Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist

Helping you lead a healthy lifestyle.


I am happy to introduce the new name of my practice: Fueleat

Fueleat was founded with the belief that food is the fuel that powers our bodies to live a healthy and balanced life. My mission remains as it is to help and guide people to their personal health goals through personalised, evidence-based nutrition.

Whether those goals are optimising your athletic performance, improving gut health or your overall wellbeing, Fueleat's purpose is to fuel the journey to your health goals 🤍

Subscribe to fueleat website for articles, recipes and free guides (link in bio).

Thank you 🤍


Poke bowl idea vol. 2 - Prawn poke 🍤

Prawns are a great source of lean protein. Protein from our food helps maintain and build muscle mass which supports our bones and joints, improves metabolic health, and reduces the risk of developing sarcopenia in older adults. For my athletes and competitive dancers having adequate protein in your diet means optimal strength and endurance for performance and improved posture!

This poke bowl is packed with a combination of protein, healthy fats and fibre helping increase satiety (feeling full and satisfied) making it a good choice for a balanced meal.

Ingredients (serves 1):
1/2 cup cooked spinach
2 cups mixed leaves salad 🥗
1/4 cup edamame beans
1 grated carrot
10-12 pan sautéed prawns
1/4 avocado 🥑
1 bell pepper 🫑

For the dressing:
1 tablespoon soy sauce
Drizzle of honey

Nutritional information:
Energy: 385kcal
Protein: 42g
Fats: 10g fats

Tailor portion sizes according to your macronutrient requirements or consult with a dietitian to personalise your meals.


Vegetable soup ❤️

As the cold winter days approach I get more requests for healthy soup recipes! This is one you've requested the most so I thought it would be nice for everyone to have!

Ingredients (serves 2 people):
-3 large red bell peppers 🫑
-2 parsnips
-2 large carrots 🥕
-vegetable stock cube
-1 tsp paprika
-yogurt (optional)

First preheat the oven at 190C. Peel the carrots and parsnips. Cut the bell peppers into quarters, chop the carrots and parsnips in bitesized chunks. Add the vegetables in baking tray and add 2 tablespoons olive oil and a pinch of salt.
Then let them cook until they soften and turn partially golden brown.

Once baked add the vegetables in a bowl and blend until a smooth consistency is achieved. Add the paprika in and poor the mixture in a saucepan on medium heat with the stock cube. Add approximately 400ml water to achieve the consistency you'd like. Let the soup heat up until brought to a boil. I always add a tablespoon of sheep's yogurt and cilantro to garnish. Enjoy!


Καλωσορίσατε στο απόλυτο διαδικτυακό κατάστημα αγνών ποιοτικών γεύσεων και σύγχρονου τρόπου μαγειρικής


Salmon poke bowl! 🥗

Salmon is an oily fish and a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. The adult recommendations for fish intake are at least two portions (140g each) of fish per week of which one is oily fish (such as salmon).

What are the benefits of omega-3?

In countries such as Greenland and Japan with an omega-3 rich diet researchers found a lower risk of heart disease compared to other western countries.

Also omega-3, fish are good sources of other nutrients and:

Provide vitamins A and D, protein, and minerals such as iodine, calcium, and selenium

May protect the heart and blood vessels from disease

Support the healthy development of your baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding

May help to maintain good memory and the prevention and treatment of depression

Now for the recipe ingredients:

150g salmon cut in 2x2cm cubes
4 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp honey 🍯
1/2 cup durum wheat (σιτάρι σκληρό)
1 grated carrot 🥕
spinach 🥬
cucumber 🥒
1 egg 🍳

- In a small pot add 1/4 cup uncooked durum wheat and add x2 cups water with a pinch of salt. Let it boil over high heat for around 30 minutes until soft.
-In a blender blend the soy sauce and honey.
-Heat the olive oil on non-stick pan over medium heat and add the salmon cubes. Once they start sizzling, add in the soy sauce mixture and cook on all sides until crispy on the outside.
-Then cook the egg on the pan with minimal olive oil.
-In a bowl add the spinach, carrot, cucumber, salmon,wheat and egg on top.
-Sprinkle sesame seeds on top (optional)

An easy option to take with you at work in a lunchbox!

