IDF Next Generation Project

IDF is the international governing body for Soft Darts, e-darts, Virtual Darts and Para soft darts.

IDF Ranking Budapest: Information now available! 06/09/2024

IDF is happy to announce the first IDF Ranking and Champions League and to publish all the main information relating the competition.

The first event will take place in Budapest at the Gerevich Aladár, Nemzeti Sportcsarnok, 1146, Istvánmezei út 3-5.

The competition will start on the 11 of October with the Champions league and the Warm Up and it will conclude on sunday the 13th of October with the Soft Hungarian Open.

For the accomodation please use the following link:

For any information write to: [email protected]

To register athltes and teams, please send the official form to the email of IDF: [email protected]

Here you can find all the information, the schedule and the proper forms:

IDF Ranking Budapest: Information now available! IDF is happy to announce the first IDF Ranking and Champions League and to publish all the main information relating the competition.The first event will take place in Budapest at the Gerevich Aladár, Nemzeti Sportcsarnok, 1146, Istvánmezei út 3-5.The competition will start on the 11 of October w...


The International Dart Federation (IDF) is member of TAFISA, The Association For International Sport For All, and partner of the FISpT, Federation Internationale du Sport Pour Tous.
Thanks to the agreement signed in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the IDF is the official body of FISpT taking care of the competitions, festivals, activities, education and developments of Soft Dart.

IDF is committed on the Sport for All development and wants to push the idea of Sport for all in all the competition.
For the above-mentioned reasons, IDF is happy to introduce at every IDF Ranking, at the World Championships and at the Continental Championships a new subdivision: the Sport for All Division.

The Sport for all division has the following rules:
- All the athletes are eligible to participate to the IDF Sport for all division without any valid registration inside IDF (no IDF License is requested)
- All the athletes are eligible to participate to the IDF Sport for all division with any valid registration to a National Federation Member of IDF
- The IDF Ranking will have their IDF Ranking Sport for all charts and will assign the IDF Sport for all Ranking Trophy
- The continental Championships and the World Championships will assign the Sport for all title
- Athletes with less than 18 years are going to compete free of charge in the Sport for all competitions
- It is possible to register inside the competition even the day before of the competition for the Sport for all division
- As it is a promotional activity, no antidoping tests are going to be run for this division
- The sport for all division can have a different rulebook from the official tournament and a different format than the official IDF competitions
- The division is recognized under the International Sport for All Federation and it is a valid event for the FISpT
- The division is managed by the sport commission and the sport commission of IDF

Here the news: # #


We are here!


We are at the OLY House Paris at Paris 2024!

OLY House is organized by the World Olympians Association!

Join and contact International Dart Federation using the QR in this post!

IDF @ OLY House Paris 2024 is waiting you!


WOA is organizing the OLY House inside the amazing framework of the Paris 2024, a house for all the Olympians and all the athletes involved in the Olympic Games.

WOA hospitality house for Olympians, formerly known as the Olympians Reunion Centre, will be at the iconic Paris headquarters of the French bank group Caisse d'Epargne.

Located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris at 5 Rue Masseran, the Caisse d'Epargne headquarters is classified as an historic monument by the French Ministry of Culture and is not normally open to the public.
International Dart Federation will join the OLY House as partner of the WOA in order to prepare a stand presenting Soft Darts and all its disciplines!

Darts or dart-throwing is a competitive sport in which two or more players bare-handedly throw small sharp-pointed missiles known as darts at a round target known as a dartboard.

Points can be scored by hitting specific marked areas of the board, though unlike in sports such as archery, these areas are distributed all across the board and do not follow a principle of points increasing towards the center of the board. Though a number of similar games using various boards and rules exist, the term "darts" usually now refers to a standardized game involving a specific board design and set of rules.

Soft tip darts on the other hand, have flexible plastic tips and you throw them at a plastic board with moulded holes in it, which hold onto the point of the dart. These darts are commonly used on electronic machines, which score automatically.

Join the OLY House and have fun with IDF and WOA!


🌊🌍 Let’s together dive into action this 🎮✨

Gaming is more than just play—it's a powerful platform to raise awareness, educate, and inspire.

🔹 Raise Awareness: Use our voices and platforms to highlight the importance of ocean conservation.
🔹 Encourage Sustainable Practices: Adopt eco-friendly habits in our daily lives and gaming communities.
🔹 Support Conservation Efforts: Join forces with environmental organizations to protect our oceans.
🔹 Educate & Inspire: Engage young minds through gaming to understand and champion ocean preservation.

