طريق متميز للنجاح

Coaching, Business management, consulting & solutions using the most proficient and expert way.

Dr.Ehab Zaki - General Manager Automotive Operations, Certified Lean 6 Sigma Black Belt- IQF, AI Machine Learning & Data Science for business development. - القاهرة القاهرة مصر | LinkedIn 16/11/2023

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Dr. Ehab Zaki

Dr.Ehab Zaki - General Manager Automotive Operations, Certified Lean 6 Sigma Black Belt- IQF, AI Machine Learning & Data Science for business development. - القاهرة القاهرة مصر | LinkedIn General manager automotive operations, Certified Lean 6 sigma black belt (IQF USA), Data Science for business development specialist. Senior Manager/Director for varieties of premium brands of Heavy equipment , Commercial Vehicles , Passenger Cars, All Terrain vehicles, 3 & 2 wheelers and E- cars, H...


ياريت مننساش ان فيه بعض انواع السجائر مقاطعة فنخلي بالنا... مثل

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سجائر ميريت بأنوعها
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هام جدا الكل يطبق وينشر


Using same tools in the same ways and with the same approach to the same resources will only achieve the same results, whether desirable or undesirable.

استخدام ذات الأدوات بذات الطرق وذات المنهاج لذات الموارد سيحقق فقط ذات النتائج مرغوبة كانت ام مكروهه.


it is an amazing proved approach based on practical outcomes, lead to an effective wise for business owners & CEOs, and GMs:

××××× Part 1 ×××××

At almost no furthermore investment, Just lead and support some directed steps along with your employees/staff into sharing a new spirit & accountability of creating an own development & continuous improvement infastructure/atmosphere, equipped with a win-win formula & respect bases.

This will ensure an impact of about 15% to 35 % either saving to bottom line or adding to top line for a short term plan ( 6 -12 months), in addition to achieve a business high sustainability & competency.


Will continue for more details

Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


Photos from ‎طريق متميز للنجاح‎'s post 19/02/2023

-Automotive service facility design guidelines and its standard KPIs:

Today i am providing another Automotive market leader point of view for calculations & little changes of references KPIs values for enforce the idea.

------Part 3-------

-Parts facility at Service Center

In case of parts store is inside service center , the related recommended sizes for different capacities are shown in the attached files.

To be continued...

Best Regards,

Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki

Photos from ‎طريق متميز للنجاح‎'s post 18/02/2023

-Automotive service facility design guidelines and its standard KPIs:

Today i am providing another Automotive market leader point of view for calculations & little changes of references KPIs values for enforce the idea.

------Part 2-------

-Service center Standard Equipment list

In addition to Automotive manufacturing special tools and Basic technicians tools, there are standard equipment for service facility as shown in the attached.

To be continued...

Best Regards,

Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


The expected range for the overall business loop and Invested money turnover for a complete automotive business unit that includes sales, service, parts, and rent operations can vary widely depending on factors such as market conditions, competition, customer preferences, and business strategies..etc.

However, here are some possible ranges based on industry benchmarks and best practices:

-Overall business loop:
a few hours (for quick vehicle repairs) to several years (for long-term vehicle leasing contracts), with an average of around 1-3 months for vehicle Sales, Parts and Service, and 1-3 years for vehicle leasing and fleet management operations.

-Overall inveated money turnover:
a general range for the money turnover ratio for an automotive business unit can be around 15:1 to 30:1, with higher values for Sales and Parts operations, and lower values for Service and Rent/lease operations.

-These are just average ranges, and actual values can vary depending on a wide variety of factors. It's important for automotive businesses to continuously monitor and adjust their business loop and money turnover values to optimize their operations and financial performance.

Best Regards,

Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


Let's stretch our minds..

What are Automotive industry,s business loop & invested money turnover values?

