Vineyard Tallinn

Vilde tee 131, 12613 Tallinn


Sellest pühapäevast algavad meie jumalateenistused jälle kell 11.00. Varsti näeme!

From this Sunday our services will start again at 11am. See you soon!

59°23'57.5"N 24°40'36.4"E 23/08/2024

Picnic from 11:00 at Männi Park on Sunday - no service at the church building

Hi everyone. We had to postpone the baptisms on Sunday (25.08) due to roads being closed for the Iron Man competition. Therefore, we’ll be meeting at Männi Park from 11:00 for a bring and share picnic instead. See you there!

Piknik Männi pargis Pühapäeval alates kella 11st- koguduse ruumides jumalateenistust ei toimu.

Tere kõigile. Me pidime pühapäevase (25.08) ristimise edasi lükkama, kuna Iron Man võistluste tõttu on teed suletud. Selle pärast kohtume alates kella 11st Männi pargis, ühiseks pikniku pidamiseks. Näeme seal!

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59°23'57.5"N 24°40'36.4"E Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.


Suvi Vineyard Tallinnas/ Summer at Vineyard Tallinn

Juuli - Ei ole teenistusi pühapäeviti
August - Teenistused pühapäeviti 17:00

July - No Sunday Services
August - Sunday Services at 17:00


Täna meie jumalateenistust ei toimu. Kohtumiseni järgmisel pühapäeval!

Today our service isn’t happening. See you next Sunday!


Vabandame, tehniliste põhjuste tõttu täna jumalateenistuse otseülekannet ei toimu.

We apologise, due to technical issues we won't be streaming our Sunday service today.


Hi everyone.Just a reminder that there’s no service today, 31.12. See you next Sunday!

Tere kõigile! 31.12 ei toimu Vineyard Tallinnas jumalateenistust. Näeme järgmisel pühapäeval!


Tulge ja ühinege meiega Jõululaupäeva õhtul kell 17, et tähistada kuningas Jeesuse sündi! E. vilde tee 131, Tallinn.

Come and join us at 5pm on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of King Jesus!


Tere. Kahjuks meie teenistus on homme (17.12) ainult inglise keeles.

Hello. Unfortunately, our service will be in English only tomorrow (17.12).


Eile hommikul oli meie koguduses palvehommikusöök. Kord kuus saame kokku, et koos süüa ja palvetada üksteise, koguduse ja Eesti eest.

Yesterday morning we had a prayer breakfast in our church. Once a month we gather to eat together and pray for each other, our church and Estonia.


Hi everyone. Quite a few of us are sick with various things which has left us with a depleted team for the service.

In view of this we’ll be doing something different. The plan is to have tea, coffee and snacks followed by a video sermon and a time of discussion and prayer.

There won’t be any kids groups although there will be toys, paper and crayons available. We also won’t be streaming the service online.

I’m sure it will be a wonderful time to be together in a more relaxed format.

I’m praying for a speedy recovery for all of us who are sick and peace for those who are struggling..

Be blessed and see you soon!


Photos from Vineyard Tallinn's post 28/11/2023

Valmistume Advendiks, ehtides ruumid kaunistustega, täites koja ülistusega, alandades südamed Jumala ees ning meenutades Tema suurt armastust, mida Ta ristil olles meile näitas.

We are preparing for the Advent by decorating the rooms, filling the courts with praise, humbling our hearts before God and remembering His great love, which He demonstrated for us by laying down His life on the Cross.


Hi everyone. Sunday is Father’s Day so we’ll postpone our bring-and-share/potluck lunch until Sunday the 19th of November.

Instead of a sermon tomorrow we’ll break into groups of 3-5 and work through a sheet containing some discussion starter questions.

There will also be an opportunity to pray for each other at the end.

Those of us with babies and toddlers can sit on the couch and talk while the kids play.

I’m really looking forward to it and I’m excited to see what God will do.

See you on tomorrow!


Welcome to our Sunday service tomorrow at 11 am! We will, as always, worship the Lord together, have a fellowship time together with snacks and coffee and hear a sermon by our pastor. What a gift it is to get together as a family of believers!

Olete teretulnud meie pühapäevasele Jumalateenistusele homme kell 11 hommikul! Nagu alati ülistame me Issandat koos, veedame üksteisega suheldes aega suupistete ja kohviga ning kuuleme jutlust meie pastorilt. Milline rõõm on tulla kokku usuperena!

59°24'43.8"N 24°37'55.0"E · Pikaliiva, 13517 Tallinn, Estland 23/08/2023

(English below) Pühapäeval (27.08.2022) kohtume Harku järve ääres mängudeks, ristimisteenistuseks ja piknikuks kell 15.00 (alustame kogunemisega kell 14.30). See on asenduseks meie kella 17:00 teenistusele, mis jääb ära.
Kohtume ühes viiest grillimispaigast (järve suunas näoga olles parkimisplatsist vasakule) -

Lastele on olemas mänguväljak, lisaks rand ja ujumisala. Kui jääd meiega piknikule, too süüa nii endale kui sellele, kellel pole võimalik jagada. Süütame kasutamiseks ka grilli. Kohtumiseni pühapäeval!

On Sunday (27.08.2022) we’ll be meeting at Harku Lake for games, a baptism service and picnic starting at 3pm (we’ll start gathering from 2:30pm). This is instead of our 5pm service which is cancelled.

We’ll meet at one of the grilling spots (left of the car park when facing the lake) -
There’s also a kids playground, beach and swimming area. If you’re staying for the picnic, bring some food for yourself and a bit extra for someone who doesn’t have any if you can. We’ll also light the grill if you want to use that. See you Sunday!

