Steffi Black Mindful Guide: Coach, Qigong Practitioner

Steffi Black Mindful Guide: Coach, Qigong Practitioner

My focus is on being a mindful guide: coach, qigong practitioner empowering people to find a new path

Through one-on-one coaching, presentations and Qigong healing, Steffi reminds us of our innate wisdom. By integrating daily rituals, together we follow a more peaceful path until your new story emerges.


Want to know a great way to raise the vibes?

Join in a world-wide group healing practice:)

I am honored to join practitioners from around the world to celebrate World Wellness Weekend. I will be live on the site at 10 p.m. on Friday the 20th focusing on the theme peace as we move into Fall. I will share Spring Forest Qigong and Meditation.

This uplifting event is a 24 hour string of healing practitioners leading participants in various practices, e.g., Qigong, EFT, Meditations, sound healing. It will recognize and celebrate World Wellness Weekend and also, International Day of Peace, and World Gratitude day which all happen that weekend.

More details here:


Those ears do more than listening. Massaging your entire ear can help with the following: * opening blockages in your organs* increasing mental clarity* increasing life force energy* balancing the energy for your entire body* hearing problems How: Massage your Massage your entire ear from the top down to the lobe. Then pull your lobe and hold it for three seconds. Release and repeat the entire exercise 9 times. Do both ears simultaneously. Chant the sound “chueeee” how long: one minuteHow often: has needed best times:5:00 to 9:00 AM and 3:00 to 7:00 PM Descriptiom courtesy of the book head to toe healing. We do these exercises in our ONLINE sessions every week. You can join in through my bio. medicinetips

Full Moon in Pisces Lunar Eclipse: #guidedmeditation #fullmoonmeditation #lunareclipse 09/17/2024

The skies are busy. Take time for meditation especially if strong emotions are rising to the surface.

Full Moon Pisces Lunar Eclipse:

Full Moon in Pisces Lunar Eclipse: #guidedmeditation #fullmoonmeditation #lunareclipse Steffi Black is a Coach. Qigong Practitioner. Mindful GuideFull Moon in Pisces: Lunar Eclipse Through one-on-one coaching and Qigong sessions, Steffi reminds...


Excellent tip for this time of year and digestive system issues

Relieve Digestive Problems by Stimulating the Energy Points in the Large Intestines and Digestive System.

HOW TO: Rub your hands until they’re warm.

Place your palms next to and below the corners of your mouth, and massage gently by moving your hands in a circular way 36 times (if helpful, puff out your cheeks for better access.

Massage in the other direction 36 times, and then use your index and middle fingers to gently pat these areas for 30 seconds (Patting without massaging is also good).

The corners of your mouth have energy points connecting to your large intestines and digestive system.

To learn more self-healing techniques >>>


This is the time of year when many people are overthinking and feeling stressed with busyness. The brain is connected to the gut so issues with Constipation, digestive problems, diarrhea and gas can occur. The corners of your mouth have energy points connecting to your large intestines and digestive system.How to help with this:I shared that you can use your index and middle fingers to gently pat these areas for 30 seconds and you can add chanting sound of ‘whooooo’ but you don’t have to do so. Other way to do it before patting: Rub your hands until they're warm and place your palms next to and below the corners of your mouth and massage gently by moving your hands in a circular way 36 times ( if helpful, puff out your cheeks for better access. ) Massage in the other direction 36 times. How long:one to two minutes. How often: has needed and the best times are 5:00 to 9:00 AM and 5:00 to 9:00 PM but do what works for YOU. This information courtesy of Spring Forest Qigong and the book head to to healing. medicine tips

New Moon in Virgo: #guidedmeditation #newmoonmeditation #newmooninvirgo 09/02/2024

New Moon Energy in the air. Take time to ground and connect with this new moon in virgo. Meditation helps centre you before the week starts. To peaceful new start this September.

New Moon in Virgo: #guidedmeditation #newmoonmeditation #newmooninvirgo Steffi Black is a Coach. Qigong Practitioner. Mindful GuideNew Moon in Through one-on-one coaching and Qigong sessions, Steffi reminds us of our innate wisdo...


🌟 Want to get the most from your wellness journey? Here's how! 🌟

Try this simple qigong movement: connect your fingertips to form a heart shape and hold it in front of your navel. This powerful position activates the energy channels that connect to your heart and lungs, while also strengthening your chest, spine, shoulders, and diaphragm.

