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Lapinlahdenkatu 16
Osgenic provides high-quality resources for faster understanding of what matters in orthopaedics, traumatology and related disciplines.
Osgenic is a software company from Helsinki, Finland. We develop solutions for surgery training based on virtual reality. Our aim is to reduce surgical complications and to improve patient safety.
Preview of Extensor tendon repair
While making the suture, make sure that the tendon is clear of all the other structures.☝️
To access the full video and additional content like step-by-step description with images and interactive 3D anatomy, log in or subscribe at our website!
Link in bio!
Portal placement in ACL reconstruction.
Correct placement of the portals significantly impacts the visualization of the surgical area and the maneuverability and reach of the instruments.
The anterolateral (AL) portal is primarily used for visualization, providing a clear view of the intercondylar structures, including the ACL.
⚠️ Too distal placement of the portal risks injury to the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus.
The anteromedial (AM) portal, is used for instrument passage, offering better access for femoral tunnel drilling for example.
⚠️ Too medially positioned AM portal might damage the anterolateral border of the medial femoral condyle (MFC) during femoral tunnel drilling.
Have you already seen our latest releases: anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and toe amputation?
1️⃣ The ACL reconstruction using a hamstring graft is performed by orthopaedic surgeon Lasse Rämö from Helsinki University Central Hospitals lower extremity unit and it covers the full procedure from patient positioning and portal placement, through tunnel placement and graft preparation, to closure. (video below)
2️⃣ The toe amputation procedure is presented by vascular surgeon Jenni Holmström from Helsinki University Central Hospital. Our content package includes a high-quality video, steps with images, and the Osgenic Invivo for contextual anatomy.
In both contents also the potential pitfalls and complications are also discussed.
Check out the full content items by signing in or starting your free trial!
Link in comments!
Compartment syndrome occurs when the pressure within a closed muscle compartment increases to a point where it exceeds the perfusion pressure, leading to decreased blood flow to the compartment.
The underlying cause is most often a major trauma (fracture, hemorrhage, burn) or systemic disturbance resulting in swelling of the affected area.
If left untreated the pressure will compromise the blood supply to the muscles and nerves and subsequently lead to ischemia and eventually necrosis. During fasciotomy the fascia surrounding the muscles is incised which allows the pressure to be released, restoring blood flow to the affected tissues, preventing further damage, and enabling healing.
In our latest fasciotomy release, trauma surgeon Ville Vänni from Helsinki University Hospital demonstrates how to systematically approach and solve this issue in the thigh area.
To check out the full content sign-in or start your free trial at www.osgenic.com.
In our latest release, rheumatologist Joonas Rautavaara covers key points on how to perform a successful shoulder joint injection. Covered are common pitfalls of the procedure, assessment of the quality of the synovial fluid and more.
Check out the full content item by signing in or starting your free trial! Link in comments.�
The Mortise projection is a crucial one when evaluating the congruency of fractured ankles. See how renowed orthopaedic surgeon Lasse Rämö takes the projections and what he evaluates from the images.
For full access, start your free trial today at www.osgenic.com
Last week, we released a highly anticipated content item:
Total Knee Replacement (Mechanical Alignment)
In this concise package, arthroplasty-specialized orthopaedic surgeon Mikko Rantasalo reveals the key principles crucial to understand for successful performance in total knee arthroplasty. Also included are potential pitfalls and complications to watch out for.
We hope this content sparks numerous A-HA moments around the world.
Check out the full content item here:
We are officially live!
After successfully expanding in the Finnish market and testing in over 40 countries we have launched our online platform internationally. It includes the first 30+ content items and first features to support a clinicians life. The focus is and will be on orthopaedics, traumatology and related fields. New content items will be released three times a month, for now.
𝗢𝗻 𝗮 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲:
The starting offer of 9,9 USD/month or 94,8 USD/year will be a life-time price for the first 500 users.
Go check it out at www.osgenic.com and please leave feedback and questions in the comments.
