Iyengar Yoga Wiesbaden

Iyengar Yoga Wiesbaden

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Erzgebirge Elsoff-Oberrod
Erzgebirge Elsoff-Oberrod

YIyengar Yoga ist eine lebendige, aktive und herausfordernde Form des Hatha-Yoga
•Asanas -Körpers Die Anleitungen sind sehr genau und detailliert. B.K.S. IYENGAR®

Yoga ist eine jahrtausende alte Wissenschaft, die sich
hochdifferenziert und praktisch mit der Gesundheit
von Körper, Geist und Seele befasst. Die Übungen bilden ein ausgewogenes Zusammenspiel von Kraft und Ausdauer,
korrekter Körperausrichtung, Beweglichkeit, Balance, Atem und Entspannung. Sie verhelfen zu einer gesunden
Ausrichtung des Körpers. Unterstützend wird auch mit Decken, Seilen, Stühlen


“Now, SAVASANA is about relaxation, but what prevents relaxation?
Tension results from clutching tightly to life - and in turn being held by the myriad invisible threads that tie us to the known world, the known “I”, and the known environment contact that give us our sense of identity. (…)
To relax is to cut tension. To cut tension is to cut the threads that bind us to identity. To lose identity is to find out who we are not.”

B.K.S Iyengar “Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom.”


"The yogi uses all his resources - physical, economic, mental or moral - to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. He shares his strength with the weak until they become strong. He shares his courage with those who are timid until they become brave by his example. He denies the maxim 'survival of the fittest', but makes the weak strong enough to survive. He becomes a shelter to one and all."

BKS Iyengar, Light on Yoga

image: Guruji adjusting Yehudi Menuhin

The Final Photoshoot: Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar Performing Yoga At The Age Of 95 26/02/2019

The Final Photoshoot: Yoga Guru BKS Iyengar Performing Yoga At The Age Of 95 Legendary yoga guru BKS Iyengar passed away at 95 in August last year. Quite a miracle, when you consider his history — born in 1918 during an influenza epidemic, he was a weak, malnourished child, an...

Kilka zdjęć Gurujiego podczas praktyki 14/01/2019

B.K.S. Iyengar


Liebe Yogis,
wie bereits im letzten Jahr habe ich die Osterferien, Sommerferien und Herbstferien 2018 durchgehend unterrichtet.
Die sich daraus ergebende kursfreie Zeit nutze ich auch in diesem Jahr wieder für eine Meditationsreise.

Während meiner Abwesenheit seid ihr herzlich in den Kursen von Cornelia willkommen:
Mo 18:00 und 20:00, Di 10:00, Do 19:00

Nicht vergessen: Das Studio ist während der hessischen Weihnachtsferien vom 22.12.2018 bis zum 13.01.2019 geschlossen.

Mein erster Unterricht findet am Dienstag den 19.03.2019 in gewohnter Weise und zu den bekannten Zeiten statt.

Herzliche Grüße

On BKS Iyengar’s birth centenary, enthusiasts gather for love of yoga - Times of India 04/12/2018

On BKS Iyengar’s birth centenary, enthusiasts gather for love of yoga - Times of India By: Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh Yogacharya BKS Iyengar, whose 100th birth anniversary will be celebrated on December 14, was among those gurus who handed d.

Yoga gegen Stress 26/11/2018

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Pranayama - What is it? And how to start. | Yoga Selection 05/11/2018

Pranayama - What is it? And how to start. | Yoga Selection Learn pranayama. How to introduce pranayama into your yoga practice. Navigate obstacles and identify key stages in learning the art of yogic breathing.

Méditation : comment elle modifie le cerveau 02/11/2018

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Bobby Clennell 08/10/2018

Bobby Clennell Each Month, starting January 2018 and continuing through December 2018, I will present concise illustrated instructions for a yoga pose (if not two or three) that you can practice along with. Strung together, the twelve poses make up a balanced yoga sequence. This sequence will incorporate a warm-up...

Timeline photos 08/10/2018

“It must not be your mind or even your body that is doing the asana. You must be in it. You must do the asana with your soul. How can you do an asana with your soul? We can only do it with the organ of the body that is closest to the soul - the heart. So a virtuous asana is done from the heart and not from the head. Then you are not just doing it, but you are in it. Many people try to think their way into an asana, but you must instead feel your way into it through love and devotion.”
Yogaćarya BKS Iyengar
'Light on Life'

image: unknown, but looks like a still from Iyengar: the man, yoga, and the student's journey by Jake Clennell

The Yoga Master at Ninety, an Interview with B.K.S. Iyengar | Parabola 05/10/2018

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Iyengar - Sirsasana head stand EXPLAINED and ADJUSTED 19/09/2018

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A hidden problem: Men’s pelvic floor 09/09/2018

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Give me one reason 04/09/2018

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A Path to Pranayama | Yoga Vastu 04/09/2018

A Path to Pranayama | Yoga Vastu Asanas teach us focus, awareness, timing, and patience. Through cultivation of consciousness in our physical actions, we can turn our attention inwards in Savasana and Pranayama.

Iyengar Yoga For Lower Back Pain | Yoga Selection 29/08/2018

Iyengar Yoga For Lower Back Pain | Yoga Selection How can Iyengar yoga help to reduce lower back pain? This post shows yoga poses that help to address the link between tight hamstrings and lower back pain.

Untitled album 28/06/2018


Liebe Yogis,

am 29.06.2018 ist das Studio geschlossen.
Es finden an diesem Tag keine Kurse statt.

In der ersten Juliwoche, vom 02.07. bis 07.07., ist das Studio für alle Kurse wegen Reinigungsarbeiten geschlossen.

Ab dem 10.07. finden die Yogakurse von Pierre,
Dienstag (20:00 – 21:30 Uhr)
Mittwoch (18:30 – 20:00 Uhr) und
Freitag (16:30 – 18:00 Uhr) und
die Mediationsklasse
Mittwoch (20:15 – 21:30 Uhr)
wie gewohnt während der gesamten Sommerferien statt.

Alle Kurse von Cornelia beginnen nach den Sommerferien ab Montag den 06.08.2018.

Wir wünschen allen einen schönen Sommer

Cornelia und Pierre

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Ellenbogengasse 8


Dienstag 20:00 - 21:30
Mittwoch 18:30 - 20:00
Freitag 16:30 - 18:00

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