Natalie Dube Wellness

Natalie Dube Wellness

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Mitti Richies
Mitti Richies

Información de contacto, mapa y direcciones, formulario de contacto, horario de apertura, servicios, puntuaciones, fotos, videos y anuncios de Natalie Dube Wellness, Sitio web de salud y bienestar, Nosara.

If you feel dissatisfaction in your physical, emotional, personal and/or professional life and you are ready to make radical changes, I'm here to help you identify, articulate, take aim, and proceed so that you can reshape your future & flourish.


✨Are you in the midst of a life transition—a shift in your relationship, job, location, or health—that's shaken your confidence and self-esteem? Do you feel uncertain, insecure, and vulnerable? I understand how overwhelming these changes can be.

🦋Transitions bring unknowns and uncertainty, making us crave stability and security. That’s where I come in. Together, we'll reconnect you with who you truly are, rediscover what you want, and tap into your unique strengths, gifts, and abilities.

🔥I'll help you cultivate empowering and uplifting habits, surround you with inspiring people, and foster positive thoughts. We’ll work on shifting your mindset, dissolving the old programs, conditioning, and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from feeling confident, worthy, abundant, free, and happy.

💥In our sessions, you'll be held in a safe, judgment-free space, filled with love and support. By the end of our journey, you'll have a clear vision of your new path, feeling empowered and motivated to move forward in a new direction. You’ll experience a level of self-love like never before.

👉Ready to step into your highest potential? We'll review your life journey together, identify the blind spots, and create a clear plan to stop the suffering.

Drop "TRANSITION" to book a free call with me. I only have 3 more spaces in my calendar—let's make sure one of them is yours.


I'm so grateful for those that choose to Become A Better version of themselves, to heal, to grow and learn.

Grateful they decide to work with me and allow me to hold space for them with so much respect & love.

Thank you for writing these kind words. 🙏💜

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 16/08/2024


Yesterday, I shared the events of my journey, but I left out the most important part: the growth and healing that shaped me.

In 2018, I moved to Costa Rica, seeking freedom and growth. While the experience brought gifts, it also presented immense challenges. I found myself in a toxic relationship, struggling with my mental and physical health. I coped by biking obsessively, and barely eating, which led to body dysmorphia and constant stress. I was also building a house and working hard to pay the bills.

In 2021, I finally left the relationship and moved to Pennsylvania, but my health deteriorated as I continued the live a Fight or Flight life, biking & working a lot, publishing my book and not eating. One morning, I woke up paralyzed on my left side, my body shut down from months of stress. This marked the start of a deep healing journey, involving countless healers, therapists, and doctors, all the possible diets & supplements. It took two years to feel "normal" again.

What I learned:

* LOVE is the ultimate healer.
* Healing is a journey of the body, mind, and soul.
* Disconnecting from your soul leads to illness. BE YOU. DO YOU.
* Stress is the number one cause of illness.
* True health comes from balancing inner masculine & feminine energies.
* Being thin doesn't mean being healthy.
* Patience, Trust, Surrender, and Discipline are essential.
* The Universe supports you; the challenge is overcoming your Ego.
* Change your thoughts, change your reality. You are a powerful creator.

Thank you for reading my story. It is just a small portion of what happened, but it gives you an idea ;) Even now, it feels surreal—like a different me from a long time ago.

Moral of the story: Take care of yourself. Listen to your body. Love yourself. Prioritize your well-being. Self-care is not selfish.

With love always,


Hi :) I'm Natalie!

I wanted to take a moment to reintroduce myself, especially to those who are new here.

Thank you for being here and taking the time to learn a bit about me. I look forward to getting to know you as well. 💜

My journey began with a diploma in Psychology, fueled by my desire to understand the human mind. This curiosity led me to Anthropology and later into education, where my passion for human connection truly flourished.

For over two decades, I’ve been dedicated to Self-development and Spirituality. I spent 17 transformative years mastering a Qigong technique under the guidance of a powerful Master, Dr. Yan Xin, which reshaped my life. This deepened my understanding of the mind, body, and energy.

