Find health/beauty in Bahir Dar. Listings include Bahir Dar Health Science College Anesthesia አንስቴዥያ ዲ\ት, Amhara Ethiopia, ዳማከሴ ለጤናችን, ፀዳል /ዶ/ር ፈቃደ ጌታቸው/ ልዩ የእናቶች እና ሕፃናት ህክምና ክሊኒክ Tsedal MCH clinic, Bura man, Abdi bona viva pages.
it is one of branch of nurse dpt which is only work in opearation room(OR) as anstiatic nurse ""
በ ዶ/ር ፈቃደ ጌታቸው የተቋቋመ
works for mothers and children health
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