
At Bluugo, our ambition is to transform businesses and unleash their full digital potential.

Our hyperadaptive Tracking Cloud® platform enables companies to digitalize their core business processes with unprecedented ease, speed, and efficiency! At Bluugo, we use our unique Tracking Cloud® Platform to offer companies digital solutions for logistics, manufacturing, warehousing, VMI, asset tracking, and maintenance & field services. We are not just another software company – we help you to


Finland has been once again ranked as the happiest country in the world – for 7 years in a row now! 😊

Many may ask what’s the secret behind this continuous happiness? Well, while there is no single clear answer, we at Bluugo think a lot of it comes down to trust. When someone tells you something, you trust their word. When you need help, you trust it will be given to you, and so forth. Even though our solutions are being used in over 25 countries nowadays, we still take pride in our roots and embrace the Finnish mentality of trustfulness in our everyday work.

All of our development work is done in Finland by our own people with no subcontractors. We are passionate about our work and strive to always offer the best possible service with no shortcuts or compromises. We are proud holders of both Software from Finland (Software Finland ry) and Code from Finland (Koodia Suomesta) certificates. When we promise something, we deliver it.

A big thanks to all of our customers who keep trusting us year after year – we promise to keep delivering! 💙

Bluugo & GS1 Partnership | Advancing Industrial Excellence 15/02/2024

Next-Level Integration: Bluugo Teams Up with GS1 for Supply Chain Innovation! 🤝

We are thrilled to share that Bluugo has partnered with GS1, a global leader in supply chain standards, to revolutionize the logistics and supply chain solutions!

Through this partnership, we are incorporating GS1 standards like EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Services) and Digital Link into our Tracking Cloud® platform.

For those unfamiliar, EPCIS enables businesses to gain real-time visibility into their supply chain, tracking the movement and status of products at every stage. Meanwhile, Digital Link provides a standardized way for encoding and accessing product information, ensuring seamless access for consumers, suppliers, and stakeholders.

What does this mean for our customers?

🔍 Enhanced Visibility: With EPCIS, businesses gain real-time insights into their supply chain, facilitating seamless sharing of traceability information.

🔄 Seamless Integration: Digital Link bridges physical products and digital information, enabling quick access to rich product details for all stakeholders. Whether verifying authenticity or tracking sustainability, anyone can access comprehensive product information directly using their smartphones, enhancing transparency and trust universally.

💼 Compliance Readiness: Leveraging GS1 standards means our customers can stay compliant with industry regulations, reducing risks and avoiding costly penalties.

🔮 Future-proofness: By adopting industry-standard GS1 solutions, businesses can ensure their operations remain adaptable and scalable for future needs, guarantee their technology choices stay relevant, and prevent vendor lock-ins and costly in-house development.

In our recent guide “Navigating the Growing Requirements in Traceability”, we share some exclusive insights into how adopting GS1 standards can streamline your operations, boost efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Link to the free guide:

Bluugo & GS1 Partnership | Advancing Industrial Excellence Through our recently started partnership with GS1, we can fully leverage established technology standards like EPCIS and Data Link in our Tracking Cloud™ platform, enabling a new level of operational efficiency and compliance readiness for customers.

Navigating the growing requirements in traceability 24/01/2024

The rapidly growing requirements around traceability can be a real mine field for many decision-makers. ⚠️

New legislation, such as the CSRD, is rolling out at a steady pace and customer expectations related to traceability are constantly evolving. Thousands of European companies across all industries will have to rethink their current traceability practices in the upcoming years to ensure compliance and competitiveness.

To make things just a little bit easier, we have compiled a traceability guide designed for business decision-makers. In the guide, we examine e.g. the following topics:

🔹Increasing legal requirements in traceability – CSRD & eFTI
🔹Managing the evolving customer expectations
🔹The huge potential of multi-tier traceability
🔹Why ERP systems are not sufficient for modern traceability solutions
🔹The untapped power of technology standards such as EPCIS

If you have anything traceability-related in your roadmap for the upcoming years – and you probably should – take a couple of minutes and check out the free guide!

Navigating the growing requirements in traceability In our latest whitepaper, we go through the rapidly evolving requirements around traceability, examine how they will affect companies, and provide tangible tips on how to avoid the common pitfalls

Open Position: Sales Development Representative (Finland & Sweden) 22/01/2024

Talent wanted: Sales Development Representative 🔥

We are currently looking for a Sales Development Representative to join our team at the Helsinki office. The person we are looking for is ambitious, eager to learn new skills, and speaks fluent Finnish, Swedish, and English. 💬

If you are passionate about sales and working in a growing SaaS company sounds like your cup of tea, check out more information on our website and apply for the role today!

