Natural Healing & Organic Lifestyle

Welcome to Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle.

A fusion of healing Products, Private Shamanic Healing Sessions and Ceremonies that brings healing & transformation to our life experiences; created by Carolina's Heart to help us awake the Divine Within.


Tonight is The Full Harvest Moon. It is called the Harvest Moon because in September crops that were seeded in Spring are now ready to be harvested. It is the final harvest of the year so crops, fruit and grain would be stored to last through the winter months. The Harvest Moon is very bright, probably the biggest and brightest Moon of the year.

This is a time of transformation, the earth is going through a major shift at the moment as it heads into Autumn. We are also going through a major change in our lives as the earths energies project themselves onto us. We can use this energy of transformation to become and be what we feel we need to be in order to move on and be happy. Pisces will make us feel a little braver and stronger, we may find that we have the courage to do things we were afraid to do in the past. Open yourself up tonight to the magical forces all around you. Don’t be limited by the five senses or the ‘how's’ and ‘when's.’ Instead, believe in yourself and live from a place of magic and miracles.

The Harvest Moon is a time to reap what we have sown and cultivated this last year. Our own personal harvest is the culmination of our efforts to manifest a deeper and fuller life for ourselves. Name what you have harvested over the past year and bless it and yourself for the good work you have done.

This Full Moon let your emotions flow, get rid of past hurts, cry, scream or shout if you need to but let it out, allow yourself to heal. Let the waters of Pisces cleanse you. After tonight's emotional Full Moon when you wake to an Autumn Sun you will feel like a new person, full of vigor and energy.
Serenity wavingwolf

Have a blessed Full Moon, may the Goddess watch over you.


“Any energy that you deny becomes a demon for you. It becomes your inner tormenter. And you don't get rid of your demons. You embrace them. Not indulge them, but embrace them. And if you embrace them in a way I am talking about, they no longer feel like demons. They are just energies that are available to you. They are just part of this whole spectrum of what it is to be conscious and alive and present. And everything becomes joined together back again. A mature emotional life is when all the different parts of yourself emotionally are joined back together. Nothing is put outside, nothing is denied, nothing is hidden. Nothing is unacknowledged. All brought together so that it can all come together.”


(Energy cleansing of the Chakras; Energy reading - past/present/future; self - empowerment & Liberation - past wounds; Healing Activation - mental, physical, emotional support), Heart connection.

🔥Shamanic healing sessions online or in person.
🔥Shamanic healing massage therapy with ancient oil
🔥Spinal flow kundalini Activation
🔥Grandmother Aya Jungle Night Retreat Ceremony
🔥Sacred ceremonies of the heart
🔥 Intuitive Card Reading
🌿Healing products

Come for a visit or book your session 🌿

Bookings & Informations

Attending sessions Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays from 11am to 7pm at Clairitea 8118 gateway Blvd.


Jaguar Heart Woman 🔥
Intuitive Healer Shaman life coach spiritual guide and Alchemist


Listen to your gut feelings, encourage lunar Pisces, and do things that engage your imagination. Today, get comfortable with touch; get a psychic reading; clear clutter; paint; feel better; eat what makes you happy; take the High Road; play with pets; enjoy music; get a body massage; whatever you want! But never leave yourself alone again!!

Private Shamanic Healing Sessions & Ceremonies


Grateful for my life and for all the support I received to become the woman I am today! Thank you Universe! 🙏🏼🐾🦋❤️‍🔥🌿


All the time…😍 Thank you Universe! 😅🙌🏼


I am here to remind your soul of the sacredness of the world.

I am the medicine woman of sacred ceremonies. I bring ancestral alliance to your soul. Feel my benevolent presence by your side and celebrate with me the rituals and prayers that keep the world sacred. I am she who brings you blessings of the spirit that connects all things. My heart beats in time with grandmother Jungle heart; join me and remember that life is a gift to be celebrated, whatever has been sent to you to experience: births or deaths. My promise is to protect the sacred and secret nature of life, so enchanted harmony may manifest.

The time has come to gracefully honour the sacredness of all things specially who we truly are.

Release the old to make space for the new.
We are invincible. We have forgotten that life is a permanent miracle, beginning with the miracle of our body.

Choose gratitude, choose to grow, choose to heal yourself, choose to embrace the sacredness of who you are.

