Reflexology Training Essentials
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Reflexology training in foot, hand, ear, whole body, infant, and child. Treatments available in: Re
🚫 We'll continue to say it until we don't need to say it anymore - Reflexology is NOT massage.
Reflexology is it's own, unique modality based on the principle that there are reflexes in specific parts of the body that map to other parts, glands, and organs of the body. Scientific studies have shown that through the application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology has many benefits. Check out 8 benefits in this recent article published by NewBeauty.
➡️ To learn more about Reflexology, its benefits, and to find your Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT™) visit
➡️ To read the article, visit this link:
"Music is a hidden arithmetic exercise of the soul, which does not know that it is counting"
~ Gottfried Leibniz
From Dr. Carol Samuel
Why Do We Get Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome?
Sciatica and piriformis syndrome are similar in that they are both issues involving the sciatic nerve but also very different. There are many possible reasons for the onset of sciatic pain.
In many cases something is pressing on the sciatic nerve—most often a slipped or herniated disc. These are the discs that live in between the vertebrae of the spine, often referred to as intervertebral discs. These discs slip and degenerate for all different reasons.
First of all, genetics and imitation play a role. So a family can truly have a bad back issue through many generations where the integrity of the spine is compromised.
Discs also become damaged because of trauma. There’s the trauma of an acute injury, like a car accident. There’s also extended emotional trauma.
Our bodies remember everything, and we store tension in our muscles. A history of emotional trauma is going to affect the physical structure of the body.
Our posture can contribute to poor bone alignment and poor muscle tone, both of which can lead to slipped discs. Diet and nutrition can also play a role in the development of our bodies, and the health of the spine.
You could also be experiencing sciatica or sciatic pain from a bone pressing into the sciatic nerve. Certain conditions can lead to degeneration of the spine that may result in bone pressing onto the spinal column or the root of the sciatic nerve. Also, the nerves at the base of the spine are vulnerable.
The spinal cord stops growing in infancy, but the bones of the spine and the rest of the body continue to grow.
The spinal cord ends near the top of the lumbar spine and yet a bunch of exposed nerve roots continues the journey towards the lower extremities. As a result of this, it becomes very easy for something to irritate one of these nerves.
In the case of piriformis syndrome, there is a muscle pressing on the sciatic nerve.
The sciatic nerve actually forms directly in front of the piriformis muscle.
So if the piriformis muscle goes into spasm, then it will press on the sciatic nerve and create the same radiating pain that you’d get from a bone or disc pressing on the sciatic nerve.
Muscles spasm for similar reasons – genetics, physical and emotional trauma, poor posture, diet, and nutrition.
In all of these situations, whether it is muscle or bone or disc pressing on the sciatic nerve, the key to healing both sciatica and piriformis syndrome is to change your habits.
Those with chronic pain have an immediate incentive to seek solutions in changing their habits. Others may have pain every so often, but they too should change their habits to prevent the situation from continuing or growing worse.
Perhaps you always seem to get injured in the same place or on the same side.
Maybe you’ve been to physical therapy that has been effective only for the injury to recur again at a later date.
Those who have had surgery should definitely examine their habits to create new, healthy patterns.
Or perhaps you are not in pain but recognize these postural issues in yourself and know people in your life with sciatica.
For all of us, it is vital to our health and healing that we consider the nature of the ways in which we move, get injured, and recover. How you live, move, and care for yourself will determine the quality of your life.
If you want to learn more about these troubling issues I have a workshop on sciatica and piriformis syndrome coming up Saturday, December 17th, @ 10 am EST. Live online.
Everyone who registers will get access to the live workshop and a recording, along with ebooks of the slideshow and exercises, the following day.
Hi Everyone! Long time since I've written!
I want to let you know I have given up teaching and doing Heated Stone Massage. If anyone is interested in buying the stones or learning how to use them please let me know!
Take care and all the best this year!!
🌕 La (dolce) attesa di 10 lune. Un tempo tutto suo.
Immerso nei fluidi della madre che vibrano di emozioni e pensieri. Dolcemente cullato dal respiro, un bambino è tutt’uno con la sua mamma, che è il suo mondo. L' utero, infatti, è la matrice sia fisica che emozionale.
E dopo avergli donato il suo corpo, la madre lo dà alla luce.
Avvicinarsi al tempo della nascita ha qualcosa in sé di sacro.
Le forme cambiano, ritmi rallentano: tutto questo per prepararsi allo sforzo che la madre deve compiere, per dare alla luce la vita nutrita in questa attesa fatta di sogni e speranze.
