Hypnotherapy in Barcelona

Therapy-Coaching-Personal Change Consulting


Grateful to receive messages like this!


Want to know the 4 saboteurs that keep a person relapsing into addictive behaviours?

The 1st is “other people”:

People that look like they’re having fun doing what in your heart you know is wrong for you.

We are influenced by how we perceive value

If you still think that there is some actual value in the behaviour (gambling, smoking, drinking to excess …you name it) you’ve become open to hypnotic idea that there is actually something there for you.

It could be people IRL, movies, books, ads, it doesn’t matter.

Get clear about it.

Don’t allow yourself to be seduced.

Been there, done that.

Not for me.

The 2nd is the test:

You’ve gone for 6 months without a cigarette, drink etc.

You find yourself in a situation where the opportunity presents itself.

And you “test” to see you can just have one.

A week later you’re married to a horse in Kazakhstan. 🤣

Or maybe you’re just back to smoking a pack a day.

Whatever happened, that one action kicked off a whole series of chemical and psychological reactions that led to the old habitual responses.

And you are “off to the races”.

Instead be clear on who you are.

You are not a person that does that thing, so one time isn’t an option.

The 3rd is arrogance/ego:

That devil on your shoulder that says “I helped you stop before. I can help you again. Go on, just one. We’ll stop tomorrow”.

It is truly insidious and is what causes the test.

If you are honest it wasn’t the ego that helped you stop, it was from something deeper, profound and emotionally clear.

An insight from your “better angel”

Give credit where credit is due.

Don’t listen to the voice that will have you enslaved.


The 4th is stress.

People do all kinds of things because they unconsciously believe it will help them relieve the stress of being alive.

Most of these only distract or temporarily relieve the experience and many objectively leave you feeling more stressed.

Smoking being just one example.

Wouldn’t it be far better to learn the skills to truly deal with stress (not just manage it) and have a life that is exciting, productive and also peaceful?

When you know you can do this and you are armed with the knowledge, leaving these behaviours behind is a hell of a lot easier.


Sometimes I get these messages out of the blue.

Ex-clients that have undergone massive health upgrades.

Changes in their lifestyle.

Relationships improved.

New work prospects.

Proud of who they have have become.

All because they took the leap and reached out.

Acted on a thought that often was in the back of their minds waiting for the “right time”.

But the right time never presented itself.

Until they made the choice.

And then the catalyst happened.

The snowball effect.

The difference between action and lip service or “thought service”?

Action OCCURS.


Not only is “ok” to focus on your mental health and physical wellbeing.

It’s paramount.

The foundation for everything in your life.

If you struggle with the idea of “putting yourself first” you may also harbour resentment towards those that do.

You probably have conversations (mainly with yourself) that begin with “after everything I do for them” and blow up in anger when things don’t go your way.

You may live with a long list of rules about you and others should behave.

Compensate with alcohol, food or any number self defeating behaviours.

Which all make it harder.

If you could see that everyone around you.

Everyone you think needs your energy more than you do.

Truly just want you to be well.

If you could realise that investing in your wellbeing through practicing the things that work (rather than spa days or “self care” that leaves you hungover).

Would fundamentally elevate the quality of your service to others.

Would liberate them to care for themselves in better ways too.

Could you?

Would you?



The difference between the gift of true fear and the lie of anxiety is that one is direct and clear and the other is corrosive and muddy.

When I lived in Cambodia we used to go to a famous nightclub on the weekends. One evening my friends and I were sat outside on the terrace. enjoying ourselves. Suddenly a loud gunshot shattered a window only a few meters away and people began screaming.

Instantly my body knew what to do.

My mind was sharp with absolute clarity.


Immediately we ran to the bar next door, locked the doors and hunkered down. The rest of the evening we stayed put and waited until the threat (a drunk kid with a trigger finger) had been dealt with.

Everything calmed down again.

What a gift to know that we all have this system within us and because it’s in touch with reality, it can mobilise the body to run from actual danger!

Anxiety and worry is something different.