I felt called to broaden my healing journey, becoming a certified Yoga Instructor—a passion that continues to light up my life. That same year, I earned my Life Coaching certificate, knowing my purpose was to guide others.

My path has taken me across borders and through many transitions:

2017: Launched my coaching business in French.
2018: Moved to Costa Rica, taught yoga at renowned centers and hotels.
2019: Bought land and built a home in Costa Rica.
2021: Sold my home, moved to Pennsylvania, published my book, and expanded my coaching in English. I also opened a small yoga studio.
2024: Returned to Canada, focusing on expanding my coaching practice in French and continuing to teach yoga.

Today, I offer a powerful Coaching Program for those navigating Life Transitions, struggling with indecision, lack of confidence, disempowerment and confusion.

My mission is to remind my clients of their innate power and help them regain confidence and help them gain clarity on their dream life.

My approach is intuitive, holistic, and blends various traditions, neuroscience, and more, and of course, my 23 years of experience in transition! lol!

My greatest gift? It’s LOVE.
I'm devotee to LOVE & SOURCE.

Thank you for reading my story! Let’s connect—feel free to reach out via DM me for a chat.

Have a look at my website & offers:

With love, always. x


Finding the Silver Lining in Life's Transitions ✨

Having personally navigated countless life transitions, I can assure you—no matter how daunting or painful it may seem—there’s always a silver lining. Trust me.

Right now, you might be overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions: loneliness, confusion, fear, and anxiety. But let me reassure you, there is a bright light at the end of this transition tunnel. It’s the promise of a deeper understanding of who you are and what you truly desire in this new chapter of your life.

If you’re experiencing this, it’s because on a deeper, soul level, something within you needed to change, evolve, and transform. You may not yet understand what or why it’s happening, and you might be asking yourself, "How did I get here?" But remember, everything is happening for you, not to you.

This realignment is your life’s way of guiding you toward a more evolved and expanded version of yourself. It means you’re ready for new challenges, new lessons, and new growth.

That is your Silver Lining.

As humans, we often resist change until we’re pushed against the wall. And when we’re too slow to move forward, the Universe has a way of giving us a nudge. 😉

It’s time to let go of the rejection, the ego-driven belief that you’re not good enough, not worthy, or that you’ve failed.

Your challenge now is to trust, deep within your being, that something better and bigger is on its way to you.

In my program, WOMEN from TRANSITION to EXPANSION, I not only help you gain clarity on the "new you"—who you are and what you want—but I also guide you in dissolving the blockages and fears that have been holding you back from feeling empowered, free, happy, and fulfilled.

For a limited time, I’m offering a summer discount, so if you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, DM me to schedule a FREE discovery call.

You deserve to feel on top of the world in this exciting new chapter of your life. And I’m here to help you make that happen.

Love & Beyond 🩷🙏

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 16/07/2024

"As within, so without".

Since everything is Energy, Vibration, Frequency, our inner world affects our outer reality & experience. Every thought & emotion we experience leaves an energetic imprint in the field.

This is why I always say that we are powerful creators! Most of us don't realize it because we are pointing the finger outwards, hiding, doubting or giving our power away.

I'm challenging you for the next week to start your day with a gratitude prayer, mantra, meditation or journaling practice. This will allow you to set the tone for your day on a positive note and a high vibration.

In order to experience a new reality, you have to "think" different, "feel" different, "be" different and "do" different. Then observe how your outer experience shifts.

For those that are ready to embark on this journey, I will offer you a FREE coaching session to get you started. 🩷🙏 WRITE BELOW "ME" to book your session.

Love always xx


Having traversed the peaks and valleys of life, I've come to understand a profound truth: every time I make a choice that diverges from my heart and joy, I encounter immense difficulties, depression, and sadness.

I don't know about you, but my human design is built in a way that my success & abundance comes when I'm doing what I love and sharing my passion & gifts!

Now, I've discovered a recipe that not only brings me joy but also abundance. This newfound clarity empowers me to make a greater impact and offer better service to others.

My purpose is to provide a safe, non-judgmental space for those who feel lost, confused, depressed, or simply lack the tools to envision the bright future and achieve the dream they deserve. I'm here to remind each soul of their power as a creator, capable of making choices that are aligned, inspire and bring joy.

