiate between what is actually PMS/PMDD and what is something else that is just exacerbated by the hormonal changes that occur around your period.

✨It helps identify if/when ovulation is occurring. Mid cycle changes are important to note. Ideally, you are telling the app when you are ovulating and the app isn’t telling you. Ovulation is the most important part of the cycle.

✨Honestly, because our recall ability of our symptoms isn’t good. We like to believe we’ll remember we were bloated and had a headache but we don’t. Tracking helps.

There are many apps out for tracking your cycle - I typically recommend Clue because:
1) it makes it very easy to see the information that is most important. I find alot of apps present alot of fluffy, irrelevant information but you can’t even find our how long your average cycle is.
2) A small study awhile ago showed that out off several free apps for cycle tracking, Clue was the most scientifically accurate. A lot of the popular apps out there scored very low…😳

Do you have questions about cycle tracking?! 👇

Photos from Dr. Jayelle Haavaldsen, ND's post 04/12/2023

As *per request* I am putting together some hormone related content for you!

Before we talk about hormone health, I want to make sure you know some basic language used to talk about the menstrual cycle.

One of the most important parts of improving hormonal health is a basic awareness of the parts of the cycle. Tracking your cycle and your symptoms is also extremely important for a proper assessment of your hormonal health.

Have a read through and let me know if you have questions!


Spending the day painting my office!

The walls were green when I moved in and basically everything I own is green so…it’s been a lot of green 😳

Looking forward to making this a comfortable space for my patients 😊


Hey! Did you know I offer 15 minute virtual appointments so we can meet and find out if we’re a good fit?

Maybe you are nervous about investing in yourself or your health.

Maybe you have benefits for a naturopath and you’ve wondered if it could help you.

Perhaps you’re not sure what I do as a naturopathic doctor and you’d like to know more.

Or maybe you just want a vibe check to see if I’m the kind of person you want to work with.

Whatever the reason, I got you! Let’s have a chat. Link to book is in my bio.

*I have limited availability for meet and greets. Can’t find a spot that works for you? Reach out!*

I see patients in person in Hinton and Jasper and virtually for anyone elsewhere in AB.

Can’t wait to meet ya!


It is such an honour and a privilege to work with so many women.


I’ve learned so much from you.

I have developed such an appreciation for you.

I carry sadness and anger with you.

I am proud to be one of you.

Thank you to every woman who has every allowed me to share in their journey, and thank you to all the incredibly inspiring women in my life.

Here is to all women knowing their worth, finding their voice, breaking through barriers, embracing their softness and healing their hearts and souls. ❤️


It’s been 4.5 years since I had an alcoholic drink.

I had medical and personal reasons to make that decision, but ultimately I was just tired of how it made me feel. Sometimes it was good and fun but other times it was headaches and sleepy. I never knew what I was going to get so I decided to take the uncertainty out of the equation.

Does regular drinking come with a slew of impacts on your health? Yes, but my goal of this post isn’t to convince you to drink less (however, I do recommend everyone check out Canada’s new guidelines about alcohol!).

I just want you to see another woman living a fulfilled life without alcohol so you know it is a thing.

I’ve had alot of conversations with patients lately who have expressed a desire to cut back on their drinking, but struggle to conceptualize how their life might look without it. They aren’t sure how to cut it out when they have so many events in their life that alcohol is integrated into.

I’m going to tell you…

You can still dance your ass off at a wedding. You can still celebrate when you reach the top of the mountain. You can still giggle with your girlfriends. People give you plants instead of wine as presents. You save boatloads of money. I will warn you that many people will inappropriately ask you if you’re pregnant though🙄

You, not booze, dictates how fun you are. I promise.

Don’t be afraid to walk your own path.


You asked so I’m obviously delivering 💁‍♀️

Next Wednesday (March 8th) at Zamas I’m going to talk all things (Peri) menopause. Although menopause often doesn’t come until later, little signs of symptoms of perimenopause often show up around 40, and people feel blindsided! So even if you’re not there yet, I highly recommend you come learn about the changes that happen in your body and what options there are for managing that transition.