Given some examples

1-Construction industry : business loop is about ( 3 years ) and invested money turnover is about ( LE 6:1)

2-Outsourcing busimess : business loop is about ( 1 month or little more) and invested money turnover is about ( LE 27:1)

3-Call Center business : business loop is about ( 1 month or less) and invested money turnrover is about ( LE 25:1)

Best Regards
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki

Photos from ‎طريق متميز للنجاح‎'s post 17/02/2023


-Automotive service facility design guidelines and its standard KPIs:

Today i am providing another Automotive market leader point of view for calculations & little changes of references KPIs values for enforce the idea.

To be continued...

Best Regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


Key Performance indicators and its benchmarks values to evaluate Service advisors and reception department Performance in Automotive service centers;

1-Customer satisfaction: This is usually measured through customer surveys or feedback. A benchmark value could be an average score of 9 or above on a scale of 1-10.

First-time fix rate: 85% or higher.

Labor utilization rate: This is the ratio of actual labor hours spent on repairs compared to the total hours available. A benchmark value could be 85% or higher.

Average repair orders perservice advisor: 12-15 or more.

Average speed of answer (ASA): This is the average time it takes for a customer to be answered when calling the service center. A benchmark value could be 30 seconds or less.

Customer wait time: This is the average time a customer spends waiting for their vehicle to be serviced. A benchmark value could be 60 minutes or less.

Upselling rate: 25% or higher.

Scheduling accuracy: This measures the percentage of appointments that start and end on time. A benchmark value could be 95% or higher.

Phone handling skills: This evaluates the quality of customer service provided over the phone, including the advisor's tone, language, and ability to resolve customer inquiries. A benchmark value could be an average score of 9 or above on a scale of 1-10.

Complaint resolution rate: This measures the percentage of customer complaints that are successfully resolved for the customer's satisfaction. A benchmark value could be 90 % or higher.

Employee turnover rate: 10% or lower.

Customer retention rate: This measures the percentage of customers who return to the service center for repeat business. A benchmark value could be 85% or higher.

Gross profit per RO: This measures the profit generated by each repair order, taking into account both labor and parts sales Vs target or average.

Net promoter score (NPS): 90% or more.

Warranty claims processing time: This measures the average time it takes to process a warranty claim from start to finish. A benchmark value could be 48 hours or less.

Working in Progress : 2 days or less.

Sales conversion rate: This measures the percentage of customers who make a purchase after visiting the service center. A benchmark value could be 25% or higher.

Training and development participation: 85% or higher.

Lost opportunities over counter: 5% - 10% or less.

Average time in service: 4 hours or less.

Repair qoutations's customer approval percentage: 85 % or more.

Lost time due technical issues: This measures the amount of time lost due to technical issues , such as improper complaints describes on opened job cards or software malfunctions. A benchmark value could be 1% or less.

Redo jobs/come back percentage : 1% or less.

Percentage of completed data & 3Cs on job cards : 95% or more.

Accurate on time daily reports/S.A: 95% or more.

My Regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


-Automotive Risk Assessment Key Performance Indicators ;

1-The percentage of risks that are prioritized based on their likelihood and impact. A benchmark value of 80-90% is considered good for risk identification rate.

2-Accuracy of risk assessment: 90-95% is considered good.

3-Time to complete risk assessment: 2-4 weeks is considered good.

4-Employee participation rate: 80-90% is considered good.

5-Stakeholder engagement rate: 75-85% is considered good.

6-Risk mitigation success rate: 80-90% is considered good.

7-Risk prioritization rate: 80-90% is considered good for risk prioritization rate.

8-Reduction in risk exposure: The reduction in risk exposure as a result of the risk assessment process, measured in monetary terms or as a percentage. A benchmark value of 5-15% reduction in risk exposure is considered good.

9-Compliance with regulations: The level of compliance with relevant regulations and standards, as measured by the number of violations or incidents. A benchmark value of 99-100% compliance is considered good.

10-Use of technology: The use of technology, such as risk management software or cloud-based solutions, to support the risk assessment process. A benchmark value of 60-80% use of technology is considered good.