Nelle ultime sedute ho ripercorso la strada fatta accompagnando questa mamma con i trattamenti di riflessologia plantare. Il nostro percorso iniziò con il primo appuntamento alla 18 settimana di gestazione con un dolore alla sciatica. Una donna, come si vedeva dal piede, sicura, stabile, con grande senso di responsabilità, una guerriera.
- Hai paura?
- No, quel che va fatto, va fatto.
Gli occhi si chiudono, si immerge nel sonno durante la seduta e riempie gli occhi di dolcezza che solo una donna cosi forte, ma anche stanca di queste giornate calde può avere.
Forte come la sua mamma, nelle sere di questa luna stupenda, la bambina ha detto sì alla vita e è diventata la sua Vittoria 💝♀️🎀
Lovely Sandy!!
Your tongue acts as a rudder and support system through a fascial line that runs right down to your toes!
In nearly all my patients, I see poor tongue posture, and the links to bad spinal posture, breathing, and other issues are felt right throughout the body.
The simplest way we can see how the tongue is so influential is how it supports proper head posture. When the tongue is down and forward, forward head posture and mouthbreathing occurs.
Over time this associates with a narrow jaw, crooked teeth, and sleep disorders.
But… you guessed it, as always the mouth is a gateway for so many other systems in the body.
The tongue is an extremely complex muscular and fascial rudder system.
It guides all the structures of the myofascial continuity that runs from the inner arch of the foot all the way up through the middle of the body to the tongue and jaw muscles.
Isn’t that amazing?
Actually the tongue is potentially more important for core stability than turning on your actual core.
Our core begins deep under the arch with the insertions of the tendons from the lower leg, especially tibialis posterior.
To find its insertion, feel just under the inside arch of the foot, just underneath and forward of protrusion of the navicular bone you can feel a bit over an inch in front of your tibial malleolus on the inside of your ankle.
This point will respond to a soft-but-energy-rich touch that is held, and also to a more firm and direct fascial release. Pressing here can make a flow of feeling run up the fascial line.
So for better core support, spinal, hip and leg strength, you need to work on your tongue posture.
During exercise practice sealing the tongue to the roof of the mouth, this turns on the fascial rudder to the toes. It takes time and you need to work on making the BACK of the tongue connect to the soft palate. More on this to come.
Just learned this!
Very interesting read! Wow I never knew this 😐😯
(This is a Repost)
The Navel:
Did you know why to put different oils in and on the belly button?
Our Navel (Nabhi), is an amazing gift that our Creator has given us. According to science, the first part created after conception is the navel. After it is created, it joins the mother's placenta through the umbilical cord.
Our Navel is surely an amazing thing! All our veins are connected to our navel, which makes it the focal point of our body. The belly button is life itself!
The "Pechoti" is behind the navel, which has more than 72,000 veins. The total amount of blood vessels we have in our body is equal to double the circumference of the earth.
We knew that to lower the temperature to the babies, we put a cotton swab with alcohol in the navel, now we know that with oil, it's better.
Applying oil in the navel heals the dryness of the eyes, poor view, the pancreas, the heels, and chapped lips, keeps the face bright, the hair healthier, for knee pain, the chills, lethargy, pain in the joints and dry skin.
Apply Neem Oil in your belly button - to get rid of stubborn pimples and acne
Apply Almond Oil in your belly button- to help achieve a glowing face
Apply Mustard Oil in your belly button - to get rid of dry, chapped lips. Will also keep your intestines moving to remove harmful bacteria but keep the good. Actually works as a mild detox.
Apply olive oil or coconut oil - to improve your fertility
Keep alcohol dipped cotton on your belly button - to cure a cold, flu and a running nose. When a baby has stomach pain, we put a few drops directly in the navel and we give the massage around the naval a few minutes, the pain is cured. Oil works the same way.
Keep brandy-soaked cotton ball on your belly button - to ease menstrual pain and cramps
Sesame Oil is used for all types of joint pains. It is also known to strengthen bones. Many parents use in their children every night at bedtime.
Use an equal amount of Mustard Oil And Ginger Oil For Upset Stomach, Bloating, Nausea and digestive problems.
Using Warm Ghee improves blood flow to the nervous system and also enhances the immunity system.
Imagery Meditation 1 Take time out of your busy day and have a chill moment. This is a PERFECT short imagery meditation session that is less than 10 minutes. NamasteCheck out m...
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29jun24. Wishing U All, a Happy, Healthy Canada - Long Weekend+. I am back & starting to seriously study Hand Reflexology. I need to get to chapter 5, before starting to practice o...
Auricular Acupressure is a gentle non invasive ear reflexology therapy for those who desire a boost in brain power, physical agility, and heart centred soul passion.