Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic

Friendly Clinic Acupuncture, Shiatsu Massage, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pain Relief, Fertility a Our clinic specializes in acupuncture and shiatsu massage.

Our clinic celebrates the 13th anniversary this year in 2013. Our focus is on improving people's quality of living by reducing pain, emotional tension and stress. This is achieved by improving body awareness and supporting individuals on their path to becoming & feeling the best they can. We are a private clinic located in the heart of Mississauga. Conveniently located at Highway 10 (Hurontario) a



Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 06/07/2021

❤❤❤ Best supplements to take while TTC 👶👶👶

There are several supplements 🍀🌱that you might want to consider while TTC.

⭐1. COQ10: Studies show that 👍👍egg and s***m quality has improved dramatically in animal testing, and it may actually reverse some of the signs of age-related❤ reproductive decline.

⭐2. Vitamin E. Experts 👏believe that good vitamin E levels are important🔥 because the vitamin is found in the fluid around the developing eggs. It also helps to boost s***m health as it’s a strong anti-oxidant.

⭐3. Folic Acid: It's a critical🔥 supplement for women who want to get pregnant because folic acid helps the baby's 👶neural tube close properly. That happens as early as two or three weeks after conception, when some women may not even know they're expecting.

⭐4. Iron: Studies show that having a high iron intake while TTC, you're more likely to stay away from both ovulatory issues and pregnancy-related anemia. Women who take iron supplements report less instances of infertility.

⭐5. Omega 3: this is essential because we cannot produce them naturally in our body, these nutrients help ovarian follicles release eggs, increase blood flow to the uterus, and balance out your hormones. Preliminary studies show that they may also assist with fetal brain development and IQ.

6 Selenium: It is essential for your thyroid function and influences your immune system and cell growth. Higher levels of selenium have been linked to enhanced immune function and better outcomes for infertility and pregnancy.



Good information from WHO.

How can you stay safe if someone from your household falls sick from COVID-19? 🤒

Know your risk. Lower your risk.

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 05/08/2021

⚠️Can't believe someone is willing to work in such terms and conditions.⁉️❓

🔥🔥Job Description
1. On call 24hr
2. No vacation. No sick leave.
3. Constant overtime with no pay
4. No base salary. No commission.
5. Zero time response expected as always
6. Contract signed for 18 years minimum
7. No term negotiation

And yes, this person is still very much committed every single day with no questions asked.

❤❤❤Happy Mother's Day! Thanks to all mothers and mothers-to-be!🤗🤗🤗


❤ 🇨🇦 Canadian Infertility Awareness Week
👉April 18-24, 2021

1 in 6 couples struggle with infertility.🍀 No matter what colour, believe, religion, sexuality or financial status you are, infertility doesn’t discriminate. It can happen to literally anyone. 👀👶

This week unites millions of Canadians who want to remove the stigmas and barriers that stand in the way of building families.

For over 20 years, we continue to support those most in need. We host weekly live talks every Friday EST. Everyone is welcome.❤❤

🔥🔥 Join us this Friday April 23 EST live to learn how to improve egg quality naturally.👈👈⭐⭐




Yes, we continue to support the wellness of our community. The community needs us even more at this difficult time. Come talk to us if you need support in mental wellness, fertility, hormonal imbalances, sleep, digestion, and more.


Happy Easter 🐣 and enjoy the holidays. Weather is great, too!!

