U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt

U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt

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Yuva Group

Official profile of the U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt, Germany. Terms of Use: http://state.gov/tou The Frankfurt Consulate is the largest U.S.

consular post and one of the largest diplomatic missions in the world. The Consulate serves the American resident community – including members of the Armed Forces and their families, business people and retirees – and assists many other visitors to Frankfurt. The Consulate also provides consular-services support functions for the region, including the states of Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg and Saarland.


Thank you, to e.V. for hosting our CG Brian Heath and our Youth Advisory Council YAC at TUMO Mannheim! We were excited to get to know the center, and all the ways you’re training students across Mannheim in future tech.

During our visit, the YAC met our new CG for the first time and were able to share their advice on issues that matter to the next generation of Transatlanticists. The YAC is made up of students and young professionals across southwest Germany with a wide range of expertise and experience. They meet regularly with high-ranking officials to discuss current issues and develop projects to advance the transatlantic partnership. A special thanks to TUMO coach and committed YAC member, Gjentile Bajra, for arranging the visit and a tour!

See stories above and link in bio for more information on how to join Frankfurt’s Youth Advisory Council!


Update! A revamped version of the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is now available for U.S. citizens traveling or living abroad. Signing up for STEP allows you to subscribe to alerts and updates from the embassy and helps us get in touch with you if there’s an emergency. Sign up at step.state.gov.


Generalkonsul Brian Heath begrüßte Vertreter der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Institute 🇩🇪🇺🇸 aus ganz Deutschland in Frankfurt: „Ihre Zentren sind entscheidende Partner bei der Förderung der transatlantischen Beziehungen. Sie stehen an der Spitze von Innovation und Jugendengagement und pflegen diese Beziehungen in der nächsten Generation.“ In der vernetzten Welt von heute müssen wir zusammenarbeiten, um Demokratie und Menschenrechte zu stärken und gleiche wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsbedingungen auf der Grundlage der Rechtsstaatlichkeit sicherzustellen. Während wir weiterhin die Komplexität des 21. Jahrhunderts meistern, werden wir dies Hand in Hand tun mit Partnern wie Ihnen.“

Vielen Dank für die anhaltende Unterstützung, das Engagement und die Leidenschaft, mit der Sie die deutsch-amerikanische Freundschaft vorantreiben. 🤝

Consul General Brian Heath welcomed representatives of the German-American Institutes from across Germany to Frankfurt: "Your centers are critical partners in promoting the transatlantic relationship. You stand at the forefront of innovation and youth engagement, nurturing those ties in the next generation. In today’s interconnected world, we must work together to strengthen democracy and human rights, and ensure a level economic playing field supported by the rule of law. As we continue to navigate the complexities of this 21st century, we will do so hand-in-hand with partners like you.”

Thank you for the ongoing support, dedication, and passion you put into advancing the German-American friendship.



Steht dein Interviewtermin für ein US-Einwanderungsvisum demnächst an? Dein polizeiliches Führungszeugnis ist ab Ausstellungsdatum zwei Jahre lang gültig! Ein polizeiliches Führungszeugnis ist erforderlich für jeden Immigrant Visa-Antragsteller ab 16, sowie für jedes Land, in dem der Antragsteller mindestens ein Jahr gelebt hat. Weitere Informationen findest du auf unserer Website https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html

Do you have an upcoming interview appointment for your U.S. immigrant visa? Your police clearance certificate is valid for two years from the date of issuance! A police clearance certificate is required for every immigrant visa applicant who is 16 years of age or older and from any country in which an applicant has lived for one year or more. For more information, please visit our website https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html

Photos from U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt's post 02/09/2024

Vielen Dank, 🇺🇦 Generalkonsul Vadym Kostiuk, dass Sie Generalkonsul Heath zu seinem ersten offiziellen Treffen in Frankfurt empfangen haben. 👋
Gemeinsam mit unseren NATO-Verbündeten unterstützen wir die Ukraine weiterhin.
Dieses Treffen und unsere Zusammenarbeit mit .ua und .ev bei der Posterausstellung “Even in Dark Times There is Light” spiegeln unser anhaltendes Engagement für den Sieg der Ukraine wider. 💛💙


Thank you, Ukrainian Consul General Vadym Kostiuk, for hosting Consul General Heath for his first official meeting in Frankfurt.
Together with our NATO Allies, our support for Ukraine is unwavering. This meeting, and our collaboration with .ua and .ev on the poster exhibit “Even in Dark Times There is Light,” reflect our ongoing commitment to support Ukraine’s victory.

