LUBBU MCH & MEDICAL CENTER is a multi-speciality tertiary level, comprehensive health care service!


Hordoftoota Amantaa Kiristaanaa maraaf baga ayyaana du'aa ka'uu Iyyasuus Kiristoosiin isin ga'e!

Hospitaalli keenya ayyaanichi kan Nagaa, Jaalalaa fi Gammachuu akka isiniif ta’u hawwa!

ለመላው የክርስትና እምነት ተከታዮች በሙሉ እንኳን ለብርሃነ ትንሳዔው በሰላም አደረሳችሁ! በዓሉ የሰላም፣ የጤና እና የፍሰሃ እንዲሆንልዎ እንመኛለን፡፡



Oral hygiene techniques

1. The use of a proper toothbrush.

Three types of toothbrush are available in the market. They are called hard, medium and soft.

Medium is highly recommended. Because the hardness of the brush plus the energy we use can damage the glass of teeth. Some people can hear Sagan even in the neighboring country because they increase their energy when brushing their teeth 😀 so the energy we use depends on the type of brush.

2. Brush should be changed every three months

By the way, if the tip of our brush gets worn out quickly (worn out) we are adding more power to brush so we should reduce it.

3. Brushing up to two times a day.

If it's only once it's better before bed at night

4. The right use of toothpaste

Many types of toothpastes are available in the market. I’ll repeat their difference another time but for now the one with fluoride in it is better.

5. Using the right technique

Brushing three dental surfaces that is the outer side and the inside side as you can see in the picture below for two minutes. Most of the time it is forgotten on the inside.

Another, when brushing the tip of the brush should be a semi-circular or short stroke by moving the brush forward and forth not more than the width of one tooth.


Iid Mubaarak

Kabajamtoota Hordoftoota Amantaa Musiliimaa maraan baga Ayyaana Iid-Alfaxirii 1445ffaatiin nagaan isin gahe jechaa, Ayyaanichi kan Nagayaafi gammachuu akka isiniif ta’u Hawwaa!!!

Giddugala Wal'aansa Ispeeshaalaayiizdii Haadhoolii, Daa'imaniifi Dhibee Keessoo LUBBUU irraa.



'Kaayyoon keenya Finfinneetti tajaajila fayyaa turjumaanaa hanbisuudha'- Dr Shimallis Laggasaa
Mana yaalaa yeroo deemtan isin bakka isin dhibe afaan kamiin yoo himattan isinitti tola? Namoonni baayyeen baadiyyaa Oromiyaa irraa wallaansa fayyaa argachuuf Finfinnee yeroo dhufan dhibee qabatanii dhufan irratti dhibee biraa kan ta'e afaan ittiin tajaajila argatanidha.

Keessumaa warri afaan Amaariffaa haalaan hin beekne yeroo baayyee rakkoon yeroo isaan mudatu ni mul'ata.

Qorannoon bara 2023 keessa bahe tokko akka mul'isutti namootni Afaan Oromoo malee hin beekne magaalaa Finfinnee keessatti tajaajila wallaansa fayyaa maluuf argachaa hin jiran.

'Kaayyoon keenya Finfinneetti tajaajila fayyaa turjumaanaa hanbisuudha'- Dr Shimallis Laggasaa - BBC News Afaan Oromoo 27/03/2024

'Kaayyoon keenya Finfinneetti tajaajila fayyaa turjumaanaa hanbisuudha'- Dr Shimallis Laggasaa - BBC News Afaan Oromoo Magaalaan Finfinnee teessoo biyyaa ta'uurraa kan ka'e tajaajilli fayyaa wayyaa'an gidduugala itti kennamudha. Waldhaansa fayyaa olaanaa barbaacha kanneen gara magaalittii hedduumminaan dhufan naannolee biyyattii hundarraa ta'us, harki caalu naannoo Oromiyaa irraa akka ta'e qorannoon waggaa darbe taa...


International Women's Day, March 8 is a global celebration of the remarkable achievements of women across social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. This year, the campaign theme for International Women's Day 2024 is 'Inspire Inclusion.' As we prepare to commemorate this significant day tomorrow, we invite you to share how you , whether it's in your workplace or beyond in the comments!



📣Exciting News Alert!🌟

We're so delighted to announce that LUBBU has officially entered into a partnership with Oromia Construction Corporation (OCC) to provide the best medical services using nothing, but high-end medical technology equipment along with highly experienced renowned specialists and subspecialists.

