CNP Certified Nutritional Practitioner
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Triathlete Coach


Eclipse 2024...


I present to you my new best friend (Mr) Señor Rafael Strata. I wish for a very long relationship and good times...



There's still time to join Commit to be Fit #30!

Everyday is another day to make YOU a priority. 👊

DM for more info

# real food


GREAT OPPORTUNITY📣 : Today we are launching our new training PROGRAM (Limited for 4 people) for all those who are trying to reach a new level of training at a price you can afford. I know that personal training can be expensive but now you have the opportunity to take ADVANTAGE to EMPOWER YOURSELF with KNOWLEDGE.

Rob Falcon will be the Coach at of this program, do not hesitate to contact him and ask any questions.

For more information you can send an email to:

[email protected] (The guy on the pictures 😉), .fit or simply send a DM


Clients goals


📣 Join our next program starting Monday, September 12th. 📅

A change in season means a change in self. Don't hesitate to do something for YOU! Remember, there is never a right time, your health matters. We care and are invested in seeing positive changes in everyone.

Program includes:
- 1 month personalized meal plan & a 15 day evaluation 🍽️
- Daily at home or gym workouts 🏋️
- Daily nutritional information to help you along the way 📚
- Online support group 💭🙋🏽‍♂️

👉👉👉 DM for more info! .fit

Photos from's post 08/11/2022

I'm happy to announce that I am part of the Anytime Fitness Team, again. Only this time adding my expertise in nutrition, ways on how to approach your relationship with your  health and overall life. ✌️

Take advantage of this opportunity. Book an appointment for a free fitness and or nutrition consultation for FREE! All members and non members are welcome. 🙏

Come in and join 2 of my classes Tuesdays and Thursdays. Membership not mandatory.🤜🏽🤛🏻

Photos from's post 07/26/2022

Commit to be Fit #25

🙌 Testimonial from a client. Read below. 👇

Rob and Gloria are such a dynamic duo! They offer countless hours of support and share detailed easy to understand information daily. In their last session they added a challenge within the challenge. It was a fun way to motivate and push participants to go that extra mile.
I am truly grateful for the Commit to be Fit program, it has helped me overcome so much in just a few months.

A year ago, I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital with a recurring back injury, I couldn’t walk or move my legs. I was flat on my back and dependant on those around me. It took months to get back on my feet and learn how to walk all over again. I started off by using a walker, to eventually using poles to help with my balance until I was able to finally hold myself up and walk unassisted. I was in pain constantly. I was taking muscle relaxers, anti inflammatories and pain killers daily and they barely would take the edge off. Living with pain was something I thought I would have to just get used to and accept as being my new normal.

Little by little I started going for walks but I had to keep in mind not to go too far because I had to be able to turn around and get back home. A walk to the side of my house to my mailbox was considered a huge defeat. Fast forward to a year later, I am able to walk 5K and I won two challenges in one month!

After three months, with the support and guidance of Rob and Gloria, I have learnt so much about the importance of eating real food, I exercise and move my body everyday, I’ve lost weight, I’m stronger and I no longer need to take any medications. I am pain free and unmedicated!!!!!

I am so proud of how far I’ve come and I can’t thank this program enough. All the good morning messages, funny posts, encouragement and support helped me to keep moving forward, push myself a little more and know that I am not alone in this journey of health, strength and nutrition.

I am finally making myself and my health a priority and it feels amazing!!!

Looking forward to the next challenge - who’s with me?



What does sweating mean🥵?

Sweating is your body’s mechanism of cooling🌬 down. This means that when you are sweating excessively🌡 during a workout session, your body needs to cool down and get back to its normal body temperature🏋️‍♂️. So, it doesn't correlate to how much energy, or calories, is being expended. (HOMEOSTASIS)

If you liked this post, give us a double tap ❤️


The gut microbiota definition refers to the microorganisms🦠 found in a specific environment. This includes bacteria, fungi and protozoa, and the diversity of the microbiota will vary from person to person.

Imagine🤯 this ecosystem as your particular 🌳"forest"🌳 over which you exert great influence with your decisions, day after day.

Currently, the microbiota is considered as a true organ due to all the functions in which it is involved; immunity, digestive system, production and synthesis of some vitamins or serotonin production are just some of them.

How can we preserve our forest🤔?