Photos from U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt's post 02/09/2024

JETZT MITGLIED WERDEN! Bist du zwischen 18 und 28 Jahren und interessierst dich für die transatlantische Partnerschaft? 🇺🇸🇩🇪
👋 Dann werde Teil unseres Jugendbeirats im US-Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt und erhalte exklusiven Zugang zu Veranstaltungen mit US-Diplomat:innen und
Entscheidungsträger:innen. Du lernst die Welt der Diplomatie näher kennen und kannst die Zukunft der deutsch-amerikanischen Partnerschaft mitgestalten. Erhalte außerdem die Möglichkeit, dich mit zukünftigen Führungskäften zu vernetzen, um deine Karriere in Fahrt zu bringen.

📆Bewerbungsschluss ist Sonntag, der 27. Oktober.

✅Link zur Bewerbung: https://de.usembassy.gov/frankfurt-youth-advisory-council/


JOIN US! Are you 18-28 and interested in the transatlantic partnership? 🇺🇸🇩🇪
👋 Join our Frankfurt Youth Advisory Council for exclusive access to events with
U.S. diplomats and decision makers and experience diplomacy from the inside. Help shape the future of German-American relations while connecting with future leaders to accelerate your career.

📆Applications close Sunday, October 27.

✅ Link to apply: https://de.usembassy.gov/frankfurt-youth-advisory-council/


Bezahle niemanden, um deinen Visa-, U.S.-Reisepass- oder CRBA-Antrag auszufüllen. Auf unserer Website
https://de.usembassy.gov/de findest du Informationen, wie du deinen Antrag selbst ausfüllen kannst. Spare € und schütze deine Identität.


Today, 26 August, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day. On this day in 1920, Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification of the 19th amendment, legally guaranteeing American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle—victory took decades of agitation and protest. As President Biden said: “On Women’s Equality Day, we recognize the courage of generations of visionaries who fought tirelessly for the sacred cause of women’s suffrage and all those who continue to work toward a more equitable future for women and girls in America.”

Photos from U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt's post 24/08/2024

Today on , and every day, we stand .
At the Römer, Deputy Principal Officer Jennifer Walsh said, “The stakes of this fight extend far beyond Ukraine; they affect the entirety of the NATO alliance, the security of Europe, and the future of the transatlantic relationship.“
In honor of Ukraine’s Independence Day, throughout Frankfurt this month you can see the poster exhibit
„Even in Dark Times There is Light.“ This joint project between our consulate and Perspektive Ukraine e.V. documents the remarkable resilience of ordinary Ukrainians who are doing everything they can to end this war. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇸🫶🇺🇦


Many states require absentee voter registrations to be received by October 7. If you send your registration through the embassy’s free courier service, the transit time is four weeks. For many voters in Germany, that leaves only two more weeks to submit your materials! Please follow our instructions for voting from Germany: https://de.usembassy.gov/message-for-u-s-citizens-voting-in-2024-u-s-elections-january-18/

Photos from U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt's post 10/08/2024

Happy Pride! 🌈🌈 We proudly (and loudly!) joined the CSD Frankfurt parade to show our support for LGBTQl+ rights. Together, we strive for a world where every person can be themselves, no matter who they are, no matter where they live, no matter who they love. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🩵🩷🤎🤍🖤


Erinnerung: Die Auswahl für das Diversity Visa Programm garantiert KEIN Visainterview oder ein Visum. Ausgewählte Teilnehmer für die DV-2024 Lotterie müssen ihr Einwanderungsvisum bis zum 30. September 2024 beantragen und erhalten.
Die Anzahl der verfügbaren Visa ist gesetzlich begrenzt und kann vor dem 30. September erschöpft sein. Zögere daher nicht, deinen Visaantrag einzureichen. Die Teilnehmerstatusprüfung für DV-2024-Bewerber bleibt bis zum 30. September 2024 geöffnet.

