Na Yavutu / The Foundation

Advancing the social economy for socio-economic development.

The Charitable purposes of the Foundation shall be as follows:

(a) to promote the sustainable economic, social, environmental and cultural development of the Fijian people;
(b) to promote the essential elements of communal traditional leadership qualities
(c) to educate and train young leaders in Fijian communities in maintaining a vibrant and coherent village societies;
(d) to promote and

Na Master Plan kei Yasayasa Vakara Video #7 Fijian Version 9FEB2021 09/02/2021

Na Master Plan kei Yasayasa Vakara Video #7 Fijian Version 9FEB2021 Oqo na noqu rai me baleta na kena wali na leqa ni veivakavaletaki ena koro lelevu kei na kena vueti na noda bula vakailavo se 'economy'.



Newly elected SODELPA Leader Viliame Gavoka and Deputy Leader Filimoni Vosarogo say they believe that their different constituencies will deliver them the votes to win the 2022 general elections.

This comes after Fijivillage asked them if they were confident to bring in the same amount of votes as the former leader Sitiveni Rabuka in the last elections.

Gavoka says they will not be having national candidates as it has caused a lot of duplication in their efforts.

Click here for full story:


Niko Nawaikula

Town House Suva 17:11:2020

The FBC News, at 8:10 am yesterday , reported the PM saying , " There is no need to bring the Great Council of Chiefs back because it has been politicized."

The full extract of the FBC report , under its journalist Sainiana Boila, reported as follows :

" No need to reinstate the GCC: PM

There is no need to bring the Great Council of Chiefs back because it has been politicized.

Speaking during the Radio Fiji One “Na Noda Paraiminisita” Programme, Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama says the reinstatement of the GCC will only draw us back.

Bainimarama says members of the Great Council of Chiefs were the very ones who supported the coup in 1987 and this was against the vision to bring about peace in Fiji.

“Some say the Bose Levu Vakaturaga brings about peace and prosperity, no, they were behind the 1987 and the 2000 coup. They cannot see the right path to take because it has politics.”

He says the Bose Levu Vakaturaga was against most of the government’s decision especially the aim to call everyone a Fijian.

“The thought of abolishing the Bose Levu Vakaturaga came about when it went against most of the governments work in moving the country forward. This includes being a multiracial country and calling everyone in Fiji a Fijian. It was also a major challenge in the work to lift the standards of i-Taukei people, their projects and other work they are involved in.”

Bainimarama says some of the members of the GCC have their own agenda.

“The government works to equally share lease money, some of the members of the Bose Levu Vakaturaga disagree because they want a large portion for themselves. These are some of the reasons why it has been abolished, not to keep us going back.”

The Great Council of Chiefs was established in 1876 and was suspended by the Bainimarama government in April 2007."

I think it is very sad indeed for the PM to be saying all that. It is also totally unfair and unethical for FBC to be reporting that statement without airing an alternative view to give balance to the report.

Irrespective of whether PM was used by Hon Kaiyum to further his sunset clause policy or whether he did so out of personal spite, the PM cannot escape the fact the termination of the GCC was a racist act and an abuse of the Group Human Rights of Indigenous Taukei.

The Human Rights Committee For The Elimination Of All Forms Of Racial Discrimination ( CERD ) had rightfully concluded on 16:8:2012 at its 81st Session in Geneva that the termination of GCC by law by our PM was a racist act because its motive was to deny native Fijians their Human Rights, to maintain their cultural institution, on the basis of their race and ethnicity as ITaukei.

The Group Human Rights of Indigenous People, like Taukei , to maintain their cultural institution , like the GCC, is established by two UN Instruments , namely the International Labour Organisation Convention 169 (ILOC169) and the UN Declaration Of The Rights Of Indigenous People (UNDRIP)

if you been following Parliamentary Debates on this topic , you will hear PM & Hon Kaiyum arguing Fiji does not qualify to be considered under ILOC169 & UNDRIP. They also argue ITaukei are not indeginous and the GCC is a colonial invention. All shallow arguements that dont hold water.

But the truth in my view is that the PM is guilty of both Racism and Group Human Rights Abuse by his act of terminating by law the GCC. No ammount of explaining by him can deny those facts. We must all undo that abuse.