It slowly eats always at the system by misusing the imagination.

Constant “what if” scenarios about the future play in the theatre of the mind.

A tyranny of catastrophic thinking.

Imposing “musts and shoulds” about ourselves and others in these imaginary futures.

It’s as if the same system that could help us in dangerous situations is leaking all it’s energy and muddying the clarity of mind.

It’s an alarm system that tells you that the slightest creak in the floorboards means the house is being attacked.

But it’s not.

It’s just an overactive alarm.

To distinguish between the two is the first step in resetting it but you have to know the difference.


The strongest people I know don’t live lives without struggle of some sort.

(I actually don’t know anyone that doesn’t)

They show up for their families, friends and clients despite holding their own burden.

They do the work.

They share their experience to those that could help.

Those that can see them in power.

And suffering.

They receive assistance if possible.

They show up.

For others.

And for themselves.

Because they know asking for help isn’t weakness.

It’s strength.


“Addiction takes the guesswork out of death” - Chuck Palahniuk.

Reflect on that.


If you’re reading this and hearing it in your head…

This voice?

It’s not you.

As are all the other voices.

(Especially the ones that tell you you’re too much or not enough)

The memories showing up as images in your mind?

Also not you and not here.

Fears of the future?

Not you and not here.

So what are you if not the creative power to choose to have the exact next experience that is aligned with your highest good.

You can listen to this voice because is silently telling you “just the next step”.

You already know.


Your mind is not a computer.

You don’t need “reprogramming”

You are not a toaster.

You don’t need “fixing”.

And when you realise you are more than your worst deed.

Change can come from a place of choosing to create a life that is an absolutely beautiful work of art.

The things is you will have to sacrifice the you that thinks you need to control your way to a better life.

Or get enough approval that you’ll finally be worthy of your success.

Or be secure enough to take action in the world.

This never works.

It never will.


Embracing both the tender fragility of your life and the inmensurable strength and resilience that is also within you.

Worth exploring.




Humans were not built for “grind”.

Your hardware is made for deep, fulfilling and connected work that feeds your soul.

Whatever that is.

Our ancestors hunted, gathered and slept.

Granted most died before they were 35 so few actually met their grandparents…

But they lived.

Your modern “software” is built to prop up a system that isn’t for you.

In the words of George Carlin “there is a party and we are not invited”.

So many connect with the words “old soul in a new world” because (despite your new IPhone and your AI course) that’s basically what you are.

Now you have to leave the city to connect with nature.

Because you’ve forgotten you are Nature.

Pay someone to help you remember what is your birthright.

Because you misplaced your focus.

And it CAN be Simple. Grounded.



If you find your energy low or you’re up in your head running through “what if this” and “what if that” scenarios.

Bring it all down into your roots.

Ease into it.

The way out is in.


“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


You don’t need a vacation.

All you need is to stop.

See how beautiful you are.

To know that this is your chance.

A once in a lifetime opportunity.

Has come around.

Once more.

That yes…

This day will never come again.

But you can slow down.

And marvel at how beautiful your life is.

From here.

Everything is possible.


You can accept yourself as you are.

And still want to change.

You can even love yourself BECAUSE you are the way you are.

And still want to change.

Loving yourself into evolution can look like an arm around the shoulder.

Or words said in firm clarity with consequence.

Either way shame doesn’t have to be part of equation.

You get what you focus on.

Seeing your goodness and the goodness in others will change more than you could ever imagine.

And it will last because it comes from love.


Go upstream.

When the world seems crazy.

When things feel out of control.

Working on yourself is an act of rebellion.

Rather than worrying about the myriad of concerns in your future.

Buying into the loud voices telling you to be afraid?

Get quiet.

Dig deep into where you are in THIS moment.

Create the conditions for things to work out in the best of all possible ways by getting clear.



Sober (whatever that means to you).

The magic happens when you set yourself up for success.

Then flow.


We all have our “threshold for change”.

Motivation for change happens in 5 different stages.
1. Precontemplation.
Not on the radar.
You’re not even thinking about it. You may even be actively defending why you don’t need to change at all.