We are never alone.

Embark on this amazing and powerful journey of awakening with grandmother jungle and myself.

It’s an honour to share the blessings and magick of unseen realms with those that are answering grandmother calling.

Informations and reservations for the next ceremony - October 26.

Bright blessings

Jaguar Heart Woman
Intuitive Healer Shaman life coach spiritual guide and Alchemist


Vintage in the Boho
Bonnie Doon shopping mall!!
All day today!!!
Come join us!!! Beautiful and authentic things!!!

Natural Healing & Organic Lifestyle is happy to be part of this amazing creation!!! 🌿🔮🐾


The Healing power of Touch 🔥

Shamanic healing massage with Ancient healing oil 🌿

It comes from the heart, an energy that flows through the body into the hands so that the hands become the heart.
It comes from the breath, aligning your resonance.
It creates healing presence, bringing you into yourself, into stillness, into quiet.
There is an intention in this touch, love, compassion, healing, activation & appreciation.
We become less of a body, more of an energy.
Waves that are expressed on the connection of the present moment.
The place where healing and self connection merge, become more, release of earthly limitations into the mystery.
Within the body there is deep wisdom, a field of possibilities.
Our bodies are a portal, touch, deep touch in this way takes us into an expanded state of consciousness, taking us into this field.

Touch becomes a healing meditation.

Trough my Shamanic healing massage sessions I combined my healing energy with the natural healing power of Mother Nature. I created a powerful Ancient Healing Oil with more then 13 types of Ancient Wild Chinese Herbs with incredibly healing benefits. Since then, I have been constantly helping to improve the wellbeing of my clients both physically and spiritually through my energy and psychic abilities. Trough Shamanic massage sessions, I help my clients to be more connected with their body and spirit. My guidance and touch helps to open up the heart and receive self-love. My sacred blended Oil release the body pain and inflammations, calm the mind increasing the energy healing, life force energy activation. These high frequency energies are absorbed within the body and create an environment for optimum health activating the DNA oreplacing old cells restoring the nerve system of the body. The combination of Shamanic Bodywork is an ancient technique used for aligning the body with the mind and spirit.

There is many more benefits

Bookings & Informations

My energy is in service to others. Will be awesome to connect and work with you and your energy healing life force activation.

Much love & healing

Jaguar Heart Woman 🌹
Intuitive Healer Shaman life coach spiritual guide and Alchemist



The vomits that are produced in a shot of Ayahuasca medicine are the result of expelling and releasing the impediments that make it difficult for the expression of freedom of our being, here are held emotions, blocks, characters...

Do not vomit at any time but just when understanding arises, it vomits as it occurs the act of releasing the acquired conditions of the past; it is something charged with a deeply healing symbolic force, however the healing is produced by the taking of consciousness, not by the vomit that it may or may not happen.

It is a liberating vomit that does not cause discomfort as when one is drunk or sick, but produces relief and leaves a deep peace, generates a sweep of toxins as a result of a scan that the ayahuasca performs all over the body and are expelled from the body forcefully, because ayahuasca is potentially healing and purifying on a physical level and cleanses the blood.

Attachments vomit, the physical consequences of our emotions accumulated in our body, anger contained, guilt questioned... they are energetic vomits sometimes that when they occur they open the entire chakras channel that hatch in the third eye with the increase of vision and the opening of the heart.

Also clean the walls of the intestines because the purge is also produced "by the south", that is defecating (gives you time to go to the bathroom) and leaves the body in harmonic balance.

It is important to clarify that vomits are not produced because ayahuasca is toxic because it has been scientifically proven in the studies of doctor Jordi Riba at the clinic of Sant Pau that ayahuasca does not contain any toxic element that damages physical health is a sacred plant medicine and deserves all respect and devotion.

Embrace the sacredness of the medicine means to embrace the sacredness of who we are, our light and shadows, where two become one with the entire universe. 🙏🏼🔥


OCT 21.



Love & healing

Jaguar Heart Woman 🌹
Intuitive Healer Shaman life coach spiritual guide and Alchemist

Night of Artists and the NOA Artwalk 09/14/2024

Tomorrow is the day!!! Beautiful and authentic clothes, jewelry, accessories and natural healing products and herbs! 😍🌿💫

Natural Healing & Organic Lifestyle will be there!!!

