Your Nutrition Balance
Gesundheits- Und Schönheitsfirmen in der Nähe
Claudette Lucien
MSc Personalised Nutrition
FdSc Nutritional Therapy
- First things first: I love to eat, and believe food is one of the great pleasures in life
- Providing nutritional therapy following a multidisciplinary approach tailored to individual needs
- Certified metabolic balance® coach
- Special interests: treating illnesses and diseases relating to mental health, gut health, skin, weight management and auto-immune conditions
What's your gut feeling?
You can find out more about our range of Bio-Kult products now also in French language (and of course English and German).
Qu'en pense votre ventre ?
Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur notre gamme de produits Bio-Kult également en français dès maintenant.
What is your gut feeling?
We now also have information about our Bio-Kult product range available in French on our webpage.
Qu'en pense votre ventre ?
Découvrez-le avec les probiotiques Bio-Kult!
Interesting summary on gut and .
You can read more about it in our separate blog "the allergy epidemic" here:…/the-allergy-epidemic-allergien-…/
What’s the link between gut microbiota and allergies? Allergic diseases are more and more on the rise. There have been several attempts to explain the reason why, but only recent research has been able to identify the crucial factor: microbiota.
Globally, over 40% of daily calories come from three staple crops!
Consuming a broad variety of foods increases beneficial bacteria diversity, thereby supporting health.
Who would have thought there are over 1,000 varieties of bananas!
Nearly half our calories come from just 3 crops. This needs to change 5 reasons why we should stop neglecting the crops that can revolutionize the future of food.
Need tips for preparing and supporting the ski knees?
Gesunde Gelenke - Unsere Top 4 Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Chronisch schmerzhafte, schmerzhafte, geschwollene Gelenke können den Alltag wortwörtlich zu einem Kampf machen, und wir wollen helfen. Unsere Ernährungsberater sprechen mit Ihren Kunden regelmäßig über Massnahmen um die Gelenke zu schützen und zu stärken. Entsprechende Ernährung, sowie Unt...
Tomorrow is annual Iron Deficiency Awareness Day - with a third of the global population affected, learn more about the symptoms and side-effects of iron deficiency below and via the awareness link:
Iron is an essential mineral for blood production. Approximately 70% of the iron in the body is found in haemoglobin, the red blood cells of blood, and myoglobin, the form of haemoglobin found in muscle tissue. Haemoglobin is essential for transferring oxygen in your blood from the lungs to the tissues. Myoglobin accepts, stores, transports and releases oxygen in muscle tissue. In summary, good iron levels can support oxygen transportation, the immune system and cellular energy.
Symptoms of iron deficiency include:
- anaemia
- brittle hair
- difficulty swallowing
- digestive disturbances
- dizziness
- fatigue
- fragile bones
- hair loss
- inflammation of the tissues of the mouth
- nails that have ridges running lengthways
- nervousness
- obesity
- pallor
- slow mental reactions
Iron deficiency is usually due to insufficient intake, however other factors include:
- intestinal bleeding
- poor digestion
- long-term illness
- ulcers
- prolonged use of antacids
- excessive coffee or tea consumption
- menstruating women
- strenuous exercise
- heavy perspiration
- strict vegetarians
- a diet high in phosphorus (major sources: cheese, milk, meats, whole grains, legumes, nuts; soft drinks have a different form of phosphorus, with research indicating it may draw calcium out of the bones)
Excessive iron intake can also cause problems, as it is stored in the body. Too much iron in the tissues and organs leads to the production of free radicals and increases the need for vitamin E.
Good food sources of iron include:
- liver, red meat, shellfish, egg yolks
- legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas), dark leafy greens (spinach, swiss chard), dried fruit (prunes, apricots)
If you struggle to increase your iron levels through food you can use supplements, however, should you be on iron supplements for medical purposes, do not take during an infection, as bacteria require iron for growth. Vitamin C can increase the absorption rate of Iron by as much as 30%, so aim to include foods rich in this nutrient if you are iron deficient.
Looking to strengthen your immune system?
Great blog about the benefits of probiotics and vitamin D. I find that zinc is another essential for immune health!
It's that time of the year again to take extra care of your immune system. Our number one recommendation: Look after your gut health!
Up to 80% of our cells are in the gut, so whilst many focus on topping up on vitamins and minerals (which are also important), would it not be most logical to feed your gut more beneficial bacteria as a first priority?
The tract contains up to 100trillion microorganism. The gut is also considered the second brain, with 95% of in the gut, and our microbiota is as personal as a fingerprint.
Read more about the benefits of probiotics in our latest blog
Not exercising is worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals
Newly published retrospective cohort study enrolled patients at Cleveland Clinic over a 23 year period (median follow-up of 8.4 years).