For an extra boost, gently sway your body from side to side while holding the heart shape. This small movement helps balance both your brain energy and physical body. Give it a try and feel the difference! 🌱✨

This movement is one of the five elements of Spring Forest Qigong. You can register for one of our Online Movement Medicine classes at

The information presented in this written work originated from Spring Forest Qigong


As individuals navigate transition periods, anxiety may emerge, and the application of spring forest qigong principles can support mental wellness. The V-shaped energy point situated between the thumb and index finger is notable for its stress- and anxiety-relieving properties. To augment the effectiveness of stimulation, prepare by assuming a tranquil countenance, concentrating on unconditional love, and envisioning heart-centered healing energy flowing into the hands and targeted point. This preparation significantly enhances the benefits of stimulation, which should be performed in a circular motion for at least seven repetitions, initiating with the left hand and proceeding to the right. Try to do twice in a day for as long as you like. 🙏


🌿🌏 Embrace feelings of connection and serenity with a movement called “Connecting with Heaven and Earth”. ✨

Ground your soul by planting your feet shoulder-width apart, and reach for the heavens with your hands. Feel the healing energy flowing into you and filling you up for five minutes. You can direct the grounding and peaceful energy where you feel you need it most. This energy is helping you to heal faster and more completely.

Feel the connection between your body and the earth, heaven, and the universe. Be sure to focus in on those connections and feel the power of that limitless, healing energy flowing through you. This movement can be helpful in healing challenges related to heart, lymph system, lungs, liver, kidneys, and even intestines.

Join our next Movement Medicine class to learn more Spring Forest Qigong movements to help with healing and restoring your mind-body connection. Register here:

The information presented in this written work originated from Spring Forest Qigong.

Spring Forest Qigong


Bring in the Healing power of water 💦In spring forest qigong we learn that late summer is high yang energy and Master Lin has shared that if it's not balanced then its power can bring up feelings like worry, anxiety and resentment. We can work with magical water to calm our emotions down. How:- [ ] You can drink yin yang water - [ ] Meditate to water - [ ] Look at water and bring in deep breaths - [ ] Take a bath - [ ] Green plants are helpful too Take time to connect with earth energy as well by walking in nature - you can do grounding by bouncing or walking with bare feet. 💦


We are moving into more YIN energy in late August and this is a good time to ground and centre yourself.This is a movement from Spring Forest Qigong that focuses on Peace and Groundedness. We do this in our ONLINEMovement Medicine Sessions. This is a movement that is very helpful for over-thinking and for transition energy which we are in right now.If you want to give yourself some peaceful thoughts consider closing your eyes and repeating a few times to yourself:I feel peaceful and grounded. Peaceful grounded energy is filling me up and flowing through me and try to stay in this for up to a minute.You have just done an ENERGETIC RE-SET.Remember, our thoughts and words have energy and I love working with qigong and meditation at community centres and in our Weekly ONLINE sessions.Reach out if you’d like to try a sample session. No Experience Required. Just An Open Heart.This video does not repreatn a full spring forest qigong class. 🙏


They do incredible work around the power of the heart. It's worth taking the time.

As a gesture of our care, we are gifting you our fascinating e Book, "The Energetic Heart," written by Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., explores the idea that the heart’s energy (electromagnetic field) can be detected in another person’s body, even without physical contact, especially with mates and pets during heartfelt interactions.
You will enjoy reading about experiments where a boy’s love for his dog affects the dog’s heart rhythms, how a husband and wife’s hearts synced during sleep, and how the heart signal of one participant is registered in the brain of another.
This 20 page e Book explores the HeartMath Institute’s and others’ research on bioelectromagnetic interactions and how living and acting from a coherent heart state can affect you and those around you.
Download Free, The Energetic Heart e Book, available for download in PDF, ePub, and Mobi formats.


🌿 Strengthen your inner vitality with this gentle qigong movement:

HOW-TO: bend forward slightly at your waist. Form soft fists with your hands and tap up and down on your tailbone and sacral region for 9 seconds

BENEFITS: The tailbone is the gate of vitality in your body. Tapping this area strengthens your kidney energy and balances energy that helps with weight control, reproductive problems, fertility, headaches, and memory

Embrace the joy, energy, and vibration and let your vitality centre shine 🌿

To learn more visit and register to join one of my online Movement Medicine Classes.