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 03/26/2021

Vitex (Chasteberry)🌿 - Backed up by 2500 Years of Usage

Is it for you? Does it help with fertility?❤

Chasteberry has been used to treat many 🔥hormone-related gynecological conditions. The current literature supports the use of chasteberry for cyclical breast❤ discomfort and PMS.🍎

👉Traditional Use
Chasteberry has been used for more than 2,500 years to treat various conditions. In ancient👍 Egypt, Greece, and Rome, it was used for a variety of gynecologic conditions. In medieval Europe, chasteberry was popular to reduce unwanted sexual libido. It’s also a commonly used traditional chinese medicine to relieve headaches, eye discomfort, internal heat and fever.👏👏

👉 Modern Use
Over the past 50 years, chasteberry has been used widely in Europe, especially in Germany🇧🇪. The German Commission E (government health department) approves the use of chasteberry for irregularities of ❤menstrual cycle, cyclical breast discomfort and PMS, and it’s widely prescribed by family physicians and gynecologists in Germany.🌞

Results of a small randomized control trial involving 96 women with fertility disorders suggested that patients receiving chasteberry achieved pregnancy more readily than the placebo group.

In another small randomized control trial involving 52 patients with luteal phase defects, women in the active treatment group were found to have the hormones normalized like reduced prolactin release, improved luteal phase progesterone synthesis, and the increased luteal phase estradiol.


Know the🔥 Clean 15 and🔥 Dirty 12 in food choices

Studies have shown that organic produce has significantly more antioxidant polyphenol than produce that has been grown in conventional methods.

Organic produce too expensive? How to eat clean without spending too much on organic diets?

Watch this video to find out my favorite trick to eat clean!!!❤❤❤


Hibiscus Tea is full of flavor and nutrition. But is it true that it helps fertility?

Fertility secret drink? 🥃Hibiscus Tea. Let's take a look at the scientific 👍👍benefits of this beauty here. Want to find out if this tea is for you? Check out the video 📺for any precautions and recommended time to drink this beautiful herbal tea.❤❤🌞🌞🌞


Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Helps Fertility??

Find out the facts and myths of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea🍀 here.
👉Does it truly help Fertility??
👉Is it safe to drink during pregnancy??
👉When is the best time to drink it?

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 03/08/2021

Celebrate International Women's Day.


Endometriosis ❤ Saver + Dos and Don'ts

You might be struggling with the frustrating symptoms from endometriosis like👉👉 cramps, heavy bleeding and most importantly fertility🌱 issues !?!?

Do you know you can help yourself by self massage,👍 acupressure and proper diet??🍎🥦

Watch this video to know it all!!


Super Drink for Gut Health and Fertility

Super Drink for GUT health and fertility. ❤❤

This drink is meant to improve your digestion 🌿and nourish your body and help to build blood.🍎

⭐Bone Broth ⭐is easy to digest. It helps to fight inflammation. It helps to manage your weight. And it's excellent for those who have PCOS. 🌞🌞

Check out Christine ❤video on Bone Broth!!!

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 02/24/2021

The 🌞🌿🍀🌱SPRING is just around the corner. It's the perfect time to boost our immunity💪💪. As the weather gets humid and wet, traditional wisdom is telling us to level up our body immunity to fight flu. That’s right,👍 you don’t wanna get sick during the pandemic. Here’s something that’s quick and easy way to give your immunity a boost effectively and naturally.❤❤

Try Licorice Root today.👏👏

It has a long history of use in both Western and Eastern herbal medicine. It has many benefits:
1️⃣ Treat asthma, sore throat and coughing. It breaks down the mucus in the throat and soothes the throat.
2️⃣ Treat inflammation from respiratory system.
3️⃣ Treat acid reflux and acidity. It enables digestive mucosal tissues to protect from stomach acid

How to use it?
You can make a tea from raw herbs or simply mix the extract powder into hot water. Enjoy the warmth!🌞🌞

Here’s something to watch out for…
If you have hypertension, you can’t use too much. Typically, half a cup per day is the maximum consumption.


7 Amazing Foods for Fertility

(*sound fixed) LIVER CLEANS 7 - Don't get me wrong. I'm not selling a product here. The truth is that I have handpicked 7 foods that are effective in promoting the liver functions AND fertility friendly at the same time.

Don't you wanna create a clean environment for your future baby? Just focus on eating those 7 foods for the next 2 weeks!!

