Space Station R13

Space Station R13 is the home of STARFLEET's 13th Fleet (Region 13). Starships from Canada and the USA make up our fleet.

The Regional Coordinator offices are on this magnificent Space Station that is home to both the SFMC and Starfleet in this Region.


Star Trek VIII: First Contact (1996)

“Resistance is futile.”

Six years have passed since Captain Jean-Luc Picard was captured and assimilated by the Borg. Now, the Borg make a second attempt to conquer the Federation. Starfleet believes that Picard’s experience makes him an “unstable element to a critical situation” and orders him to stay behind. But, when Starfleet’s fight does not go well, Picard and the crew of the new USS Enterprise disobey orders to join the fight, following the Borg three hundred years into the past just as Zefram Cochrane prepares to launch Humanity’s first warp-capable engine, the Phoenix, and make first contact with an alien race.

Movie: “Star Trek VIII: First Contact (1996)
Topic: Region 13 Movie Watch Party / Academy Class.
This watch party is organized and hosted by COMM Darlene Ann Fairweather, of the USS Vector, Region 13
Objective: STARFLEET Academy has several classes around classic movies and shows, this watch party features one of them. Watch the show and then complete the corresponding academy class.

Academy Courses: STARFLEET Academy (SFA) / Institute of Star Trek Studies (IOSTS) / College of Treknology / School of Star Trek Movies / ST8: Star Trek First Contact

• ST8-101-Characters
• ST8-102-Quotes
• ST8-103-Technology
• ST8-104-Trivia

All will need to be able to stream their own version due to copyright to watch for educational purposes.

Time: October 10th, 2023, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 860 3486 2133
Passcode: 75874


Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

“The battle for peace has begun.”

An interstellar cataclysm cripples the Klingon Empire’s homeworld, leading to their Chancellor seeking peace with the Federation. But covert acts attempt to thwart the peace process with the assassination of the Klingon Chancellor. With Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy as the prime suspects, the Starships Enterprise-A and Excelsior must attempt to uncover the truth before the conspirators can plunge the Federation and Klingon Empire into full-scale war!

Movie: “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
Topic: Region 13 Movie Watch Party / Academy Class.
This watch party is organized and hosted by COMM Darlene Ann Fairweather, of the USS Vector, Region 13
Objective: STARFLEET Academy has several classes around classic movies and shows, this watch party features one of them. Watch the show and then complete the corresponding academy class.

Academy Courses: STARFLEET Academy (SFA) / Institute of Star Trek Studies (IOSTS) / College of Treknology / School of Star Trek Movies / ST6: The Undiscovered Country

• ST6-101-Characters
• ST6-102-Quotes
• ST6-103-Technology
• ST6-104-Trivia

All will need to be able to stream their own version due to copyright to watch for educational purposes.

Time: Sept 26th, 2023, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 860 3486 2133
Passcode: 75874


Off-site comms.... incoming message...


Greetings, Region 13! I am CMDR Brandi Jackola of Space Station R-13-01. We are nearing the commissioning of our station, and must choose a name. So, I’m opening up submissions to the entire region! Any active member in any chapter is welcome to submit their station name suggestion by email. The email address is [email protected]. Please put “Name the Station” as the title of your email, and you may submit up to three names. The submissions start NOW, and will be open until February 18, 2023, so get your choices in ASAP!

Once we have closed submissions, the station personnel will vote on the choices, and our new name will be announced at the time of our commissioning.

Be a part of our history - submit your name suggestions now


An LCARS Picard Countdown clock and operational LCARS panel. :)

Check it out. :)


Star Trek TNG “I Borg” S5/E23
The discovery of an injured adolescent Borg brings to the surface hard feelings for both Captain Picard and Guinan for what the Borg Collective had done to them. Matters are complicated when plans to use the young Borg to destroy his people are halted when it is discovered that the Borg has become an individual.




Topic: USS Sandwich / USS Renaissance / KAG IKV Rising Phoenix SOCIAL HOUR/WATCH PARTY

Time: November 26th, 2022, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
A 30 Minute social hour followed by a watch party

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 7855 2642
Passcode: 996270


Star Trek VIII First Contact (111 minutes)
"Resistance is futile."