Ko au saka; Ena vuku saka ni soqosoqo oqo na ‘Na Yavutu’ Trust, au via taura na gauna oqo meu tauca kina edua na vosa ni vakavinavinaka; ena vuku ni nodra sa mai takali na gone turaga na ‘Tui Kobuca’, na noda iliuliu vakacegui ko Hon. Laisenia Qarase. Ena vukudratou na Trustees ni ‘Na Yavutu’ kei na kena komiti vakacakacaka, au gadreva meu vakaraitaka na neitou vakavinavinakataka na nomuni veiliutaki vaka Chairman ni Komiti-ni-cakacaka (Working Committee) ni kena mai vakaduri na isoqosoqo ni kawa itaukei oqo, na ‘Na Yavutu’ Trust. Keitou vakavinavinaka ena nomuni soli-bula kina sasaga ni noda vakatoroicaketaki na kawa itaukei mai na 2014 ka yacova na 2018. Ko ni a vakaturi mai na SODELPA mo ni liutaka edua na komiti me biuta vata edua na ‘Master Plan’ me baleta na noda vakatoroicaketaki na kawa itaukei ena bula rawaka vakailavo.

Esa mai rejista oti vakalawa na isoqosoqo tu vakatakikoya oqo ‘Na Yavutu’ Trust, ka laurai ni sega soti ni ciqomi vakarawarawa na cagi-tokovuki ni veisau e vakatura na lewe ni komiti oqo - sa ikoya oya me tu-vakataki-koya na itaukei ena bula rawaka vakailavo kei na bula torocake vakavanua ena kena cakacakataki na iyau bula e solia kivei keda na Kalou. E ka-ni-rarawa ni se ra vinakata tikoga na noda turaga ni vanua ena loma ni SODELPA, me da vakamuria vakamaula tiko madaga na nodra gagadre vakapolitiki me duri lesu tale mai na ‘Bose levu vakaturaga’ se ‘GCC’. Ko ni sa vakayacora na nomuni itavi, ka ko ni sa vuluvulu ena kena cakacakataki edua na vakanananu ni noda vakusakusataki na kawa itaukei. E dina sara, eda sa na vakasosolo tu madaga vakamalua me yacova ni lamata ga mai vakataki koya na ‘Gauna’ ni kawa itaukei, se ena dua tale na itaba gauna e nodra na muri mai. Ko ni sa vakayacora na nomuni itavi ko ni vakacolati kina mai na SODELPA, ka sa vakamatatataki lesu kivua na isoqosoqo vakapolitiki oqo na cakacaka vinaka edatou mai duavata kina. Esa toka nikua e ligadra na vei turagabale kei na maramabale ni noda vei vanua vakaturaga me ra tauca malua tiko na nodra vakataulewa matau ena vuku ni vanua.

E ka talei na kena saravi ni vakadinadinataki na vakanananu lelevu ko ni vakaduria kina na kabani ni vakatubu-ilavo mai vanua, na ‘Vision Ltd’. Esa dina sara, ni ko ni kena dau ena cakacaka ni veivakaduavatataki. Okoya ko ni sa mai veidusimaki tiko kina edai, kivei keimami na lewe iViti nikua, ni rawati ga na qaqa ena buturara vakabisinisi se politiki ni da DUAVATA kina dua na ‘MATANAKILAGI’ se ‘Vision’.

Esa neitou masu, mo ni gole saka tiko ena vakacegu ena vanua sa vakarautaka oti tu na Tamada Vakalomalagi, me nomuni ikotokoto me yacova na siga vinaka ni nona veilesuvi mai na noda iVakabula.

Me sobuta saka tiko na matavuvale na vakacegu ni noda Kalou Bula.

Vinaka saka. (Varinava Vutikalulu Tiko, na nomuni ivukevuke)

The Independant Committee of Indigenous Groups come together to put together a 'Master Plan' for the Indigenous People of Fiji. Chaired by Former Prime Minister, Hon. Laisenia Qarase meet with Nehemiah Corporation Consultants to begin work at the Nehemiah Corporation Office at 66 McGregor Road, Suva.


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Na I wali ni leqa kei Viti, na Mata-ni-katuba kina bula vinaka ka sotava talega na leqa vaka ilavo ni noda matanitu.