You can sign up through Zamas (call, email or in store) or through my sign up through link in my bio.


It was my birthday yesterday and a good friend asked me what I was looking to embody going into this year.

I said courage. I was going to say fearless but I know that I’m going to feel fear. I want the courage to move through the fear and do the thing anyways. I’ve learned that on the other side of something scary is usually something amazing.

Courage to do what?

To be myself. To let my light shine. To do it in spite of other peoples judgements and opinions. To try new things. To push myself athletically. To make mistakes. To ask for help. To live on my own terms and speak my truth. To live this life whole heartedly. To just…send it.

So, here goes.

Anyone with me?


Photos from Dr. Jayelle Haavaldsen, ND's post 02/06/2023

Lately I’ve been working with a lot of women who shared that they want to feel great so they could lead the active lifestyle they love - running, mountain biking, climbing mountains, weight training, skiing, etc. Can I just say that I am LOVING it. And I relate. I wanna feel good to do those things too (well, except running. I don’t want to run. 😂 Not for me thanks. Thinking about changing that this year though).

If you are an active person, dialling in your nutrition can help you perform better, recover faster and can also affect your hormones, mood, energy and much more. We’ve got a lot more data than ever before on how to support female athletes.

If you want support with this aspect of your life, you can see me at Shan Wellness in Hinton, in Jasper, and virtually anywhere in AB. I’m also planning to do some community talks on this topic so keep your eyes peeled 👀


Happy New Year!

I'll be starting of the year with a free talk at Zama's Health Food Store in Hinton.

This is the time of year when people often feel inclined to take some sort of action, but don't always have clear direction. In a time when different diets and health fads are coming at us in all directions, it is easy to feel confused.

The goal of this talk is honestly to help you cut through the noise. We're going to get really clear on where to actually put your energy. We're also going to have some real honest conversations about the struggles of making changes, and how to overcome them.

If feeling vibrant and well is your goal this year, come join me for this talk. We'll laugh a little, learn a little and hopefully you'll walk away feeling good.

Space is limited. To sign up, call Zama's (number is on the poster) or sign up using this link:




It’s been a long time since we have had naturopathic service offered in town, but that wait is over!!!

Dr Jayelle Haavaldsen ND Natruropathic Doctor will start visiting Jasper Wellness once per month beginning January 14th!

Book and inquire directly with Jayelle through her booking link here: https://drjayellend.janeapp.com/


Photos from Dr. Jayelle Haavaldsen, ND's post 11/17/2022

☀️ Seasonal mood changes ❄️

I’ve been spending alot of time in practice having the seasonal affective disorder prevention conversation. We talk about vitamin D (test, don’t guess!), leveraging the light, habit maintenance and natural therapies that can be effective for mood support.

I always like to balance this conversation with a bit of perspective.

Remember: you are a natural being. 🌍 You are not a machine. 🤖 Everything in nature slows down in the winter. You don’t need to feel bad that you feel more inclined to turn inwards and slow down a bit.

Hot tip: a trip to the desert with rad women also really helps, at least while you’re there. 😂 I will be mentally transporting myself back to this place over and over this winter.


Big news!

As of January 2023, I will be officially moving to Hinton AB. I will be practicing out of Shan Wellness in Hinton and you’ll also be able to catch me a couple times a month in Jasper.

When I close my eyes and imagine the version of myself where I am happiest, where my soul feels alive - there is ALWAYS mountains in the background. I need to honour that.

While I am extremely excited for this new chapter, it is of course heartbreaking to be leaving my Edmonton practice at . For those who want to stick around with me, I will continue to work with Edmonton based patients through telemedicine. If you’re a current Edmonton patient, stay tuned for info coming your way soon!

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I did something exciting!My friend, colleague and mentor @drleighasaundersnd so graciously had me on her podcast to talk...




117B Athabasca Avenue
Edmonton, AB

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 3:30pm
Friday 10am - 2pm

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