Sage Perception Wellness

🪐Guiding Healers & Individuals to live an abundant and balanced life by activating inner truths🍎🐍

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 06/26/2023

Feeling Overwhelmed? Exhausted? Pulled apart? Burnt out?

How could this happen? Where did this happen?

Do you need a break or a personal time out?

Stress comes in all forms and can affect the mind, the body, and the soul. There are tangile solutions to resolving this anguish and finding your way again.

Ask about a personalized Self Care Package built especially for you!!

SUMMER SPECIAL $750 value for $197

3 sessions to kick start your body into healing, motivation, and increased energy.

In person and online sessions are available ... message me today to sign up.

Your dream destination IS attainable. You need only Follow the Stars 👣✨️

Have a brilliant day 🍎🪐


Many blessings for this shift of season, change of energies, and a delight towards the possible.


Spending time looking around and counting blessings. Learning to accept true abundance comes from within.

How have you loved lately? Have you treated yourself with the same respect you give others? If not, what are your reasons for not.

To LOVE yourself is not selfish. It is selfLESS. Love yourself first and the world will open up to you. (especially if you have children)

This has been and extreme lesson for me-to let go of the past I must LOVE who I have been. To LOVE myself is to let be moments and circumstances beyond my control.

Triggers happen, these moments will heal.

Love is a divine drug. Love does conquer all, Love heals.

Love for thought today.


As we move from Spring into Summer... what has the past 3 months offered you?

What are you grateful for... big things? Small things? Lessons? Experiences? Achievements? Celebrations?

Honoring where you are allows you to grow beyond limits into possibilities.

Have a brilliant day 🪐🍎✨️🙏💚

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 06/14/2023

We are still rolling with the aftermath of energies in our homes and spaces.

Change even good change can be overwhelming. Spending time with self care.

Personally, intimately, relationship care, and as a family unit.

My absence is because I am allowing the tides to wash away the past, the wildfire to cleanse what is no longer needed, the earth to break open to a new foundation and the winds blow new refreshing ideas in.

Take the time you need to honor yourself and what you desire to dream into reality.

Much Love and many blessings. ✨️🍎🪐💛🙏


Wanted to pop on and say HELLO 👋

We are out on a much needed adventure then when we return a very busy week.

This is a week of nerves, of excitement and life changing moments.

I will be practicing many of the tips and tools I share with you...

Asking the tuff questions. Being raw and honest with my answers.
Letting go.

All you can do is focus on making the best decision in the moment. Trust in yourself and enjoy the ride.

Have a beautiful day everyone.
Much Love ✨️🍎🪐💚🙏

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 06/09/2023

Overwhelmed? Life moving quickly?

Tips to maintain balance and focus.

-gratitude.. journal, meditation and/prayer
-breathe... deep conscious breaths
-look at your feet... they are always exactly where you are

Remember life is giving you what you invest into.

Our whirlwind here will be settling in about 10 days and I will be able to return with more videos and LIVES and events.

Excited 😊 🤗 and thrilled with absolute bliss during this time is an understatement of how I feel.

Summer Self Care Sessions are available. Book yours today and begin to build a life of conscious purpose.

Your dream destination IS attainable. You need only Follow the Stars ✨️

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 06/07/2023

Get ready for summer ☀️

Align with your souls purpose to create a life of absolute purpose.

Your dream destination IS attainable. You need only Follow the Stars ✨️

Have a brilliant day 🍎🪐

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 05/26/2023


Since this came up again in the online event.

Our minds (the head brain) hold the fear, conditioning and societal expectations even judgements of self and others.

When we need to listen to our hearts, higher self and calling to connect with God, Creator, Spirit or Universe (whatever the belief system) ... we are taught to still the mind 🤦‍♀️ this works for some, not all.

Taking a moment to LISTEN to the gut.

We have MORE nerons in our guts then our brain (go figure- its awesome to learn this though)

Still the Mind means quiet the head brain and listen to the gut. Our Gut Brain has our hearts requests. Our soul gave us free will (head) and yet fate (gut) has a say.

** listen to the healers who talk about gut IS important. Our bodys are INCREDIBLE if we stop for a moment 🍎✨️🪐

Have an absolutely BRILLIANT day ✨️

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 05/24/2023

No matter where you are on your journey... be true to your soul, give love to others, and especially yourself.

Embrace life.
.and take a time out if needed!!