Enjoy! ☺️

Info source: BDA 2023

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 02/11/2023

Homemade granola recipe! 🥣

Granola are made from oats, one of my favourite gut health foods to have in my diet. Oats are high in fibre, both soluble and insoluble which helps movement in the gut, can help bulk stool which may help with leaky gut symptoms and soften hard stool helping with constipation.

Back to the recipe:
(for 5x60g servings)

-160ml honey 🍯
-3 tablespoons coconut oil
-300g oats
-100g dried fruit 🍇
-100g almonds (cut in half)
-50g pumpkin seeds
-50g coconut flakes (optional) 🥥
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-1 pinch fine salt

Heat oven to 150C/fan. Mix the oil, honey and vanilla in a large bowl. Tip in all the remaining ingredients, except the dried fruit and coconut, and mix well.

Tip the granola onto two baking sheets and spread evenly. Bake for 15 mins, then mix in the coconut and dried fruit, and bake for 10-15 mins more. Bake until golden brown and remove from the oven and let cool down completely. Serve with cold milk or yogurt. The granola can be stored in an airtight container for up to a month.



Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 24/10/2023

Reintroducing myself for all the new people on this page!

I'm a registered dietitian (RD) and nutritionist specialising in gastroenterology and hepatology and sports nutrition (SENr) but expect me to share knowledge for a range of health conditions for which I have received both academic and practical training such as weight management, oncology, head and neck, fertility and paediatrics.

Following my studies and training in the UK, I am working towards elevating your dietetic care here in Cyprus by bringing my passion and knowledge with me!

As you can see I love sharing recipes which I include in my practice as a dietitian to help you achieve your goals!

Hope you are enjoying the content so far, keep posted for more!


Simple avocado toast for breakfast 🥑

Breakfast/brunch can be as simple as this. Balanced in macronutrients like carbohydrates from the bread, protein from eggs and healthy fats from the avocado and eggs.

2 eggs 🥚
1 piece linseed bread 🍞
40g avocado 🥑

Energy: 365kcal


Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 10/10/2023

Fig & goat's cheese toast!

One of my favourite brunch ideas so far! Goat's cheese, figs, pistachios and a drizzle of honey. Match made in heaven 🤍

Figs and generally fruits in general are high in fibre (both the soluble type and insoluble fibre) which helps with keeping a healthy gut and alleviates constipation. For this toast I used linseed bread as linseeds are high in fibre and absorb water forming a gel-like structure which helps to keep things moving in the and can also help with a leaky gut!


Linseed bread
2 figs
handful pistachios
30g goat's cheese
Drizzle of honey
handful pomegranate
teaspoon pine nuts (optional)

Greek text:

Ψωμί με σύκα και κατσικίσιο τυρί!

Μία από τις αγαπημένες μου ιδέες για brunch μέχρι στιγμής! Κατσικίσιο τυρί, σύκα, πιστατσιο και μέλι.

Τα σύκα, και γενικά τα φρούτα, περιέχουν πολλές φυτικές ίνες (και διαλυτές και αναλώσιμες) που βοηθούν στη διατήρηση ενός υγιούς εντέρου και ανακουφίζουν από τη δυσκοιλιότητα. Γι' αυτό το ψωμί, χρησιμοποίησα ψωμί με λιναρόσπορο, καθώς οι λιναρόσποροι είναι πλούσιοι σε ίνες και απορροφούν νερό, δημιουργώντας μια τζελοειδή δομή που βοηθά στην καλή λειτουργία του εντέρου και μπορεί να βοηθήσει ακόμα και στην αντιμετώπιση του διαρροϊκού εντέρου!


Ψωμί με λιναρόσπορο
2 σύκα
Μια χούφτα πιστατσιο
30γρ. κατσικίσιο τυρί
Ελάχιστο μέλι
Μια χούφτα ρόδι
Κουταλιά πινολια(προαιρετικά)

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 06/10/2023

Prawn Salad 🥗

Vegetables are high in antioxidants, those compounds that help protect our cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals.

Antioxidants like vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and various phytochemicals found in vegetables play a crucial role in maintaining our well-being. They help boost our immune system, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and promote healthy aging.