My mission is to share my love, experiences, my humble wisdom and my light.✨🤍

The best way to embark on this journey with me is through my 1:1 transformational coaching. Your first session is FREE, giving us the opportunity to see if we resonate and to see what is the best path for you. DM me to start a conversation.

Love and Beyond, xx

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 23/06/2024

You are not alone! I know this is not easy. I've been there. I'm here to support you on your journey with so much compassion and love.🤍 But you have to be ready to commit and trust yourself.

DM for a connection call.

Love always xx

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 19/06/2024

On my journey, I've experienced confusion, despair and depression through many different angles and themes: work, relationships, money, health, location, NAME IT!

So I know what it feels like, I know all the steps, tools & techniques to alchemize it into higher states of alignement, joy, fulfillment, freedom, health and love.

You are not alone. I feel you and I'm here for you.

Reach out if you are ready for a radical transformation.

Love & beyond xx


At a certain point in my journey, I had a profound realization. For many years, I had been unconsciously "chasing," "running after," or "wanting" something or someone—a new location, a business or job, a partner, an experience, joy, abundance, money, success, etc. Do you know how exhausting that is? I certainly do.

We humans tend to do this when we are stuck in our ego and trapped by our limiting beliefs, fears, programs, and conditioning, thinking that we are not safe, not loved, not worthy, or not enough if we do not have certain things. It's all nonsense.

As I finally allowed myself to slow down, stop, and listen, and did the necessary introspection, I heard a voice say, "Stop fleeing, escaping, chasing, and running, or you will continue to suffer and feel lost. Start BEING, not DOING." I cried for many days.

But now I understand that in this state of "Beingness," there is a great sense of peace, freedom, love, and harmony.

Our only purpose on earth is to be who we truly are!

This entire journey we call life is a process of remembering who we are, discovering what we enjoy, and figuring out how to share our gifts.

However, our mind and our ego want us to believe otherwise, creating illusions that only bring more suffering and pain.

So today, I just want to remind you that you are not your thoughts, not your ego, not your programs, and not your conditioning.

You are an incredible being of unconditional love, whole and complete. You are enough. You are amazing. Just focus on being more of yourself. 💜

In my coaching sessions, I help you see the blind spots that are preventing you from being happy, free, abundant, and fulfilled. After our time together, you will have clarity on who you are and what you want. You will know the steps to take to achieve your dream-goal. You will feel confident and empowered to step into your light and highest potential. If this resonates with what you are going through right now, please reach out. I've got you.

Thank you for being here. I love you. xx

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 04/06/2024

There is nothing in the world that brings me more joy than to see my clients reach their goal, no matter what is is (health, relationship, money, location, job) and no matter how long it takes.✨🩷🙏

My strength is to help you gain clarity & confidence on who you are and what you want. I empower you to make the most aligned choices that come from your heart and soul, not from your fears and limiting beliefs.

Love & beyond xx

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 29/05/2024

The time to live a fulfilling life is NOW!

I'm here to remind you of the power you have to experience anything your heart desires.

I only say this because I've walked the path myself many times for work, location, relationship and money!

I believe in you.

Please reach out for support if you are struggling and we can't jump on a call to see where are you playing small, what are some of your limiting beliefs and fears.

Love and Beyond xx

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 14/05/2024

A lot of us are experiencing huge challenges and transitions right now. It can seem scary, confusing and overwhelming. We are ALL seeking happiness, freedom, abundance and health. Through out my own experiences, my learning and my sessions with clients, I know for a fact that what is stopping us from experiencing our dreams are our LIMITING BELIEFS, FEARS, PROGRAMS, TRAUMAS AND CONDITIONING.

The good news is that none of that is YOU. And you can heal and let go of all of it and begin your path of FREEDOM & JOY.

This is what I can help you understand, heal, dissolve, so that your true desires can emerge and you can call into your reality what it is you really want without all the blockages and suffering.

I offer a very powerful and transformational coaching session. If you feel a resonance and a calling, DM me to start a conversation.

You are not alone. You do not need to suffer. I've got you.

