Help in Progress e.V.
The idea is to fundraise money and goods and take them directly to our institutions abroad. Our princ Some of us went to The Gambia in April 2014 for vacation.
Spending time with the locals we became aware that, with just a little help, we are able tho effect something in other countries. We did all grow up in a privileged world not worrying about food, clothing, medicine or education. Visiting The Gambia in April / May 2014 made us think. We decided to help the ones in need, who are lacking of things that we take for granted. And it is not that difficul
The Brufut Sanchaba School is the second school we took over in February 2018. So we have been working together for three years now and there are many more years to come!
Have a lovely day everyone 😊
Every morning before school, all students and teachers meet to start the day together. We love this ritual and think it is a great idea to bring everyone together 💚
We love how colourful the classrooms are. Our teachers always try to decorate the rooms with lots of artwork from the kids. 🎨
These schools are projects we work for with all our heart. So we are super excited every time when friends join us for our travels to Gambia and develop a love for this project, too. On this picture you can see Axel, a friend of Georg, who accompanied him on his last trip to Gambia. ✈️
We hope that you all had a great start in the new year. We have big plans for 2021. One of them is building water fountains at our three schools like this one 👷♀️💦
What a weird year is coming to an end now. Our schools were closed for several months throughout this year. But we have all our hope for next year to be different! Wishing everyone a good start in 2021 ✨
One of our team members, Georg (all the way in the back on the right), went to Gambia last week to visit all of our schools and talk to the headmasters to discuss our plans for 2021.
He also brought 100kg of Kids clothes and shoes to contribute to our kids, who were so excited about his visit!
Wishing our kids, teachers and headmasters a Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone is doing well 🎄
Georg also used the time on site to discuss new ideas. This is a lot easier and faster on site.
Georg hat die Zeit vor Ort auch genutzt um neue Ideen zu besprechen und auszuarbeiten. Das ist vor Ort doch um einiges einfacher und schneller.
In the courtyard of First Steps Nursery School there is a seat circle around two trees where all the children gather every day. We just think this place is really beautiful :)
In dem Innenhof der First Steps Nursery School gibt es einen Sitzkreis um zwei Bäume wo sich jeden Tag die ganzen Kinder versammeln. Wir finden diesen Ort einfach richtig schön :)
It is a highlight for us every time the schools sing for us :)
Es ist jedes Mal ein Highlight für uns, wenn die Schulen für uns singen :)
As you can see Alyona didn't want to leave. The children also loved her very much.
Wie man sieht wollte Alyona garnicht mehr gehen. Die Kinder haben sie auch unglaublich ins Herz geschlossen.
While the kids are clapping and singing, we listen eagerly in the background.
Während die Kinder am Klatschen und singen sind, hören wir im Hintergrund gespannt zu.
There's a lot going on here when the last hour is over and the kids are going home :)
Hier ist ganz schön was los, wenn die letzte Stunde vorbei ist und die Kinder nach Hause gehen :)
The calm before the storm in the inner courtyard of the new AVI School - our first school.
Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm im Innenhof der New AVI School - unserer ersten Schule.
Alyona was totally thrilled by our schools and loved the children
Alyona war total begeistert von unseren Schulen und hat die Kinder direkt ins Herz geschlossen
Look how cute the kids are all patiently waving to us! Have a wonderfull day everyone :)
Schaut wie süß die Kinder alle geduldig dort sitzen und uns winken! Habt alle einen wunderschönen Tag :)
In this picture you can see Alyona with one of our teachers. Alyona supports us in our project from Ukraine, where she lives, and went to Gambia in February together with Georg to visit the schools on site.
Auf diesem Bild seht ihr Alyona mit einem unserer Lehrer. Alyona unterstützt uns bei unserem Projekt aus der Ukraine und war im Februar zusammen mit Georg in Gambia, um die Schulen vor Ort zu besuchen.
We were also very warmly welcomed to the Brufut Sanchaba School and the children were very happy to see us!
Wir wurden auch in der Brufut Sanchaba Schule sehr herzlich begrüßt und die Kinder haben sich sehr gefreut, uns zu sehen!
This is where the students of the First Steps Nursery School gathered in the courtyard to welcome us! We were very happy to meet them all :)
Hier haben sich die Schüler der First Steps Nursery School im Innenhof versammelt um uns Willkommen zu heißen! Wir haben uns sehr gefreut sie alle zu treffen :)
Especially in times like these, it's important to stick together and laugh together :)
Gerade in Zeiten wie diesen ist es wichtig zusammenzuhalten und gemeinsam zu lachen :)
Georg visited all three of our schools in Gambia. In this photo you can see a classroom of the Brufut Sanchaba School, which we have been running since February 2018.
Georg hat alle unsere drei Schulen in Gambia besucht. In diesem Foto seht ihr ein Klassenzimmer der Brufut Sanchaba School, welche wir seit Februar 2018 betreiben.
In February, Georg (in the photo on the left) was back in Gambia and visited our schools. Over the next few weeks we will share some of his pictures with you. Stay tuned :)
Im Februar war Georg (auf dem Foto ganz links) wieder in Gambia und hat unsere Schulen besucht. In den nächsten Wochen werden wir ein paar seiner Bilder mit euch teilen. Seid gespannt :)
All patiently waiting for the class to start.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Did you know that we changed the location of our first school - the AVI Nursery School - in 2019? This is the new land and building, which we rented for at least the next 20 years.
They're always so proud showing us around, when we're there for a visit.
Just a nice picture of the playground of the New AVI School in Brufut. The school it all started with.
Not-Fun-Fact: 1 in 5 kids ages 6 to 17 are not in school. Let's try to change that!
We love seeing our kids doing art! It makes them proud to see it hanging at the walls.
A smile for a smile! Ever tried to smile at strangers? You most likely will get a smile back!
Can you see those little red dots? Those are our kids enjoying their break between classes.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!
The third and (for now) last school we took over in 2018 is called First Step School and is also located in Brufut in Gambia. With this school we now support around 600 kids in this area. Find out more about our project on our website:
Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope you're have as much fun as our kids do in this pictures!
This weekend it's carnival in Germany and I thought I will show you some traditional masks we saw on our last trip to Gambia! What are you going to dress up as this weekend?
Just two boys sitting here and waiting for the teacher to start class. Have a wonderful week everyone!
Besides visiting our schools we also had the chance to explore the country. And let me tell you, Gambia really got nice beaches.
There're all ready for the class to start. What was your favorite subject in school?
This is the Brufut Sanchaba School - the second school we took over in 2018.
Find out more about it on our website:
Happy Kids, happy life! How can you not smile looking at this picture?!
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.
Our Story
Some of us went to The Gambia in April 2014 for vacation. Spending time with locals we became aware that, with just a little help, we are able to effect something in other countries.
We did all grow up in a privileged world not worrying about food, clothing, medicine or education. Visiting The Gambia in April / May 2014 made us think. We decided to help the ones in need, who are lacking of things that we take for granted. And it is not that difficult. Although when donating money most people are afraid, that the money does not flow into the projects themselves, but into all sort of other channels.
The idea is to fundraise money and goods and take them directly to our institutions abroad. We started to support a nursery school for 235 kids in Brufut but are looking forward to your suggestions for further projects.
Other contributors such as lawyers, tax advisors, schools, publishing houses, doctors etc. help us providing their work for free.
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