Hancock Wildlife Foundation

Hancock Wildlife Foundation

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Hancock Wildlife Foundation: Research, Education, Conservation. Enjoy live, streaming wildlife cameras year-round.https://www.hancockwildlife.org/

Established by DAVID HANCOCK in 2006 to broaden his at that time almost 50 years of lecturing and teaching about wildlife and conservation, to include the web, the Foundation's mandate is to use the internet in general and live streaming wildlife video in particular to promote the conservation of wildlife and its habitats through science, education, and stewardship. In David's words, "Our first l


A Bald Eagle dances in the gusty wind conditions as it approaches and lands on its nest where another eagle awaits in Delta BC. The nest is an artificial construction carried out by the Hancock Foundation to mitigate the elimination of suitable trees along the shoreline, where Bald Eagles typically nest. For more information on the Hancock Foundation activities with Bald Eagles, please go here. www.hancockwildlife.org and donate generously to their excellent cause.
For a video showing the installation of the nest, go here: https://youtu.be/ShGYxfOBd08?si=9aj_rH_VuzU80VPA

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 06/14/2024

Kova, the solo eaglet at our Surrey Reserve nest, is 6 weeks old today - and looks a lot bigger than he or she did three weeks ago! Feathers are coming in quickly now, and the youngster is beginning to stand like an adult and take a few steps. Eaglets generally start flying at 10-14 weeks, so Kova is roughly halfway there. Female eagles are generally bigger than males - and fledglings are usually larger than the same-sex parents because their first set of feathers are longer than those they will have as adults, to help them learn to fly and soar. Kova is still quite a bit smaller than Mom Brit, but he or she is in the rapid growth stage, so will likely be bigger than Dad Rey and maybe Mom Brit in a few more weeks. The photos are by Sandy_W and me; you can watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/surrey-reserve-cams/ and join the discussion at https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=717&start=8955 ~JudyB

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 05/25/2024

Solo eaglet SR9/Kova at our Surrey Reserve nest was three weeks old yesterday. Kova doesn't yet have dark feathers doing more than beginning to peek through the grey down, but he or she is eating a lot in preparation for the coming growth spurt. Screenshots are by Jean and Sandy_W. Watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/surrey-reserve-cams/ and join the discussion at https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=717 ~JudyB

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 05/25/2024

The eaglets at our Boundary Bay Central nest are about 4 weeks old - BB1 was 4 weeks on May 24 and BB2 will be 4 weeks on the 26th. They are just beginning to show dark feathers along the edge of their wings, and their wings are growing quickly. Two of the screenshots are by forum member RoseA, including the closeup with arrows showing the feathers, and the one with the wing extended is mine (JudyB). You can watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/boundary-bay-central-cams/ and join the discussion on our forum - https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=709 ~JudyB

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 05/25/2024

Our White Rock eaglets are a bit over five weeks old now, with lots of feathers coming in, and wings that seem to be getting longer by the minute! Whiskey is two days older, and has more dark feathers showing than Xray (the eaglets are named by the homeowner following the aviation alphabet). The attached pictures were captured by forum members DDuckies and Lynne. Watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/white-rock-cams/ and follow the discussion at https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=715 ~JudyB

Blue Dot: Eagles 101: the lives of eagles and the eagle cam phenomenon! 05/14/2024

Terri from the Friends of the Redding Eagles-FORE joined David Hancock on this program. Thanks to Bobby Hampton for letting us know about this show - David and Terri's section starts about 37 minutes in. ~JudyB
Added - not sure if the link to the show is working in the original post - please try https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.mynspr.org/show/blue-dot/2024-05-10/blue-dot-eagles-101-the-lives-of-eagles-and-the-eagle-cam-phenomenon&ved=2ahUKEwj61eL68YuGAxXtEFkFHaMcB5IQFnoECAoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1vAYQpdD-xJiqPKY_k4kG4 or use a search engine to look for Blue Dot: Eagles 101: the lives of eagles and the eagle cam phenomenon! ~JudyB

Blue Dot: Eagles 101: the lives of eagles and the eagle cam phenomenon! Bald and golden eagles are some of the most magnificent birds in North America. Host Dave Schlom is joined by Michelle Hawkins, Director of The California Raptor Center at UC Davis, for an in-depth look at eagles, from their amazing conservation success story to the threats they still face from huma...

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 05/04/2024

Our Surrey Reserve pair only had one egg to incubate this year (the second was laid prematurely and collapsed almost immediately) - and it hatched yesterday, May 3rd, at 8:20 pm. The hatch was a bit unusual - the membrane seemed to be tougher than normal, and the shell was cracking all over the place but not separating initially - but happily little SR9 (the 9th chick to hatch in the Surrey Reserve) was able to get out of the shell, and is doing great! I'm adding a few pictures of the hatch. You can watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/surrey-reserve-cams/ and read more on our forum - posts about the hatch start here โ€“ https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=717&start=5970 ~JudyB


This is the first year we've had a camera on this nest on the shore of Boundary Bay, and the first egg hatched last night! Forum member SueB got this great picture of the new chick, and the second egg, which will hopefully be hatching in a day or two. You can watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/boundary-bay-central-cams/ and follow the discussion on our forum at https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=709&start=4785 ~JudyB