Much love 🩷🙏


Unveil the profound truth of healing: Healing equals wholeness. And what is wholeness? It's the deep understanding that you are enveloped in love, embodying love itself.

You transcend the confines of thoughts, cultural conditioning, patterns, mistakes, and traumas. Your essence transcends your physical form; you are the embodiment of pure divine love.

The term "divine" may evoke apprehension, tainted by religious connotations or misconceptions. Yet, this hesitancy has led us to hide our inherent divinity, doubt our gifts, and relinquish our power.

To be divine is to shine brightly, manifesting your fullest potential.✨🩷

My journey through physical afflictions was daunting. Organs faltered, injuries accumulated, daily tasks became monumental challenges. I explored every avenue for healing, yet true restoration eluded me.

What sparked my recovery?

LOVE. Reconnecting with myself. Reclaiming wholeness. Gathering the fragmented pieces of my being and embracing them with unconditional love.🤍

It wasn't an easy path. I confronted limiting beliefs, fears, childhood & ancestral wounds, and traumas with love, granting myself forgiveness, unconditional love to release burdens that weighed heavy.

Why embark on such a journey? To love more & better, to serve humanity, and to guide others through their own healing journey.

My pilgrimage brought forth a rebirth—a transformation aligned with my soul's essence and purpose.🙏

If my journey resonates with you, reach out. Let's share, connect, and amplify the healing currents that flow through us all.

With boundless love 🩷🙏✨


We were given an amazing gift from God called Free Will. ✨🙏🌷This gift is the power to choose what we think, say and do, what we believe in, what we value, what we want to experience and create in our life, how and with who we spend our time and energy.

With every breath, ask yourself, am I choosing love or fear?
Am I choosing unity or duality?
Am I following my soul & heart's wishes or your ego's?

Choosing love in every moment and with every breath has completely changed my life. It healed me. It uplifted me. It transformed me and my relationships. It allowed me to feel Divine love for myself, others and all life! ✨



How many of us, somewhere along our journey, have fallen into the trap of thinking "there is no God because if there was I would get what I want and my life would be perfect" or again, "the law of attraction is BS because I keep on trying to attract this and I never get it."

First of all, Life, Universe, God, Source, Holy Spirit, whatever you call it, does not send you necessarily what you want, but WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR SOUL'S EVOLUTION.

Second of all, keep in mind, you might of forgotten but you incarnated on earth with certain specific lessons to learn that the "mind" can not always understand.

The mind that is often controlled by your ego with underlying motivations or intentions of protecting yourself, avoiding pain, discomfort, rejection or any type of challenge, will direct your thoughts to "wanting something in a certain way". This is why in spirituality there is an important emphasis on the purity of our intention coming from the heart, NOT EGO-MIND.

Lastly, your thoughts and mind may want to attract or experience something but you are not matching its frequency. Your limiting beliefs (often unconscious), fears, traumas and wounds could be in the way...

It took me many trials & errors to understand the universal laws of life and to identify if my desire comes from my ego or my heart. Now when situations my mind can not comprehend show up, I completely surrender & trust the Divine.

We always have free will, but there is also a Divine will that is alignment with the highest good of all. That is what I choose.

Next time, something "bad" happens to you, start by blessing it for all that it is teaching & showing you. Then be patient and allow the meaning, the message, the growth opportunity to be revealed to you.

In other words, choose the path of least resistance, even if it's not what you want, trust that it is what you need.

In all of my services this is something we work on. If you feel you need guidance, DM me.

So much love 💜


Today is a beautiful reminder of the power of love.💜

Love is healing.
Love is freeing.
Love is soothing.
Love is beautiful.
Love is uplifting.
Love is expansive.
Love is inspiring.
Love is contagious.

Today is also an opportunity to check in and see what is your level of unconditional love for yourself.
* Do you still seek for external love & validation?
* Do you need others to reflect back at you their love in order to feel loved?
* Do you give your power away?
* Do you have codependency tendencies?
* Do you have the people pleaser syndrome?

At some point on my journey, I answered yes to all of these questions. It took me years of inner work to finally learn to love myself unconditionally, be grateful every single experience of my journey, honor every inch of my body and celebrate my gifts & abilities.