It is time to welcome our latest customer: Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja.
Together we continue the journey towards safer surgery.
We are excited to welcome our two new Finnish hospital customers! After a 3 month free trial Etelä-Karjalan hyvinvointialue and Pohjois-Karjalan hyvinvointialue decided to continue the journey towards safer surgery with Osgenic.
Erinomainen kolmiulotteisen anatomian ymmärrys on yksi peruskivi turvallisen kirurgisen toimenpiteen tekemiselle. Laadukkaiden ja tarkkojen anatomian mallien löytäminen on kuitenkin haastavaa.
Osgenic on yli viiden vuoden ajan mallintanut ihmiskehon anatomiaa uudella lähestymistavalla. Nämä mallit toimivat pohjana Osgenicin lääketieteelliselle sisällölle ja ovat yksi Osgenicin kilpailueduista, joilla kansainvälinen kasvu halutaan turvata.
“Kaikilla on jaettu yhteinen visio siitä, että halutaan että kirurgia olisi mahdollisimman turvallista."
"Estettävissä olevia komplikaatioita meidän ei pitäisi hyväksyä."
MTV uutiset kävivät vierailulla luonamme Marialla keskustelemassa siitä mitä tarjottavaa Osgenicilla on kirurgian koulutuksen haasteisiin.
Esittelimme vierailun aikana muun muassa biomimeettistä tuotettamme, jonka avulla lääkärit voivat tehdä käytännön harjoituksia. Ensimmäinen malli mahdollistaa kirurgisen hätäilmatien eli koniotomian harjoittelua, ja sen laajat testit loppukäyttäjien kanssa ovat alkaneet Suomessa nyt toukokuussa.
3D-mallin kanssa voidaan käyttää myös viimeisintä keksintöämme: oikean tuntuisia kudoksia. Kudoksemme ovat myös ympäristöystävällisesti tuotettu, sillä ne ovat biohajoavia. Viiden hengen tiimimme Saksassa on kehittänyt nämä kudokset.
MTV3 (Finnish commercial news channel) visited us, and we had the opportunity to discuss some of the challenges in surgical training. Full story (in Finnish) below.
Salainen kudosmateriaali, 3D-malleja ja digialusta kirurgien koulutukseen – uuden teknologian takana yli 300 lääkärisijoittajaa Terveydenhuoltoala on kriisissä ja sillä pelätään olevan kauaskantoisia vaikutuksia myös kirurgien taitotasoon. Kun leikkaussalit pysyvät pimeinä hoitajapulan vuoksi, tarkoittaa se myös kirurgeille vähemmän leikkauksia. Nyt kirurgien koulutusta pyritään lisäämään uuden teknologian a...
Since we launched our online platform in late 2022, 12 Finnish hospitals have started their free trial.
So far three of these hospitals have converted into paying customers.
We warmly welcome on board:
Etelä-Savon hyvinvointialue
Keski-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue
Päijät-Hämeen hyvinvointialue
Our mission is to make surgery safer, but how do we know we are on the right path?
In October 2022 we launched the new version of our online platform, and started continuous collection of user feedback. Getting feedback is crucial for us, but we believe it can also make the buying decision for hospitals easier.
Our first feedback that is collected from 22 Finnish surgery residents between November 2022 and January 2023 can be seen below.
We know:
It's just the beginning, but it is a decent one.
We are a physician-led company that brings clinical challenges, medical science, and technology together to create solutions that are fit for purpose.
Co-owned by over 300 medical doctors, ensures that we are driven by science and responsibility towards the medical community.
Together we aim to make surgery safer.
Over the years we have been working hard to create solutions that genuinely make a difference. Solutions that address unsolved issues and create true benefits for patients and doctors.
It has not been easy and definitely not the fastest way, but it has been the right way for us.
Osgenic’s mission is to decrease preventable surgical complications and enable safer surgery. Sticking to our mission, our values, and our principles has enabled us to build a strong company that is experiencing its best year, by far.