Have a brilliant day ✨️

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 05/22/2023

THIS is all me today!

REMINDER... terminology these days is becoming so distorted.

Awake and "woke" are NOT the same.

Feral is beautiful...wild and free. The untamed and the one who challenges conformity.

I rather be the path, be a Queen and sit on a throne of my own making alone then be in a crowd of people who dont see me.

The shift in tides has been felt. Are you ready to face the truth of who you are? The truth of this karmic existence... the truth that you are both villian and hero?

This is the pondering that is surfacing today!!

You are worthy! You are brillant!! You are perfect!!

Much Love 🙏✨️💜🍎🪐⛅️


Ahhh the Sun has moved into Gemini for the next 30 days...

Welcome Gemini Season!! Welcome the final Month of Spring!! Welcome to communication, connection and community!!

As always the skies have soo soo sooooo mich more going on. However the Sun illuminates and shines brightly, closer in appearance then most other placements.

We are reminded with this shift in energy to not take life so seriously. To listen to all stories. To speak curiosities and ask questions.

This energy does not judge it collects. The duplicity comes from limited perception.

Gemini energy is in charge of sharing tales and ensuring the abundant flow of Spring is celebrated by all.

We have a fun month ahead... what energy are you going to invest into connections and laughter?

Your dream destination IS attainable. You need only Follow the Stars ✨️


We are a WHOLE-istic being.

Mind, body, emotions, spirit...

In this modern world, we have allowed our minds to be so overstimulated, distracted, and hypersensitive that we often forget that we are spiritual and emotional creatures.

Connection, community, and heart focused activities are fuel and nourishment to a healthy lifestyle.

For just a moment today, plant kindness and let your heart lead.

Abundance comes in many forms... feel the sun, the wind, and the rain.

Listen to the birds and animals. Watch the trees.

You are an exquisite piece of art in the natural world.

Let your heart lead the way... just for a moment.

Have a brilliant day ✨️


Every "Healer" has a different reason for helping others.

This meme holds so much truth.

We are all intuitive. We are all healers. We are all divine beings.

Like trees, we are connected to each other. Healing is supported and encouraged through togetherness and community. We are electrical beings who require our cups being filled via interactions.

Professional Healers stepped into a calling to hold the light, help carry the weight and burdens of others' pain so that self-discovery can occur.

Are you ready to face yourself and begin to heal old wounds?

Your dream destination IS attainable. You need only Follow the Stars ✨️


Slow day here...

Spring rains coming in heavy.

Simple beauty is saying not today world I need to regroup my pieces.

Lots of rest, fluids, feet rubs and meditations.

Saying YES has changed so much this past week and today was a YES to rest and restore.

More posts will be coming... today YES to recuperating..

Let the pieces go- step out of conformity and rise into recreation.

You are worthy. You are a light of divine energy.

What is your heart asking for?

Go for it!!


Ruling Planet: Neptune (& Jupiter) Ruling House: Twelfth House
Ruling Element:Water Modality: Mutable
Season: Winter Angel: Archangel Sandalphon

Pisces may be the final of the signs, and the end is wrapped up in ethereal energy and dream-like protection. The heightened intuition of this placement sits all on its own, even to the envy of the other water signs. Without a hard shell or a stinger for protection, this energy placement learns to adapt with all the energy to flow through existence. Sometimes Pisces have their heads in the clouds, and they can be confused with where they end and others begin. This naive innocence is both an escape and a strength- it can take a lifetime to learn the difference. Modern, ruled by Neptune and traditionally governed by Jupiter, Pisces energy is rooted in optimism and overindulgence. Easier to hide from the challenge than to face it. Once Pisces learns to face fears, little can stop this energy.

Pisces Moons are highly intuitive like the other water sign energy, and dreams are in constant flow. The emotional communication between the conscious and subconscious is assertive, and most Pisces strong will have that inner voice guiding them along. The ability to escape is uncanny; this energy knows where best to slip away and hide from reality.

