Human Care & Education e.V.

Providing underprivileged children with basic education so that they can pursue a dignified life.

Human Care & Education hilft Kindern in Nepal und Indien, ein gutes schulisches Niveau zu erreichen. Dies ermöglicht ihnen ein finanziell gut abgesichertes Leben in der Gesellschaft. Erst wenn dies erreicht ist, ist Bildungsgerechtigkeit wirklich gewährleistet. Nach unserem erfolgreichen Schulbau in Serang/Nepal, wo 60 Schulkinder leben, sind wir gerade dabei eine Schule in Bihi/Nepal zu bauen, um

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 12/12/2022

Impressions from the Strang Primary School that was built with the support of our members and the donations from many supporters of Human Care & Education e.V.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 09/12/2022

Students at the Strang Primary School during their early morning classes.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 06/12/2022

Teaching above 3.000m at the Strang Primary School.


Human Care & Education hilft Kindern in Nepal und Indien, ein gutes schulisches Niveau zu erreichen. Dies ermöglicht ihnen ein finanziell gut abgesichertes Leben in der Gesellschaft. Erst wenn dies erreicht ist, ist Bildungsgerechtigkeit wirklich gewährleistet. Nach unserem erfolgreichen Schulbau in Serang/Nepal, wo 60 Schulkinder leben, sind wir gerade dabei eine Schule in Bihi/Nepal zu bauen, um den wachsenden Schülerzahlen Rechnung zu tragen.

Mit diesen Projekten geben wir Hoffnung auf eine bessere Zukunft für die Menschen in Nepal, denn gemeinsam sind wir zu mehr fähig, als wir uns je vorstellen konnten.


Wildlife near the school of Serang


Stormy weather at school in Serang

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 11/11/2022

We help and sponsor children to receive a school education, but there is so much we learn from them and the people around that inspires us to live our lives.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 07/11/2022

School day when our group visited to see how everything is going.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 02/11/2022

Impressions from a "normal" day in school at Strang Primar school. Human care and education e.V. is supporting students with clothes, food, education requirements and medical supplies.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 19/10/2022

On the way to Serang

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 14/10/2022

Sometimes things go easy...and sometimes the food may just not make everybody happy...normal kids in a distant place.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 12/10/2022

School Day at Serang Primary School

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 11/10/2022

Basics during a school day up in the mountains of Nepal.


Beautiful roses

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 21/09/2022

Outside activities in the highlands of Nepal.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 20/09/2022

Kids being kids...

Timeline photos 12/09/2022

Education is a gift for life

Timeline photos 08/09/2022

Football seems universal sometimes...

Timeline photos 01/09/2022

Waiting in line for the daily bowl of rice.

Timeline photos 31/08/2022

Sharing flowers during the school circle.

Timeline photos 29/08/2022
Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 19/11/2021

Neuigkeiten von unseren Projektpartnern in Indien:

"Wir haben 26 Nähmaschinen von einem Lieferanten geliehen und diese an 26 Frauen aus den Dörfern verteilt. Die Frauen dort wurden 6 Monate lang geschult und sind nun sehr glücklich, dass sie Nähmaschinen erhalten haben, mit denen sie neue Kleider nähen und ältere reparieren können. Auf diese Weise erhalten sie ein Einkommen, mit dem sie die Grundbedürfnisse ihrer Familie befriedigen können... besonders in Zeiten des Covid, in denen alle sehr darunter leiden, dass sie keine Arbeit und somit kein Einkommen haben."

HCE unterstützt dieses Projekt weiterhin und hofft auch auf Ihre weitere Unterstützung, um einen (kleinen) Unterschied zu machen...

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 12/11/2021

News from our project partners in India:

"We borrowed 26 Sewing Machines from a supplier and distributed these to 26 Women from the villages. The women there were trained for 6 months and are so happy now to have received sewing machines for making new dresses and repair older ones. This way they get an income required to meet their family's basic needs...especially in times of Covid where everyone suffered a lot by having now work and hence no income."

HCE keeps its support for this project and also hopes for your continued support for making a (little) difference...

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 26/10/2021

The children are back in class after 4 1/2 months!!!!


When the first lockdown forced entire educational institutes to be closed down, it has significantly disrupted every aspect of educational sectors. The 2nd lockdown was again imposed on the 29th April 2021, the deadly new variants of the Corona virus entered Nepal causing significant casualties and damages to the country.