11-Training and development: A benchmark value of 2-4 training sessions per year is considered good.

12-Collaboration with external parties: 50-75% collaboration with external parties is considered good.

13-Continuous improvement: The level of continuous improvement in the risk assessment process, as measured by changes to the process or the adoption of new technologies. A benchmark value of 15-25% continuous improvement is considered good.

14-Cost of risk mitigation: The cost of implementing risk mitigation measures, measured in monetary terms or as a percentage of the overall budget. A benchmark value of 10-20% of the overall budget is considered good.

15-Number of incidents: The number of incidents or accidents that occur, indicating the effectiveness of the risk management process. A benchmark value of fewer than 2 incidents per year is considered good.

16-Time to resolve incidents: The average time taken to resolve incidents, indicating the efficiency of the risk management process. A benchmark value of 2-4 days is considered good.

17-Root cause analysis completion rate: The percentage of incidents that undergo root cause analysis to determine the underlying cause and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. A benchmark value of 80-90% is considered good.

18-Use of contingency plans: The use of contingency plans to manage the impact of incidents, as measured by the number of incidents that are handled through contingency plans. A benchmark value of 50-75% use of contingency plans is considered good.

My regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


There are no hard and fast reference values that indicate/Predict a business is headed for bankruptcy. However, the following ranges of values for the Seven metrics may indicate financial distress and a higher likelihood of bankruptcy:

1-Debt-to-equity ratio: A ratio greater than 2 may indicate financial distress and a higher likelihood of bankruptcy.

2-Interest coverage ratio: A ratio below 1.5 may indicate financial distress and a higher likelihood of bankruptcy.

3-Quick ratio: A ratio below 1 may indicate financial distress and a higher likelihood of bankruptcy.

4-Current ratio: A ratio below 1 may indicate financial distress and a higher likelihood of bankruptcy.

5-Cash flow coverage ratio: A ratio below 1 may indicate financial distress and a higher likelihood of bankruptcy.

6-Return on Equity (ROE): A negative ROE or a ROE significantly lower than the company's industry average may indicate financial distress and a higher likelihood of bankruptcy.

7-The Z-score model: It is a commonly used tool for predicting bankruptcy, The Z-score is calculated using the following formula:

Z = 1.2A1 + 1.4A2 + 3.3A3 + 0.6A4 + 1.0A5

-Where A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 are five financial ratios that measure a company's liquidity, profitability, and solvency. The ratios used in the Z-score model are:

A1:Working capital / Total assets
A2:Retained earnings / Total assets
A3:Earnings before interest and taxes / Total assets
A4:Market value of equity / Book value of total liabilities
A5:Sales / Total assets

-Based on the calculated Z-score, a company can be classified into one of three categories:
7/1-Safe Zone: Z-score above 2.99, indicating a low probability of bankruptcy.
7/2-Grey Zone: Z-score between 1.23 and 2.99, indicating a moderate probability of bankruptcy.
7/3-Distress Zone: Z-score below 1.23, indicating a high probability of bankruptcy.

My Regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


-Digitalization in the automotive industry refers to the integration of digital technologies into the design, production, marketing, aftetsales, and sales processes of automobiles.

-Examples of digital tools used in automotive aftersales operations include:

1-Electronic Service Records (ESR): An ESR system stores all the relevant information about a vehicle's service history, such as previous repairs and maintenance, in a centralized digital database. This information can be accessed and updated by authorized personnel in real-time, improving efficiency and accuracy.

2-Online appointment scheduling.

3-Real-time updates on repair progress.

4-Predictive maintenance Softwares.

5-Remote diagnostics.

6-Parts management software


8-Augmented Reality (AR): Automotive aftersales operations can use AR to provide repair technicians with real-time information and guidance while they are working on vehicles.

9-Virtual Reality (VR): Automotive manufacturers can use VR to simulate and test new designs and manufacturing processes, reducing the need for physical prototypes and increasing efficiency.