Will be awesome to see you and receive your love & support!

Night of Artists and the NOA Artwalk Night of Artists and the NOA ARTWALK is an art show and sale that combines all forms of artwork with live music food and drink. Come to the opening night gala or stroll through the INDOOR ARTWALK all weekend long!

Photos from Natural Healing & Organic Lifestyle's post 09/14/2024

Ohh yes!!! 🔥🐾
The best and organic!! 💯😋🤤👌🏼
Cheers 🥂 🌿


Have a magical day everyone! 🔮🐾🐈‍⬛


Life is an ever-evolving journey where each decision we make shapes our path. Whether our choices lead us to success or teach us valuable lessons, they all propel us forward. When we make the right choice, we often experience satisfaction and achievement. Conversely, even when a choice seems wrong, it provides insights that fuel our personal growth and evolution.
The key to understanding the impact of our decisions lies in self-reflection.
By looking back on our past choices, we can uncover the lessons they have imparted. Ask yourself,
"What did I learn from this experience?" This process of introspection helps transform mistakes into stepping stones, guiding us toward personal development.
Every decision, whether deemed right or wrong, presents an opportunity for growth.
Adopting this mindset enables us to approach life with resilience and adaptability.
For instance, if a job didn't turn out as expected, focus on the skills and insights gained rather than the perceived failure. This shift in perspective turns setbacks into growth opportunities.
Growth and evolution are integral to our journey. As we learn from our experiences, we align more closely with our true selves and become better equipped to navigate future decisions. Embrace this journey with an open heart and a willingness to learn from every experience.
To fully embrace growth through your decisions, consider these steps: Reflect regularly on your choices and their outcomes, using journaling as a tool for deeper insights. View mistakes as valuable learning opportunities rather than failures.
Maintain an open mind to new experiences and perspectives, fostering continuous growth. Practice patience, recognizing that growth is a gradual process and trusting in your journey.
By adopting a growth-oriented mindset, every decision becomes a step towards a more enlightened and authentic self.


Specifically in our own life 🐾🫶🏼☯️


Intuitive card reading!
It’s time!!!!🔮☯️🐾

You are called now to embark on a sacred journey. Pause, breathe and commit in your heart to a sacred endeavour. You have already made a choice, even if you do not want to acknowledge. Be at peace with what your heart knows to be true. Your heart has already been made up , and your mind will follow.
Have confidence in your magic, nothing can stop you the beauty you seek. Cut the cords that bind you to old thoughts forms and beliefs. With the power of the magician sword, nothing can stop us. Don’t look to the heavens to grant you a wish; look within. Focus your intentions in order to create what is in alignment with your heart and move forward to achieve your goals. Do not hesitate - act!
The Universe has our back.

Attending Shamanic healing sessions online or in person Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays from 11am to 7pm at clairitea, 8118 gateway Blvd.

Next Grandmother Aya Jungle night retreat ceremony - October 26. Halloween journey with the unseen realms… love it!! Magician energy activation!! 🐾🌿🔮☯️😁

Informations & Bookings

Love & light
Thank you Universe! 🙏🏼

Jaguar Heart Woman 🌹
Intuitive Healer Master Shaman love coach spiritual guide and Alchemist


As women, we sometimes catch ourselves asking questions like "What if he loses his attraction to me? What if I end up alone? What if I'm just not good enough for a conscious partner?"

Fear and desire create a sacred alchemy which catalyses our healing path.

If you experience any of these fears as a woman, you are not alone.

Fear of losing a relationship
Fear of staying single
Fear of being unmet in your depths
Fear of aging
Fear of being undesired
Fear of being unsupported
Fear of staying stuck

Because of the power of the womb, we are always manifesting. Yet when we are in our fear, our hearts and yonis close to love and put up walls of defensiveness. This is when the womb begins to create self-fulfilling prophecies — in other words, your fears coming true.

It's so important as women to awaken the erotic heart and open to love.

Sacred sexuality is the doorway to unlock our highest potential in our relationships and in every area of our lives. When you drop into the power of your spiritual sensual nature, it shifts old patterns and opens doors in your life.

And when we are in our feminine power, the masculine in our life is challenged to rise and meet us in a place of depth, meaning, support, protection, and embodiment.