The deadline for applying is 31.01.2024 but we will start processing applications as soon as they come in. Hopefully we will talk to you soon! 😊

Open Position: Sales Development Representative (Finland & Sweden) We are currently looking for an ambitious and tech-savvy Sales Development Representative to join our team at the Helsinki office. Read more and apply today!


The year 2023 is drawing to a close – what an interesting ride it has been once again! 😄

On behalf of the whole team at Bluugo, we would like to wish peaceful and happy holidays for our customers, business partners, and everyone else we've had the pleasure of working with during the year. ❄️

2024 is also just around the corner, and we are already eager to take on all the new opportunities and possibilities at full steam. For now, it is time to enjoy the magical holiday spirit and relax. Happy Holidays! 😊

💙: Team Bluugo

Bluugo Tracking Cloud™ & SAP BTP – what’s the difference? 15/12/2023

Everyone who works with ERP systems knows the name SAP. However, the new SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) seems to raise a lot of questions in many companies.

Since its launch in 2021, SAP BTP has been a frequent topic in many of Bluugo’s discussions with companies across numerous different industries. There seems to be a lot of uncertainty about the capabilities and possibilities of the new platform, and we are frequently asked how it compares to other products in the market – including our own Tracking Cloud™ platform. ☁️

Check out our latest blog post to get answers for some of the numerous questions regarding SAP BTP:

Bluugo Tracking Cloud™ & SAP BTP – what’s the difference? Everyone who works with ERP systems knows SAP. However, the new SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) seems to raise a lot of questions in many companies. In this blog post, we will investigate the strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities of the SAP BTP and see how it compares to Bluugo’s Tracking...


Investing in traceability is like buying an insurance for your business. ✅

Mistakes happen. Even to the best of companies. There might be something wrong with a batch of raw materials or components, a production line might malfunction, or someone can simply make a human error that results in sub-par products or services reaching the customer. The separating factor between winners and losers is how companies handle these situations.

When something goes wrong, you must be able to pinpoint the source of the problem and backtrack the entire lifecycle of the product – all the way back to the lowest tier suppliers if required. With proper traceability practices and tools, you can immediately see which units are affected and where they have been distributed, enabling swift reaction and targeted callbacks when necessary. 🔍

In many cases, having proper traceability practices in place would even prevent the mistake from happening in the first place.

So, if something went wrong in your business tomorrow, would you be prepared? ⚠️

If you’re not sure, check out Bluugo’s Tracking Cloud™ – the number one solution for E2E traceability:


Are you aware how the increasing requirements in the field of traceability will affect your company in the upcoming years? 👀

New legislation regarding traceability is rolling out at a steady pace, and things like the CSRD, eFTi, and EU Battery Regulation Amendment will enforce thousands of European companies to update their traceability practices in the next few years. 📜

On top of the legal requirements, the growing customer expectations are another crucial aspect to consider – both consumers and B2B customers are demanding more and more transparency and traceability from the companies they do business with. 🔍

These demands require companies in numerous industries to re-evaluate their traceability practices with great urgency. The old way of thinking traceability as a process of collecting individual data points such as batch or serial numbers is simply not adequate anymore.

If you’re unsure how all this will affect your business and what exactly needs to be done, check out our website or give us a call – we will gladly tell more!

Tracking Cloud™ - the #1 solution for E2E Traceability:

Tracking Cloud™ Traceability 24/10/2023

The importance of E2E traceability is becoming more and more pronounced for B2B companies.

Customer expectations are evolving rapidly and the increasing legal requirements, such as the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), are forcing companies to rethink their traceability practices and implement new solutions with unprecedented urgency. ⚠️

Building comprehensive traceability solutions and meeting the growing requirements can be a daunting – or outright impossible – task when executed with conventional IT tools. For those of you who don’t enjoy long and slow-moving IT projects, we recommend checking out Bluugo’s Tracking Cloud™.

If you’re not yet sure how the new legal requirements will affect your business and if actions are needed, we will gladly help you out with no strings attached. Shoot us a message and let’s set up a meeting to discuss more. 💬

Tracking Cloud™ Traceability Tracking Cloud™ is a hyperadaptive cloud platform that offers everything you need to meet the growing requirements in the field of traceability and implement new intelligent solutions in just 8-12 weeks.