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 02/17/2021

Insomnia 😴😴during pregnancy is very common and affects approximately 78% of pregnant women💋. A study on sleep issues also found that women who suffer from insomnia are four times😱 more likely to struggle with fertility .

You might experience insomnia if you found yourself in the following situations:
1️⃣. Difficulty falling asleep
2️⃣. Waking up frequently during the night
3️⃣. Difficulty returning to sleep
4️⃣. Ongoing worries about sleep
5️⃣. Not feeling well-rested after a night's sleep

You can promote sleep quality 😇😇and set your body up for good sleeping💤💤 routing by increasing the melatonin production in the body and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.💪💪

Do these right before bed time would do the trick:

👉1. Try self acupressure. This is the easiest way to improve sleeping quality. Multiple studies have demonstrated acupuncture to be an effective treatment for insomnia. Acupressure💡 lessens anxiety, stimulates melatonin production, induces sleep onset, and reduces sleep disruption and arousal during the night. Check out our video for the acupressure guide.

Visit and look for acu-pressure video in our IGTV📺

👉.2. Breathing exercise 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️before bed time. Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of calmness.👏👏


Power UP your preconception detox

Want to provide a clean environment for your future baby?
You don't need fancy products or crazy diets. You can do it naturally. Our body has its own way to eliminate toxins and wastes. We just need to make sure the mechanism works at its best.
This episode shows you how to power up your body detox system.


Preconception Detox Series - It's never been easier

Who says detox has to be expensive? No pricy products to buy. No crazy diets to follow. Let's get back to the very basic. It's easy for everyone to follow.

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 02/10/2021

If you were told to lose weight 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️for better fertility❤ outcome, what can you do to improve ovulation for PCOS?⁉️⁉️

Yes, there are simple choices you can make to your diet. 🍎🍎 Look for foods that are rich in the following:
1. High fiber foods 🥦🍄like Sprouted Flaxseeds, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, leafy greens.
2. Lean protein foods 🥑🥐like Sprouted Flaxseeds, lentils, beans, almonds.
When it comes to PCOS or insulin resistance, I can say flaxseeds is the ⭐⭐⭐super star. It improves Insulin resistant, balance hormones, manage BMI (it’s very high in fiber and it makes you feel full, so you won’t over 🥗eat), control blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol.
If you were told that you need to lose weight to improve better fertility outcome, sprouted flaxseeds is the one to go for. I highly recommend sprouted flaxseeds as part of your diet. Make sure the seeds are sprouted and sealed in small packages. Although flaxseeds are full of nutrients, your body can only absorb them from flaxseeds when they are sprouted. You can find the details from one of our videos posted before.


2 Week Wait series - Foods can increase your chances

Now that you are waiting and waiting. You want to make smarter food choices to maximize your chances during the 2 week wait. What foods could help while you are waiting for the result?

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 02/04/2021

What can you do to ovulate better eggs when you have PCOS?⁉️👀⁉️👀

Myo-inositol is commonly recommended for women 👄❣with PCOS because it appears to restore normal ovulation, improve egg quality,👍👍 and prevent gestational diabetes. If you suffer from PCOS, taking myo-inositol daily as a supplement could be quite helpful. It may also improve fertility in women who do not ovulate or who have insulin resistance. 🌞🌞🌈

Are there any precautions?
Generally speaking, myo-inositol is safe, but only you cannot over consume. Recommended dosage is usually 4g per day.⭐⭐ Maximum dosage per day is 12g. Side effects are reported with high dosage like nausea, gas, difficulty sleeping, headaches, dizziness. 👆👆🍎

I suggest that if you have trouble ovulating, talk to your health practitioner to start the supplement. It usually takes at least 3 cycles to see the benefits. If you have taken it over 3 cycles and still haven’t seen any changes, you definitely need to follow up with your health care practitioners to possibly adjust the dosage. 🙏🙏

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 01/27/2021

Best Sugar🍭🍭 Alternative for PCOS and Insulin Resistance - Monk Fruit Sweetener🍎🍎🍎

Have you ever experienced energy crash after eating sugar?