Shoutout to the Schmidt Ocean Institute for their groundbreaking work in marine research and conservation. Their dedication to exploration and research - truly inspiring. 🪸🔬

Let's turn our passion for gaming into positive action for our planet. 🌏💙

Photos from ‎اللجنة الأولمبية والبارالمبية السعودية Saudi Olympic & Paralympic Committee‎'s post 09/04/2024

We were there 😎


So happy to share this amazing news!!

We are happy to be a member of the IFSO!

This is a milestone for our organization and for our next generation project!

🥳🎯🥳 We are extremely pleased to introduce our newest member! 🥳🎯🥳

International Dart Federation (IDF) 🎯 is a non-government non-profit organization developing Soft Darts, e-Darts globally. IDF is supporting the Soft Darts worldwide and it is competent on the soft darts. IDF is the governing body for Soft Darts and e-darts, para soft dart in all their forms and disciplines.

👉 Find out more about this sport here:


Sport for Refugees Coalition Kick off meeting 2024 04/04/2024

See the Sport for Refugees Coalition Kick off meeting 2024!!

IDF is member and joined the meeting as member

Refugee Olympic Team
International Dart Federation

Sport for Refugees Coalition Kick off meeting 2024


ROMA DA CAPITALE D’ITALIA A CAPITALE DELLO SPORT PER TUTTI - Da Capitale d’Italia a Capitale dello sport per tutti. Roma ospiterà, dal 18 al 20 novembre, l’European Sport for All Forum Tafisa promosso e organizzato con il sostegno della Figest Federazione Italiana Giochi e Sport Tradizionali e della International Dart Federation.

Il 2024 segna un anno importante per l'avvio dell'anno di sensibilizzazione regionale della TAFISA, organizzazione impegnata nel promuovere la collaborazione, esplorare le sfide e le priorità dei territori e dare forma a strategie personalizzate per lo sviluppo dello Sport per Tutti in Europa, e dunque anche in Italia, nell'ambito delle politiche nazionali e di quelle internazionali come l'Olympism365 del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale, il Piano d'azione di Kazan dell'Unesco e la Campagna Fit for Life, il Piano d'azione globale dell'Oms, l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, sull'attività fisica.

Tafisa, in particolare, fornirà una piattaforma dinamica per gli appassionati di Sport per Tutti, i professionisti e le Regioni per riunirsi, condividere le conoscenze e impegnarsi in discussioni significative attraverso il suo Forum. Tutto ciò rappresenterà un'opportunità unica anche per far conoscere meglio le discipline della Idf (freccette soft, freccette elettroniche e freccette para soft) e della Figest (quelle più tradizionali come lancio della ruzzola, del ruzzolone, del formaggio, del rulletto, boccia su strada, tiro alla fune, calcio balilla, palet, rebatta, fiolet, morra, tsan, fionda, balestra, birilli, lippa, ferro di cavallo e trottola ma anche le più moderne del flying disc, teqball, racquetball, sepak takraw, table soccer, dodgeball) e per aiutare a diffonderle e praticarle.

Ad accogliere il Forum saranno diverse location tra cui la sede del CONI, il Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano al Foro Italico, il Parco Sportivo di viale dei Gladiatori e il Centro di preparazione olimpica “Giulio Onesti”.

Maggiori informazioni sul sito ufficiale:

IDF will take part to the MENA 2024 Conference 25/03/2024

📌Four amazing news on the IDF website, get a look to them:





IDF will take part to the MENA 2024 Conference IDF will partecipate to the 1st MENA Conference.Marco Zerbini, IDF Sport Director, will hold a speech at the MENA Conference introducing Soft Darts as a perfect example of Adapted Sport.First Middle East and North Africa Conference on Adapted Physical Activity is being held under the theme of “Mai...


Read the amazing interview made by ICSSPE/CIEPSS to our CEO Marco Tomasini!

Here the link:

Photos from IDF Next Generation Project's post 02/03/2024

EDU Ranking and EDU Champions League!

European Dart Union is organizing an amazing tournament!

EDU Dart is the continental commission of International Dart Federation!


Campionato Italiano a squadre 2024 Soft Dart 12/01/2024

Campionato Italiano a squadre 2024 Soft Dart Modulo d'iscrizione - Lettera Ufficiale - Inizio campionato fine Febbraio 2024

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