2. Contemplation.
You are becoming aware of the personal consequences of your habits/situation/experience.
In your mind you’re doing pros and cons and weighing the benefits of making the shift. This can go on for a couple of weeks.
Or a lifetime…

3. Preparation/determination.

In your mind you’ve made a commitment. You might hear yourself say something like “I’ve got to do something about this, this is serious…what can I do?”
This is when people actively begin to search and research all the ways change could occur.
Skipping this phase can often mean a person falls flat on their face because they haven’t done the preparation but equally they can fall back into contemplation and never get started.

4. Action.
This is where the magic happens. It can happen in 6 months or an hour but it always is the shortest phase.
But it occurs.

5. Maintenance.
You keep the magic going. You reformulate and create new rules for life that support the change.
You keep progressing as you realise that you are a work in progress and what you are doing is worthwhile for ALL the reasons.
Letting go. Bringing forth

Remember at any stage you can reach out and ask for guidance… but it’s only you who can do that part.


Client review shared with permission:

“How do I even begin to put into words how much Ryan helped me? I was going through a period in my life where I felt lost, anxious, fearful and utterly bereft after losing a much loved family member, while simultaneously some of my most painful childhood memories were being triggered in a fledgling relationship.

I had already had positive experiences with hypnotherapy before and a friend of mine had raved about Ryan, so when I got to my lowest point and realised that even my weekly talking therapy appointments didn't help fast enough, he was my last hope.

I had four sessions in total to work on my self worth and reprogram limiting beliefs about romantic relationships, fear of abandonment and rejection, and even the first session helped me immensely. It made the difference between feeling hopeless and hopeful. The relief I felt when I realised I started to feel better is something I will never forget.

While I do not want to trivialise anyone's experience of going through much more serious trauma than I did, I really do think of Ryan as a lifeline. It scared me how dark my thoughts got, and everything else I tried was like putting a bandaid on a dismembered limb.

Apart from his amazing hypnotherapy skills, what sets Ryan further apart is how much time and care he invests. On our discovery call alone he spent almost 90 minutes talking to me, it never felt rushed and he intently listened and considered every last small detail I told him about my struggles. This continued throughout our sessions.

I am forever grateful for how much he has helped me in stopping the emotional and mental torture I put myself through, make me feel calm and happy within myself, and that I now have four amazing hypnotherapy sessions to listen back to whenever I feel I need it.

Truly, I cannot express enough how amazing Ryan is! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
-Olivia Eberling


Nature or Nurture?

I´m grateful to say I grew up nutured by nature.

This is a shot from our verandah back in Papua new Guinea.

2 weeks walk through the jungle or an hour by helicopter to get here.

Away from cities, roads and cars.

Things get quiet.


Minds settle down.

You start to see things differently.

What would it be like if you could drop back into a quiet place inside and reflect?

Away from the busyness of the mind there is only the obvious.

You are nature.

Nature is you.

From this place so much more is possible.


The rich get richer.

This saying isn’t just about money.

But it is about investing.

It’s about what you invest in and bless with your most powerful resource.

Your attention.

One of the uncomfortable truths about personal change is that those with low self worth often find it hard to invest in themselves because they haven’t been able find any value there. Yet.

Ironically these are also just the folks that almost immediately experience a return on their investment.

They really feel the difference and things get better.

Inside and out.

People that have solid self esteem and feel good about their inner world know instinctively that investing in their growth, well-being and health will effect everything..

If a plant is to grow of course the conditions have to be right.

Soil. Water. Sunlight.

But when a farmer wants it to become all it can be?

They invest in super fertiliser.

That’s the power of investing in yourself.


What’s your threshold for change?

We all have one.

For some it’s drastic.

An injury.

A life threatening illness.

Or losing someone you love.

It immediately has you realise the preciousness of your life and the limited time you have on this earth.

And what you truly want to bring forth, create and impact while you are still here.

For others it’s the instant dawning of an insight.