For those who have PCOS💪, you want to pay extra attention to sugar🍭 intake because of insulin resistance. If you experience fatigue or energy crash easily after meals, you want to watch your sugar level.☕

There is one sugar alternative that’s natural and wont jerk up your blood sugar level. This is monk fruit.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Monk fruit only has 3 calories per serving. That’s almost considered none. It’s 150 times sweeter than sugar. The best thing is that it doesn’t jerk up your blood sugar level so it won't mess with your hormones. It satisfies your sweet tooth, but it won’t crash your energy or make your kids go wild. After all, it's 100 natural.

👉What is Monk Fruit?👏
It’s grown in southeast Asia. It’s actually used as food and medicine in Asia for centuries. It has anti-inflammatory effect on it. It’s meat to treat sore throat, dry cough, and dry mouth. You can find them in different forms: powder and liquid. You can put it in your drinks, salad, and bakery as sugar replacement. You can get it from your local natural food store or even Costco.
* Research has shown that monk fruit sweeteners do not raise blood sugar levels in humans (Tey 2017a, Tey 2017b).


2 Week Wait series - How to increase your chances?

Now what? now that you are waiting and the 2 weeks feel like forever. Is there any thing else we can do to maximize the chances???

The good news is YES 🤩🤩🤩.

Photos from Acupuncture Shiatsu Clinic's post 01/08/2021

COVID-19 Vaccines for pregnancy and pre-conception? The SOGC (Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada) finally released their recommendation!

In a nutshell, they see far more benefits than risks taking the vaccines during and preparing for pregnancy.

Here's what they stated: "For individuals who are at high risk of infection and/or morbidity from COVID19, it is the SOGC’s position that the documented risk of not getting the COVID-19 vaccine outweighs the theorized and undescribed risk of being vaccinated during pregnancy or while breastfeeding and vaccination should be offered."

What are the risks of contracting COVID-19 virus during pregnancy?
1. Most pregnant women who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 will have mild-to-moderate symptoms
2. Both Canadian and international data from large studies demonstrate that approximately 8-11% of pregnant women will require hospitalization for COVID-related morbidity and between 2-4% of pregnant women will require admission to an intensive care unit (ICU).
3. Pregnant individuals are at increased risk of invasive ventilation with an equivalent mortality to age matched peers
4. The risk of severe morbidity for pregnant women age ≥ 35 include asthma, obesity, preexisting diabetes, preexisting hypertension and heart disease

These guidelines are also endorsed by the CFAS (Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society). If you are in doubt, as always, talk to your fertility physician.

For complete details of their statement, google "SPGC Statement on COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy".


Fertility Boosting DIY Self-acupressure with Christine Fung

Learn how to do self fertility massage at home! It's fun. It's easy to learn. It's effective!

Christine demonstrates how to locate the acupoints on the abdominal area and the proper techniques. 🤩


Please join us tomorrow at 1pm EST live on Fertility Matters Canada page.

Christine Fung will be showing you the know-how on self fertility massage/acupressure.

Learn how to improve blood flow in the reproductive system.

It's fun. It's easy to learn. It's effective. It's free!


👉What drinks give you the goodness of green tea and probiotics at the same time? Something works on digestion❤, inflammation⭐ and weight management.🏃‍♀️

Kombucha🫖🍵 is a fermented tea that has been consumed for thousands of years. It was believed that it originated from China or Japan. It has all sorts of benefits of tea and it’s also rich in beneficial probiotics. Kombucha🧉 also contains antioxidants, can kill harmful bacteria and may help fight several diseases.

It's made by adding specific strains of bacteria, yeast and sugar to black or green tea, then allowing it to ferment for a week or more.