Pisces likes to be lost in love and the pleasures of life. Practicality holds no weight, and seeking answers through illusion is beautiful. Absorbing all the energy of everything and everyone around them, the best lesson is to learn to protect this Pisces energy as a delicate bubble—warm, thoughtful, and nurturing, with the ability to see all sides of the story during the conflict. Pisces likes to recover with alone time to regroup and explore who they are without the emotions of others. Skipping through life, seeing the benefit of every detail, and viewing the journey with innocence are forgotten spaces for many. Pisces does well being open, untamed, and filled with the wonder of emotions.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/28/2023

Ruling Planet: Uranus (&Saturn) Ruling House: Eleventh House
Ruling Element: Air Modality: Fixed
Season: Winter (Fourth Quadrant) Angel: Archangel Uriel

Aquarius is known as the eccentric one. The Fixed Air sign who believes in humanity and community yet rather sit at home alone. This energy will tell you to go up and then proceed to go left, for no reason other than it is the path less traveled or they are curious. Getting into the ideology of this energy, many will become lost in the maze of chaos. Somehow this energy sees, hears, and seems to know all. A reckless Gemini was probably fed information (valid or not still to be determined) from an Aquarius. The mind is fed through connection and group activities- if it is knowledge, then Aquarius energy will consume it. Forever curious about how people work individually and together, life to those with this energy enjoy manipulating pawns like a chess game- to see what strange outcomes can occur.

Aquarius Moon energy is erratic and dreamy. Lost in the stars. They are questioning reality and their very existence. What is truth? This energy likes to philosophize and ask questions to see what answers may surface- also known to ask deliberate questions to ‘poke the bear.’ Uranus ruled this energy does like to reach past social and conventional norms.

The one who carries the emotions of all Aquarius pretends feelings far better than actually feeling them. Feelings are not real and do not exist (ask any strong Aquarian personality). Highly independent, analytical, and logically helpful, this energy can lead or follow as long as it is their choice. The benefit to this energy is that the Aquarius will always fight for the underdog and defend friendships and connections with unbridled loyalty. Let the Aquarian walk their path and watch as their curiosity of you brings them back time and time again.

This is one of four powerhouse signs that hold fast and true to their energy. The anchor is deeply rooted in communication and the Mind: the power strength and steady growth towards unconventional knowledge.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/28/2023

Ruling Planet: Saturn Ruling House: Tenth House
Ruling Element:Earth Modality: Cardinal
Season: Winter Angel: Archangel Azrael

Capricorn is dedicated to success and a constant strive for excellence. The stern Saturn-ruled energy is devoted to outcomes and how one is presented to others. This sign is known as the Father of the Zodiac and governs how we utilize our achievements. Constantly seeking approval for a job well done, this dutiful nature will stop at nothing to build a world that others are in awe of. Often accused of being emotionally cold and distant, this energy is incredibly supportive and will hold space for anyone they are dedicated and loyal to. The heart is there, just buried deep behind the goals. Capricorn Energy is the taskmaster, organizing what needs to be accomplished to earn our seat as head of the household.

Capricorn Moon energy is challenging, uncomfortable even. This energy has to learn to balance tasks and achievements with home and emotional intellect. Trusting intuition is difficult as hard evidence is needed; what cannot be seen is not viewed as real, tangible, or accurate. Once this balance is achieved, Capricorn Energy treats loved ones as the task without question.

Capricorn energy can be somber to the point of pessimism. A gloomy cloud can cover this energy due to the placement of ‘must get what needs to be done completed.’ Capricorn can sometimes forget what having fun is all about and needs to be reminded of blind faith and adventures. Success makes this energy feel happy and secure. Being in charge and responsible brings comfort and the feeling of being in control. Capricorn creates order out of chaos as we enter the stillness of winter, where reflection on the coming spring requires planning. This is where Capricorn thrives. Even though Capricorn’s energy does not share easily or open up emotionally, they are filled with a depth that is hard to unsee once trust is earned—the father of the zodiac rules with an iron fist and a hidden heart. Do the work, and the rewards will be fruitful.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/27/2023

Ruling Planet: Jupiter Ruling House: Ninth House
Ruling Element:Fire Modality: Mutable
Season: Autumn Angel: Archangel Raguel

Sagittarius energy is fun, playful, adventurous, and curious optimism for life. This energy, like all fire signs, is fuel for motivation. The final of the Autumn signs the celebration of the growing season, the coming together of community, and moments to celebrate all things life has to share. What one dreams to achieve and aspire to where laughter is found and socialization where boisterous and loud stories are shared. Sagittarius’s energy, at times, can be intense and filled with exaggerations. Expansive and larger than life, Jupiter rules eternal optimists, and this placement seems to land on their feet (like a cat) regarding risk and going-with-the-flow opportunities—seeker of truth, knowledge, and all things beyond the daily routine. An unwavering belief in the unknown and that which is not seen is to be explored, not feared.