We're ready to deliver the CARE YOU DESERVE in a safe, clean and pleasant environment!!!

Photos from LUBBU MCH & MEDICAL CENTER's post 09/02/2024

ካንሰር ለምን በዛ?
-ከበርገሩ ነው? -ከዘይቱ ነው? -ከፋብሪካዎች የሚወጣው መርዝ(ከሌላ ዓለማት አንፃር የሚገባንን ፋብሪካዎች ባይኖረንም፣ ከቁጥጥር አንፃር ግን ፈዛዛና ደካማ ደረጃ ላይ ነን) ከወንዝ ተቀላቅሎ ነው? ወንዙን ከብቶች ስለጠጡትና እኛ የተበከለ ስጋ ስለበላን፣የተበከለ ወተት ስለጠጣን ነው?
የወባ ትንኝን ለማጥፋት የምንጠቀመው ዲዲቲ ወይንም ሌላ ኬሚካል ነው? ደረጃውንና ጥራቱን ያልጠበቀ የፀጉር ቀለም፣ ሽቶ፣ቀለማት፣የፈሳሽ ሳሙናዎች ናቸው? የአልኮል መጠጥ፣ሲጋራ... ምርትና ጥቅም ስለጨመረ ይሆን?
ነው ወይስ በተበከሉ ወንዞች ዳር የተተከሉ ጎመን፣ ቲማቲም፣ ድንችና ሽንኩርት ስለተመገብን ነው?
በሌላ መልኩ የእንስሳት መድኃኒት አጠቃቀም(በሽታን ለማከምና ለመከላከል.. አንዳንዴም ለማደለብ ተብሎ)፣ የተባይና አረም ማጥፊያ ኬሚካሎች አጠቃቀምም ሊፈተሽ ይገባል!
ስናጠቃልል ከላይ የተገለፁት ናቸው ወይስ የምርመራ አገልግሎቱ ስለተሻሻለና ስለጨመረ ካንሰር የጨመረ መስሎን ታየን?
Deebii isaaf ...
By Worku Bedada, PHD


Good morning Finfinnee!




እንኳን ለጥምቀት በዓል አደራሳችሁ!
እንኳዕ ንጥምቀት በዓል ኣብፀሐኩም!


We are in the community yoo jennu qabatamanii🤗


We are in the community too!!!


Hordoftoonni Amantaa Kiristaanaa Hundi Baga Ayyaana Dhaloota Iyyesuus Kiristoos Nagaan Geessan!

ለመላው የክርስትና እምነት ተከታዮች እንኳን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የልደት በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ !


✍️ የልብ ምት መዛባት ምንድን ነው?

⏩ የልብ ምት መዛባት ማለት የልብ ምት ጊዜውን የጠበቀ መንገድ ሳይከተል በፍጥነት (Tachycardia) ወይም ዝግ ብሎ (Bradycardia) በሚመታበት ወቅት የሚከሰት የልብ ምት መዘበራረቅ ነው።

👉 መንስኤዎቹ

🔺 የልብ ድካም
🔺 የልብ ጡንቻ ላይ ጠባሳ መኖር
🔺 ከፍተኛ የደም ግፊት መጠን
🔺 የታይሮይድ ሆርሞን መዛባት
🔺 የስኳር በሽታ
🔺 የእንቅልፍ መዛባት
🔺 ጭንቀት እና ፍርሐት
🔺 አንዳንድ መድሐኒቶች
🔺 ሲጋራ ማጨስ
🔺 አልኮል ፣ካፊን ያላቸዉ መጠጦች እና
አደንዛዥ እጽ መጠቀም
🔺 በቤተሰብ ተመሳሳይ ችግር ካለ

👉 አጋላጭ ሁኔታዎች

🔺 የልብ ጡንቻ በተፈጥሮ ተዛብቶ መወለድ
🔺 የልብ የደም ቧንቧዎች ጥበት ወይም
🔺 ከፍተኛ የደም ግፊት
🔺 ልብ በረቂቅ ህዋሲያን ሲጠቃ
🔺 የስኳር ህመም
🔺 አንዳንድ የመድሃኒት አይነቶች
🔺 በደም ውስጥ የአንዳንድ ንጥረ ነገሮች
በአግባቡ አለመገኘት (ለምሳሌ
Potassium, Magnisium, Calcium)