Six years have passed since Captain Jean-Luc Picard was captured and assimilated by the Borg. Now, the Borg make a second attempt to conquer the Federation. Starfleet believes that Picard's experience makes him an "unstable element to a critical situation" and orders him to stay behind. But, when Starfleet's fight does not go well, Picard and the crew of the new USS Enterprise disobey orders to join the fight, following the Borg three hundred years into the past just as Zefram Cochrane prepares to launch Humanity's first warp-capable engine, the Phoenix, and make first contact with an alien race.

Presented by Region 13 Space Station.

Topic: Space Station 13 / USS Sandwich / USS Renaissance / KAG IKV Rising Phoenix SOCIAL HOUR

Time: November 19th, 2022, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
A 30 Minute social hour followed by a watch party

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 7855 2642
Passcode: 996270


SSR13 welcomes the newly minted USS Renaissance, and helps with the refit and rebranding of our regional flagship.


Director’s Log, Stardate 220929.1958
LCDR Brandi Jackola, Space Station R-13

It feels good to be back on the station.

My mother’s health crisis unfortunately worsened, and she has been transferred to a medical facility where she will receive constant care. It’s not the way my family had hoped things would go, but to borrow a Vulcan saying, what is, is. At least I know she is getting medical help that no one in my family is trained to give.

It has been two months of traveling back and forth, and my logs have fallen by the wayside. Obviously this log is the first step in rebuilding the habit.

A stroll around the station has revealed some new stores in our Promenade, including a store that produces only Petfleet accessories. As Nobi is now a fully-furred member of Petfleet, I may stop in and get him a new collar with the delta symbol on it. Regardless of anyone’s opinions about Starfleet, we sure have branding down pat. I’ve even seen deltas on the waste receptacles.

My shifts in Comms have been relatively quiet. As always, that makes me a bit uneasy. I suppose I’m too used to “waiting for the other shoe to drop”, and expecting trouble. So far, though, no trouble (other than the usual antics of the civilian population) has yet presented itself.

It has been six months almost to the day since I last spoke with V’Lith. I am beginning to wonder if something has happened to her, or if she has not contacted me because there is nothing new to report about the strange events of the T’Pau. Perhaps she is no longer working the case, so to speak. I might go through some back channels and see if I can find out anything. I would not want any harm to have come to V’Lith because she was communicating with me. It’s not as if I’m always suspicious…I’m just more of a “trust but verify” kind of person. Science has taught me to be more objective, but objectivity doesn’t always apply, and sometimes you just have to play a hunch and see what happens. Actually, science has progressed due to a lot of hunches in the past, as what is a theory but a hunch that does not yet have any proof?

Though I’ve been tired all week, I think I’m still going to Movie Night. Dave has really gotten into regular movie-watching, and we usually have at least one date night a week when we cook actual food and watch a film. Tomorrow's Movie Night offering will be what one crew member referred to as “a cult classic”; it’s apparently an adaptation of an HG Wells story, but if I remember my twentieth century slang correctly, being a cult classic usually means the movie is not good, but beloved anyway by a small contingent of fans. It will be an interesting experience.

I have not seen Tir since I returned from Earth. I think they might be angry that I was gone so long. Or maybe they just prefer Dave to me, which is…fine. In any case, I must get to my Comms shift for the day. Or is it night? I got used to daylight and nighttime again on Earth and haven’t quite readjusted yet. In any case, I don’t want to be late.


Station Log - 20220829

It's been a while since I've made an entry. So, here goes!

I just returned from Starfleet HQ. I attended the SFMC areas of the VIC, and spent a little time with the Commandant. I keep forgetting how approachable he is. We had a great conversation about our fledgling station. He was super enthusiastic about having a joint Fleet and Marine base in Region 13, as we're a little further from the rest of the fleet.

We have a few things to sort out, but we've made it most of the way through our shakedown. We have the numbers. We still need to get the paperwork done, and write a bunch of documentation to satisfy Fleet.