🔹 Good hydration.
🔹 Offer the necessary sunlight (biorhythms). Provide an optimal absorption (optimal feeding).
🔹 Avoid invasive species, possible toxins and stressors.
🔹 Build strong connection between exercising and real food

Photos from's post 06/23/2021

Working out shouldn't be a chore, it should be a normal routine that you know will help you physically and mentally 🧘‍♀️. Eating should be something that you can enjoy and that can be adapted to everyone's lifestyle 😉. We know that each individual is unique and so is their nutrition🥗 and training 🏋️‍♂️

🔹 COMMIT TO BE FIT 🔹 is a program to help those that are seeking to attain their fitness goal and make a positive change in their lifestyle.

Here🚨 is everything that the program offers.

Remember this: the energy⚡️ and passion🔥 you decide to invest in your life will determine its results!

Give it a try - COMMIT TO BE FIT -


Very good lesson Usain Bolt leaves us with this phrase, he highlights the value of the process and, with it, comes adversities, discouragement, frustrations, conflicts, fears, pressures and endless obstacles that must be overcome to achieve our personal goals 🔥🔥

The biggest obstacle you will have to overcome is yourself 👊. If you can overcome that you can overcome anything 😉


For me fatherhood has been one of the most incredible 🤩and fulfilling stages of my life 🦹‍♂️ that I have been blessed with. My princesses👑 are my everything.

Happy Father’s Day👨‍👧‍👦 to all the great fathers out there!


Have you heard that one shouldn't eat past a certain time of day or you will gain weight 😩? Is this true 🤔?

When it comes to weight gain or loss, it is not the time⏳🙅‍♂️ of day that makes the difference — it’s the type of food you eat . And most people👥 tend to veg out on foods that store fat (carbohydrates with high glycemic index) while unwinding in front of the TV📺 or computer👩‍💻 after a long, stressful day.

Typically, people who are eating at night have probably consumed an evening meal, and then their night eating would entail snack items like ice cream🍨, cookies 🍪, popcorn 🍿, chips, or any other junk food 🌭🍩. All of this leads to unhealthy eating and over consumption.

Our metabolism is a complex process. You might think💁‍♀️ that your metabolism slows down drastically at the end of the day and, therefore, your body does not burn off the calories you consume at night 🌙. But in fact, even though your metabolism is slower at night, your metabolism never stops working, even when you are sleeping.

And this is the great truth🧐. What do you think about this? Are you one of those who consumes a delicious late-night snack 😅?


There are many nutrients required for a normal physiological function, but some of them cannot be synthesized in the body and therefore must be obtained through our diet. ⁣
Despite the fact that all vegetables contain antinutrients, not all are toxic to our bodies, they could even provide certain benefits.⁣
- 𝘈𝘕𝘐𝘔𝘈𝘓 𝘒𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘋𝘖𝘔 🦁: Preference for traditionally raised animals (grass) and wild fish. ⁣
Provide a higher density and quality of nutrients and fat, with an optimal balance. ⁣
- 𝘝𝘌𝘎𝘌𝘛𝘈𝘓 𝘒𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘋𝘖𝘔🌳: Preference organic and biodynamic. These limit the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers and other chemicals.⁣
⁣ ⁣
We know which are the essential key factors and is on us to find them with total bioavailability❗️
⁣ ⁣


Walking can offer numerous health benefits for people of all ages and fitness levels 🔥. It can also help prevent certain diseases💀 and even prolong your life 🤸‍♂️ .

Walking is an easy way to stay healthy. So what's your excuse for not walking today?

Walking🚶‍♂️ is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. 🧘‍♀️

Walking is low impact, requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and can be performed at your own pace.

Then tell us, what are you waiting for 🤷‍♂️?

💥 Get up, move your body and go for a walk. Always stay active! 💥


Failure is not a step backward; it’s an excellent stepping stone to success 🔥. We never learn to move out of our comfort zone if we don’t overcome our fear of failure. 👊

When you put your mind to something and are willing to do everything it takes, including patience, dedication and adjusting your strategy to get there, you will finally get the results you want to achieve 🏋️.

💥 Always keep this in mind: Thoughts alone won’t get you to the goal line, you'll need to train mentally everyday to achieve your goals.💥

The key to getting in good physical condition is repetition and being consistent. Remember this 😉!


Instead of excuses, why not make an effort to improve or eliminate bad habits 🤷‍♂️ ? Why is it so difficult to abandon what damages our health 😫?

💥 Your life, what you do with it and the end result, completely depends on you 💥. Too many people go through life making excuses instead of making the effort necessary to achieve their personal goals. Nothing is impossible, if you want it enough you have to try hard to achieve it 💪

When you replace excuses with willpower and determination then everything else will fall into place🔥. You will find that your healthy goals are achievable and that your determination will help you get through difficult times and initial failures.