My first relationship is to myself.
My second is to Source, God, Spirit, Divine, no matter what we call it.

May your heart always be filled with love.
May you remember that you are love.
There is only love. 🩷🤍🩷

Love always xx


I know you are thinking " Really Natalie? Common!" YES! it is that simple, which doesn't mean it's easy. The question is are you ready to choose love every second of your journey?

After experiencing 3 years of disconnection to my soul, high level of stress, building a house in a foreign country, a toxic relationship, codependency, publishing a book, moving to another country, the pandemic, an eating disorder,.... of course my body and organs decided to shut down!

For many months I couldn't move, nor eat. It was the biggest challenge I had ever experienced. Depression, anxiety, loneliness and sadness hit me.

Here I thought I was pretty "aware & awakened", but apparently I had many lessons to learn and it had to be the hard way! Now it all makes sense. For the past three years, I had been denying myself, completely disconnected from my soul & heart making unhealthy choices on many levels.

Although I was 100% committed to getting my health back, trying every possible diet & supplements, working with all the possible specialists, spending around $25,000, yes I saw improvements of course, but I wasn't fully healed.

And in March 2023, I connected with Twinray, 2 masters-teachers with an incredible amount of light & love. I started following their teachings on LOVE & HEALTH, listening to all their meditations and follow every technique they suggested. I started reconnecting to my body, my soul, my heart, my essence and LOVING MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY. I started being Natalie again!

Since then, I've been cultivating on a daily base more light & love into every cell and inch of my being with different daily practices & tools. I'm healed. 🙏✨🥳

The only reason why I'm sharing this is to inspire you and to let you know that if I can do it, so can you. It is your birthright to be healthy, happy & free.

My only purpose on earth is to guide & help you on your healing journey back to your divine & whole self so you can shine your gifts and be of service. ✨💜

I offer different services to help you reclaim your health, power, joy and love. Let's connect.

Love always xx

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 12/02/2024

So many of us are going through huge changes, challenges, shifts, transitions & awakening processes. You might feel that everything is going fast and this can sometimes feel overwhelming. You can also feel lost, confused & lonely.

I understand completely! I've been there multiple times. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Everything is happening to help you evolve & grow for your next highest evolution and timeline. It's not happening TO you, but FOR you. But yes when we are in the middle of it, it feels uncomfortable & painful.

If you can, surrender as much as possible to everything that is happening and practice what I call the "observer". Start witnessing your journey more than identifying to it. See every challenge & hardship as a blessing.

Please know that you are doing an incredible job and as you heal, you also help heal your family, ancestors and the collective. Thank you!

Continue to:


I'm here to help you if you feel called to what I offer.

Love always xx


Beloved hearts 💜

Would you believe me if I told you that LOVE can heal all your illnesses & discomforts? Love can dissolve all pain and problems?

What if I told that all the answers & solutions to your unhappiness & unfulfillment are inside of you.


I will be sharing more about my healing journey because I think it will inspire a lot of you that are feeling lost & discouraged or maybe that are searching for answers and remedies to heal, to be happy, to be fulfilled, when in reality you are the key to your door, the medicine to your illness, the answer to your questions, the captain of your boat.

My journey has taught me unconditional love for myself, not just taking a bath or going for a massage, but deep forgiveness, profound healing, letting go of programs, patterns, conditionings, experiencing deep nights of my soul, experiencing an ego death.

But the most important technique, method, teaching that I have been cultivating & learning is loving of ALL of my experiences, ALL of my flaws and shadows and wounds! Even blessing them, thanking them, loving them. 🙏✨🌷

It has been the most difficult but also freeing and empowering journey of my entire existence yet. The biggest yet awakening process of my life. AWAKENING TO MY DIVINE SELF, MY TRUE ESSENCE, MY TRUE SELF, WHICH IS PURE LOVE AND FREE.

My purpose and mission here on earth is to serve you and help you to heal and reconnect with their divine self, your true essence, so you can experience true sovereignty, bliss, joy, health and love.

I love you.

If you feel you need support or just want to connect, please DM me. I'm here for you always. 🌸🌻

✨ May we rise and shine together.