Sagittarius Moon energy tends to be filled with a calling to explore. This energy somehow knows when and where to be at the right moment and time to open doors. Filled with anticipation and a love of life. This is one fire sign that is always on the go, seeking the next lesson and the next best adventure.

Seeker of knowledge, a lover of life, and all things in abundance (or excess). Constantly moving forward, Sagittarius energy needs to be free to explore, expand and engage with social connections and the physical and spiritual worlds. A constant inspiration to others, often viewed as a risk taker and adventure seeker, rarely staying in one place as the world is an immense curiosity—attentive lover and loyal to those who gift Sagittarius energy freedom to explore their inner and outer worlds. Healthy and playful competition sparks laughter, generous goading, and appreciation. Eternally childlike and curious, this energy is filled with blind faith and eternal optimism. Sagittarius energy fills the cup of belief and faith and encourages you to keep chasing after what brings you absolute joy, never give in, and never give up mentality.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/27/2023

Ruling Planet: Pluto(&Mars) Ruling House: Eighth House
Ruling Element:Water Modality: Fixed
Season: Autumn (Third Quadrant) Angel: Archangel Jeremiel

Scorpio is the most powerful of the water signs: depth, Majik, and the dark side of life. Scorpio rules the baron lands of the unknown. The season of growth is over, and hibernation has yet to begin. Scorpio energy reminds us that we can find the truth in the shadows. What is hidden is not to be feared or denied. Like all water signs, there is a solid emotional intuition, yet with the best defense system, Scorpio energy can hide behind barriers most are unable to look beyond. The ultimate seeker of truth, this is one placement you do not want to lie to. Pluto rules modern times Scorpio and is the master of transformation and diving beyond what can be seen and opening to realms that were once forgotten or never thought to explore. Traditionally Mars-ruled Scorpio and this intensity can still be seen today. Mars is ruthless and stops at nothing once he knows what he wants to claim. Scorpio holds to jealous grips and intense magnetism and desire.

Scorpio Moons are comfortable in the dark. Hidden from light and evolved with listening to what is not being said or heard. This energy is like an elevated magician or king’s advisor, the role that is aware of all that occurs both on the surface and the work behind the scenes. Dreams are vital to this placement as the underworld’s depth speaks through both the conscious and the subconscious.

Scorpio energy rules domination, fear, betrayal, and loyalty. This energy is hard to pierce and become close to. To capture the attention of Scorpio energy is to sacrifice for a more significant cause. Deep, knowing presence, intensity, and seeker of devotion and pleasure. Scorpio energy is about self-exploration and discovery. No stone unturned. Loyal, authentic, and dedicated to exploring the depths to understand the heights.

This is one of four powerhouse signs that hold fast and true to their energy. The anchor in the deep Water. The power strength and steady growth towards transformative recreation.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/27/2023

Ruling Planet: Venus Ruling House: Seventh House
Ruling Element: Air Modality: Cardinal
Season: Autumn Angel: Archangel Jophiel

Libra welcomes change, the shift in season, and the beauty of death. This energy reminds us of the balance of what was and what will be. Diplomacy and keeping the peace are vital qualities of this energy. There is an ability to trust the unknown and play both sides (as any air sign could). What appears to look good matters to Libra Energy. This energy, represented by the scales, does not seek out or actively participate in confrontation or conflict. As long as everyone is happy and the room is getting along, balance is restored participating in the moment can occur. Like all air signs, friendships and communication are embraced. Emotions are shared through ventures of pleasure and fun. With Libra’s, this can be shopping trips or a hike through the woods. Do not underestimate this energy- belief in fairness and balance does not mean boundaries are not placed. In time Libra energy grows to set lines that, if crossed, can lead to well-placed stories that may harm reputations- Libra may be Venus ruled, but it is an air sign, and communication (even about beautiful things) can turn deadly and sour. This is the energy that understands the value of letting go.

Libra Moon energy allows the emotional intellect to take over. If ever a sign relished in sensory pleasure, it is this one. The ability to see past the mask and into the inner beauty of others is quite extraordinary. There is always beauty on both sides; the challenge is to trust the side that will best be of service to oneself.