The Dant showed me some of the new flight lines of fighters, cargo shuttles and support vehicles acquired by the Marines. So, for those of you, members of the 446th, who have your flight status, we can expect some new shuttles in the coming weeks. Please take some time in the holosuites to start training. If you can beat my scores, I'll let you choose the pain scheme of one of the fighters. Hoorah.

The shipments of equipment and parts are starting to arrive. All logistics personell please be aware of the Marine markings on the cases and store them carefully and accordingly. A number of those cases contain sensitive and, potentially explosive material. I can't stress enough the care that should be taken.

On a station note, I oversaw the installation of some additional fusion reactor in the central core. Our power capacity has increased by 72%. We can channel that additional power into the Marine weapons systems, and/or the enhanced 8th generation shields, augmented by our Vulcan friends with some really wild Borg tech. We had some challenges of course, but our brilliant engineers were able to integrate it into our systems.

We partnered with the Binars to upgrade the computer core. It's running 215% above nominal performance. And all without hijacking the station. Funny that. I requested a good friend of mine from Utopia Planetia come to supervise the refit. It took approximately 2 weeks, to get it all done. But, it IS done. Secondly, we tied a high speed subspace link into the core and a high speed link to the Argus array. Not only do we have the newest systems in the Fleet, we have the most connected. This will make us a destination for all of the Federation and nearby non Federation worlds.

All of the computer and access terminals on the station are working fantastically well. So are the control systems in Ops.

I'm looking forward to all of you experiencing the upgrades, and to start training on the new equipment.

As a reminder to all command staff, please ensure you update your SFDPP courses to this year's iteration. There's a low tolerance for not completing these courses from Fleet. Please ensure you complete yours before it expires.

For all Marines... If you have not yet completed your PD100, please do. We need to make sure our Marines have that minimum qualification. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

For all personell... Please check the postings board, for this month's rotation.

That's it for now. Go Cats.


Reiss Out.


When worlds collide. :)


Director’s Log, Stardate 220721.1136
LCDR Brandi Jackola, Space Station R-13

My logs have become more infrequent than I’d like, as a health crisis with my mother has necessitated traveling back and forth between the station and Earth. Unfortunately, the situation may take months to resolve, so the irregularity will likely continue for the foreseeable future.

Ensign Scott was recently promoted to LTJG, which was well-deserved. Scott has a strong passion for learning, and for acquiring knowledge, which will serve him well on the station and in Starfleet in general. I look forward to seeing his advancements. He did review the transporter logs recently, as it is odd that both he and I would be infected with illnesses that should have been filtered out either by transporter or by decontamination screenings. We have no conclusions as of yet.

The “Gorn” attacks have quieted down, now that the faction of Romulans responsible have been outed. It’s quite a relief, for while this faction may be ruthless, they are still far easier to deal with than the Gorn. At least, the Gorn with which we are familiar. I need to take greater care with not painting all members of a species with the same brush.

After a spate of horror movies which were not to everyone’s taste, the next Movie Night excursion will be a musical. This will be the first time a musical has been chosen, so it will be interesting to see who shows up and who doesn’t. I would hope outdated masculine and feminine constructs will not keep people from giving the film a chance. From what I understand, this film was of a live performance, so I’m looking forward to it even more. I have always appreciated the time, talent, and dedication it takes to produce a live performance, be it a musical, play, or concert. I hope there is a good crowd turnout.

Comms have died down to their normal level of chatter, making my duty shifts somewhat less interesting. Interesting, though, doesn’t always mean good. I’m perfectly happy to monitor incoming and outgoing ship communications, as well as public civilian channels on the station. There is a cadence to it all that is comforting.

Colonel Reiss has been tinkering in the weapons bay again, refitting some torpedoes and weapons for training exercises for both our Marines and Starfleet personnel. I look forward to seeing what kind of drills he has in mind to test everyone; I would like to include our civilians in the new drills so they know where to go and what to do in case of an emergency. I imagine we’ll create several scenarios in all cases.

It’s time to leave for Earth again; I’ll be back in two days and be here for a day, then back to Earth. I imagine it would be easier to just take a leave of absence, but if I’m being honest, I need my duty shifts. I need to have time here on the station. It keeps me sane.