👉 ምልክቶቹ

🔺 ዝግ ያለ / የሚፈጥን የልብ መምታት
🔺 በልብ ምት መሃል የማቆም ስሜት
🔺 የድካም ስሜት
🔺 መፍዘዝ/የመደንዘዝ ስሜት
🔺 የጭንቅላት መቅለል ስሜት
🔺 ራስን መሳት
🔺 የደረት አካባቢ ህመም
🔺 የትንፋሽ ማጠር
🔺 ጭንቀት
🔺 ከፍተኛ ላብ

👉 መከላከያዎቹ

🔺 የተመጣጠነ ምግብ መመገብ
🔺 የአካል ብቅት እንቅሳቃሴ ማድረግ
🔺 ሲጋራ ከማጨስ መቆጠብ
🔺 አልኮል ፣ካፊን ያላቸዉ መጠጦች እና
አደንዛዥ እጽ አለመጠቀም
🔺 የአዕምሮ ዉጥረት (Stress) መቀነስ

👉 የሚያጋጥሙ ዉስብስብ ችግሮች

🔺የልብ ድካም
🔺ድንገተኛ ሞት

ለማንኛውም የልብና ከልብ ጋር ተያያዥነት ያላቸው የጤና ችግሮችን ለመታከም ምርጫውን LUBBU MCH & MEDICAL CENTER ያድርጉ!!!

ሳሪስ አደይ-አበባ
ቀይ መስቀል ማሰልጠኛ አጠገብ

0906-000-111 or


Dr Kebebush Gelan, Chief Pediatrics & Child Health Specialist, Welcome to your Hospital!!!


🌍 Guyyaa Dhukkuba Sukkaaraa

👇Kana beektu laata:

∞ Akka addunyaatti ga’eessota 10 keessaa 1 dhukkuba sukkaaraa akka qaba.

∞ Dhukkubni sukkaaraa gosa 1ffaa qaamni insuliinii hin oomishne yoo ta’u,

∞ Gosti 2ffaan gosa baay’inaan mul’atu yoo ta’u, qaamni insuliiniif deebii sirrii yeroo hin kennine yoo ta’u, kunis %90-95 bakka bu’a.

🙆‍♂️ Kan nama rifachiisu:

Namoota Gosa 2ffaa qaban keessaa walakkaan isaanii akka dhukkubicha qaban hin beekanii.

📢 Oduu gammachiisaan:

Dhukkubni Sukkaaraa Gosti 2ffaan yeroo baayyee ittifamuu danda’a!!!

Hospitaalli LUBBU kunuunsaa fi ittisa dhukkuba sukkaaraa irratti adda dureedha.

Photos from LUBBU MCH & MEDICAL CENTER's post 17/10/2023

We're so delighted to announce that LUBBU has officially entered into a partnership with two giant companies ( Cooperative Bank of Oromia & Awash Insurance S.C) to provide the best healthcare services!
Keenya Oluma!



Photos from LUBBU MCH & MEDICAL CENTER's post 29/09/2023

Kana beektuu laata?
1.Soogidda baay'ee (guyyaatti fal'aana shaayii tokkoo ol, >1tsp) fudhachuun nyaata kamiyyuu caalaa akka du'aaf nama saaxiluu!!!

2. Soogifda baay'ee fudhachuun akka Dhukkuba Dhiibbaa Diigaa, Dhibee Onnee, Dhibbee Kalee, Kaansarii Garaacha, Furdachuufi Haphachuu Lafeef nama saaxiluu.

3. Sababa soogidda baay'ee fudhachuutiin waggaatti LUBBUU naannoo milliyoonii 2 akka galaafatamuu.

Photos from LUBBU MCH & MEDICAL CENTER's post 25/09/2023

When we were sick during our childhood, most of us were cared for by our mothers; this nurturing characteristic of women plays an important role in pediatrics! And traditionally also women have acted as health care provider, particularly in childbirth and child health care.

Meet Our Pediatricians!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Ayyaana Gaarii!!!
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Ergamni Keenya:Uummata keenyaa tajaajila yaalaa ''TURJUMAANA'' irraa bilisoomsuu dha!!!Odeeffannoo dabalataatiifBil: 090...




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