Reminder: being selected for the Diversity Visa Program does NOT guarantee you a visa interview or a visa. DV-2024 selectees must apply for and receive their immigrant visa by Sept 30, 2024. The number of visas available is limited
by law and may be exhausted before Sept 30, so do not delay submitting your visa application. The Entrant Status Check for DV-2024 applicants will remain open until September 30, 2024.


Seit dem 1. August 2024 gelten neue Vorschriften des Centers for Disease Control and Prevention für Hunde, die in die USA einreisen oder dorthin zurückkehren. 🐶
Verwende den CDC DogBot, um festzustellen, welche Vorschriften gelten, je nachdem, wo sich die Hunde in den 6 Monaten vor der Einreise in die USA aufgehalten haben und wo sie ihre Tollwutimpfungen erhalten haben (falls erforderlich).
➡️Weitere Informationen findest du unter https://cdc.gov/dogtravel


On August 1, 2024, new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rules went into effect for dogs entering or returning to the United States. Use the CDC DogBot to determine what rules apply depending on where they’ve been in the 6 months before entering the US and where they received their rabies vaccines (if required). Learn more at https://cdc.gov/dogtravel


Have you seen the rainbow outside the consulate and wondered what it’s about? 🌈 We're celebrating and sharing our commitment to the global LGBTQI+ community. Each of us has a role in forging a future in which everyone – no matter who they are or who they love – can live with dignity.


🇺🇸 U.S. citizens living in Germany who are seeking additional information can visit our website —de.usembassy.gov/message-for-u-s-citizens-voting-in-2024-u-s-elections-january-18/


Willkommen in Deutschland! 👋 🇺🇸🇩🇪

We are pleased to announce that Deputy Chief of Mission Alan Meltzer has assumed duty as U.S. Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, to the Federal Republic of Germany. In this capacity, Chargé Meltzer will serve as Chief of Mission and as the senior-most U.S. government official in Germany. 🇺🇸🇩🇪

“It is an honor to lead our teams in our Embassy in Berlin and at our five consulates across Germany. Germany is our indispensable ally and partner with whom we work closely every day on virtually every single challenge the world is facing. It is because of that good work that the U.S.-German relationship today is stronger than ever. I look forward to carrying that forward.” -Alan Meltzer, Chargé d’Affaires
Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass der Gesandte Alan Meltzer den Posten des Geschäftsträgers ad interim der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angetreten hat. In dieser Funktion wird Meltzer als ranghöchster Vertreter der US-Regierung in Deutschland die US-Vertretung leiten.

„Es ist mir eine Ehre, unsere Teams an unserer Botschaft in Berlin und unseren fünf Konsulaten in ganz Deutschland zu leiten. Deutschland ist für uns ein unverzichtbarer Verbündeter und Partner, mit dem wir täglich an nahezu allen Herausforderungen eng zusammenarbeiten, vor denen die Welt steht. Aus diesem Grund sind die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen heute stärker denn je. Ich freue mich darauf, diese gute Arbeit fortzusetzen“, sagte Alan Meltzer, Geschäftsträger der US-Vertretung in Deutschland


The opening ceremony is around the corner! For U.S. citizens attending the Olympic or Paralympic Games, keep this important safety and security information on-hand (saved in your photos) during your time in France.

Stay connected & follow U.S. Embassy France and U.S. Department of State: Consular Affairs.


We’re Hiring!📣
Your heart beats for social media❤️, you get excited about creating digital content🤩, and are interested in politics, culture, and the German-American relationship 🇺🇸🇩🇪? Then join our team as the Strategic Content Coordination Assistant for community management and digital production! 👏

➡️Find out more about this temporary position and requirements here: https://tinyurl.com/3ctyxx9v

📆Application Deadline: 29 July 2024

We look forward to meeting you!