Connections and friendships are meaningful as long as there are beauty and flawless details. Libra has a flare for detail that makes other placements pale in comparison. The search for perfection and absolute beauty can drive Libra Energy mad, and anyone close to them—lives to socialize with a flirty charm, sometimes deceptively so. Libra is a joy to be around, is well-connected, and knows where to find the best parties.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/26/2023

Ruling Planet: Mercury Ruling House: Sixth House
Ruling Element: Earth Modality: Mutable
Season: Summer Angel: Archangel Metatron
Virgo energy is sometimes associated with innocence, virginity, and kindness. Yet- Virgo can be as ruthless as any of the earth signs. We are dedicated to a cause, routines, structure, and building a life through service to others. Being the final of the Summer signs, Virgo is where we begin to tally the harvest and bring in the fruits of our labors—stockpiling resources for the coming months. Virgo energy is of service to those around them, attention to detail, and wise shy communicators. In this second of the Mercury lead signs, the value of thoughts and what we are surrounded by is continuously reviewed to be improved upon.
Virgo Moons are filled with hidden intellect and intuition. This placement is hard to challenge as they look at every corner of possibility, even in the shadows. Crafty communicators are always searching for how to better themselves and their environment, no matter whom they push or pester along the way. Virgo’s energy with the moon leads to seeing past illusions and into the heart of the issue. It is tough to misrepresent your truth with this sharp eye for detail paired with intuitive energy.

This earth ruled; mercury lead detail orientated sign internalizes thoughts and emotions. Quick-witted and with a hidden intensity that many first miss, the sense of humor with Virgo energy is well thought out and delivered with precise pin-point ease. Ultimately this energy is caring and works towards healing the mind and emotions, providing care to others while avoiding their own needs. This energy desires recognition and appreciation to continue to dedicate themselves to those around them tirelessly. Virgo’s energy is crafty at preventing conflicts and strives to push through all challenges. The trickster, after all, is cunning and will only dedicate himself to tasks that are of personal benefit. Virgo energy is where one strives for perfection and can almost achieve it, leaving room to keep sharing gifts, intelligence, and talents. Virgo strives never to be at fault.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/26/2023

Ruling Planet: Mercury Ruling House: Sixth House
Ruling Element: Earth Modality: Mutable
Season: Summer Angel: Archangel Metatron
Virgo energy is sometimes associated with innocence, virginity, and kindness. Yet- Virgo can be as ruthless as any of the earth signs. We are dedicated to a cause, routines, structure, and building a life through service to others. Being the final of the Summer signs, Virgo is where we begin to tally the harvest and bring in the fruits of our labors—stockpiling resources for the coming months. This sign’s dedication to the task in front of them is impressive. Virgo energy is of service to those around them, attention to detail, and wise shy communicators. In this second of the Mercury lead signs, the value of thoughts and what we are surrounded by is continuously reviewed to be improved upon.
Virgo Moons are filled with hidden intellect and intuition. This placement is hard to challenge as they look at every corner of possibility, even in the shadows. Crafty communicators are always searching for how to better themselves and their environment, no matter whom they push or pester along the way. Virgo’s energy with the moon leads to seeing past illusions and into the heart of the issue. It is tough to misrepresent your truth with this sharp eye for detail paired with intuitive energy.

This earth ruled; mercury lead detail orientated sign internalizes thoughts and emotions. Quick-witted and with a hidden intensity that many first miss, the sense of humor with Virgo energy is well thought out and delivered with precise pin-point ease. Ultimately this energy is caring and works towards healing the mind and emotions, providing care to others while avoiding their own needs. This energy desires recognition and appreciation to continue to dedicate themselves to those around them tirelessly. Virgo’s energy is crafty at preventing conflicts and strives to push through all challenges. The trickster, after all, is cunning and will only dedicate himself to tasks that are of personal benefit. Virgo energy is where one strives for perfection and can almost achieve it, leaving room to keep sharing gifts, intelligence, and talents. Virgo strives never to be at fault.


Ruling Planet: Sun Ruling House: Fifth House
Ruling Element: Fire Modality: Fixed
Season: Summer Angel: Archangel Raziel

Leo rises with bold energy and gives one permission to absorb all the pleasures of the height of summer. Leo’s energy welcomes the joy and celebration of everything they worked for. Taking time to absorb the wonders of life in front of you, Leo greets us with childlike play and rest. Ruled by the Sun, this vibrant energy is rarely unnoticed and likes to shine. There can be an essence of childishness, as fire is an energy that wants to take what it needs to keep moving forward. Anchored into the flames, this sign rises, and all take notice.