3 things to consider when budgeting for IT & digitalization projects in 2024 19/10/2023

As the old saying goes, well begun is half done – It’s time to get your plan and budget straight for IT and Digitalization initiatives of 2024! 💰

There are many aspects to consider when you are drawing your roadmap for the upcoming year:

🔹 Which projects to prioritize?
🔹 Which tools to use – should you build on top of your ERP or introduce new tools?
🔹 Will the projects stay in the set budget and timeline?
🔹 What about integrations and cyber security?

The list is a long one and the stakes are high – based on 20+ years of hands-on experience in business digitalization, we at Bluugo know that you can make or break a project before it has even started.

To ease the pain a little bit, check out our latest blog article:

“3 things to consider when budgeting for IT & digitalization projects in 2024”.

3 things to consider when budgeting for IT & digitalization projects in 2024 Q4 is well on the way, and it’s time to plan and budget for the next year – are you making the most out of your budget for 2024?


How much is the lack of visibility costing your company? How much would you pay to fix it? 💸

In our last week’s blog, we investigated the concept of end-to-end visibility, its main components, and the common benefits it can yield for B2B companies. This time, we will dive a little deeper and explore some of the more negative aspects of end-to-end visibility – or the lack of it, actually.

We are going to list the most common causes that result in the lack of visibility, examine the numerous serious consequences it can lead to, and put this all into context by going through concrete example cases.

Part 2 of our mini blog series is now available on our website:


The “law of instrument” is a concept that refers to an over-reliance on a familiar or favorite tool. While such tools can be very useful at times, over-reliance can result in approaching problems in ways that are not always helpful or even destructive. 🔨

This applies 100% in business digitalization.

While ERP systems are highly competent and useful tools, they should not be used for everything. It is crucial to recognize the areas where these conventional systems meet their limits, and more modern tools are required to fill in the gaps.💡

Read more on our website to find out how modern cloud platforms like Bluugo’s Tracking Cloud™ can supercharge your ERP system and help you implement modern digital solutions in just 8 weeks. 👇


Do you know what is going on in your business at any given moment? 👀

End-to-end visibility is a complex entity that entails numerous interconnected elements of a business. When executed properly, it yields significant benefits in all sectors of the business and fuels growth and efficiency. On the other hand, the lack of end-to-end visibility can wreak serious havoc and bring entire companies to a standstill. 🚫

In our new mini blog series, we dive headfirst into this intriguing topic! In the first part of the series, we investigate the different components of end-to-end visibility and why it is becoming increasingly important for B2B companies. Next week, we will move on to the darker side of the same coin and go through the numerous far-reaching consequences and costs that follow when companies fail to establish sufficient visibility over their business. 💸

So, grab a coffee and join along for the ride!

The first part of the series is now available on our website:

Focusing on ERP systems in business digitalization can ruin a company 13/09/2023

More and more companies are investing heavily in digitalization but using a completely wrong set of tools to execute their initiatives – trying to build modern digital solutions with conventional ERP systems 🚫

While ERPs play a pivotal role in the IT landscape, they alone can’t meet the rapidly evolving requirements of the modern B2B world – seamless stakeholder collaboration down to tier N, granular product traceability over company boundaries, support for new technology standards like EPCIS, etc.

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with ERPs – they simply aren’t designed for these purposes. The key to success lies in identifying where they meet their limits and introducing other tools to fill in the gaps. Trying to forcefully build everything on top of your ERP is a costly mistake that can (and has) bring down entire companies 💀

Read more about the topic – and how to avoid the looming pitfalls – in our blog! 👇🏻

Focusing on ERP systems in business digitalization can ruin a company More and more companies are investing heavily in digitalization and new intelligent solutions but many fail to achieve the desired results. We believe that one of the root causes for the numerous failures are the wrong type of tools in use – you can’t build modern solutions with legacy tools and...


If you would describe your company’s procurement processes in a couple of words, would they be…

🔹A well-oiled machine?
🔹Smooth & streamlined?

Or maybe…

🔺Putting out fires?
🔺A multi-channel chaos?
🔺Too busy running beside the bicycle to hop on?

With the rise of digitalization and continuous disruptions in global supply chains in the past years, the field of procurement has undergone a major shift. End-to-end visibility, seamless supplier collaboration, and agile adaptation to disruptions have become necessities to guarantee competitiveness in the future. 📈

Sadly, the tools many companies are utilizing in their procurement today were built for a much different era – conventional procurement solutions and ERP systems are simply meeting their limits which is causing major challenges across all industries.