10-Chatbots: Chatbots to provide customers with instant answers to common questions, reducing the workload for customer service personnel.

11-Social media: Use social media platforms to interact with customers and provide information about products, services, and promotions.

12-Cloud computing.

13- 3D Printing.

-Some general steps for implementing digitalization for the first time:

1-Conduct a digital assessment: Evaluate your current digital presence and identify areas for improvement.

2-Define your digital strategy: Develop a clear strategy for how you will approach digitalization.

3-Invest in technology.

4-Train your team.

5-Launch and measure: Launch your digitalization efforts and begin tracking and measuring your results.

6-Continuously innovate: Stay up-to-date with new digital trends and technologies.

7-Engage with customers: Ensure that you are using digital channels to communicate and engage with your customers.

8-Collaborate with partners: Consider collaborating with digital partners, such as technology vendors, digital marketing agencies, and other businesses in your industry.

9-Foster a digital culture: Encourage a culture of innovation and digital transformation within your organization, and empower your employees to embrace digital tools and technologies.

10-Stay compliant: Ensure that your digitalization efforts comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards, including data protection and privacy laws.

11-Evaluate your security posture: Make sure that your digital systems and data are secure and protected.

12-Continuously monitor and improve: Regularly monitor and measure the impact of your digitalization efforts, and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve and optimize accordingly.

My Regards
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


1-Automotive remote diagnostic technique is a technology used in the automobile industry to diagnose and troubleshoot vehicle issues remotely. This technology allows a technician to access the onboard computer systems of a vehicle from a remote location using a computer or mobile device, enabling real-time analysis and resolution of technical issues without the need for physical access to the vehicle.

2-Remote diagnostic techniques are commonly used in the context of connected vehicles and telematics systems, and can help improve the speed and efficiency of vehicle maintenance and repair processes.

3-The principles of automotive remote diagnostic techniques are based on the following:

Connectivity: Vehicles must be equipped with communication technologies that allow for remote access and data exchange between the vehicle and the remote diagnostic system.

Data Collection and Analysis: Data from various vehicle systems must be collected and analyzed in real-time to identify and diagnose issues.

Remote Access: Technicians must have secure remote access to the vehicle systems in order to perform diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Standardization: To ensure compatibility and ease of use, remote diagnostic systems must adhere to industry standards for data format and communication protocols.

Integration: Remote diagnostic systems must be integrated with other automotive systems, such as telematics and maintenance management systems, in order to provide a comprehensive solution.

Security: To protect sensitive vehicle data and prevent unauthorized access, remote diagnostic systems must have robust security.

4-As a reault of remote diagnostic a Self-adjusting or fine-tuning of vehicle systems and components. The collected data from the vehicle systems can be used to make real-time adjustments and optimizations to improve performance, efficiency, and reliability. This can include adjusting engine and transmission settings, calibrating sensor readings, and updating software and firmware. In addition, remote diagnostic systems can also provide predictive maintenance by identifying potential issues before they become serious problems, helping to prevent costly repairs and downtime.

The ability to perform these functions remotely can significantly improve the overall performance and maintenance of vehicles, and help reduce the overall cost of ownership.

My Regards,

Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


Main types of wastes in Automotive Business and their sources....

1-Overproduction - producing more Products, parts or services than necessary.

2-Waiting times- excessive wait times for customers, service ,parts...etc.

3-Defects - defects in Products, parts or services that require rework, correction or scrap.

4-Excess Inventory - carrying excessive inventory levels.

5-Excessive Processing - unnecessary or duplicated work processes.

6-Unnecessary Motion - excessive movement or movement in inefficient paths.

7-Unused Talent - not utilizing the skills and knowledge of employees.

8-Unnecessary Transport - moving parts or vehicles more than needed.

9-Knowledge waste- insufficient, lost, not utlized or not share the proper knowledge required for getting standard effective operations.