A person looks at themselves in the mirror one morning and a question forms clearly in thier mind…

“If I continue down my current path what does my life look like in 1 year…or 5?”

Why might I change?

How motivated am I to make that change?

When I think about the benefits making that change will have for me and everyone I love…

What’s important about that?


One honest question can bring you to that place.

And the threshold is a message.

A gift from your inner mind telling you that THIS IS IMPORTANT.

If you recieve that message and welcome it in you will most probably be faced with one more question:



Everyone a wonderful holiday season!


Today on the way back from my physio I found a gold ring in the back of the taxi.

As I gave it to the driver he asked me if I was sure it wasn’t mine…

Which is a really weird question, right?

Unless you see something deeper.

I could see he resisted taking it for a moment because he didn’t want to be faced with a truly tough ethical decision.

To be faced with his own self in a conscious act.

Should he take it or report it?

And his Inner Mind was watching.

As was mine.

It would make his day waaay easier if I just kept it.

It would make mine really bad if I did.

And I could have but it wasn’t aligned.

And now he has an opportunity to align too.

Every moment is an opportunity for right action, passed between aligned people and a chain of causality that leads all the way back to…


I am not saying this because I am a saint!

Hell no.

But I know that “Good karma” isn’t (just) about feeling good about yourself because you did good.

It’s about realising that we are all connected and what you do for others, your ultimately do for yourself.

Mind-Body 'Tranceformation' Through Hypnosis: Dr. David Spiegel | Rich Roll Podcast 04/11/2022

A recent podcast with the eminent research Dr. Spiegal on the science behind hypnosis.

I have always based my work on the most cutting edge science and everything I do with clients has the most solid evidence base.

It’s so great to see the power of Clinical Hypnotherapy reaching more people without all the myths and misunderstandings of the past.

Mind-Body 'Tranceformation' Through Hypnosis: Dr. David Spiegel | Rich Roll Podcast This is a conversation about the neurobiology of and use cases for clinical hypnosis with the world’s leading researcher and clinician in the field: Dr. Davi...


I love getting these photos from clients who have chosen to free themselves from this habit.☺️


I’m not a Life coach.

Life needs no coaching.

It does what it does.

I work with people.

Human beings.

Coaching, therapy…whatever…doesn’t change your life.

It changes the You that changes your Life.

And that’s magic. ✨


Once upon a time in a place long ago there were people that didn’t know enough to feel bad about things that were silly and out of their control.

The medical power of hypnosis 20/05/2022

Asking a person if hypnosis works is like asking a fish if water “works”.

With the right practitioner, it can change the entire course of your life.

And it can be a skill that you develop to help yourself and others.

It’s our human inheritance and heritage.

The medical power of hypnosis Hypnosis is emerging as a powerful medical treatment for pain, anxiety, PTSD and a range of other conditions. Can it shake off its reputation as a stage magician's trick?


“When you believe in things that you don’t understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain’t the way”- Stevie Wonder.

The greatest superstitions in the word aren’t the belief in ghosts or the idea of Luck.

They are these:
I must do well.
Others must do well and love me.
Life must be easy.
Paradoxically when you stop believing these…
You have more energy to do better at what you prefer.
You relax about stuff.
Which means others can choose to love you or not…
But you definitely become more “lovable”.
The experience of life becomes easier because you are not demanding that it must be.
When you believe in things you don’t understand.
Then you suffer.
Musterbation ain’t the way.


Hypnosis isn’t about going unconscious, it’s about becoming more conscious of your inner resources and bringing them into your life to the point where they are instinctive.

Automatic and just there for you.

We all have an inner blueprint for what is possible for us in relationship, health and true abundance (which means truly getting our needs met, not only financial well-being).

These were most often created in our childhoods by the models we had around us.

Deep healing of attachment trauma creates space in the blueprint for a new map to be written.

Addictive behaviours can fall away, relationship conflicts are dealt with far more skilfully and you know that self sabotage will be less likely.

Imagination creates possibilities.

It’s where the magic lives.

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