Gemeinsam mit der Frankfurter Kulturdezernentin Sabine Hartwig, dem Leitenden Archivar Wolfgang Schopf und dem Vizepräsidenten der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Ulrich Schielein, sowie dem stellv. Ortsvorsteher Axel Kaufmann enthüllte Heidi Ramsay, unsere Leiterin der Abteilung Public Diplomacy, am Casino-Gebäude der Universität eine Gedenktafel zu Ehren von U.S. Army Oberstleutnant Paul Bloomquist, der am 11. Mai 1972 im Dienst ermordet wurde.

Mehr als 50 Jahre nach dem brutalen Anschlag der RAF auf die Goethe-Universität, die damals das Hauptquartier der US-Armee in Frankfurt war, würdigt die Initiative der Stadt Frankfurt am Main die Amerikaner, die ihr Leben für den Aufbau von Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Deutschland gegeben haben.

Wie Heidi bei der Enthüllung sagte: "Die enge Partnerschaft zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Deutschland, die in unserem gemeinsamen Bekenntnis zur Demokratie verankert ist, zeigt unsere gemeinsame Entschlossenheit, eine sicherere, gerechtere und wohlhabendere Welt zu schaffen. Die Gedenktafel zeigt das Engagement der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und der FRANKFURT.de für die Aufrechterhaltung der Werte, denen Oberstleutnant Bloomquist sein Leben gewidmet hat."🇺🇸🇩🇪


Together with Frankfurt’s Kulturdezernentin Sabine Hartwig, head archivist Wolfgang Schopf and Vice President Ulrich Schielein of the Goethe University Frankfurt, and local politician Axel Kaufmann, our Public Diplomacy Chief Heidi Ramsay unveiled a plaque at the university’s Casino building honoring U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Paul Bloomquist, who was assassinated in the line of duty on May 11, 1972.

More than 50 years after the RAF’s brutal attack at Goethe University, which was then the U.S. Army’s Headquarters in Frankfurt, the initiative by the local city council to show pays tribute to Americans who gave their lives to safeguard the establishment of democracy and the rule of law in Germany.

As Heidi said at the unveiling: “The deep partnership between the United States and Germany, rooted in our shared commitment to democracy, stands as a testament to our collective determination to build a safer, more just, and more prosperous world. This plaque demonstrates Goethe University’s and the City of Frankfurt’s commitment to upholding those values to which LTC Bloomquist dedicated his life.” On behalf of the United States, we thank you for honoring his sacrifice.

Photos from U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt's post 13/07/2024

Celebrating Independence Day, Democracy, and the 75thAnniversary of the NATO Alliance with our German American Institutes 🇺🇸🗽🇩🇪
Acting Principal Officer Jennifer DeWitt Walsh and Public Diplomacy Chief Heidi Ramsay joined our German American Institutes in Freiburg, Stuttgart, and Tübingen to celebrate the 248th birthday of the United States of America. The signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the belief in equality, democracy, and freedom of conscience laid the foundation for the United States to become a beacon of hope and possibility for people worldwide. The principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence — that human beings are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights — continue to resonate globally. They remind us that freedom is universal and that it is our shared responsibility to protect and nurture democracy wherever it may be threatened. The German American Institutes are the embodiment of that strength of commitment, and their efforts ensure that the transatlantic bond stays strong for generations to come.

The importance of the German-American partnership was reinforced as NATO leaders gathered in Washington for the 75th anniversary of the alliance. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, meeting with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on the eve of the summit, said: “Together the United States and Germany have been confronting the extraordinary challenges to our Alliance, to our people. The fact that we’re doing it together, the fact that we are such strong partners has been an extraordinary source of strength these past few years. […] One thing that gives me tremendous confidence is the partnership, the alliance between the United States and Germany.” More at https://www.state.gov/nato-summit/ #75-Years

📸 by Robin Lehnert (Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Stuttgart) and Marc Doradzillo (Carl-Schurz-Haus Freiburg)

Carl-Schurz-Haus/Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut (DAI) Freiburg e.V.
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum / James-F.-Byrnes-Institut
Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen DAI
U.S. Mission to NATO

Photos from U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt's post 11/07/2024