10-lost opportunities is another type of waste that can occur in automotive aftersales (service & parts) and sales operations. Some examples of lost opportunities in this industry include:

-Lost sales - not effectively converting customer inquiries into sales.

-Underserved markets - not effectively reaching or serving specific customer segments.

-Inefficient marketing - ineffective or inefficient use of marketing resources to reach customers.

-Poor customer service - not effectively addressing customer needs or resolving customer complaints.

-Incomplete work processes - not fully utilizing work processes to maximize efficiency and customer satisfaction.

There are Six Sources for all types of wastes called 6M, must proper monitor and control to avoid any waste creation and get effective operation;


To be continued...

My Regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


---"One of Effective Automotive Operations Strategy for a unique business Success in 2023 , the very challangble year"----

No more words, image explains What should to do.......

My Regards,


2023 is the Automotive companies & Dealerships a big challange:

There is a big challange in 2023 for many Automotive companies/dealerships, Business owners, and responsible Managers to plan & work for achieve a good growth with better bottom line figures, while others just dream of keeping the sustainability of their business.

Although all obstacles, but there is always a hope & valid remedies to not only get sustainable business but also getting a good growth with better bottom line figures.

So, my question to all are concerned " including myself"as per the private point of views then will togeather pick the recommended clue/s"......


What you think , Automotive & dealership Companies should do & prioritize to overcome 2023 big challanges into getting their objectives?


let us share all valuable point of views in this post comments for a week ....

Thanks to all participants in advance

My Regards,

Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


The Fourth industrial revolution, Internet of things , and Artificial intelligence (AI) are providing a powerful concept still in its infancy that has the potential, if utilised responsibly, to provide a Vehicle/Equipment for positive change that could promote sustainable transitions to a more resource-efficient livability paradigm.

This also can be employed as a tool which empowers vehicles/Equipment to solve many problems that could reform the world and the business as we have known them for decades now and help with establishing a new era.

In shaa Allah, will start a new series soon.

My. Regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki

Photos from ‎طريق متميز للنجاح‎'s post 28/01/2023

It's worth noting that these are general benchmarks and may not be applicable to all types of heavy equipment dealership. It is also important to consider that benchmarking against industry averages or competitors may not always be the best approach, as businesses may have different goals and strategies. It would be more beneficial to set up specific targets and track the progress against them over time.

My regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki


-Occupancy rate: >= 80%.

-Revenue per vehicle: should be in the range of $50-$150 per day.

-Fleet utilization: >= 90%.

-Customer satisfaction: >= 90%.

-Insurance claims: around 2%.

-Maintenance costs: less 10% of the vehicle's cost.

-Fuel consumption: around 8 miles per gallon.

-Rental fleet Turnover: around 6 months.

-Employee turnover: less 10%.

-Net promoter score (NPS): >= 60.

-Damage rate: less 5%.

-Late return rate: less 5%.

-Booking lead time: around 2 days.

-Online bookings: >= 50%.

-Online reviews: >= 4 stars.

-Average rental duration: 1-3 days.

Repeat customers: >= 40%.

Abandoned bookings: around 5%.

Marketing ROI: >= 10%.

Cost per acquisition: should be in the range of $50-$100.

Cancellation rate: less 10%.

Upselling rate: >= 25%.

Referral rate: around 10%.

Employee productivity: 20 vehicles per month per employee.