The authors stated that comparing those with a sedentary lifestyle to the top exercise performers, the risk of premature death was 500% higher.
What made the study so unique, beyond the sheer number of people studied, was that researchers weren't relying on patients self-reporting their exercise. "This is not the patients telling us what they do, this is us testing them and figuring out objectively the real measure of what they do."
Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease Being unfit should be treated as a disease that has a prescription, called exercise, the study's author said.
Do you suffer with bloating, IBS, reflux or digestive issues?
Do you want to learn more about the importance of your gut, and how to keep it healthy?
We have a guest speaker from the UK visiting next Thursday to present on the above topics, and I will also be contributing to the discussion based on my clinical experience and specialising in IBS and IBD.
After the workshop there will be an opportunity for networking. We hope that you can join us!
Learn how to love your gut!
Interested in healthy lifestyle? Then you should make gut health a core focus - given over 80% of our immune cells are located in the gut.
Join us in Zürich on the 27th of September for an informative presentation and discussion on practical tips to support your gut health to achieve overall health and wellbeing. We will have a international expert from the UK speaking on the topic of gut health and will combine that with plenty of practical perspective of our own Zürich based nutritional therapist.
Spaces are limited, register in advance through this link:
Evening seminar for those interested in nutrition, health and wellbeing
For those in Switzerland, I hope you can join us on Thursday 27th September in Zurich for an evening seminar focusing on gut health.
Nutrition lecturer and BioCare Clinical Nutrition Advisor Emily Blake will be visiting from England to present on the vital role of our intestinal bacteria in maintaining health. She will also explain how we can support our intestinal flora and effective digestion, motility and integrity. As part of the discussion, I will also share experiences from my practice.
Date: Thursday 27th September
Time: 19h00
Venue: Viaduktstrasse 93, Event Space Bogen D (Impact Hub), 8005 Zürich
Spaces are limited, register via the following link:
Gut health seminar for those interested in nutrition, health & wellbeing Evening seminar for those interested in nutrition, health & wellbeing Gut health as the main component of a healthy lifestyle nourish me and BioCare® invites you to participate in our expert discussion on gut and intestinal health in practice. Our guest speaker will be Emily Blake, Naturopathic Nut...
I finally took the plunge and swam 1.8km across Lake Zürich this morning. Perfect water temperature at 24C, lots of familiar faces and lots of fun 🇨🇭🏊♀️☀️😊
Happy Swiss National Day 🇨🇭
Supporting brain function, memory and thinking through nutrition (full blog in English)
Nahrung für das Gehirn (Supporting brain function, memory & thinking through nutrition) Das moderne Leben belastet unser Gehirn mehr und mehr - ob permanentes "multi-tasking", Konzentration, Kommunikation - wir sind einer Flut von Stimulationen aus allen möglichen Quellen ausgesetzt. Die folgende Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache von unserem Partner BioCare gibt einige Tips und Hi...
It is well established that our gut bacteria influences our digestion, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, immunity, mood and obesity, and new research is connecting gut bacteria to Parkinson’s Disease.
Gut-Brain Connection
The brain is the most complex object in the known universe so how could it be reacting to bacteria in the gut?
■ One route is the vagus nerve, it's an information superhighway connecting the brain and the gut.
■ Bacteria break down fibre in the diet into chemicals called short-chain fatty acids, which can have effects throughout the body.
■ The microbiome influences the immune system, which has also been implicated in brain disorders.
■ There is even emerging evidence that gut bugs could be using tiny strips of genetic code called microRNAs to alter how DNA works in nerve cells.
How bacteria are changing your mood Scientists think "mood microbes" are a new frontier for improving the health of the brain.
The Environmental Working Group have now published the 2018 list of produce with the highest (Dirty Dozen) and lowest (Clean Fifteen) levels of pesticides.
2018 Dirty Dozen singles out produce with the highest levels of pesticides, namely: strawberries🍓, spinach, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, peas, tomatoes, celery, potatoes, sweet bell peppers, therefore always try to buy these organic (bio).
2018 Clean Fifteen lists produce least likely to hold pesticide residues: avocados🥑, sweetcorn, pineapples, cabbages, onions, peas (frozen), papayas, asparagus, mangoes, eggplants, honeydew melons, kiwis, cantaloupe melons, grapefruit and cauliflower.