This situation is the reason that we were not able to continue and teach our school’s children for the last four and half months. However, the lockdown is gradually being lifted so many schools are reopening by following all necessary measures of precautions. With all those obstacles and difficulties (monsoon season, damaged paths, etc) gradually all the kids have happily returned to continue their regular classes. Considering that the school has been closed for a very long time, all school’s children are joyfully continuing their classes.

Still, the shortened year has put more pressure on both teachers and students. They need to cover a whole years’ worth of subject materials in a very short period of time. So, they are even considering extra classes. Likewise, teachers must put an extra effort with each student in every sector of reading, writing, speaking and so forth. Because our teachers clearly mentioned that the depletion of reading/writing/speaking has been seen in every kid after returning from the second lockdown.

Considering all those challenges everyone is trying their best level to move forward and aiming to finish the term within the normal period.

We, the entire Serang community express our sincere gratitude for your continuous support to our school, our teachers, and children."

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 21/10/2021

Brief aus SERANG:


When the first lockdown forced entire educational institutes to be closed down, it has significantly disrupted every aspect of educational sectors. The 2nd lockdown was again imposed on the 29th April 2021, the deadly new variants of the Corona virus entered Nepal causing significant casualties and damages to the country.

This situation is the reason that we were not able to continue and teach our school’s children for the last four and half months. However, the lockdown is gradually being lifted so many schools are reopening by following all necessary measures of precautions. With all those obstacles and difficulties (monsoon season, damaged paths, etc) gradually all the kids have happily returned to continue their regular classes. Considering that the school has been closed for a very long time, all school’s children are joyfully continuing their classes.

Still, the shortened year has put more pressure on both teachers and students. They need to cover a whole years’ worth of subject materials in a very short period of time. So, they are even considering extra classes. Likewise, teachers must put an extra effort with each student in every sector of reading, writing, speaking and so forth. Because our teachers clearly mentioned that the depletion of reading/writing/speaking has been seen in every kid after returning from the second lockdown.

Considering all those challenges everyone is trying their best level to move forward and aiming to finish the term within the normal period.

We, the entire Serang community express our sincere gratitude for your continuous support to our school, our teachers, and children."

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 17/10/2021

Letter from SERANG:


When the first lockdown forced entire educational institutes to be closed down, it has significantly disrupted every aspect of educational sectors. The 2nd lockdown was again imposed on the 29th April 2021, the deadly new variants of the Corona virus entered Nepal causing significant casualties and damages to the country.

This situation is the reason that we were not able to continue and teach our school’s children for the last four and half months. However, the lockdown is gradually being lifted so many schools are reopening by following all necessary measures of precautions. With all those obstacles and difficulties (monsoon season, damaged paths, etc) gradually all the kids have happily returned to continue their regular classes. Considering that the school has been closed for a very long time, all school’s children are joyfully continuing their classes.

Still, the shortened year has put more pressure on both teachers and students. They need to cover a whole years’ worth of subject materials in a very short period of time. So, they are even considering extra classes. Likewise, teachers must put an extra effort with each student in every sector of reading, writing, speaking and so forth. Because our teachers clearly mentioned that the depletion of reading/writing/speaking has been seen in every kid after returning from the second lockdown.

Considering all those challenges everyone is trying their best level to move forward and aiming to finish the term within the normal period.

We, the entire Serang community express our sincere gratitude for your continuous support to our school, our teachers, and children."

Timeline photos 28/05/2021

Recently, we have received notice from our project in India about the catastrophic situation regarding the outbreak of Covid in rural areas. The school and its children that we have supported in the past were again facing massive issues in their daily lives.

Hence, we have come together and were able to support them with financial aid to cover especially for food and the basic needs.

Now, we would like to ask for your support to help us supporting these schools and kids throughout this time.

Thanks to everyone who has already donated through our website or on Facebook or elsewhere.

Timeline photos 09/02/2021

Our latest story from Mercy and Grace.

Mercy and Grace Charitable Trust is operating a school for the children of the poorest who – in the reality of India – would never be able to attend any school. Read more about this project on our website:

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 24/01/2021

News from our latest project in India:

"Today, We distributed Sewing machines for women from the remote Villages. We grateful for your donation that we helped to the women who in need. Thanks to a lot for all of HCE."