Read the article below (article in Finnish) on overcoming tough times and laying the foundation for a bright future.
For Osgenic.
For safer surgery.
Springvestin 5 miljoonan euron kasvurahoitus mahdollisti Osgenicille suunnanmuutoksen — Springvest Osgenic Oy järjesti 5 miljoonan euron osakeannin Springvestin kautta vuonna 2021. Rahoitus antoi Osgenicille mahdollisuuden kehittää kansainvälisesti toimiva koulutusalusta vaativille kirurgiasiakkaille, vaikka alkuperäistä kasvusuunnitelmaa jouduttiin muuttamaan rahoituskierroksen jälkeen.
It's a wrap! 💪🏻
First day of Finnish Medical Conference is done!
It has been a day full of interesting conversations, many new and familiar faces, and of course plenty of visitors at our booth.
In case you missed us today, make sure to come by our booth (2d61) Thursday or Friday to see and hear the latest.
We are proud to announce that our CEO MD Arne Schlenzka has been selected as one of the top 10 healthcare entrepreneurs in Finland in 2022 by the Finnish medical journal Mediuutiset! In addition, Arne was selected as a top 100 healthcare influencer. Congratulations - twice! A great recognition for the hard work. Osgenic is definitely ready for the year 2023!
Koko lista on nyt julki – Mediuutiset valitsi taas 100 Terveysalan Vaikuttajaa Terveysalan sadan vaikuttajan lista on Mediuutisten toimituksen keräämä listaus ihmisistä, jotka toimituksen näkemyksen mukaan ovat vaikuttaneet tänä vuonna merkittävästi terveydenhuoltoon ja vieneet sen toimintaa eteenpäin.
We are excited to announce our new board of directors! We warmly welcome on board Mikael Hautala, Rauha Tulkki-Wilke and Hannu Halila:
MSc Mikael Hautala (chairperson):
Mikael is a growth-oriented business leader and is known for commercial, financial and legal acumen and a systematic and attentive approach. He has been an entrepreneur for 14 years and his latest company Industryhack found the best-fit R&D partners for large enterprises. Before Industryhack's business was sold to Spinverse he acted as CEO. Now Mikael is Chief Commercial Officer at indoor positioning company Iiwari and Chairman at a deep tech laser company Ampfocus. He hold a MSc in knowledge management from Tampere University of Technology.
MSc Rauha Tulkki-Wilke:
Rauha is a product and service management leader with 10 years of executive experience in a global growth company. She served in diverse leadership roles in product, sales, marketing and operations at CRF Health, a life sciences-focused technology unicorn, from its founding in 2000 until 2020 when the company integration following its sales to the US in 2018 was completed. Rauha is currently focused on driving digital health in life sciences as a consultant as well as serves as a board member in an eCommerce firm. She holds a master’s degree in biophysics and biomedical engineering from Helsinki University of Technology.
MD PhD Hannu Halila:
Hannu can be seen as a true heavyweight in medical education. He is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology since 1983 and adjunct professor in health care administration since 2007 at the University of Helsinki. He got his eMBA in 2012. Hannu has a long, impressive, career at the Finnish Medical Association since 1993 and was Deputy CEO 2012-2021. He is a past President of UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists) and one of three honorary members. He is also a member of the UEMS Enlarged Executive Committee.
Our CEO MD Arne Schlenzka will continue as a member of the board.
Lääkäriyritys sai hallitukseensa pitkän linjan toimijan Lääkäriliitosta Yritys tuottaa lääkärin työtä ja arkea helpottavia koulutusmateriaaleja.
Klikkaa tästä saadaaksesi sponsoroidun listauksen.
We can do better - for safer surgery
Osgenic is a software company from Helsinki, Finland. We are creating a new environment where surgeons can prepare for procedures safely. Our mission is to make surgery safer for the patients and surgeons.
Videot (näytä kaikki)
Ota yhteyttä Yritys
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