Always remember that failure is just an obstacle that must be overcome🙆‍♀️. So no more excuses❗️

📢 Dare to leave your comfort zone and commit yourself to be healthy!

Photos from's post 05/23/2021

Between your job🥵, your friends👥, your hobbies💃, your family👨‍👩‍👧‍👧, and pretty much everything else you want to get done, achieving your fitness goals and nailing healthier habits is often harder than it should be 😔

Nevertheless, this happens very frequently, so don't feel bad about yourself 🙅. I always tell my clients that the first step is to recognize that a lifestyle change isn't easy and doesn't happen overnight, but it is not impossible either 💪

The key is to remain focused🏋️‍♂️ on your personal goal, because if you are determined to change nothing can stop you 🔥

I want to help in any way I can therefore, I want to share with you this simple and effective to-do list 🗒, which I know will help you stay on track in this world of fitness 👊

🚨 Reminder: Try to accomplish this to-do list not only today, but also tomorrow and the next. And if you want to add to it, go for it. Keep in mind that each list should be personalized

Photos from's post 05/23/2021

There are so many ways to prepare eggs🍳 that it's hard not to love them🥰. Eggs are nutrient-dense, which means that they provide a high level of vitamins and minerals that the body🧍‍♀️ cannot produce on its own. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and choline 🙆 and they also contain several B vitamins (riboflavin, B6 and B12), along with vitamins A and D

👉 Eggs have many nutrients as mentioned above. FACT: hard-boiled eggs provide 77 calories per unit, 5 grams of fat and a very small amount of carbs.

🥚 Many of eggs’ nutrients, vitamins, and minerals reside exclusively in the yolk, whereas the egg white contains primarily protein. However, almost half of an egg’s protein content comes from the yolk 🥚

So whether you boil, scramble, fry, or bake your eggs, it’s best to enjoy the whole egg 🤤 — yolk and all — to benefit from the protein and nutrients eggs have to offer

Tell us, how do you like to eat your eggs😋?


💥 Someone who fails is someone who has challenged themselves. Those who never fail cannot possibly know their true potential. Once you fail at something you learn from it. In other words, you grow 💥

Why do I say this🤷‍♂️?

You must remove the chip that some trainers put in people's heads🤯 about the rules in the fitness world, because first off, there are no rules❌. Just because an exercise or eating plan worked for you doesn't mean it will work for your friend 😅; or because your friend has obtained better results in less time than you, it means that you have failed 😬, absolutely not!

In fact, I would say that the world of fitness is personalized💁‍♂️. There will be things that will work for you but may not work for others. The most important thing is to identify them and work to improve them 🔥.

You can also seek the advice of a professional trainer like me 😁. I assure you that I can help you optimize your results and find a diet and exercise routine that is right for you 💯


We live in a culture of instant gratification 🧐. If you want to connect with friends👥, they're just a message away. If you want something to eat🥘, press a button or two and food will show up at your door within 10 minutes. And if you want to eat healthy, just pop a handful of supplements💊, right?

❌ Unfortunately, good nutrition isn't that easy! ❌

First, it's important to understand that supplements💊 aren't designed to substitute for food, but to provide nutrients your body👫 might be lacking. The purpose of a supplement is to correct a deficiency, not to replace food 🙅‍♂️

The growing demand📈 for the use and self-medication of supplements has become a highly profitable business that is often targeted by people with limited information🤦 on the subject.

Despite being beneficial for some, there are supplements or ingredients that due to a medical condition can harm others☠️. A clear example is multivitamins, those that contain iodine may not be beneficial for people with autoimmune thyroid problems

⚠️ That is why it is important that before taking supplements you should consult with a health professional ⚠️


The mind will quit first . The body will convince you to quit it, but it takes a determined heart❤️ and a willpower💪 to keep going past the point of exhaustion and past the point of reason🤯. The heart cannot be persuaded once it is committed to a goal. You're not born to be the 1%, because you're 99% of what everyone else didn't want to do 🔥🔥

✨“Stay focused on your goals, your peace and your happiness. Don’t waste your time on anything that doesn’t contribute to your physical or mental health”✨

- 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐭 -


Carbs are the bad guys👿, right? Wrong 🚫

Fats are not the devil, proteins are not going to blow up your liver and carbohydrates are certainly not the sole reason for everyone’s weight gain 🙅‍♂️. The problem is simply, the excessive amount

Your body needs carbs — the right carbs, in the right quantities and at the right times 💥. Abusing their consumption can result in them being stored as fat 😬