“As citizen diplomats, your work here will contribute to a stronger, more interconnected world.”
So begrüßte unser Public Diplomacy Fellow Desmond Ferrell letzte Woche an der Heidelberg University gemeinsam mit Vertretern des
Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD),
der Embassy of Canada to Germany sowie des britischen Generalkonsulats in Düsseldorf ca. 400 Studierende aus den USA, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Königreich, und Irland in Deutschland. Sie machen hier im Rahmen des -Programms in den Bereichen Naturwissenschaften und
Ingenieurwesen und werden dabei von Doktorand:innen betreut. Die Nachfrage nach Expertise in den Fachbereichen von Naturwissenschaft und Ingenieurwesen verbunden mit internationaler Erfahrung ist in der Wirtschaft und Forschung stark gestiegen. Mit RISE
bietet der DAAD ein Förderinstrument an diese Nachfrage zu bedienen.
out: https://www.daad.de/rise/en/

📸: DAAD/Henn

Photos from U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt's post 04/07/2024

Last week U.S. Consulate Frankfurt and Creative Change joined forces in Frankfurt’s first-ever Democracy Parkour. During the interactive project week, around 100 young participants aged 15-25 came together to complete 10 modules at 4 stations spread across the city of Frankfurt and Offenbach in the spirit of a classic obstacle course, a parkour.

Each module offered creative and comprehensive activities in which the participants explored the adverse effects of fake news, hate speech and propaganda and received tools to help them actively promote democratic values and social cohesion.

On Friday they presented their results through performances, comics and videos at the English Theatre Frankfurt with support from MC Beshoo and freestyle rapper Gier as well as Acting Principal Officer Jennifer DeWitt Walsh and English Theatre Director Daniel Nicolai.

Thanks to our partners Creative Change e.V. Frankfurt Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt an der Goethe Universität, Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt Bildungsstätte Anne Frank Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, BabyShoo Entertainment, Gierstyle and the teachers and participants from JOBLINGE Rhein-Main, Wöhlerschule , Ziehenschule, and Ernst-Reuter-Schule II


Wir haben am morgigen Donnerstag, den 4. Juli 2024 anlässlich des Independence Day geschlossen.
➡️In dringenden Fällen findest du weitere Informationen auf unserer Webseite: https://de.usembassy.gov/contact/
We will be closed tomorrow for Independence Day, July 4th 2024.
➡️For emergency assistance, please find contact information here: https://de.usembassy.gov/contact/


Today the UEFA EURO 2024 kicks off in Munich and ends with the final in Berlin on Sunday 14 July.

U.S. citizens attending one of the soccer matches in Germany: DYK that we compile destination-specific information on local laws, potential risks, and banned substances to help U.S. citizens travel smart from the start? Learn about your destination at

U.S. Mission Germany wishes all participants and attendees a fantastic time!


Special Envoy for Global Youth at State Abby Finkenauer is visiting Germany this week! 🇺🇸🇩🇪
Her engagements with young people across civil society are showcasing why youth engagement is so important in shaping the future of democracy. 📣🫶

U.S. Consulate General Leipzig


Sports level the playing field between individuals and sports diplomacy can serve as a tool to provide inclusive access to otherwise exclusive contexts. But can major sporting events lead the way in sustainable practices? 100%! For instance, by promoting sustainable product and supply chains by producing a jersey made from recycled polyester.

Thank you to Heidi Ramsay, Chief of Public Diplomacy at the U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt, Manuel Pauser, Vice President Global Government & Community Affairs at , Daniel Hofmann, German Fulbright Alumni Association, and the amazing Fulbright Germany community for an engaging conversation on “Winning Beyond the Field: Sustainability in Major Sporting Events”.