Leo Moons tend to struggle a little in this place. Leo’s energy shines bright with the Sun and feels dimmed by the dark of night. This placement pushes to be recognized and seen bold action to make a statement. The dynamic energy is softened at times, creating an inviting warmth. Think secret weapon in the night. This energy illuminates all the intuition and hidden power of the moon and brings it forward in a way that can be less than subtle and magnetizing.

Where Leo is in one’s chart, this is the larger-than-life energy. Warmth, pride, family, big goals, and all in to win. This energy can be like a fire raging out of control. The temper tantrums can be overwhelming to those nearby. Wounded egos can lead to pouting and sulking, especially when Leo energy does not get its way. Dynamic creativity, always looking to inspire and actively seek pleasure and passion- the original spark of life illuminated by the Sun. Leo energy is always willing to rise no matter how dark the night is.

This is one of four powerhouse signs that hold fast and true to their energy. The anchor in the Heat of the Sun. The power strength and steady growth towards creative adventure.

Photos from Sage Perception Wellness's post 04/26/2023

Ruling Planet: Moon Ruling House: Fourth House
Ruling Element: Water Modality: Cardinal
Season: Summer Angel: Archangel Gabriel

Cancer is the most receptive sign. This place is home and welcomes us into the Summer season. This sign is the Mother of the zodiac, who nurtures emotions. Highly intuitive and Moon ruled, this energy is empathetic and sees beneath the surface. At times moody as the Moon moves so quickly through various energy, this placement can embrace all energy into a safe space. Cancer energy feels like a warm, inviting kitchen wrapped in love. Due to the high intuition, this energy picks up the emotions of others around them and tends to hold onto it in their bodies. There is a dark, cold side to this energy. Cancer knows how to protect itself with the hard external shell of the crab. Busy making the house a home, it is best to steer clear when this energy turns its back and goes cold. Forgiveness comes in time and has to be earned. This water sign reflects emotions and a longing to belong deep within one’s heart.

Cancer Moons are intense with intuition, dreams, and a deep sense of knowing. This is the most comfortable placement for Cancer energies, and the ability to reflect emotions to those around them is incredible. Sometimes beautiful and heartwarming and other times overbearing and filled with intense need.

Warm, kind, and deeply emotional with their connections. Cancer energy connects to everything with a life force. A magnetic personality, a unique view of life, and love that no other sign can compare to. The drawback to loving this deeply is the struggle to let go. For all the love and nurturing that Cancer energy offers, it remains attached to the past in unhealthy ways. This energy loves strongly and deeply, or it can shut out the world completely. The cold silent treatment of Cancer creates a reflection that encourages others to take a long look at their behaviours and ask…have I been loving and kind. Being on the warm side of Cancer energy is a good thing.

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Videos (show all)

June 23rd 💫🪐Reflect on your dream destination...✨️ what does it look like?✨️ how are you feeling?✨️ what adventures are ...
June 22nd 🪐💫Express Yourself. Accept the joys. Step outside Your comfort zone. Use Your voice.Breathe in Life. What feel...
Have a glorious evening 💫🪐
June 10th 💫🪐How are you navigating moving into the new you?All these shifts and changes, new foundations and ideals? No ...
June 1st 🪐💫New Calendar month. Also...its WEDNESDAY which means today a new video talking about the weekly energy is goi...
Join myself and Mark Douglas with The Sea Within You on Friday March 18th at 7pm ADTFull Moon Meditation...To register g...
February 4th💫🪐Unsettled energy with steady determination. What motivations do you have?What energy are you hanging onto ...
Dec 18th 🪐💫Many Blessings over this Full Moon weekend. Embrace the vulnerability and allow the feels to wash over you. 🍎...
December 17💫🪐See Meme for details!!
October 31 💫🪐🎃👻May all your tricks be light and treats be yummy!May the only mask you wear is thenone that highlights yo...
August 4th 🪐💫Welcome to Sage Perception Wellness Your Wellness Coach & Intuitive Motivator Shall we play? Tarot Cards, A...
July 24th Saturn's Day Full Moon energy Astro Dice 🎲 and Tarot Cards.Say hello...let me know if you want dice or cards a...


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