Reference: Spring Forest Qigong


We are moving into more yin energy so take time to ground and balance your energy with these simple Spring Forest Qigong tips. 🙏


We have new moon energy in the air as the Leo New Moon comes our way. A chance to work with this new energy and set some new intentions for you and your heart as this is a heart-centred sign.


In our ONLINE sessions we often do a movement called Breathing of the Universe which is a signature Spring Forest Qigong Movemment for summer and the uplifting emotion we bring in is JOY.

How: You gently bend your knees and allow your elbows to lead and bring your hands out as you breathe in and gently bring hands back in as you breawthe
It is simple and powerful and we learn in Energy Medicine that an uplifting emotion can transform a challenging one. And, this movement focused on Joy helps the Heart Energy System.

You can practice by focusing on what brings you JOY each day.


We know the heart is on duty in Chinese Medicine. This is a exercise to help with the following challenges: Menstrual and muscle cramps, heart problems, stroke recovery, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. This energy point has a strong connection to your heart and to your brain. Massaging here can help menstrual and muscle cramps.How to do it: Curve your middle finger, touch your palm, and note the spot. Then firmly massage that spot with the thumb of your other hand. If you have trouble finding the spot, just massage the area in your palm between the bones of your index finger and middle fingers.How long?Two minutes on each hand starting on your left. How often? A couple times a day to help heal your heart and has often has feels good for cramps. This Chinese medicine tip comes from the book head to toe healing.


Heart energy system is on duty in mid- summer so let's strengthen this area. This also helps with high blood pressure and recovery from heart attack.

How: Rub your hands together until they are warm, place the middle of your left palm on the tip of your nose, and massage in one direction for 36 circles gently but firmly. Then rub your hands together again until they are warm, place your right palm on your nose and massage the other direction 36 times. Chant the sound "kerrr" out loud or inside.

How long: one of set of 36 in each direction is good; more sets are better.

According to book Head to Toe Healing, the tip of your nose has energy points connecting to your heart. Massaging here will promote the overall wellness of your heart by strengthening its muscles and enhancing its blood circulation.


Connect to your Heart.

We have moved through a lot of ener-qi around a full moon and we are moving into Leo season and mid-summer yang energy so this is connected to our heart system in Chinese Medicine.

Can you focus upon what your HEART ❤ needs in this time. What is self-nuturing and self-loving?

We are not meant to move through our days without connecting to ourselves. Try to take the time in your day - even for one minute - and connect with a peaceful moment or close your eyes and offer yourself a regenerative feeling like love or peace or appreciation. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you for it.

Full Moon in Capricorn: Grounding and Centering in this time #guidedmeditation #moonmeditation 07/21/2024

Full Moon Meditation: Short grounding meditation for you

Full Moon in Capricorn: Grounding and Centering in this time #guidedmeditation #moonmeditation Steffi Black is a Coach. Qigong Practitioner. Mindful GuideFull Moon in Capricorn: Guided Meditation Through one-on-one coaching and Qigong sessions, Steffi ...


We are in mid-summer energy and a time of great yang energy in Chinese medicine so bring in healing yin energy for balance.

On July 21st we have a full moon in Capricorn and you can work with the lunar energy even by looking at moon and taking a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body.

In Chinese Medicine, July 22nd is the day of the greatest yang energy so work with the moon and give yourself lots of self-care at this time as moon affects the water's tides and I believe the water and emotions in our bodies too.

Here is a short guided meditation with no music - ground yourself in this ener-qi


A beautiful writing exercise in your day - healing always matters

Hello, my dear friends,

When you seek and strive to be and feel unconditional love in your life, sometimes, old stories can filter though and bring with them old expectations not met by what you thought love was supposed to be, doubts and fears.

Every time you open your awareness to higher energies of love, the remaining lower energies about love will float up to the surface.

These energies will show you what part of you has not felt loved.

Ask yourself this question: Is there any part of me that is afraid of loving and being loved?

Go inward, and be still for a few minutes, and then just start writing what comes to you.

Now, take a few moments to talk to that part of you in the most gentle way and convey, in your own way and words, that there is nothing wrong with feeling that fear.

How many different ways can you reassure yourself that everything is okay and that part of you, that felt or feels afraid, is safe and deeply loved by your Soul and the Universe?