Bad news:
- Over 98 percent of samples of strawberries, peaches, potatoes, nectarines, cherries and apples tested positive for residue of at least one pesticide
- A single sample of strawberries showed 20 different pesticides
- Spinach samples had on average almost twice as much pesticide residue by weight compared to any other crop
Good news:
- Avocados and sweet corn were the cleanest. Less than 1% of samples showed any detectable pesticides
- Over 80% of pineapples, papayas, asparagus, onions and cabbages had no pesticide residues
- No single fruit sample from the Clean Fifteen tested positive for more than four pesticides
Not everyone can find or can afford an all-organic (bio) diet. Therefore it would be best to seek out conventionally grown fruits and vegetables that tend to test low for pesticide residues (Clean Fifteen). When you want foods that test high for pesticides (Dirty Dozen), try to locate organic (bio), as unfortunately even when some fruits and vegetables are washed and peeled, pesticides persist, according to the US Department of Agriculture.
So what’s all the fuss about? Organophosphate is the basis of many pesticides, and is toxic to the body. Children are most susceptible, with research linking it to impaired brain development, cancers, decreased cognitive function and behavioural problems. New research also links high pesticide produce to poorer fertility. ( #.Ws-iymaQ3UI)
Executive summary incl. study references: (
It's here! Get your own copies of the Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen lists here:
With around 80% of our immune cells located in the gut, it’s no surprise that taking care of your gut can support your immune system. Tips and recommendations can be found on our blog below...
How to you support your immune system whilst continuing to be active and enjoying winter?
Read our blog for a summary on:
1.) Function of the immune system
2.) How to support your immune system (think gut health, foods, vitamins & minerals)
3.) Foods best to eat when you are ill (and also to prevent getting ill in the first place)
Key food groups to focus on include:
+ natural anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory foods
+ bone broths
+ vegetables and vegetable juices
+ probiotic foods
+ essential fatsämpfen-sie-bakterien-in-der-kalten-jahreszeit/
Never one to turn down a photo opportunity... Thula Thula Game reserve had a visit from the local Empangeni plumbers, so I jumped in the van whilst the plumber was on call.
**We really wanted to highlight a number of blogs we have published on gut health, IBS, impact of endurance sport on gut health, acid reflux, and many more.**
If you are on the lookout for an incredible game reserve, Thula Thula is one of may favourites, and in my home province Kwazulu-Natal. Acclaimed conservationist Lawrence Anthony founded the reserve, and was well known as 'The Elephant Whisperer' (I also highly recommend his book).
Where a flush beats a full house...
From IBS to endurance sports, check out our various blogs (summary of topics below) in the area of gut health and good digestion here:
- Diarrhoea, a taboo subject
- What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
- GERD / Acid reflux
- Gut health as a key to a healthy life
- Choosing the right live bacteria
- What are probiotics (live beneficial bacteria)?
- Top five digestions tips
- Keeping IBS under control
- Gut health in endurance sports
(photo taken at the fantastic Thula Thula - Exclusive Private Game Reserve)
Suffering with IBS? These lifestyle, dietary and supplemental suggestions may ease your symptoms.
[Blog in English]
Reizdarmsymdrom: Was ist es, was kann helfen Das Reizdarmsyndrom (RDS, englisch IBS) ist eine Erkrankung des Verdauungssystems. RDS ist gekennzeichnet durch Symptome wie Schmerzen im Bauchraum, Durchfall, Verstopfung, Blähungen und das Gefühl der unvollständigen Darmentleerung. Bei schwerem Verlauf der Erkrankung rücken die Darmbeschwerden...
WEF dementia article on the importance of a good diet for brain health:
"Binge eating, a lack of antioxidants, and a diet low in fibers combine with other factors — a sedentary lifestyle or emotional stress, for example — to put a strain on our brain."
Neurologists may have discovered a key ally in the fight against brain ageing One way to slow brain aging may not be that different from what works for our general physical health: eating salad.
GERD* / Acid Reflux / Heartburn?
Please take the time to read this article, and share with anyone you know who may suffer from this condition. It is common for doctors in Switzerland to prescribe PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) for acid reflux, with long-term detrimental effects, and ultimately it is not addressing the root cause, but just adding a 'band-aid'. Seek out the guidance of a nutritional therapist, as this is a relatively easy condition to improve (and quickly) with dietary changes and a couple of key supplements .
We have summarised the likely drivers and best nutritional and lifestyle changes to tackle GERD long-term, and for good.
(Hint: many of the short-term measures available are often prescribed, whilst potentially effective today, they can be counter-productive in the long-term, and even lead to other health issues.
Read our blog in English (summary in German)…/sodbrennen-saurer-rückfluss-lan…/
*Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Sodbrennen & Saurer Rückfluss: Langfristige Lösungen statt falscher kurzfristiger Massnahmen
Delighted that we now have magnesium Oxy-T available on our webshop:
Oxy-T is an officially recommended metabolic balance® product used as part of the Phase 1 colon cleanse - with great effect.
Some people use epsom salts for bowel cleanses or constipation, however epsom salts induces a very strong and unnatural bowel evacuation. You are likely to fear leaving the house or sharing your bed due to the potential consequences (apologies for the graphics, but the bowel is always a key topic for nutritionists!). Oxy-T is very effective, but will not create the loose bowel anxiety induced by epsom salts!