„Wir kommen alle von irgendwoher, aber wir sind alle Amerikaner. Diesen Monat ehren wir die Beiträge und feiern den bemerkenswerten Mut der Einwanderer unserer Nation, deren Hoffnungen und Träume dazu beigetragen haben, dieses Land zu gründen und uns auch heute noch voranbringen.
In diesem Monat – und in jedem Monat – möchten wir uns erneut dazu verpflichten, die Fackel der Freiheit am Brennen zu halten, die Generationen von Einwanderern nach Amerika geführt hat.“ (Präsident JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., 31. Mai 2024)

Bist du auch an einer Einwanderung in die USA interessiert? Entdecke deine Möglichkeiten unter https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate.html


“We all come from somewhere, but we are all Americans. This month, we honor the contributions and celebrate the remarkable courage of our Nation’s immigrants, whose hopes and dreams helped found this country and continue to push us forward today.
This month — and every month — may we recommit to keeping lit the torch of liberty that has led generations of immigrants to America.” (President JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., May 31, 2024)

Are you also interested in immigrating to the United States? Explore your options at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate.html


vor 80 Jahren ⤵️

80 years ago, D-Day operation of June 6, 1944, brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the Allied armies, leading to the defeat of German N**i forces. Today, the world continues to face threats that challenge peace and security. From the global war on terrorism to regional struggles against tyranny and oppression, including in Ukraine, the lessons of Normandy remain as relevant as ever. They remind us that freedom requires sacrifice; it is won through constant vigilance and the collective effort of nations united by shared values.


reminder for all U.S. citizens!

U.S. citizens voting from overseas should check
FVAP.gov for their state’s deadline to submit their ballot. It may be sooner than you think. 

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Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.



Gießener Str. 30

Andere Konsulate und Botschaften in Frankfurt (alles anzeigen)
Кыргыз Республикасынын Майндагы Франкфурт шаарындагы Консулдук Агенттиги Кыргыз Республикасынын Майндагы Франкфурт шаарындагы Консулдук Агенттиги
Brönnerstraße 20
Frankfurt, 60313

Консулдук маселелер, консулдук кызматтар, виза маселе?

Talha Official Talha Official
Sctar 3

اسلام علیکم ہمارے پیج کا مقصد رومانیہ ویزہ انفو اور اس ?

القنصلية العراقية العامة في فرانكفورت القنصلية العراقية العامة في فرانكفورت
Westendstraße 12
Frankfurt, 60325

الخدمات القنصلية

Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Frankfurt am Main Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Frankfurt am Main
Lyoner Str. 34
Frankfurt, 60528

Algerisches Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt Algerisches Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 32
Frankfurt, 60325

Willkommen auf der offiziellen Seite des Algerischen Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt. Bienvenue dans la page officielle du Consulat Général d'Algérie à Francfort.

Schweizerisches Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt Schweizerisches Generalkonsulat in Frankfurt
Mendelssohnstrasse 87
Frankfurt, 60325

Grüezi, Bienvenue, Benvenuti, Allegra! Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite des Schweizerischen Generalkonsulats in Frankfurt am Main.

Japanisches Generalkonsulat Frankfurt am Main Japanisches Generalkonsulat Frankfurt am Main
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49, MesseTurm 34. OG
Frankfurt, 60327

Herzlich willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite des Generalkonsulats von Japan in Frankfurt a

Honorarkonsularische Vertretung der Republik Zypern Honorarkonsularische Vertretung der Republik Zypern
Honorarkonsularische Vertretung Der Republik Zypern, Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 27
Frankfurt, 60596

Honorarkonsularische Vertretung der Republik Zypern für Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Baden-Württemberg un

Ägyptisches Generalkonsulat - Frankfurt am Main Ägyptisches Generalkonsulat - Frankfurt am Main
EysseneckStr. 34
Frankfurt, 60322

Das Generalkonsulat der Arabischen Republik Ägyptens in Frankfurt am Main

Royal Thai Consulate-General, Frankfurt Royal Thai Consulate-General, Frankfurt
Kennedyallee 109
Frankfurt, 60596

Königlich Thailändisches Generalkonsulat, Frankfurt am Main

Consulate General of Greece in Frankfurt Consulate General of Greece in Frankfurt
Zeppelinalle 43
Frankfurt, 60325

Official page of the General Consulate of Greece in Frankfurt/Germany

Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Frankfurt Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Frankfurt
Hansaallee 32 A+b
Frankfurt, 60322

Consulado-Geral do Brasil em Frankfurt