My Regards,
Dr. Ehab Zaki

Photos from ‎طريق متميز للنجاح‎'s post 24/01/2023

My regards,

Ehab Zaki


1-Inventory turnover: 10+ times per year) is generally considered good.
2-Gross margin percentage: 20% or more is generally considered good.
3-Fill rate: 95% or more is generally considered good.
4-Customer retention rate: T70% or more) is generally considered good.
5-Sales per employee: A high ratio (e.g. $500,000+ per employee per year) is generally considered good.
6-Days sales outstanding (DSO): 30 days or less is generally considered good.
7-Stockout rate: A low stock out rate (e.g. 5% or less) is generally considered good.
8-Return rate: 2% or less is generally considered good.
9-On-time delivery rate: 95% or more is generally considered good,
10-Revenue growth: 20% or more per year is generally considered good.
11-Market share: 20% or more is generally considered good.
12-Net Promoter Score (NPS): 80 or more is generally considered good.
13-Online reviews: 4 stars or more is generally considered good.
14-Website traffic: A high number of website visitors (e.g. 100,000 or more per month) is generally considered good.
15-Sales conversion rate: 2% or more is generally considered good.
16-Order fulfillment efficiency: 24 hours or less) is generally considered good, as it means you're providing fast service and meeting customer expectations.
17-Warehousing efficiency: 85% or more is generally considered good.
18-Safety stock level: 10-20% of total inventory is generally considered good.
19-Gross Margin Return on Investment (GMROI): 20% or more) is generally considered good.

20-Sales per square foot: $500 or more is generally considered good.
21-Employee turnover rate: less than 10% per year is generally considered good.
22-New customer acquisition rate: 10% or more per month is generally considered good.
23-Repeat customer rate: 50% or more is generally considered good.

My regards

Ehab Zaki

Photos from ‎طريق متميز للنجاح‎'s post 21/01/2023


----Automotive Sales Department operation----

----- To be continued----

My regards.....

Dr. Eng. Ehab Zaki


1-Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF):
MTBF of 100,000 miles or more is considered good.
2-Mean Time to Repair (MTTR): should be less than 24 hours.
3-Vehicle Utilization: 80%-95%.
4-Vehicle Downtime: 2-10%,
5-Maintenance Costs: less than 10% of the total cost of ownership.
6-Preventive Maintenance Compliance: 80-100%.
7-Fuel Efficiency: fuel efficiency of 7-8 miles per gallon (MPG) is considered good for heavy-duty vehicles.
8-Accident Rate: 0.5 -5 accidents per
million miles driven.
9-Warranty Claims: less than 1% of the total fleet size.
10-Fleet Age: This can vary widely, but generally, a fleet
age of 3-5 years is considered good.
11-Roadside Assistance Calls: 0-1 calls per vehicle per year.
12-Vehicle Replacement Rate:0-20%
of the fleet fleet per year.
13-Driver Satisfaction: This can range from 75-90%.
15-Safety Compliance: This can range from 95-100%.
16-Vehicle Availability Rate: 95-100%, with higher availability rates being more desirable.
17-Maintenance Service Response Time: This can range from 2-4 hours, with lower response times being more desirable.
18-Maintenance Service Completion Time: This can range from 2-8 hours, with lower completion times being more desirable.
19-Lifetime Cost of Ownership: This can vary widely, but generally, the lifetime cost of ownership should be less than the total cost of purchasing a new fleet.
20-Vehicle Retention Rate: This can range from 60-90%, with higher retention rates being more desirable.
21-Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance: This can range from 95-100%, with higher compliance rates being
more desirable.
22-Greenhouse Gas Emissions: This can vary widely, but generally, emissions should be less than the industry standard.
23-Idling Time: This can range from 0-3% of total driving time, with lower idling times being more desirable.
24-Maintenance Labor Costs: This can range from 2-10% of the total maintenance costs, with lower labor costs being more desirable.
25-Inventory Management: This can range from 95-100% of inventory being in stock and ready to use.
26-Vehicle Reliability: This can vary widely depending on the type of fleet, but generally, a reliability rate of 95-99% is considered good.
27-Driver Compliance: This can range from 90-100%, with higher compliance rates being more desirable. 28-Fleet Size: This can vary widely depending on the organization's needs, but generally, a fleet size that is consistent with the needs of the organization is desirable.
29-Asset Utilization: This can range from 75-90%, with higher utilization rates being more desirable.
30-Accident Costs: This can vary widely depending on the
type of fleet, but generally, accident costs should be less than 2-5% of the total fleet costs.

My Regards,
Dr. Eng.
Ehab Zaki

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