Many Blessings,
Chunyi Lin


🌿 Step into a world of peace and tranquility. Qigong is for everyone, no experience needed. Join our welcoming community and start your journey to wellness with an open heart. 🌼

Just for the next few weeks I am offering a FREE Trial class so you can experience how Movement Medicine can benefit your Ener-Qi emotionally and physically.


Perfect time for some nourishing self care and practices like meditation around the watery, intuitive sign of Cancer.

What new intentions might you create that honour your emotions?

Here's your self care mindful moment:


The power of a 😊 Smile is not only in the warmth generated from one, but there is also so much going on mentally and physically when you take time to share one or just SMILE for yourself and your connection to something that makes YOU feel good.

Here's just some of the benefits:

- sends healing endorphins through your body
- uplifts your mood
- makes the recipient feel good
- connects to many channels in the body and activates them
- calms down your nervous system

This summer, while the heart energy system is on duty, be sure to connect with nature and people through a smile and share in the uplifting energy of this season.

You can join in our uplifting ener-qi of our weekly movement medicine class by visiting You might just start Smiling more!

May you give yourself a moment - no matter how busy - to connect to your Smile, Spring and Sunshine 🌞 today! And remember to smile at the beauty around you and B-O-O-S-T those endorphins.



Helping YOUR immune system with QI

It's national cancer wellness day and let's help with a spring forest qigong tip for helping to heal
cancer and cleansing your lymph system and building your immune system. Curve your ring finger naturally until the tip touches your pal. Hold it there gently nad chant the sound 'ceeee'... you can do one hand or both at once. the energy system that helps many of your bodily functions, especialy the cleansing of waste and toxins, is located where your ring finger touches your palm. Simply stimulae this point by holding your finger on it helps stimulate the energy.


Summer is officially around the corner!

In Chinese Medicine, the Heart Energy System is on duty and spring forest qigong shares healing qi exercises for this.

HOW: Take your right thumb to massage the spot in the "V" on the back of your hand an inch into the "web" where the bones of your thumb and index finger meet. Switch hands and repeat. If you like vibrational sounds chant the word "seeeeee."

HOW LONG: One to two minutes

HOW OFTEN: 3 or more times a day


- [ ] Headaches
- [ ] Heart pain
- [ ] Stomach pain
- [ ] High blood pressure
- [ ] Fever
- [ ] Eye fatigue

This point is on the large intestine channel that runs from your hand to your head. According to book Head to Toe Healing, massaging here can help activate the energy along the entire channel, including your head, as well as the organs influenced by this channel.



Don't miss this health and wellness fair for over 50 year olds on Wednesday, June 19, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at York Recreation Centre, 115 Black Creek Dr, Toronto.

Qigong leader Steffi Black and holistic nutritionist Ara Wiseman from will be hosting a healing table together.

Stop by to have your healthy eating questions answered, and learn how qigong can help enhance your physical and mental wellness!

Photos from Steffi Black Mindful Guide: Coach, Qigong Practitioner's post 06/11/2024


I'm thrilled to be a part of this FREE fun event hosted by Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation which promotes healthy aging within our community.

Stop by my table to learn more about how the ancient practice of Spring Forest Qigong can help you improve your physical and mental wellbeing.

Don't miss this health and wellness fair for over 50 year olds on Wednesday, June 19, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at York Recreation Centre, 115 Black Creek Dr, Toronto.


Today is Action Anxiety Day. A national day to help learn about anxiety, reduce stigma and raise awareness.

A reminder that taking that ONE Moment of quiet and stillness in YOUR day is so important for your Mental Health. Learn to pause, consider and connect will make a difference to how you feel.

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Videos (show all)

Hear Hear! Listen up for your Wednesday Wellness Tip
Taking care of your digestive system
Let's calm any STRESS with a qigong breathing technique.You inhale through the nose, taking about five seconds, and then...
Calming anxious thoughts and overthinking now
🌿🌏 Embrace feelings of connection and serenity with a movement called “Connecting with Heaven and Earth”.  ✨Ground your ...
Wednesday Wellness Tip: Calming your emotions
Mindful Movement: Connecting with Heaven and Earth
Transition energy on August 7th
Bringing in the Joy in Qigong
Heart and Blood Pressure
Heart Healing Exercise
Full Moon Ener-qi: Guided Meditation


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