When the Feminine feels unprotected, she withdraws her blessings of abundance, love and joy from us.⠀

When a feminine woman feels the conscious presence of the masculine, she will open and bless him and all of us.⠀

Woman, feminine, Goddess — you are so worthy of creating intimacy with yourself, with the Divine, and in your relationships.

You are worthy of opening to pleasure in life and absolutely loving the sacred vessel of your body.

You hold the power to manifest peace with your past, and to birth a beautiful life in the present and future — from a heart and womb full of trust, integrity, and Love.
Sofia Sundari

Bookings private shamanic healing session online or in person and unleash the powerful goddess within!🌹🔥

Attending sessions Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays from 11am To 7pm at Clairitea 8118 gateway Blvd.

Will be lovely to see you and work with you!

Love & passion

Jaguar Heart Woman 🌹
Intuitive Healer Shaman life coach spiritual guide and Alchemist


If you are looking for the truth
The truth will always come to you.
Sooner or later people show their true colours.
See beyond. Energy doesn’t lie!⚡️🔥🦋


Humm delicious and organic gift from a beautiful cleaning client! 😍🌹🐾

Green Beans
And delicious tomatoes 🍅 😋
Everything from her backyard!!

Love it!! Tastes so good!!
So much gratitude!! 🙏🏼

Conscious cleaning thanks as well🌿🐾🫶🏼

Le Marche Boheme | nightofartists 09/11/2024

Natural Healing & Organic Lifestyle is very excited to be part of Sept 14 Market! Already connecting with awesome people! Love it!!! 🔮☯️🐾
Come join us!!
Awesome vendors, beautiful & authentic things to check it out!

Le Marche Boheme | nightofartists Le Marché Bohème - The Bohemian Artisan Market will be monthly event in Bonnie Doon Centre showcasing the Unique creators of Edmonton and providing a festive market where you can find that one item you can't find anywheres else! One of a kind items, creators, designers, chocolatiers, vintage wares...

Photos from Natural Healing & Organic Lifestyle's post 09/08/2024

19th Circle of Grandmother Aya Jungle Night Retreat Ceremony - Blue Lotus Vine Journey

So much gratitude for this amazing powerful night with powerful warriors. Wow so much healing & Liberation! My heart is filled with so much love and joy.🔥🐾🌿
Grandmother is just incredible! ❤️

Grandmother Aya Jungle teaches us to walk not to run through our lives. Sometimes when we try to rush we miss many valuable lessons along the way. Gifts are put in our path so once we arrive at our destination, we are fulfilled as we realize the path was deserving and worthwhile. She teaches us to let go of things that no longer serve us and now to attract new and better situations. She teaches us persistence, stamina and how to lead through example.

I am devoted to this sacred ceremony as my heart manifestation.
Thank you Jesus! Love you! 🙏🏼

Much love healing & blessings

Jaguar Heart Woman 🌹
Intuitive Healer Master Shaman love coach spiritual guide and Alchemist

Photos from Natural Healing & Organic Lifestyle's post 09/08/2024

Just feeling ☀️ this present moment 🌿🐾
Love Mother Nature!!

Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle 09/07/2024

Many of us are unaware that we are linked into a reversal energy grid system and/or hold implants that make sexual energy reversals within our body. The reversals of the divine feminine and divine masculine principle are inverting masculine and feminine energies and generating descending life force and kundalini flow.

These reversals prevents us from:
* activating their original blueprint, their staff codes, inner flame codes
*embody the new restored divine feminine and divine masculine light codes and template
* being in service as a true lightworker
* merge into sacred union - Hieros Gamos
* attracting in their true divine relationship
* linking out of the wounded sisterhood
* develop deep and intimate love and sexual relationships
* connect and Embody their higher self consciousness
* an activated and deep connection with feminine womb and yoni
* activation of the masculine energy
* kundalini or inner light ignition
* expand in sexual bliss
* deep and healthy relationship with their sexuality
* heal and dissolve anger an non-trust against yourself
* expanded deep intimate relationships with your partner
* release anger, shame and guilt
* heal menta and physical diseases
* heal deep sexual trauma (and other traumas as well)
* linking out old stories and programming
* a deeper bond with their children
* raise in consciousness
* manifesting souls purpose
* unconditional love of the self
* heal out of depression and bi-polar symptoms
* heal and Merge inner feminine and inner masculine
* come into alignment with the universal flow of unconditional love
* hold and build higher quotient of light
* communion with Beloved Mother Father God
* be totally FREE and stand in their Sovereign Power of Truth
* and much more ....