Carbs are a non-essential macronutrient. Its function is purely energetic,⚡️ so adding it to the diet and the amount will depend on our individual needs 🏋️

✨ I propose this: Don‘t be afraid of carbs! ✨

‼️ PRIORITIZE: Choose seasonal fruits, if possible from organic farming and some tubers. Example: strawberries, papaya, sweet potato, yucca

⚠️ MODERATE: Lower nutritional density, more energy components that can increase the risk of intolerances or bad digestions. Example: seeds, couscous, oatmeal, rice

⛔️ LIMIT: Reserve the processed food (including flour) for the days of celebration and social events


✨ Giving, graceful, gracious, grateful, great, hard-working, nurturing, protecting, caring, cherished… the list🗒 can go on. To all the mother’s, grandmother's and mother’s to-be, we love, appreciate and adore you ✨

There is no greater symbol of love🥰 and care 🤗

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ❤️

Have a wonderful day surrounded by your loved ones. The Falcon family👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 wishes you all the love and happiness in the World 🌎


Give it a try and commit to a change! 💪

Commit to Be Fit with our online💻 program. Starting this Monday, May 10th!

What we offer❓:

🔥 30 day challenge
🔥 Strength & cardio routines
🔥 Personalized nutrition plan
🔥 Team support chat

Stay active and start achieving your goals🙆!

For more information about the program, send us a DM🤳


Get ready to sweat🥵 and move your body🤸‍♀️ this Saturday, May 8th!

We are so excited😁 to invite you all for a full body workout via zoom💻.

💥 Come on, stay active with us! 💥

No more excuses🙅‍♂️!

- DM me to confirm & receive the link!


Are you one of those people who enroll in a gym and then don’t go 😔? Or one of those who say every week that they will start the diet🥗 on Monday?


Don’t worry 😁. It’s normal to make excuses when it’s time to decide to start making changes and healthier habits. The reason for that is due to our mind 🧠. Humans tend to feel uncomfortable with breaking habits. We will continue on with our unhealthy routine knowing that they are harming our health and well-being because it becomes stressful😤 and exhausting🥵 on our brain to try and incorporate better habits

So what can we do 🤷‍♂️? Easy! Train your willpower as if it were a muscle🔥. Willpower is not exactly something you are born with, but something you can develop and train🏋️‍♂️ towards according to your goals.

To strengthen your willpower, you should use the method of repetition 💪. Our brain is divided into conscious and subconscious, we carry out everyday habits subconsciously without knowing it. Therefore, to strengthen our willpower we must reprogram📇 our subconscious from the negative and unwanted and consciously make better decisions. We must change our negative beliefs. Just like a muscle, in order for it to grow, it needs work🤸‍♂️, time⌛️ and repetition🏋️ to reach its peak. Making small attainable goals, avoiding temptation (at the beginning of the process), don’t overwork, just like a muscle, they too get tired and need time to recover! These are some ways that can help you along the way

💥“Willpower is believed to be one of the key determinants of both personal and professional success.”💥


Your body is hard-wired to react to stress in ways meant to protect you against threats from predators🐅 and other aggressors🤺. Such threats are rare today, but that doesn't mean🙅‍♀️ that life is free of stress.

On the contrary, you undoubtedly face multiple demands each day🙎‍♂️, such as taking on a huge workload, paying the bills and taking care of your family. Your body treats these so-called minor hassles as threats. As a result, your adrenal glands, located on top of your kidneys, release a surge🌊 of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

The body's stress-response system is usually self-limiting. Once a perceived threat has passed, hormone levels return to normal.

🗣 However, when stressors are always present and you constantly feel under attack, that fight-or-flight reaction stays turned on 🤦‍♂️.

Long-term activation of the stress response system and overexposure to cortisol increase the risk of many health problems, including👇:
🔹 Anxiety
🔸 Depression
🔹Digestive problems
🔹 Heart disease
🔸Sleep problems
🔹 Weight gain
🔸 Memory and concentration impairment

⚠️This is why learning healthy ways to deal with stressors in your life is so important⚠️

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Videos (show all)

Clients goals
💥 Today, it's time to train with 20 min AMRAP 💥⁣(As many rounds as possible) non stop if possible⁣1. Squat to press x 20...
Are you ready for an intense exercise routine 🏋️‍♀️? Check out this video and give it a try!⁣🔥 AMRAP for 15  min (recomm...
💪 Let's continue training hard 🔥!⁣Here is an easily adapted and effective at home routine. Read below for details 👇.⁣15 ...
Weight training is my passion and I almost decided to compete. I still train almost everyday not because I'm forced but ...




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