
* MSc Nutrition student
* nutrition facts & education
* no diets advocate
* est. 2020
> nutrify.conta


Let's talk about fiber today! ☀️

👉🏻 Dietary fiber is a complex carbohydrate that gives you no energy because your body can't break it down / digest it.

👉🏻 There are two types of dietary fiber: soluble and insoluble. Both are equaly important.

This type dissolves in water & supports the health of intestinal wall. It also might be able to regulate cholesterol levels!
- banana, apple, avocado, oatmeal ..

This type does the opposite - it doesn't dissolve in water but it absorbs it! Because of that reason it acts as a stool softener! Absorbing water makes the stool softer & easier to pass through!
- beans, nuts, cauliflower, whole wheat flour ..

💦 Make sure to drink your water!

One thing that people often forget is that too much fiber + not enough water can have OPPOSITE EFFECT! That means - it can get you constipated instead of helping with constipation!

👉🏻 30 g/per day + enough water (1,5 - 2 L/per day)

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Surely each of us has heard at least once a term " superfood " 🍏 This term has appeared not that long ago and is still successfully used today!

📌 What are " superfoods " ?
Superfoods are thought to be foods that are nutritionally dense and therefore very beneficial for our health.

A lot of products today are using label " superfood " some of which you may have in your kitchen!
Such as:
👉🏻 chia seeds
👉🏻 goji berries
👉🏻 seaweed (spirulina, chlorella)
👉🏻 acai berries
👉🏻 h**p seeds..

If you look at the definition of " superfood " again you can see that also foods like: salmon, broccoli, blueberries, nuts and many others can be considered a " superfood " BUT are not labeled as one! 🍏

Unfortunately, this term has no scientific base and is thought to be just a marketing term used to convince you to buy a product!

Chia seeds and rest that are listed here are still nutritious foods that are good for your health! A purpose of this post is to educate!

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Today, I have decided to address something very simple but also a very big problem of today's diet culture! 🌝

" Is ice cream healthy? "
" I do not eat pizza cause it is not healthy. "
" Which salad is better - this one or this one? "
" I want to eat chocolate but it contains sugar! "..

I have heard stuff like this many times from many people (friends, family members) around me! 💁🏻‍♀️

The thing is - NUTRITION IS NOT BLACK & WHITE. Every food can be a part of a balanced diet. There is no " healthy " and " unhealthy " food. There is food that is more nutrient dense & will give you a lot of nutrients and there is also energy dense food which will give you a lot of energy (calories)! None of them is " healthier " !

The point is ONLY in how you manage your diet in a long run! If you are eating only energy dense foods - you might become nutrient deficient! If you eat only nutrient dense foods - your intake of energy might be too low for you to normally function! 👩🏼‍⚕️

Find your balance! Eat your salad but eat your ice cream also! If you are worried pizza might be too
" bad " for you - make it yourself, use ingredients that are nutrient & energy dense (eg. cheese, tuna, veggies, whole grain flour ..). Pizza doesn't have to be " unhealthy " or bad for you.

& if you think you might need help with adjusting your diet to your wishes & needs ➡️ contact a professional to help you 🤗

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In recent years popularity of coconut oil has sky rocketed! 🚀
The reason for this are many health claims that are appearing online!

Coconut oil is 100% fat, 80 - 90% of which are saturated fats! Only regarding to that one fact we can conclude that this oil is not actually the best option out there 😬

Health claims that are appearing online all actually stem from the same research! Unfortunately, in that research they used special formulation of coconut oil that is not the same as commercial coconut oil you can find in supermarket! 🥥
👉🏻 they used a mixture of 100% MCTs*! The theory behind them is that they promote satiety & prevent fat storage!
*medium-chain triglycerides

As said before, unfortunately, that is not true for a coconut oil you probably have at home!
Coconut oil contains mostly lauric acid which is saturated fatty acid, so all those health benefits mentioned in that research cannot actually be applied to commercial coconut oils‼️

Coconut oil is best used in small amounts & not too often! If you want to use healthier options try olive oil or rapeseed oil, which have much healthier composition! 🤗

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Did you know that there are two types of dietary iron (Fe)? 🤔

👆🏻heme iron
✌🏻non heme iron

Heme iron can be found in meat and fish and it is more bioavailable than non heme iron, which means that your body can better use it than non heme type!

Non heme iron can be found in plant and animal products.

There was one study that was done on women. One group of women was placed on high vegetable, low meat diet & one group was placed on high meat diet.
👉🏻 the first group had 32% less serum ferritin (ferritin is a biomarker for iron in blood)

They consumed the same amount of iron but not the same type, which shows iron levels in the blood are responsibe to iron type not just amount‼️


Did you know that your cycle can affect nutrients levels? If you have heavy menstrual flow, you are at a greater risk for iron deficiency! 🩸
The same is with vegans & vegetarians cause of the type of iron they consume! 🥬

If you feel tired, weak or you are having trouble concentrating consider speaking to healthcare provider to see if you are iron deficient! 👩🏼‍⚕️

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As a graduate in I decided to dedicate this profile to about human 🌿

Today, there is a lot of confusing information and also a whole bunch of misinformation about what diet is and what it should look like 🌿

This profile is solely based on and information 🌿

I am going to try my best to bring the best information to you and help you in improving your about your diet! 🤗

Stay tuned! 🍀

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