I'm not a fan of extreme cleanses or detoxes, but rather habits that can be incorporated sustainably into daily life. The link below details realistic steps that can be incorporated on a long-term basis for health and wellbeing!
Time to Detox: read our top-8 tips to maximize your body's efficiency in our blog here:
1. Hydration
2. Bathing/Sauna
3. Skin brushing
4. Oil pulling
5. Dental hygiene
6. Enemas/colonic hydrotherapy
7. Exercise
8. Nutrition
Gut and liver play a crucial role, focus on foods that support gut & liver health.
Very best wishes for a happy and healthy 2018!
If you suffer from IBS-D, recent research demonstrated sufferers using probiotics experienced a 69 % decrease in abdominal pain
IBS diet cure: Sufferers whose main symptom is diarrhoea should take THIS supplement IBS affects millions in the UK, with some suffering from IBS-D, where diarrhoea is the main symptom. However, taking a probiotic supplement could help.
The below video from BioCare explains more about probiotics...
Magnesium & Depression: Interesting new Study Results:
Magnesium may be a supplement to consider for those with depression.
Pinpointing a treatment to alleviate depression can be difficult. As you weigh all the options, here’s new research to consider: a study published in PLoS One found magnesium may help reduce the symptoms of depression. Read more about the study on our webpage blog here or through profile link:
Plastics are polluting our oceans - this is a great reminder to be conscious of our consumption habits and to say 'no' to straws!
Plastikstrohhalme verschmutzen unsere Ozeane. Also lieber den nächsten Afterwork Gin Tonic direkt aus dem Glas genießen. 🍸
Art by Daniela Garreton
Always read food labels to avoid falling into the marketing buzzword trap!
A nutritional approach to Menopause (by our partners BioCare)
Menopause for a woman is a time she is transitioning into a new phase of her life. For many it can be a difficult transition that can be painfully drawn out due to a number of lifestyle and emotional factors. Nutritionally speaking, we can support that woman into the next phase of her life by supplying her with the nutrients her body needs to successfully make that transition. Read more here:ährung-während-der-wechseljahre-menopause/
Ernährung während der Wechseljahre (Menopause)
Die Wechseljahre sind der Übergang in eine neue Phase des Lebens. Dies kann sowohl aus emotionalen wie auch aus Gründen des Lebensstils eine schwierige Zeit für viele Frauen sein. Zusammen mit Ihrem Ernährungsberater können wir Sie unterstützen - durch Nährstoffe die wichtig für Ihren Körper sind um diesen biologischen Übergang erfolgreich zu machen.
EPA and DHA contribute to a broad range of conditions, including the normal functioning of the heart, brain and eyes.
Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in foods such as oily fish, linseeds, h**p seeds and marine algae.
Vegan-Omega-3 is a great marine algae omega-3 solution for vegans, and Mega EPA (containing sweet orange oil, to avoid 'fishy burps') is a great solution for non-vegans.
You can find both products on our website:
Vegan? How to get enough Omega-3
With more and more evidence about both the benefits of sufficient EPA and DHA levels and the challenge obtaining sufficient amounts of it as part of a vegan or vegetarian diet, how can you ensure to get sufficient quantity and quality of omega-3 fats, which are essential for brain, heart, eyesight and immune system. Check out the latest blog on our webpage through here: for summary recommendations and link to a relevant and recent study.
'think zinc' for your immune system - especially given the dramatic weather changes in Switzerland over the past few weeks! Last week in Zurich it was 18 degrees with sunny blue skies, and today it is 3 degrees with snow. Bring on summer!
When it's almost May, a long weekend awaits, and you wake up to this,... 1.) get your winter gear out 2.) dig deep for some extra motivation 3.) accept the extra challenge and keep moving outdoors (you will feel great afterwards) 4.) look after your immune system (nourish, sleep, hydrate) 5.) and/or enjoy a nice bath/sauna/book in front of the fireplace tonight instead,...
More on foods rich in Zinc for extra immune support in our blog/profile link
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.
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Als erfahrener Pädagoge und Therapeut betreue ich mit viel Freude seit vielen Jahren Erwachsene und
Zollikerstrasse 37
Zürich, 8008
Shiatsu-Therapie und Stressbewältigung - Kathrin Fischer lic. phil. - Zollikerstrasse 37, 8008 Zürich
Falkenstrasse 26
Zürich, 8008
Mitglied bei EMR, ASCA, EGK und SGS für die Methode Shiatsu auf Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch.
The Himalayan Salt is considered one of the healthiest salts on Earth. True Himalayan salt lamps come from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. The salt this mine produces has a reddi...