The solution lies in embracing the strengths of your current tools while introducing new ones to fill in the gaps. Read more on our website:


Bluugo – the Strongest in Finland for 8 years in a row! 💪

We are delighted to announce that Bluugo has been awarded the Strongest in Finland Platinum Certificate again this year.

This certificate is a sign of a company’s outstanding financial figures, background information and good payment behavior, based on the Rating Alfa -credit rating. 📃🔍

The Platinum Certificate can only be awarded to companies that have held the highest credit rating (AAA or AA+) for at least three consecutive years – a feat only a select few companies achieve.


Midsummer is here! ☀️

Midsummer, or Juhannus in Finnish, is celebrated in numerous countries across Europe. While the festivities and traditions vary from country to country, there are many unifying aspects, such as bonfires, singing, dancing, and of course spending time with family, friends, and loved ones. 😊

Team Bluugo wishes everyone a happy, peaceful, and safe Midsummer! 💙


Summer is here and the vacations are just around the corner! ☀️

It is time to relax, grab a refreshment, and enjoy the summer vibes while they last.

If you’re looking to educate yourself a bit while enjoying a cold one on the terrace or lying on the beach, be sure to check out our latest blog “Business digitalization shouldn’t be an IT project”.

We truly believe waterfalls belong to vacations, not digitalization projects. 😉

Happy summer everyone! 💙

Link to the blog:

Business digitalization shouldn’t be an IT project 08/06/2023

Every company wants to digitalize their business, but many fail to see the difference between digitalization and traditional IT projects. 😔

While Digitalization and Digital Transformation remain some the hottest megatrends of the business world, over 80% of digital transformation initiatives fail to reach their goals. ⚠️

Everybody wants to go digital, leverage cutting edge technologies, and implement modern solutions, yet a majority end up managing “yet another” conventional IT project. The destination and the road to get there simply don’t match. ❌

Read more on our latest blog “Business digitalization shouldn't be an IT project”.

Business digitalization shouldn’t be an IT project Every B2B company wants to digitalize their business, but many fail to see the difference between digitalization and traditional IT projects – a mistake that often ends up costing fortunes.


You arrive at work, grab a cup of coffee, open your laptop, and are immediately on top of the situation. We call this the “morning coffee moment” ☕️

Bluugo’s Tracking Cloud™ enables you to see all the essential information about your business from a single source by connecting all the different IT systems, people, and assets under a single platform – both internal and external. You can see all your pivotal KPIs with a single glance and immediately know how the business is running. 🔍

Having real-time end-to-end visibility over your entire business allows you to shift from reactive to proactive mode. Instead of spending precious time trying to establish a big picture of what’s going on, you can focus on effective decision-making, planning, and reacting to anomalies. ⚠️

All this is made possible by hyperadaptability – read more on our website:


Say hello to the newest member of Team Bluugo – Inkeri Nora! 👋

Inkeri started her Bluugo journey last week as a Solution Consultant Trainee. In this diverse role, she will work closely with our product, onboarding, sales, and technical teams as well as our customers to help them get the most out of the hyperadaptive Tracking Cloud™ platform.

Welcome onboard! 💙

"I'm very excited to be joining Bluugo! I think the role is a perfect fit for me as someone with a pretty cross-disciplinary background and a wide set of interests. I can really feel the passion the people here have for our product. And for good reason!"



The B2B world is changing faster than ever before and the inability to change has become a synonym for losing your competitive edge.

Global market disruptions in the past years have forced companies in all industries to rethink and adapt their business models and processes with unprecedented urgency – digitalization acting as the foundation for everything.

Unfortunately, the conventional way most companies are using to digitalize their business is simply not capable of answering the rapidly changing requirements of the modern B2B landscape. A completely different approach is needed – one that challenges the outdated tools and conventions of the entire industry.

Introducing hyperadaptability – the secret sauce that puts Bluugo’s Tracking Cloud™ platform miles ahead of any conventional IT tool in the market!

On a technical level, hyperadaptability is the ability to easily modify anything in our platform from high-level processes to single workflows, data fields and integrations – with unprecedented speed and zero coding. 🚀

In practice, it is much more than that. It allows you to unleash the full digital potential of your business and digitalize core processes with less complexity, less risks, predictable costs, 100% future-proofness, and the fastest time-to-value in the market. 🔥

Read more on our website:


At Bluugo, our ambition is to transform businesses and help them unleash their full digital potential – with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

Since the day our company was founded, one thing has been clear to us: we want to challenge the outdated conventions of the IT industry and do things better and differently than any other player in the field. We don’t just digitalize – we make Digital Business Sense! 💡