250g prawns 🍤
lettuce 🥬
Basil leaves 🍃
1/4 avocado 🥑
Pine nuts (optional)
Cucumber 🥒
Croutons (optional)

For the dressing:
50ml lemon juice 🍋
1 tbsp olive oil
pinch salt


Cook the prawns in a pan over medium heat until thoroughly cooked. In a salad bowl add the vegetables, avocado and pine nuts. Then using a small blender, blend the cilantro, olive oil and lime juice until a liquid consistency is achieved. Add the dressing and prawns to the salad bowl and season with a pinch of chilli flakes.

Greek text following:
Σαλάτα με Γαρίδες 🍤

Τα λαχανικά είναι πλούσια σε αντιοξειδωτικά που βοηθούν στην προστασία των κυττάρων μας από τη ζημιά που προκαλείται από επιβλαβείς ελεύθερες ρίζες.

Τα αντιοξειδωτικά όπως η βιταμίνη C και E, το β-καροτένιο και διάφορες φυτοχημικές ενώσεις που βρίσκονται στα λαχανικά εχουν σημαντικό ρόλο στη διατήρηση της ευεξίας μας. Βοηθούν στην ενίσχυση του ανοσοποιητικού μας συστήματος, μειώνουν τον κίνδυνο χρόνιων νοσημάτων και προωθούν την υγιεινή γήρανση.

250g γαρίδες 🍤
μαρούλι 🥬
Φύλλα βασιλικού 🍃
1/4 αβοκάντο 🥑
Πινόλια (προαιρετικά)
Αγγούρι 🥒
Κρουτόν (προαιρετικά)

50ml χυμός λεμονιού 🍋
1 κ.σ. ελαιόλαδο
μια πρέζα αλάτι


Μαγειρέψτε τις γαρίδες στο τηγάνι σε μέτρια φωτιά μέχρι να ψηθούν καλά. Σε ένα μπολ για σαλάτα προσθέστε τα λαχανικά, το αβοκάντο και τα πινόλια. Στη συνέχεια, χρησιμοποιώντας ένα μπλέντερ, αναμείξτε τον κόλιανδρο, το ελαιόλαδο και τον χυμό λάιμ. Προσθέστε τη σάλτσα και τις γαρίδες στο μπολ με τη σαλάτα και προσθέστε ελάχιστο τσίλι. Enjoy!


Oatmeal brunch idea!

Oats are a favourite breakfast/brunch option because of how many different combinations you can make resulting in completely different oatmeal flavours. Oats are also one of the most researched foods around gut health (leaky gut, constipation, alternate bowel movements) proven to help bowel function for people with gut disorders.

This recipe is definitely a favourite though so here you go!

100g oats
125ml unsweetened almond milk
blueberries 🫐
1/2 banana 🍌
10g 85% dark chocolate
2-3 walnuts

In a saucepan, add the oats, almond milk and cinnamon and cook over medium heat until a thick but runny consistency is achieved. Add the mixture in a bowl and add the chocolate while still it's still warm. Cut the banana in half and place flat in a heated pan over high heat for approximately 1 minute until you get a golden brown caramelised colour. Add the bananas, blueberries, walnuts and almond butter and your brunch is ready to go!

Nutritional Information:
Energy: 445kcal
Protein: 6.4g (you can add vanilla protein powder after you heat the mixture and it will taste amazing)


Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 15/09/2023

Tahini Oat bars ❤️

As requested, this is the recipe for the tahini oat bars. Had to test this one a couple of times to get it just right so here you are!

Ingredients: (6 servings)

-200g rolled oats
-60g tahini
-40g honey
-1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
-1 tablespoon chia seeds
-1 tablespoon ground linseeds (optional)
-25g 95% dark chocolate

Heat the chocolate with a bain-marie. In a bowl, mix in the ingredients above apart from the chocolate until the mixture sticks together. Then you can start shaping the rectangular bars (1x1cm) on parching paper laid over a tray. Using a teaspoon drizzle the chocolate over the bars and refrigerate overnight!


Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 12/09/2023

Gut-friendly breakfast ideas! 🥣

Start your day with an easy protein-based healthy breakfast recipe. This is one of my favourite yogurt pots that can be prepared in minutes.