We will be watching Star Trek: DS9 – Explorers (season 3, episode 22)
Sisko returns from a trip to Bajor with the blueprint for an ancient space vessel that operates like a sailboat, using solar pressure for propulsion.



Time: Jul 30th, 2022, 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
30 Minute social hour followed by the Watch Party
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 7855 2642
Passcode: 996270


Personal Log
Lt. JG Christopher Scott
Stardate 220728.1400

Lt. Junior Grade!! It’s still a shock for me to say it out loud let alone when I get called lieutenant.

The Romulan incursions recently have simmered down a little since the discovery of their “Gorn” attacks. It is a reminder that the Romulans are definitely a secretive race in general and that they don’t tend to let their intentions known like the Klingons or Borg. Director Jackola was quite impressed with the communications traffic that was discovered that pointed towards them and not the Gorn.

She also had me do that review of the transporter logs with the recent foreign illnesses to come across the station. With the flu that I contracted and her fever, it’s odd that it has transpired on this relatively new station, even with the influx of personnel. I might send a transmission to Medical to do a review of the on-site specimen stores to see if there is any leak or loss.

I haven’t been at many of the Movie Nights lately since there has been a steady streak of horror films from the early 21st century. I have never been a fan of that style ever since my brother had me watch that movie Nope. It sounded interesting but that got weird fast and disturbing. I did start playing around with a couple of board games like Forbidden Island and Pandemic with a few of the other lower ranks and I have gotten a couple that have shown an interest in trying to make it more accessible to the whole station.

Going on duty shift here soon. Getting a few incoming messages from Ops that look like they need immediate attention.

End Log


Our trivia night and social hour happens tonight at 8:00 pm!

Colonel Adam Reiss will host the Kahoot! - be sure to download the app on your device prior to the event.

However, even if you do not want to take part in the trivia game, I invite you to come and enjoy the fun!

See you there!
Captain Harper


Time: Jul 23, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 7855 2642
Passcode: 996270


**To all crew, all stations**

This is Ensign Scott. I have been given notice from Starfleet Command. General Dennis Rayburn, Compliance Officer, Communique Editor and long time member of STARFLEET, has passed away. Amended version of message is as follows:

--Earlier this evening, at approx. 8:30 eastern, we said goodbye to Dennis Rayburn. His daughter Alice Crawford and son Aaron Rayburn were there, along with our closest friends, Donald Horn, Patrick Hebert, and Michael Wilson.

I want to thank everyone for the good wishes, love, and support that I have received from everyone in the last few days. You have truly been a blessing.

Once the memorial page is up, I will post it. We are hoping to do a live in-person Celebration of Life in the near future, and we will post those details when we have them. Also, there will be a Zoom gathering, hosted by the USS Hephaestus (much thanks to CO MarkAdam Miller), and I will post that information also when the details are set.

I also want to thank Jimmy Nelson and his family for helping us with our transportation needs since our truck picked now to breakdown.--

I personally never had a chance to know the man though I know Jill from my interactions with the Academy. My heart goes out to her and Dennis's family.

Scott Out


Director’s Log, Stardate 220627.1902
LCDR Brandi Jackola, Space Station R-13

The Nomad has been extremely helpful with the investigation into the alleged Gorn attacks. The mounting evidence did seem to point to the Gorn, and yet, there were still details that just didn’t fit. With Captain Ehl’s help, and some…ahem…undercover work, we found out that Romulans were to blame. My personal feeling was that it was them, simply because of their cloaking technology. The Klingons have that tech as well, but were they committing such attacks, they would have been completely upfront about it.

The small faction of Romulans who engineered this plan were hoping to draw out large Federation ships in defense of the station and nearby systems. One Romulan who was taken in to custody hinted that they were planning to take over these large starships, displace the crew, and use said ships to mount a devastating attack on Federation Headquarters.

There are those who might assume that all Romulans would like to destroy the Federation and Starfleet, but this relatively small group does not necessarily represent the whole. Ambassador Spock’s tireless work towards reunification for Romulus and Vulcan may not be finished in his lifetime, or even in mine, but I do believe that the spark that has been ignited will burn for centuries to come.