Prime Health Tertiary Hospital page. Like and Share:

Providing a World Class high powered Tertiary Health Care at low costs and a comprehensive Postgraduate Medical Training Program in various field of medicine for the Pacific Island Nations.


Global Prime Health

Welcome 'Na Yavutu' beneficiary members. Please read through our new Project that is the ANSWER to most of our important concerns in Fiji. Au sa kerea na noda masu kei na veivakabauti kei na DUAVATA ena sasaga oqo. Au na qai biuta yani e dua na kena video. Kalougata tiko na noda dui vei sasaga: Just another WordPress site


Indigenous World of Entertainment

Without knowledge of our history, we are blind of our existence today. With the knowledge of our history, our future becomes clear.

The Pacific History, They don't teach you in School DVD Trailer

Learn about the great Polynesian NAVIGATORS who were in America hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus. Learn about the lost written language of Polynesia, The RONGORONGO SCRIPT. Learn about the Polynesians and Melanesians who were traded as slaves In Australia. Learn about the Genocide of our Pacific Brothers and Sisters in West Papua and much more! It is time for our PACIFIC HISTORY to be taught and it is time to see the brilliance in your Culture and History, and in yourself!


Vanuabalavu Vision Limited 2019 Interview 1 VINAKA VAKALEVU VANUA BALAVU. E VAKACAVA ME DA SA VOLI SEA KECE KINA NA KAWA ITAUKEI KEI VITI? Vanuabalavu Vision limited and Vanuabalavu Festival 2019 Committee Interview



HAPPY WORLD INDIGENOUS DAY CELEBRATION (View your 'Na Yavutu' Trust Presentation: ADVANCING OUR SOCIAL ECONOMY FOR SOCIOECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ‘Na Yavutu’/‘The Foundation’ Empowered by Nehemiah Corporation


Dua-O: Ni sa bula vinaka tale mai na veiwekani kei na ilakolako vou ni 'Na Yavutu' Trust. Taumada, sa kerei saka tiko na veivosoti ena vuku ni dravuisiga ka mai tarai keda tiko ena sasaga ni veivaconaki e loma ni vale. Ia, sa mai levu sara na co-kuta esa musu rawa ka me sa tevu tale mada eso na ibe vou ni oti toka vakalailai na kena kuvui na noda bure.

Au sa mai vakaitikotiko tudei eke e Lautoka (toki mai na macawa sa oti) ka sa na tomani sara tiko na ilakolako oqo. Au via kere veivosoti tikoga yani kina ena vuku ni isoqosoqo, ka sa kerei saka tiko na yalo vakaturaga me ciqomi saka tiko na malumalumu.

Na vatavatairalago e tiko, me dua na vakaburekalou me duavata mai kina na yalo ena kena vueti cake tiko na cakacaka ni kena maroroi na noda Vanua.

Kalougata saka tiko na colaivua.


The 2019 - 2020 Fiji Government Budget kit: - How can we sustain our indigenous values and social economy.


Monday January 21, 2018

Na Yavutu meeting to brief the new members on the foundations and aspirations of Na Yavutu. The fundamental principles of the Foundation were reaffirmed as the compass by which all actions and behaviour of any member of the Foundation is guided.


Tribute to Mr. Kolinio Rainima Meo (Koronivoce, Turaga na Vunivalu; Yavusa Nautosolo, Cakaudrove, Vanua Levu)

The Chairman, Trustees and Members of Na Yavutu Foundation express their deep sadness at the passing of Mr. Kolinio Meo.

Mr. Meo was a member of Na Yavutu Working Committee. He contributed greatly to key policies and development strategies of Yavutu. He was full of knowledge and passionately shared what he knew. He faithfully published Na Yavutu’s Itakitaki/Bulago on social media each day for the benefit of everyone. Mr. Meo served with the greatest commitment and conviction to do the best he could for the best interests of his people.

Mr. Meo will be truly missed and we extend our heartfelt sympathies to his family and friends.

Rest in Peace.


Prophecies and Na Yavutu Trust Understanding

Fijians have always believed in ancient chants of prophecies that suggest good times for Fiji when the indigenous government returns to hold power in Fiji, prophecies of a great REVIVAL that would signify the time of the fulfilment of the return of the indigenous race and other chants and or prophecies that have actually pointed and named leaders in the past, even before they were born. The ‘Na Yavutu’ Trust claims that the only revival we must act upon is our return to the original cultural values.