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 17/01/2021

Dear friends around the world,

We just couldn't start 2021 without sending each contributor a massive THANK YOU!!!

In one of the hardest years of our shared existence, we have shown our brightest, together. Feeding, caring, connecting, protecting, educating and doing our best to make things better. Not just for our families and neighbors, but for hundreds of people living and taking care of our three projects in Nepal and India.
Just look at the incredible work we got done together, in twelve amazing months:

Kerstin, Dominik, Thomas and the whole team of Human Care & Education would like to thank you and hope for your continued support in 2021.

Dr. Thomas Oehler Dominik Nowak Kerstin Günther

Timeline photos 24/12/2020

60 children receive an education in the highlands of Nepal in this winter.

We are sharing 1 impression from their daily lives every day now starting from 1st of December until Christmas - our Serang Advent Calendar.

Today: 24/24

Merry Christmas!

Please help us providing for education, food and shelter for the students of Serang Primary School.

PS.: Permission to share their pictures was given in advance by all children.

Timeline photos 23/12/2020

60 children receive an education in the highlands of Nepal in this winter.

We are sharing 1 impression from their daily lives every day now starting from 1st of December until Christmas - our Serang Advent Calendar.

Today: 23/24

Please help us providing for education, food and shelter for the students of Serang Primary School.

PS.: Permission to share their pictures was given in advance by all children.

Timeline photos 22/12/2020

60 children receive an education in the highlands of Nepal in this winter.

We are sharing 1 impression from their daily lives every day now starting from 1st of December until Christmas - our Serang Advent Calendar.

Today: 22/24

Please help us providing for education, food and shelter for the students of Serang Primary School.

PS.: Permission to share their pictures was given in advance by all children.

Timeline photos 21/12/2020

60 children receive an education in the highlands of Nepal in this winter.

We are sharing 1 impression from their daily lives every day now starting from 1st of December until Christmas - our Serang Advent Calendar.

Today: 21/24

Please help us providing for education, food and shelter for the students of Serang Primary School.

PS.: Permission to share their pictures was given in advance by all children.

Timeline photos 20/12/2020

Latest video from Serang. What are your experiences with Nepal? Let's talk about it.

Timeline photos 20/12/2020

60 children receive an education in the highlands of Nepal in this winter.

We are sharing 1 impression from their daily lives every day now starting from 1st of December until Christmas - our Serang Advent Calendar.

Today: 20/24

Please help us providing for education, food and shelter for the students of Serang Primary School.

PS.: Permission to share their pictures was given in advance by all children.

Photos from Human Care & Education e.V.'s post 20/12/2020

Last but not least, the teachers at Serang have also put together a description of the situation and their ideas. The head of Serang Monastery has helped to put their message together:

"The statements and words come straight from all four teachers at Serang, they all shared their personal experiences on how the pandemic has impacted them and the school. Along with that, they also talked about the major challenges they are facing and how they are trying to best cope with the new situation. [...]

Nepal is one of those countries, although the government of Nepal has not given the green light to fully operate the school, most of the schools located in the remote areas like Serang have started to open. The main reason being its isolated location and its minimal contact with people, making it safer than the city areas.

Furthermore, the need for education is seen when looking at the circumstances of the school kids, unlike the school in city areas where the learnings are conducted through online and broadcasting, our kids do not have access to those learnings’ options. Hence, most of the time, they were involved in household works like farming, cattle-rearing, and such.

After six long months of school’s absence, Serang finally makes its decision to open the school. The long gap has diminished the students' progress, hence, the teachers had to revise the entire course all over again. Making it even more difficult, the winter now approaches – during winter students have a hard time trying to concentrate on their studies, and this makes the teachers' jobs even more challenging. [...]

Despite all these challenges and difficulties, we really love our students and we only intend to make them better each day. We also want to send our sincere gratitude to all our sponsors for still supporting us despite the ongoing crisis, we cannot thank you enough. With love and prayers!"

Timeline photos 19/12/2020

60 children receive an education in the highlands of Nepal in this winter.

We are sharing 1 impression from their daily lives every day now starting from 1st of December until Christmas - our Serang Advent Calendar.

Today: 19/24

Please help us providing for education, food and shelter for the students of Serang Primary School.

PS.: Permission to share their pictures was given in advance by all children.

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