Today, our hyperadaptive Tracking Cloud™ platform is used in over 25 countries, enabling companies to digitalize their mission-critical business processes in a faster, more agile, and more intelligent way than with any conventional solution – with the fastest time-to-value in the market 📈

In our revised website, we shed more light on the secret ingredient that makes all this possible – hyperadaptability. Check it out and make your own conclusions! 😎


Identifying objects in an easy, fast, and accurate way is a pivotal element of B2B digitalization. 🔍

By utilizing identification technologies such as RFID, NFC, and QR & DataMatrix codes in intelligent ways, companies can collect and share valuable data from their daily operations which helps to maintain real-time visibility and increase overall efficiency throughout the value chain from logistics to aftermarket services. 📈

Bluugo’s hyperadaptive Tracking Cloud™ platform supports all modern identification technologies as ready-to-run features and complies with known GS1 identification standards such as EPCIS, DataLink, etc.

Read more about our collaboration with Code Corporation to find out how modern identification technologies can be leveraged to create added value in various intelligent ways! 💰

Link to the Bluugo X Code Corp success story:

Photos from Bluugo's post 14/04/2023

Greetings from the Sauna! 😎

This spring has been a busy one for Bluugo – every once in a while, it is important to take a break from the everyday work. This week, we did just that by hosting a sauna night for Saunaseura Vastaisku at our HQ in Helsinki!

Saunaseura Vastaisku is a sauna association for the alumni and students of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, in which many of our team members have studied.

During the evening we got to introduce Bluugo and our hyperadaptive Tracking Cloud™ platform to our guests and had many interesting discussions – and of course went to the sauna and cooled off in the balcony in the warm spring weather!☀️

Thanks for the visit Vastaisku, it was a pleasure having you as guests. 💙


Wanted: Full Stack Developer 🔥

Now that we have settled into our new Helsinki office, it is time to start filling the new desks with some awesome people – for our first recruitment of 2023 we are looking for a Full Stack Developer!

If things like Python, Django, TypeScript, and Vue.js grab your attention and you already got a couple years of work experience on under your belt, check out more info on our careers page:

Hopefully, we’ll talk to you soon! 😊


Welcome to the new Bluugo HQ 🔥

Some eight years ago, a group of three people were sitting back-to-back in a small, single-room office. They were Bluugo’s founders Rami, Jarkko, and Reko working in our first office space at Vantaa.

As the years went by, the team kept growing, and the office kept expanding until we were running out of walls to bring down – it was time for a bigger change. We are very excited to introduce our new headquarters at Mannerheimintie 105 in Helsinki!

Finishing touches are being done as we speak, but it is already looking pretty damn good. With plenty of space for new colleagues and a centralized location just a few minutes away from downtown Helsinki, it is just what we need to fuel our growth for 2023. 🚀

Feel free to drop in for a coffee if you are in the neighborhood! 💙


New year, new colleagues – introducing the latest addition to our team Niko Stenfors! 👋

Niko joined our crew this week in the role of Junior Software Developer at the Pori office. The warmest of welcomes from the whole team! 💙

“I was ready to start learning new things and to take my experience to the next level. When I heard about the chance at Bluugo I took it right away and I'm not regretting it one bit. Excited to start working with the awesome team and the product!”


Juho Lommi, one of Bluugo’s software developers, is moving on towards new challenges at the start of the new year. Juho’s Bluugo journey started back in 2020 when he joined the team as a software developer trainee.

“I have been able to follow Bluugo’s growth for several years now and even though the company has grown a lot during that time, the same team spirit has been preserved and it has been awesome to be a part of that team.

The flexible and relaxed atmosphere has motivated me to work and improve my skills and it has always been a pleasure to come to the office in the morning.

I have learned something new about programming every day, but also about other areas – marketing and project management for example. The Vantaa office has offered me the opportunity to closely observe the work of non-technical teams as well. It has been a pleasure to work in a team in which one is encouraged to learn new skills.”


Thank you for these past years Juho – Team Bluugo wishes you all the best in your future adventures! 💙

Oma Yritys listan huipulle Tietokone- Ja Elektroniikkapalvelut Helsinki :ssa?
Klikkaa tästä saadaaksesi sponsoroidun listauksen.




Mannerheimintie 105


Maanantai 09:00 - 17:00
Tiistai 08:00 - 16:00
Keskiviikko 08:00 - 16:00
Torstai 08:00 - 16:00
Perjantai 08:00 - 16:00

Muut Ohjelmistoyritys Helsinki :ssa (näytä kaikki)
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