59°24'43.8"N 24°37'55.0"E · Pikaliiva, 13517 Tallinn, Estland Pikaliiva, 13517 Tallinn, Estland


We can't wait to see you again this Sunday at 17.00! Let's embrace the privilege of getting to come together as a Body of Christ!
In the month of August we have speakers from different churches and denominations coming to serve us.

Me ootame juba, et näha teid jälle see pühapäev kell 17.00! Võtame kinni privileegist, et tulla kokku Kristue Ihuna! Augustikuus on meid teenimas kõnelejad erinevatest kirikutest ja denominatsioonitest.


Dear friends! We want to remind you that we will not have any services in July. But be tuned as we will announce any other activities we will do together as a church community!

Kallid sõbrad! Me tahame teile meelde tuletada, et meil ei ole juulikuus jumalateenistusi. Aga olge valvel, sest anname teada teistest üritustest, mida me koos koguduse perekonnana teeme!


Pastor John Brown from Harmony Vineyard visiting us today and blessing us with a word from the Lord.

Pastor John Brown Harmony Vineyardist meid täna külastamas ja Jumala sõnaga õnnistamas.


May we glorify the name of the Lord on an average weekday as much as we do on a Sunday church gathering. He is so worthy! 😍

Kiitkem Issanda nime tavalisel tööpäeval sama palju, kui pühapäevasel jumalateenistusel. Ta on nii väärt seda! 😍

Photos from Vineyard Tallinn's post 03/06/2023

Monthly we gather with the musicians in the church to learn more about worship together. It's a wonderful opportunity to explore playing on different instruments. We also spend some time in discussing on the topic as well. If you are interested in joining this gathering, let us know! :)

Igakuiselt me koguneme koos muusikutega kirikus, et avastada ja õppida rohkem ülistuse kohta koos. See on imeline võimalus avastada uute instrumentide mängimist. Me veedame ka aega sellel teemal vesteldes. Kui sa oled huvitatud sellel kogunemisel osalemisest, anna meile teada! :)

Home Page 13/05/2023

(English below) Tere kõigile! Kahjuks meie teenistus on homme (14.05) ainult inglise keeles.

Kohtumiseni homme, kas kirikus või veebis!

Hello everyone. Unfortunately, our service will be in English only tomorrow (14.05).

See you tomorrow, in person or online.

Home Page Sunday Service Times We meet on Sunday mornings at 11.00. You are welcome to join us in person at E. Vilde tee 131, or online via our live stream (click on Live in the menu above). We are looking forward to meeting you!

Photos from Vineyard Tallinn's post 26/04/2023

We had a wonderful time celebrating our church's 20th anniversary past Sunday!
Thank you all for coming!

Meil oli imeline aeg tähistades meie koguduse 20. aastapäeva eelmine pühapäev!
Aitäh kõigile, kes tulid!


Pastor Anthony leading us through another portion of scripture in the Gospel of Matthew.
The Word of God is alive and active.

Pastor Anthony juhib meid läbi järjekordse kirjakoha Matteuse Evangeeliumist.
Jumala Sõna on elav ja töötav.


Don't miss out on church tomorrow at 11. Our God is alive and The Gospel is still good news that is worth celebrating and sharing!

Ära jää ilma kirikust homme kell 11. Meie Jumal om elav ja Evangeelium on ikka veel Hea Uudis, mis on väärt tähistamist ja kuulutamist!


Nothing beats worshipping the Lord together.
Praying and thanking God for our beautiful country on its independence day today.

Pole midagi paremat, kui koos Issandat ülistada.
Palvetame ja täname Jumalat täna oma ilusa isamaa eest meie iseseisvuspäeval.

Photos from Vineyard Tallinn's post 20/02/2023

Did you know that this happens at our church every Thursday? If you're a parent, come with your baby or toddler!

Kas sa teadsid, et see toimub meie kirikus iga neljapäev? Kui sa oled lapsevanem, tule oma beebi või väikelapsega!


Join us on Sunday as we continue our series through the gospel of Matthew!
This week Rafael Zayas will be speaking.

Ühine meiega pühapäeval, kui me jätkame oma seeriat läbi Matteuse evangeeliumi!
See nädal kuuleme me jutlust Rafael Zayasilt.



Photos from Vineyard Tallinn's post 26/01/2023

God LOVES kids and so do we!
They are just as big of a part of our church family and God's Kingdom than the adults.
We seek to to teach, inspire and example the love, wisdom and power of God to them through community, worship, prayer, games, Bible study, creativity, and many more activities!
And of course we learn a lot from them too! :)

Jumal ARMASTAB lapsi ja samuti ka meie!
Nad on sama suur osa meie koguduse perest ja Jumala Kuningriigist kui täiskasvanud.
Meie soov on neid õpetada, inspireerida ja olla eeskujuks Jumala armastuses, tarkuses ja väes läbi kogukonna, ülistuse, palve, mängude, Piibli õppe, loomingulisuse, ja paljude muude tegevuste!
Ja loomulikult õpime meie neilt ka palju! :)

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Videos (show all)

We are looking forward to gathering again to worship our Lord! This Sunday at 5 pm! Me ootame juba, et taas koguneda ja ...
May we glorify the name of the Lord on an average weekday as much as we do on a Sunday church gathering. He is so worthy...
Monthly we gather with the musicians in the church to learn more about worship together. It's a wonderful opportunity to...
When the sermon really touches you... Kui jutlus tõesti puudutab sind...
Don't miss out on church tomorrow at 11. Our God is alive and The Gospel is still good news that is worth celebrating an...
Woop woop!!!! Juba see nädal!!!
Nothing beats worshipping the Lord together. Praying and thanking God for our beautiful country on its independence day ...
Welcome to greet the new year with us in worship this Sunday (01.01) at 1 pm! The service is followed by a bring-and-sha...


E. Vilde Tee 131

Opening Hours

11:00 - 13:00

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