A first step in clearing, dissolving and healing these reversals is to receive an activation to clear, extract and dissolve those energies from you body and system.

In receiving this activation you will clear, extract and dissolve all reversed feminine and masculine sexual energies and entangled negative spirits, forces and parasites that is connected to the reversal goddess and false sacred feminine/masculine and priest/ess lineages that is preventing genuine and true embodiment of divine feminine and masculine ascension and enlightenment.

When these reversals are cleared and extracted, you can start your deeper healing journey and deepen into your pure heart and pure sexuality, to raise in consciousness.

A new journey are opening where the healing technique and healing codes are totally new. You can not heal this within the old system, or by old healing models. It takes a totally new approach to healing, when these reversals are dissolved.

These new healing codes and healing modalities are here now. You can do this. It is all here for you.

Contact me for a shamanic healing session in person or online session.
Free your mind body and soul and get ready for all the blessings that the universe has prepared for you. 🔥

Carolina Pereira
Jaguar Heart woman🌹
Intuitive Healer Master Shaman

Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle Embracing self-kindness is an ongoing journey that requires patience, understanding, and a deep appreciation for your uniqueness.





To every negative thought that crosses your mind.. say:
I take power from that energy and turn it into love & light.

To every negative word heard or spoken that comes out of your mouth.. say:
I take power from that energy and turn it into love& light.

To every discordant feeling of illness, envy, resentment that you may perceive or feel.. say: I take power from that energy and turn it into love& light.

It is necessary to embrace it,
transmute it,transform it all cloudy thoughts into love & light.

When we constantly repeat this phrase, we are blocking misqualified energies from entering our unconscious mind.

Remember, something you do not support in your life, repeat firmly:
I REMOVE POWER from that energy and turn it into LOVE & LIGHT.♥️


Everything is ready for tomorrow!!

19 Circle of Grandmother Aya Jungle Night Retreat Ceremony-Blue Lotus Vine Journey

Sacred Medicine and a delicious vegan soup for after journey! Prepared with so much love!! Always . Oh yes baby!! 🔥♥️😋

Blessed be!!
Looking forward!! ✌🏼😋🐾🌿


I am so ready to grow 10.000x!!🔥
Love to evolve!! Oh yes baby!!😁

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

My services as a Spiritual Mentor and

My Healing Sessions take place during the week . The sessions are available by face-time or face to face. The duration is 1 hour/ session. For more information please contact me by email or message .

To purchase my products please visit my Booth at Super Flea Market. It will be amazing to exchange experiences and explain a little bit more about my products. Soon will be available online.

Thank you for your love and support.


Videos (show all)

Vintage in the BohoBonnie Doon shopping mall!! All day today!!! Come join us!!! Beautiful and authentic things!!! Natura...
Intuitive card reading!It’s time!!!!🔮☯️🐾You are called now to embark on a sacred journey. Pause, breathe and commit in y...
Everything is ready for tomorrow!!19 Circle of Grandmother Aya Jungle Night Retreat Ceremony-Blue Lotus Vine Journey Sac...
🙏🏼🌿🐾I am so ready to grow 10.000x!!🔥Love to evolve!! Oh yes baby!!😁
SACRED CEREMONIES OF THE HEART ♥️ JOURNEY TO A WARRIORS HEART 🔥Discover the strength and resilience within, and learn to...
Ayahuasca holds a mirror up to ourselves and projects our inner landscape. It is our journey back home to our true selve...
19 Circle of Grandmother Aya Jungle Night Retreat Ceremony SEPT 07Receiving confirmations until August 28. Max 10 people...
Intuitive Card Reading 🌀♾️🦁The energy of freedom supports our sense of limitless possibilities and potential, boundless ...
Good morning sunshine 🫶🏼



Clair-i-Tea 8118 Gateway Boulevard ( Products And Healing Sessions). Attending Sessions Thursdays Fridays And Saturdays From 11am To 7pm
Edmonton, AB

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 7pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm

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