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 02/02/2024



It's time to align to our heart, to share our gifts and abilities. The planet needs you. This is what you came here for.

May these questions inspire you in the direction of your highest potential, the divine being that you are. ✨🙏💜

I offer mentorship, guidance, coaching and healing sessions. If you resonate and feel called, please DM me. I would love to connect.

Much love always 🌷


Namaste beloved hearts! 🙏🌷

Be aware, as you go through your day, of the vibration generated by each thought, word or deed. Learn to recognize that which expands your energy, and that which collapses it.


After many months of inner journey, profound shifts, deep cleansing & releasing, I'm beyond excited to announce that I've reopened my services as a lightworker offering coaching, mentoring and guidance.

I've also added to my services, energy healing practices: Biodivinity and KES (Krystic Energy System). For now, I'm getting certified, so I offer them for FREE.

If you are called, reach out and let's find a moment to connect. DM me 💜🦋

So much love always and in all ways.


This awareness is a game changer in our energy. ✨

Because of the conditions in society, education and upbringing for some of us, we live in constant judgment of ourself and therefor, others! It sucks the life force out of us.

I challenge you for a day, or two, or more, to release all:

👉THOUGHTS OF "LIFE IS HARD or THIS JOB IS HARD", etc. (a little bit of victim mode)

Observe. Develop awareness.

Starting inviting into your life more thoughts of love, compassion, faith, trust, grace and gratitude. It will automatically uplift you ✨💜🙏



Connect to your heart. Feel it. Listen to it. Trust it. The heart knows the way. ✨💜

To know if we are in alignment is quite easy. I ask yourself in regards to a person, relationship, situation, location, job, etc., do I feel uplifted & excited? In other words, does it feel good! :)

Society in the last decades, centuries have put so much emphasis on the power of the "mind". And yes it is a precious tool. But truly, the mind was always meant to serve and answer to the heart. Our true power, our wisdom, our truth, our gifts, all of our answers and all the healing we seek, comes from our heart.

How much love & compassion have you had for ALL of your journey, your experiences, your relationships, your so-called "failures"? How much forgiveness have you allowed in and felt? When is the last time you have felt a deep sense of compassion for ALL that your are?

Take a few minutes everyday to go inside, connect to your beautiful heart and open up to all the wonders and magic has to offer.✨🙏💜 Most importantly, open your heart to all the magic and divinity THAT YOU ARE.

Namaste precious hearts. I love you.

Photos from Natalie Dube Wellness's post 13/09/2023

Some of us have this inner wisdom that help avoid "mistakes".

Some of us need to learn from hardship, trauma and suffering.

The two paths need to be honored. But if you had to choose one, wouldn't you prefer the route of ease and grace?✨🌷

Remember, you get to choose, always! You are the captain of your boat, the pilot of your plane, the creator of your life.

Reach out if you feel you need more support and guidance. 🙏🦋


I know this is not the answer you expected.

Society makes us feel like something is wrong with us if we are depressed or sad. It thinks that we might need pills, that we need to be "fixed" and we should smile or that we are too demanding, not realistic enough, etc.

I've experienced depression, dissatisfaction and sadness multiple times in my journey...and every time, when I got through it, unexpected magic, treasures & gifts were waiting for me. With time & experience I understood that my discomfort, dis-ease & dissatisfaction were preparing me for the next phase in my life, one that was more aligned & better for my soul's evolution.🦋

When you feel unsatisfied, unhappy or depressed, take the time to sit with your feelings. Allow yourself to feel everything! Don't resist or escape them and know that they are temporary and will pass. And if you can, be thankful for them as they are guiding you to the next phase of your journey. It's your soul or your higher self speaking to you. ✨

Having those feelings is actually a beautiful indicator that something needs to change. It's a sign that something is not aligned. The discomfort you are feeling is what will push you to make a move, get out of your comfort zone and change!

Although, it might not feel like it, It's a blessing. I promise.🙏

I know that this can be hard, but do your best to become more of an observer and surrender to what is for now. Take the time to be still and calm to let your intuition appear and guide you towards the next step.

You've got this. I believe in you. But if you need guidance and support, I'm always here for you. LOVE 💜🌷

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