On a personal note, I haven’t been as chipper as of late; I recently contracted a case of Rigellian fever and had to be quarantined for a short time. My husband and cat were not amused. Tir, however, did take advantage of having a captive audience, and did keep me apprised of everything happening on the station. I consider myself lucky that Colonel Reiss was able to obtain the treatment; we don’t keep a stash of ryetalyn aboard as it is still quite a rare commodity.

Contact tracing revealed that I contracted the virus from a visiting dignitary, with whom I shared a short turbolift ride the day before I started showing symptoms. As our sensors are configured to detect and screen out such dangerous viruses, the mystery of how the dignitary wasn’t screened, or, how the screening was incorrect, has not yet been solved.

Ensign Scott also came down with Levodian flu very close to when I contracted Rigellian fever. I’m going to have him to check sensor logs and note any anomalies. Scott was also instrumental in the investigation into the “Gorn” attacks, and provided some excellent insight.

Once I was feeling better, I did indulge in a Movie Night with the crew. Whomever has been choosing the movies recently has a penchant for horror, as the film that evening was another twentieth century offering called Alien. Apparently, at the time, it was unusual to focus a film on a strong, capable female character, horror movie or no. In any case, I found the movie strangely riveting, and certain aspects of it do remind me of Gorn reproductive practices. I’ve heard that there are sequels to the movie, so I’ve no doubt that they’ll crop up in Movie Nights of the future.

For now, I must end this log, as I am about to go on duty in Comms. I enjoy the night shift every now and then, though on a space station, it’s never what I would call quiet.


Personal Log
Ensign Christopher Scott
Stardate 220621.2213

It has been an interesting time since finally being cleared for duty! Getting on my first duty shift Lt. Colonel Reiss introduced me to the Ops Chief, Captain O’Donnell. Seems like a pretty decent guy and led me into Ops with some station-keeping work. All in all I’m still trying to size him up though working with the captain doesn’t feel like it’ll be bad.

I did get a request from Director (Lt. Commander?) Jackola to take a look at some of the reports about the recent “Gorn” attacks near the station. Since I’m also taking some of my time to still be an active reservist on the station for the Marines, I looked into those reports from both perspectives. I’m still trying to revise my report to her because I’m seeing what appears to be minor anomalies from the debriefs. I don’t want to talk out of line on my first duty rotation but if I didn’t know right, I’d think that the bulk of these attacks appear staged in some fashion. I’m not a tactician or engineer but I have a feeling something isn’t what it appears.

I did start at least observing some of the crew moving about the station. I’m still a little apprehensive about trying to start a conversation with anyone outside of normal shift functions. Maybe I can somehow work on this anxiety through more meditation. I might break out my worn edition of Pandemic and play through a couple games just to clear my mind and work on some mental structure.

Working on Beta Shift for the next duty cycle so I need to adjust and maybe, just maybe, get a little different handle on things.

End Log


Personal Log
Ensign Christopher Scott
Stardate 220608.2151

Despite being on station for nearly three weeks, I'm finally able to start moving around like a normal person. I have to be the only person to start a new posting and come down with Levodian Flu only to have it last approximately 377 hours! The nurse that oversaw most of my care said that it was unofficially a record. Needless to say, the CMO has inoculated me from that flu to prevent any reoccurrences.

At least an upside to my unexpected downtime was being able to complete some remote courses through the Academy. Apparently, if you think you're done with the Academy at graduation, that's not often true. I was able to get some instruction on more the of workings at Starfleet Headquarters. Most cadets worry about the how and where they are going after a posting, I'm more interested in the why.

After being cleared for duty by Medical, I finally was able to get settled into my quarters on Level 16-Delta-5. Luckily, there hasn't been another crewperson assigned to the adjoining unit so I don't have to share the head. I was able to present myself before Lt. Cmdr. Jackola and Lt. Col. Reiss, discussing my duty rotation with the commander and potential reservist duties with the commander.

For now, I'm just going to try to get better acclimated to the station and try not to be known as the guy to get the flu for the absolutely longest time. The Lt. Cmdr. has given me a reprieve on duties until Stardate 220613.0800 so I will see if I can time possibly off station and in a shuttlecraft to learn more about the sector.

End Log

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