Society Of Friends

Society Of Friends

Gesundheits- Und Schönheitsfirmen in der Nähe

ias Prevent GmbH
ias Prevent GmbH

Society of Friends is a place of healing arts . We love to invite you to receive high quality treatm Experience Natural Healing!

Combining the best methods from Japan, China and India, as well as Traditional Western Healing methods, Yoga and Yoga therapy, Acupuncture, Massages, Nutritional Counseling. Specialized in Orthopedics, injuries, Fertility, Stress relief, immune and allergy treatments.


A wild happy happy birthday to my Wonder child! Wunderkind Mi@i, always looking for the adventure that awaits you when you leave the comfortable path, always ready to embrace new people and tasks and always ready to face the past with the same openess, interest and humour. Creativity is the bridge that spans between memories and fearless curiosity, in Mimis case, embedded in profound kindness and love for those that are close. I am so proud of my wonderful talented girl , of you, Mimi, how you manoeuvre through life s rafts and enjoy the sunshine on the skin as much. Wishing you profound and honest love to always be your protection, relience and stamina growing and that your sweet smile will always be nourished by life. I love you❤️❤️❤️ mama


Ayurveda yoga chikitsa .ayurveda.akademie , day 2. Enjoying the late summer evening with kirtan by the lake in the forest. Mindful students are creating a loving and supportive group of study in respect and curiosity. The rosenberg team is great and all is spot on: kitchen with and Sabine Holzapfel@sabineholzapfel is delicious and we are enjoying the warmth and beauty in the lush garden. For more info , dm .ayurveda.akademie or me. Sleep well


Evening .ayurveda.akademie , day 1 of our Aturveda-Yoga-chikitsa Training.1 week we will spend together, embracing Yoga philosophy and medicine, understanding Ayurveda a bit more and how we can successfully integrate our understanding for the benefit of our students and patients. Mastering the breath and Asanas in a therapeutic approach means tailoring the treatment to the individual needs of the client. This requieres long term learning but mostly practical experience of oneself and intense self study. And not only mastering the physical aspects as we learn to detect our me tal patterns of seeking comfort, pleasure seeking or pleasure avoidance, laziness or making excuses, hidden addictions and much more. Be ready for deep yoga practices .ayurveda.academie


Ayurveda Yoga Therapie an der .ayurveda.akademie ! Freitag geht es wieder los: sorgsames Beonachten, Vorausschauen und Verstehen von den Bewegungen der Doshas und dem Atem in uns. Yoga Therapie ist die leise Lunst des Verstehens des anderen, ein stiller Dialog auf vielen Ebenen, es ist Präzision und Spiel . Ein Leben voller Freude, Lernen und Verbindungen! Ich freue mich auf dich! .ayurveda.akademie movesinsideyku


Got a new buddy. Coming in the morning when i have my chai on the summer warm@balcony and demanding nuts or screams. After the crows collected their peanuts he arrives to check if they dropped any and if there are no peanuts left he lands on the table where i keep a brazil nut. It s his delight and he works through it since a week:) he comes since 3 years and often hops in the living room and i m scared to hurt him. The giant crows instead are so shy that still , after 3 patient years, they allow a distance only of 1,5 m or they fly off. The little finches are liked snd confident while crows are so often mistreated.


AtemLiebe and RadicalBreathing: explore the depths of [email protected] with , soon on -and offline .. private or in groups... find your own path to the Breath that moves inside you reathtbstmovesinsideyou


Quiet in the dark. Breathing. AtemLiebe. Serenity


Sthiram Sukham Asanam: Yoga Ayurveda Ausbildung wieder bei der Rosenberg Akademie in Birstein! Unser Modul Bewegend Heilen und das 2. Ernährungstherapie , Ayurveda und Yogatherapie beginnen achon 6.9.! Die Zeit fliegt! Ich freue mich auf alle Teilnehmerinnen ! Es wird eine grossartige Reise ins In ere des Yoga und des Ayurveda, tief im Herzen. .de


My way into the water. The stones are summer warm. The water is clear. The air smells of dried herbs


Could not post anything. Was in water. Its summer. You only find me in water . My element. My medicine. My inspiration. My yoga


There are so many places in the world i would love to travel. And there is one place in the world i would always miss: my lill wonderland lake Teufelssee ( devil s lake) in Berlin. Having the opportunity to go there day by day, sit in the forest , swim in the lake, connect to the wild life, collect mushrooms and bark, herbs and berries or just enjoy the play of colours through the seasons. Taking my children lime i was taken there from an early age to learn to swim in the dark water. Taking now patients and friends to enjoy and be playful in the summer greenery or the autumn mist, the winter s snow and ice. The springs fresh greens. Love to all.