During this process, bacteria and yeast form a mushroom-like film on the surface of the liquid. This is why kombucha is also known as "mushroom tea."🍄

Although there is still no evidence for the probiotic benefits of kombucha, it contains several species of lactic-acid bacteria which may have probiotic function. Probiotics provide your gut with healthy bacteria. These bacteria can improve many aspects of health, including digestion, inflammation and even weight loss.

So how much can we take per day?
Don’t consume over 1 cup per day.

How about homemade kombucha?
There are tons of videos showing how to make kombucha at home. I personally prefer to buy them from the stores for 2 reasons. 1. During the fermentation process, there is a risk of contamination or over fermentation. It could cause serious health problems. Contaminated kombucha may cause more harm than good. 2. Homemade can contain up to 3% of alcohol.
In fact there are tons of varieties available at the stores. You’ll find different flavours and added ingredients like turmeric, ginger, orange, lemongrass, mint etc.


2 Week Wait SIGNS of successful embryo transfer!

Yes, the 2 week wait feels like forever and I know many of you are looking for signs or symptoms while you are patiently waiting. Although those signs do not indicate the outcome, you still want to pay attention to what body tells you. 😊😊


5 Steps - Improve Follicle Size and Egg Quality

Follicle size too small? You can improve your follicle size and egg quality
Follow these 5 steps - backed up by multiple researches. These are all acheivable goals. You can incorporate them into your daily routines. Small changes make big differences.


Fertility Friendly Meal - smart choices on whole grains

Fertility Diet? Yes, it's easier than you thought. Here are some ideas for you. Ideas for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner that are PCOS and fertility friendly.


Whole grains? Whole wheat? for PCOS, Hormonal Imbalances, Insulin Resistance

What are the better carbs for fertility? Whole grains or Whole wheat? PCOS, Hormonal Imbalances and Insulin Resistance friendly choices.
Every Friday 9pm on Instagram


Should I be worried about POI (Premature Ovarian Insufficiency)?

Ovaries aging too quickly? FSH too high? Follicles not growing? IVF cycle canceled due to poor response to stimulation?

Let's learn about POI and what can be done beforw reaching age 45.

Meaghan joined us to share how to instantly relieve stress and anxiety. Effective and easy to follow. 10/12/2020

Meaghan joined us to share how to instantly relieve stress and anxiety. Effective and easy to follow.

Be a happier and healthier fertility warriors!

IGTV Video:
Meaghan joined us to share how to instantly relieve stress and anxiety. Effective and easy to follow.

Meaghan joined us to share how to instantly relieve stress and anxiety. Effective and easy to follow.

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Our Story

Our clinic celebrates the 19th anniversary this year in 2019. Our focus is on improving people's quality of living by reducing pain, emotional tension and stress. This is achieved by improving body awareness and supporting individuals on their path to becoming & feeling the best they can.

We are a private clinic located in the heart of Mississauga. Conveniently located at Highway 10 (Hurontario) and Watline Ave (1 street north of Matheson). Our clinic offers TCM acupuncture, Chinese herbs and shiatsu/tuina massage. Practitioners are experienced and licensed. We also offer massage therapy, detoxification and holistic health consultation.

Practitioners often end sessions by teaching stretching techniques to help clients improve posture or decrease muscle tension. All treatments are acknowledged by most health insurance plans.

Videos (show all)

Know the🔥 Clean 15 and🔥 Dirty 12 in food choices
Hibiscus Tea is full of flavor and nutrition. But is it true that it helps fertility?
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Helps Fertility??
Endometriosis ❤ Saver + Dos and Don'ts
Super Drink for Gut Health and Fertility
7 Amazing Foods for Fertility
Power UP your preconception detox
Preconception Detox Series - It's never been easier
2 Week Wait series - Foods can increase your chances
2 Week Wait series - How to increase your chances?
2 Week Wait SIGNS of successful embryo transfer!




25 Watline Avenue, GR 20
Mississauga, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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