-3 tablespoons greek yogurt
-2 teaspoons chia seeds
-1 tablespoon granola
-1 teaspoon pumpkin seeds
-1 1/2 teaspoon honey 🍯

Start by mixing the chia seeds with the yogurt. You can leave this mixture to refrigerate overnight so that the chia turn soft. Then add the granola and honey and you can always add some berries or banana pieces for extra fibre and nutrients.

1 serving contains:

Enjoy! ❤️

.clinical.dietitian ☕️

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 30/06/2023

Beetroot smoothie!

Let’s talk about the benefits of beetroot juice both in the clinical and sports nutrition setting.

Beetroot powder has less carbohydrates but also less fluids than beetroot juice but retains it’s nutritional value when it comes to vitamins and minerals. Beetroot contains vitamin C and folate as well as potassium, iron and manganese.

Beetroot has high levels of nitric oxide (NO). Clinical trials found that beetroot juice may help lower blood pressure due to it’s high content in nitric oxide.

Now with regards to sports performance, beetroot juice has been found to enhance endurance performance in endurance sports as nitric oxide helps increase oxygen delivery to the muscles potentially improving endurance capacity. In fact, the Australian Institute of Sport categorised beetroot juice supplementation for enhancing endurance performance as high level evidence.

Beetroot juice also contains antioxidants could impact athletic performance through other pathways but that’s a different discussion we can have.

Let me know if you have any questions 🤍

Ingredients (serves 2):
- 1 1/2 teaspoon beetroot powder
- 4-5 blackberries
- 100ml almond milk
- 1 teaspoon chia seeds
- Ice 🧊
- 1 large green apple

All you need is blender ❤️ I hope you enjoy this ❤️



Red pancakes for brunch 🤍

Ingredients: (serves 2)
130g white flour
50g ground linseeds
130ml plant milk
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
3 teaspoons beetroot powder

1-2 tbsp honey 🍯
Fruits /berries
I also added dark chocolate shavings 🍫



Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 30/05/2023

Brunch idea! ☀️

Chocolate oatmeal with strawberries, goji berries and h**p seeds as toppings. This one I’ve made using almond milk and 90% dark chocolate. Enjoy!

Oats contain ‘intermediate’ soluble fibre (contain both soluble and insoluble fibre).

This makes oats a good option for bowel regulation. They can help relieve bloating and constipation as well as help regulate urgency and loose stools.


Ιδέα για brunch! ☀️

Βρώμη σοκολάτας με φράουλες, γκότζι μπέρι και h**p seeds! Περιέχει γάλα αμυγδάλου και 90% μαύρη σοκολάτα.

Η βρώμη περιέχει «ενδιάμεσες» διαλυτές φυτικές ίνες (περιέχει τόσο διαλυτές όσο και αδιάλυτες φυτικές ίνες).

Αυτό κάνει τη βρώμη μια καλή επιλογή για τη ρύθμιση του εντέρου. Μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην ανακούφιση από το φούσκωμα και τη δυσκοιλιότητα.


Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 30/05/2023

A journey comes to an end!

Thank you Oxford for the amazing memories, knowledge and growth I’ve had in the past 2 years.

During this time I have completed a masters degree in Applied Sports and Exercise Nutrition and trained as a specialist gastroenterology and hepatology dietitian at Oxford University Hospitals.

However, home is calling and although I’m most grateful for the last 6 years in the UK, it’s time for the much anticipated repatriation. Cyprus here I come bringing my passion and knowledge with me ❤️🇨🇾

In the meantime watch out for brand new posts and updates!

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 24/03/2022

What else would my first post after all this time be? Oatmeal 😍

People tend to either love or hate porridge. For the latter, I find that some might just not know how to best prepare it. Personally, I’m a huge fan of porridge because:

1. You can add in any protein powder for those looking for a protein boost in their day.

2. You can make it sweet by adding chocolate, fruity by adding blueberries,apples,pears, strawberries or bananas.

3. Yogurt and plant yogurt goes perfectly with the flavour and texture of the porridge

4. It contains lot’s of fibre! It improves the diversity of your gut microbiota, constipation, enhances immunity and reduces inflammation in your gut! Fibre is also recommended for prevention cardiovascular disease and improved blood lipid profiles!!!