New courses in Yoga, Breathing, RadicalBreathing, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda for professionals and retreats on Gozo are coming up! 2025 is packed with great adventures and experiences, loving connections and friendship and professional partnerships! Starting this september with Ayurveda Yoga Chikitsa .ayurveda.akademie , a whole new rpund of my loved education on vayus, movement, ayurveda pukse reading, asana refinement and yogic anatomy, continuing with on RadicalBreathing in October, ,Malta, several Pancha Karma s homestay in Berlin , individually tailored. Stay posted or dm me or my hosts for further information. Spread compassion, recovery and hope. Love to all .akademie.ayurveda .


In ancient egypt ducks where sacred as they can master the air snd fly, they can master the water and swim and dive, they can master the earth as they can walk and all the in-betweens as the got claws so they can climb. Ah. And they can sit on humans.


Forest, breathing


Late at night when my last patient left, i just sit. And breathe with a smile. Being grateful that it all went well. More or less. That the night will seal the work and add sweetness. That the sun will come and start the day . That there will be more lessons to come and test the waters. That there will be times of serenity. Calm. Sitting. No where to go.


Animals. Nature. Everything I truly learnt about healing and recovery comes from the time I spend in natures andI observe snimals. The ducks taught me patients and sharp observation before i unmistakingly managed to identify each of them, the elephants taught me breathing is not work and their exhalation showed me when they trusted me enough to take care of my fragile human body, , the spider taught me survival and aloneness, the crows taught me to listen carefully, the waters taught me to hold my breath longer and that I belong to the ocean, the forest taught me to be connected and breath with the trees , the soil taught me to appreciate every plant for medicine. So, don t look at the animals as what they appear on the outside only. Look at them and all in nature what it stands for in your little , time - limited universe, to teach you the lessons you cry for. Love to all


Growing his colourful feathers back and being able to fly again, Uli , the duck is more comfortable and feeling confident. The tragic loss of Mae, eho was the leading lady of the lake for 2 besutiful years, is not forgotten and left a vacuum of power. The first couple is now having one duckling that survived out of 5. It s shy and not yet accepted in the flock. The flock does not protect the ducklings , rather pushes them away, but mum is not giving way. She waits until i leave the water and then swims over to me with her baby. We then sit. Her voice when she talks to the baby , is so full of variations. Take your time snd listen to nature. Even the wind will tell you a story... and the breath that moves inside you breath


Yoga Therapie/ Ayurveda Yoga Chikitsa. Im@September beginnen neue Kurse mit Prof. Martin Mittwede ( Supervision/ Meditation) Rosenberg ( Ayurveda Psychologie) und mir ( Gunas, Bewegend Heilen, Anatomie und Diagnose: Der Innere Raum ua. ) an der .ayurveda.akademie ! In unserem wunderschönen Ayurveda Ambiente tauchen wir tief ein in die heilenden Aspekte der Yoga Therapie und lernen verschiedene Blickwinkel, Techniken und Ansaetze kennen. Deine eigene Praxis zu vertiefen und neue Rinsichten und Ideen zu entwickeln macht diese Ausbildung so wertvoll! Ich freue mich auf dich! Dm mir oder .ayurveda.akademie .ayurveda.akademie


Magic by the lake. What a precious evening swimming in the summer warm lake after the rain. So quiet. So nourishing. Days are quickly getting shorter. Enjoyed the nature with .


Visiting family . Family is my root, my love , my life. Even in stormy times or in times one feels there is no wind in the sail. Whatever happens , you always feel someone is looking at you


Master class private: ome-to-one. In the tradition of the teaching. 5 days intensive Deep Ayurveda. Ic you are a therapist or a medical professional , check out our one-to-ones as much as our upcoming specific intense Deep Ayurveda training programs. Stay posted. German and english spoken trainings in Germany and on Malta/ Gozo. Define your goals. We ll help@you to achieve them. -me


Akademie .ayurveda.akademie Unser neuer Zyklus zur Ayurveda Yoga Therapie beginnt im September🙏🏼 Stile und Bewegung, verstehen, hören und Heilung begleitrn, die eigene Praxis bewerten und tief eintauchen in die Philosophie des Yoga und Ayurveda. Mit Prof Martin Mittwede in der Supervision zum@Schwerpunkt Narzistische Störungen und Yoga und Meditation, Kerstin Rosenberg zur Ernaehrung und mir im Bereich Bewegend Heilen und andere Module. Komm und geniesse Yoga und Ayurveda in kleinen Gruppen in der Natur


Had booked a flight to Berlin but looks like Brazil🤣love my city, what a wonderful@summer we ve got! This year so soft and green and lush! Back here for appointments and breathing.


