Zürich massage therapy
Zürich massage therapy is a women health clinic providing massage, rehab yoga and pilates private l
Pregnancy massage, most women find that they already relaxed as they get to lay down and rest for one hour 🙂
Pregnancy massage eases back pain, sciatica, headaches, swollen legs and much more.
Shiatsu massage for neck pain
I ❤️ teaching yoga & Pilates, it’s the best job
Women’s health clinic, massage yoga and Pilates in the heart of Zürich
Sacral pain? Sacro-iliac joint on fire
I know how you feel, and I how to make it better. So many women are hyper mobile and suffer from constant sacral pain
New plants arrived
Shiatsu the holistic approach to health #
Shoulder pain? Deep tissue massage to ease off shoulder tension and long term shoulder problems
Half moon can be scary at the beginning, it involves strength balance and flexibility all in one
Feeling chilly? It’s weather for a hot stones massage ❤️
Saturday morning going to work, coffee ritual ❤️
Autumn flowers to brighten the day
Keeping your yoga practice simple
Practice yoga on the mat not InstagramYoga One of my clients asked me if I could do the splits the answer is nope not even close, not sure if I even will get there again in this lifetime, I could do it easily when I was 10. Really and you teach? Yep I do, and I love it it gives me so much meaning to guide others in feeling better, recenterin...
The challenge of a regular yoga practice. Zürich massage therapy owner Lilla shares her insights for a successful and sustainable yoga practice. A little yoga everyday How to practice yoga regularly? Zürich massage therapy owner Lilla Iacopini shares her insights on how to create a sustainable yoga routine
Still two appointments available fir tomorrow:)
4 legged friend visiting Zurich massage therapy
The qualifications are now on the wall
The clinic room is coming together ❤️
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die Praxis kontaktieren
Schoffelgasse 7, Zürich Zürich
Montag | 09:00 - 19:00 |
Freitag | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Samstag | 09:00 - 15:00 |
Winterthurerstrasse 616, Zürich Zürich
Zürich, 8051
Massagem de Pedras Quentes Heisse Steinmassage
Schaffhauserstrasse 560
Zürich, 8052
-Komplementäre Therapie und Medizin -Klassische Massage -Fussreflexzonen -Lymphdrainage -Kopf,Stress
Zürich, 8004
Integral Coaching & Conscious Bodywork, Healing, Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Ceremonies, Cooking
Wibichstrasse 16
Zürich, 8037
•Thai-Yoga Massage •Naturcoaching •Visionssuche/WaldZeit •Theta Healing •Quantum Being ?
Seidengasse 18
Zürich, 8001
Bessere Lebensqualität mit Therapeutischer Massage Uma melhor qualidade de vida com a massoterapia
Binzallee 26
Zürich, 8055
Wir bieten Ihnen klassische und Tuina-Massage, Fussreflexzonen-Massage, Bindegewebsmassage, Akupunkt
Forchstrasse 86
Zürich, 8008
Herzlich bei Ranya’s Thai Massage & Wellness in Zürich. Unser Team bietet Massage Therapien an, um Stress abzubauen und Muskelverspannungen zu lösen, während die Durchblutung des K...
Florastrasse 35
Zürich, 8008
Wimpernverlängerung eylash extention Xtremelashes | Massage | Meditation Massagen | doTerra essential oil | Waxing | Brasil Waxing | Cosmetics
Zürich, 8051
Fern von Südostasien vermittle ich Ihnen eine original thailändische Atmosphäre. Ich verwöhne al
Zentralstrasse 2
Zürich, 8003
Deine Experten für Gesundheit, Ernährung, Massage- und manuelle Therapie.