With that in mind these are the ingredients I used today:

• 1/2 Pear 🍐
• 1 teaspoon Peanut butter/ 8-12 almonds (I added almonds to add some extra fibre and diversity to the nutritional value of this meal but you don’t have to! Just one of those options will do.
•1/2 tablespoon Plant-based yogurt (vanilla)
•1/2 tablespoon chia seeds
•1/2 tablespoon shredded coconut
•1/2 cup almond milk
•Vanilla protein powder

Tips for great porridge:

1. Adjust the ingredients to your taste!

2. Sometimes sour fruits like raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and blackcurrant can make your porridge taste sour.

3. If you’re adding protein powder, make sure to add it after you’ve heated up the oatmeal.


Pink smoothie‼️

I loved the flavours in this smoothie 😍

What’s the secret ingredient you may ask? It’s pink dragonfruit! Dragonfruit is high in fibre, vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin A and contains some amounts of magnesium and iron. Like all fruit it’s rich in antioxidants and prebiotics (for a healthy gut).


200ml almond milk
1/2 dragonfruit
1/2 cup pomegranate

With only 3 ingredients this took less than 5 minutes to make..Try it and let me know what you think in the comments section below 👇

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 27/09/2021

Dried Figs snack Ideas 💡

Dried figs are high in potassium, vitamin K, high fibre (helps with regular bowel movement), contain calcium, magnesium and manganese! In fact they contain the most fibre and magnesium out of all dried fruits..

In the mediterranean region figs are abundant during the summer season so the locals got creative and dried figs to store them for up to an entire year!

Fig Pie-
Fig pie is made solely from dried figs. Locals in Cyprus first select the figs that have split from the bottom, then wash the dried figs in water, then they boil them in water in large pots, then grind them and add anise in the mixture. They mold them into circular shapes and let them dry in the sun for 3 days.

And then you have sweet snacks for the rest of the year ❤️

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 26/09/2021

Autumn inspired 🍂🍁 oatmeal ‼️

Let’s see what’s in there…

1/2 cup oats
Dried citrus 🍊
Dried slice of pear 🍐
5-6 walnuts
1/4 apple 🍎
1 cup almond milk
Anise star
1 tsp Peanut butter

I love mixing lots of seasonal flavours but you can add as many ingredients to your liking as you like ❤️ This one tasted amazing.

I had my decaf coffee with it and relaxed 😌 ☕️

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 08/09/2021

I just love the summer/September fruits in Cyprus 🇨🇾
There’s so many to chose from and I honestly think some of them are my favourites out of all the fruits I’ve tried so far. Have a look at my choices 💁🏻‍♀️

How to build your own breakfast bowl:

Add proteins (In this case I added yogurt, nuts and seeds)
Add carbohydrates: fruits and oats, tapioca pearls
Add healthy fats: nuts and seeds
Fibre: fruits (nectarine, figs)

Tasty, nutritious, complete!

Let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments below 👇


P.S tapioca drinks coming up in the next posts (keep an eye out)

Photos from Alkisti N. Photiou - Clinical Dietitian & Nutritionist's post 23/08/2021

Alternative red velvet pancakes ‼️

Since this red pancake trend was requested so much l have decided to hop on and develop an alternative version made with beetroots. Not only they are a natural food colour they are high in fibre and good sources of iron and folic acid. Here we go!

Ingredients (serves 2):
•2 beetroots
•1 1/2 cup oats flour (from blending oats)
•1 cup almond milk
•1 tsp vanilla extract
•I added 1 tbsp almond butter to make it more calorie dense but you don’t have to if you want to have a lighter version.

For the toppings:
•2 figs inbetween layes and 1 as a topping
• 1tbsp 100% maple syrup

This recipe takes about 15 minutes to prep and cook and you can have this as breakfast, brunch or when you feel like having something sweet 🤍🤍

Nutritional Info per serving:
Energy: 310kcal
Protein: 5g
Fat: 4g

Enjoy!! 💁🏻‍♀️

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