's Way, Gozo, the last day of a week of fruitful teaching: Ayurveda massage skills, RadicalBreathing slow down, Ayurveda from the kitchen. So much fun, so many women came to celebrate and try out home made remedies! Stay posted for more workshops to come this summer! Love to all 'swaygozo,


'sWay: let your inner ship sail: RadicalBreathing is leaving today but we ll be back in August! Stay posted! Explore your inner wind gates and your stillness with Nathaline, Abhishek and me on the island of joy, Gozo! For private classes dm me or Nanna 'sWay , the place for Yoga and Ayurveda on Gozo now way gozo .societyoffriendsberlin


Willkommen! Gleich nach dem Sommer beginnen wir unseren nächsten Zyklus in Ayurveda Yoga Therapie! Wir laden dich ein mit uns Fülle und Vielfalt des Yoga kennenzulernen, Bewegend zu heilen und dabei alle Vortrile der Ayurveda Akademie während deiner Ausbildung zu geniessen: Ayurveda Küche! Umfassende Bibliothek, Kontakt zu deinen Ausbilder:innen und Ausbildern und die Einbettung in das Gesamtkonzept Yoga und Ayurveda zu erleben. Noch 1 Platz ist frei und ich würde mich freuen, wenn du diesen Weg in die Erweiterung deiner eigenen Yoga Praxis und in die Verbindung von Yoga und Ayurveda mit uns gehst. Informationen direkt bei der Rosenberg Akademie, Birstein. Bis nach dem Sommer! Herzlichst Manuela .ayurveda.akademie movesinsideyou . .berlin


Charlottenburg view. After retreat stroll. Breathing. Sitting down. erlin


Before the game.. Holland against Turkey in Berlin. At least one place is higher than opinions, nations, pride: taste! Maybe next time we d rather have a tasteful@and graceful meeting ..?


Thank you , Daniel Harms , for the fun afternoon putting videos together for Ayurveda education : today: e***a: the art of basti. So much fun and encouragement! If you are in Berlin and want first class videos or photos in your firld, whatever it is, w0lfsblut will@work it out with you. As a creative visual artist he gets everything just right. Look at the photos on my website: and enjoy.


Self portrait in the evening sun. Days are getting shorter.. the forest has never been so green. Surrounded by the breathing presence of the trees and the water i am finding my breath of life

Wollen Sie Ihr Service zum Top-Gesundheits- Und Schönheitsfirma in Berlin machen?
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.


DernburgStr. 47


Montag 11:00 - 20:00
Dienstag 11:00 - 20:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 17:00
Freitag 11:00 - 20:00
Samstag 09:00 - 17:00

Andere Alternative u. ganzheitliche Medizin in Berlin (alles anzeigen)
Claudia von Stülpnagel Claudia von Stülpnagel
Berlin, 10559

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Berlin, <>

Soul&Soundhealing-Singkreise, Sharing Circle, Klangreisen, Klangmassage, YinYogaKlang, JinShinJyutsu

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Holsteinische Straße 1
Berlin, 10717

Die Seite für Frauen mit viel Verantwortung. Für mehr Erholung, Abgrenzung und Humor, damit mehr Energie ins Leben kommt und du das Hier und Jetzt mehr genießt.

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Wiesbadener Str. 5
Berlin, 12161

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Reiki und Heilarbeit Reiki und Heilarbeit
MehlitzStr. 8
Berlin, 10715

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Maasalong Erfahrungen Maasalong Erfahrungen
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Maasalong Kapseln Erfahrungen

Musiktherapie Blau Musiktherapie Blau
Hans-Schumacher Str. 103
Berlin, 13127

Neue Kurse : Didgeridoo&DrumCircle; TRAUM-Reise

Sound Bhav Sound Bhav

💫 vibrational sound therapy | sound meditation | holistic healing | massage therapy 🌱 1-to-1 & group sound bath sessions

Caro Bavio Caro Bavio
CrelleStr. 27
Berlin, 10827

Buddhist Meditation Ashtanga Yoga Yoga for Children Vedic Chanting Heilpraktikerin Dance & Somatics

Self Love Healing ∞ Quantum•Heart•Magic Self Love Healing ∞ Quantum•Heart•Magic
Berlin, 10965

⭐️Muse ⭐️Freequency Alchemist ⭐️Yumminess Coach ⭐️Incarnation Companion ⭐️Numerologist ⭐️Timeless

Rising Spirits Rising Spirits
Mehringdamm 34
Berlin, 10961

Rising Spirits offers Dance Journeys, Yoga, Meditation & Breath Work, Ta**ra & Shamanic Cosmo Vision