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 04/16/2024

I just watched the tiny chick at White Rock being fed - even after all these years of watching, it still amazes me how gentle the adults can be with those huge beaks while feeding a tiny chick; the second egg is in the process of hatching - not sure if the spot is a hole in the shell or a speck of dirt, but have seen a larger pip. Watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/white-rock-cams/ and read more about them on our forum - https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=715&start=2760 ~JudyB

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 04/15/2024

First hatch at White Rock at 5:59 am this morning, April 15! Watch the action live at https://hancockwildlife.org/white-rock-cams/ - and join the discussion on our forum, starting here - https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&p=743233 There will be lots more (and clearer) pictures next time the parents give us a look in daylight! Big thanks to the zoomer/observer team - DDuckies, amyklai, Lynne, and Sandy Jo! ~JudyB

Bald Eagles at the Delta Boundary Bay Central nest. 04/08/2024

Finally got a decent sequence. They are sitting on two eggs.

Bald Eagles at the Delta Boundary Bay Central nest. The parent eagles take turns guarding the two eggs and hunting for food. The eaglets should hatch in two or three weeks. You can get a live we**am view of th...


Happy 86th Birthday to David Hancock ๐Ÿฆ…๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฆ… we all wish you a wonderful new year ahead ๐Ÿ‘

Help Fund the First Eagle Cam on the North Shore!, organized by North Shore Eagle Network 03/27/2024

Hi Everyone.

Gleneagles Bald Eagle Nest Camera Fundraiser is on. Every little bit helps. Thank you all in Advance for supporting us on this new project.

The North Shore of Vancouver is home to 21 pairs of nesting Bald Eagles.

North Shore Eagle Network is excited to announce
the planned installment of web cameras on the Gleneagles nest
- the first eagle nest we**am on the North Shore!
Hancock Wildlife Foundation will install the cameras this fall while
the eagle pair are away on their northern migration.

The cameras will provide 24-hour viewing of the nest from anywhere,
and for free, by visiting Hancockwildlife.org website!

We will be able to view the eagleโ€™s yearly cycle, from adding sticks to the nest,
the laying of eggs, to feeding the chicks, right until they fledge.

Our goal is to raise $15,500.

This will cover the cost of the cameras, installation, and network connectivity.
Please contribute, by going to Hancockwildlife.org or https://gofund.me/5afa422d

We hope that everyone shares our enthusiasm, and will be part

of this important, and fun, monitoring project!

Many thanks! North Shore Eagle Network [email protected]

Help Fund the First Eagle Cam on the North Shore!, organized by North Shore Eagle Network The North Shore of Vancouver is home to 21 pairs of nesting Bโ€ฆ North Shore Eagle Network needs your support for Help Fund the First Eagle Cam on the North Shore!


First egg for 2024 at our White Rock nest, laid March 9 at 3:13 pm! Watch them live at https://hancockwildlife.org/white-rock-cams/ and join the conversation on our forum - posts about the egg begin here - https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=715&start=2160 ~JudyB

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 02/11/2024

Just another grey day in Boundary Bay ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ… everywhere ๐Ÿ‘


Merry Christmas, all my dearest Eagle Friends!

Giant Stick at Boundary Bay Central Eagle Cam Nest 12/13/2023

This is the first year we've had cameras on this nest on the shore of Boundary Bay on British Columbia. Last year the pair adopted the nest we built for them and raised a chick, and we're hoping for another successful year. Large sticks are useful to weave a nest together - but it's not always easy for a pair to decide just what to do with them. I defy you to watch the whole video without laughing out loud!

You can watch them live here - https://hancockwildlife.org/boundary-bay-central-cams/ - and follow their antics on our forum here - https://forum.hancockwildlife.org/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=709&p=712424 ~JudyB

Giant Stick at Boundary Bay Central Eagle Cam Nest December 12 2023, 1:51 pm - large branches are useful for weaving together a nest - but it's a challenge to find just the right place to put them, as our bal...

Photos from One Eyed Big Guy's post 11/27/2023

Amazing ๐Ÿฆ…โค๏ธ thanks for sharing

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 11/27/2023

Second day eagle counting 1033 - what a day!!! I hope you have enjoyed it as we have. Thanks everyone for coming. All these pictures are from Kit Harvey (Thanks so much for sharing it with us). You all can share your pictures here โค๏ธ๐Ÿฆ…โค๏ธ

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 11/26/2023

First Day eagle counting 1066. Thanks to everyone who come out, what a beautiful day it was ๐Ÿฆ… โค๏ธ๐Ÿฆ… I donโ€™t have eagles pictures to post today ( they need to be downloaded from the camera )but I will post them tomorrow .


Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 11/20/2023

A reminder - the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival is this coming weekend, November 25-26, 2023! The eagles are gathering, and we hope many friends and eagle enthusiasts will be able to attend. There is more information including maps of the area on our website here - https://hancockwildlife.org/fraser-valley-bald-eagle-festival/ We do have one little bit of bad news (with a silver lining) - it looks as if we will not be able to do the bald eagle release planned for November 22nd - happily less eagles than usual have gotten into trouble in recent days, so OWL Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society does not have a candidate for release. But there are hundreds (if not thousands) of eagles in the area - so you will see eagles! ~JudyB (who lives in Maine so won't be there but is hoping to see lots and lots of pictures!)

Photos from Hancock Wildlife Foundation's post 11/13/2023

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WOW โ€“ it has been years pre-covid since we all got together along the Harrison. I so look forward to this
again. Last Thursday I did a count along the River and counted 1031 eagles on the Chehalis Flats.
Wonderful for so early in the season. They will probably be coming in now at 100 to 500 a day as we
work towards the Festival and the peak numbers โ€“ usually about Dec 12. This is also a peak Pink
Salmon year. During the last peak I counted 7662 eagles along 5 mm of shoreline โ€“ opposite the
Sandpiper Golf Couse GAZEBO. Will we beat that number this year? The Sandpiper is again offering
free access to their incredible eagle viewing elevated platform.
We will not have all the educational not-for-profit displays on hand or the commercial photo image etc.
sellers this first year back -- just not the time to organize this -- sorry. This has โ€“ is coming together in
the past week so please forgive this late announcement. Just eagles and talks!!
We will have a crew of knowledgeable eagle people at the Sandpiper Golf Course GAZEBO to talk about
this Internationally recognized largest gathering of eagles in the world. At 1PM we will have โ€œme giving
a talk on our Harrison Eaglesโ€ at the nearby Kilby Post Office Meeting Hall on School Road. There
maybe another AM talk as well.
๐๐จ๐š๐ญ ๐“๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฌ: We are sad to report that the wonderful tour boat that we had for the 10 years before Covid has terminated but IF we get enough people calling us (604 761-1025 โ€“ email:
[email protected] ) in advance we will try and have two smaller (6-9 passenger) tour boats running hourly from beside Kilby. I am guessing but this will probably be about $100 per person. River touring is certainly the way to be really close to feeding & amp; loafing eagles.
I have very specifically invited 2200 of my closest eagle friends to be on the flats Festival Weekend. Of course, many more may hear about the record number of fish carcasses we are offering. This may
result in a lot of gate crashing of the party with eagles fighting everywhere -- but that is the rick that only photographers will be scrambling to catch. These 2200 eagles have the incentive to come south before all their northern salmon rivers have frozen up. This annual northern freeze-up is what drives these northern eagles south to feast on this, the first major river that does not freeze their dinner, the spawned out salmon carcasses under ice.
I am optimistic that we will have a new record year of migrant eagles, supplemented by many of our breeding eagles that frequent this and the other rivers during this pre-breeding season period. Many of you will have noted our southern breeders are back throughout the valley. This Festival offers a Celebration to both these populations. We have repeatedly determined that some 35,000 to possible as many as 50,000 eagles pass through our valley every year. We are the eagle capital of the world and I
love for people to see them.
Hopefully we will see many of you along the river or at the Sandpiper Golf Course GAZEBO or the Kilby Hall talks. The Sandpiper, as usual, is offering access to the GAZEBO viewing stand free of charge -come and enjoy this incredible event. On most days of the peak season more eagles can be seen from this GAZEBO than any other site in the world.

We will be updating the new Web site as we add more events: also you can see the regional map showing viewing & amp; lecture sites โ€“ and where the Harrison is! See you there!
David Hancock:
[email protected]


Peace Arch Park rally October. Biofuels: good idea, wrong location.


We haven't seen them on the nest together yet, but our Surrey Reserve pair Rey and Brit have both stopped by to let us know they are back in the area after the usual summer break. Dad Rey was first seen on the nest the evening of September 28 and Mom Brit stopped by the morning of September 30th. I think they've each made another quick visit since then, and both made quick visits to one of their usual night perches, though they didn't stay long - just checking things out, I suspect. It may be a little while before they start working on the nest, but I'd expect them to be stopping by from time to time to remind other eagles that this nest is taken! You can watch for them here - https://hancockwildlife.org/surrey-reserve-cams/ ~JudyB

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Videos (show all)

A Bald Eagle dances in the gusty wind conditions as it approaches and lands on its nest where another eagle awaits in De...
David says next time it  is a Beaver Festival ๐Ÿ˜
Peace Arch  Park rally October. Biofuels: good idea, wrong location.
The pair at our Surrey Reserve bald eagle cam nest in Surrey, BC, Canada, are both young, and we think this is the first...
David Hancock on the need for artificial eagle nests
Hello everyone!! We are at the Strathcona Park, 857 Malkin Ave, Vancouver, BC this afternoon; come on out and meet us he...
โ€ฆand today Ma Delta made the news ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ‘ we want to thank everyone that have donated; We still have a long way to go, please...
The Tree of Life
Happy Motherโ€™s Day to all moms out there โค๏ธ you are all very special ๐Ÿฆ…โค๏ธ๐Ÿฆ… ( video by Sasse Photo)
Meet Liron- A crazy talented 19 yo Wildlife Photographer


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