Nehemiah Corporation - Google My Maps

We wish to proceed with our meetings with the Vanua to establish Branches of Na Yavutu. Nehemiah Corporation began its awareness campaign since 2014 click on link to view map: Nehemiah Corporation


Nehemiah Corporation NEHEMIAH CORPORATION is a Consulting Business Company registered on 10th December 2014 to be the conduit for retirees and young qualified people access resource owners to partner and build together, empower and provide service for the development of the peoples' socioeconomic well being. We also act as negotiation representatives for overseas developers and/or N.G.O.s link projects to the people and resources.

This NON-PROFIT ORGANISATION is yours to help utilise your own potentials in the areas of economic development in Fiji.

Na Yavutu Trust is the culmination of our initiative together with the Paramount Chiefs of Fiji putting together a 'Master Plan' for the itaukei indigenous Fijians of Fiji.

Please email: [email protected] if you wish to stand with us and be counted. We're connected in this platform.

2019 - The year of action.

The purpose of the Nehemiah Corporation is to gather highly skilled human capital to provide consulting service for Fijians in Fiji.


Introducing our new 'Secretarial Assistant' Volunteer, Ms Katriel Patience from 'Nabouciwa Village, Tailevu. She will be responsible for secretarial duties for the Trust.


Meet our new 'Accounts Administrator' who is an employee of Nehemiah Corporation and will be managing our 'Statement of Account' spreadsheet that will be accessible to you. Thank you Lena Varani for your transparent approach and honesty.


Meet our new 'Media Coordinator' Volunteer who will be managing our FB Page, as well as Video Production from now on. He is the one and only Samuela Pareti Savu GREAT TO HAVE YOU SAM.


Nehemiah Corporation Statement of Account

ACQUITTAL:- for FJ$510.00 donation by Miri Buadromo for Last 'Na Yavutu' Trust meeting for 2018, held on 10-Dec-2018 at the Level 2, Harvest Plaza, Kinoya: . THANK YOU MIRI FOR THE DONATION. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT ANZ Internet Banking- Account History, N. C. Bank Account Details Bank: Australian& New Zealand Bank Account Number, 12198394, Account Name: Nehemiah Corporation Limited Account Name, FJD-Business Cheque Account, Account Number: 0012198394 Account Type, FJD-Business Che...


Na Yavutu Working Committee and Nehemiah Corp Consultants last meeting of 2018 to review Nehemiah Corporation Concept Note and Strategic Plan.

Very grateful to Miriama Buadromo for sponsoring the end of year celebration dinner.


Sustainability, Security and Politics

As we approach the General Elections in 2018 and listen to political parties campaigning, how do we see our future in a much more sustainable and secured nation?


History of Cooperative In Fiji

Mr. Suliasi Tamanalevu discusses history of Cooperative in Fiji during Sakeasi Butadroka's time when certain foreign business shop owners were being threatened by Fijian business participation in the past.


Fijian Calendar, Time and Nature.

Mr. Kolinio Meo discusses how ancestral Fijians were linked to nature, a relationship that we are beginning to lose today.


Consistent Cultural & Traditional Values

Mr. K. Meo explains the temptations in compromising true cultural and tradfitional values amidst non Fijians in Fiji.


Deregulation & The Private Sector

Since the introduction of 'Deregulation' in 1996 by the World Trade Organisation, we have become victims rather than victors of a new paradigm shift. The only way out of poverty today is to unite and work together taking 'Na Yavutu' Trust and our Cooperative to a new level.


Fiji Mineral Deposits - Google Drive

To view Fiji's mineral deposits, click link:


Fiji Oil Potential.pdf

To view Fiji's Oil Potential report; click on link:


'Na Yavutu' Trust - Google My Maps

The 'Na Yavutu' Trust meetings is held at 326 Princess Road, Tamavua, Suva, Fiji every Monday from 05:00pm to 07:00pm. All welcome. 'Na Yavutu' Trust



Joiner registration and documentation; please download from: sign and email signed forms to [email protected]


Avolosi Ralawaki Nawai Business Success Story & Threat

Mr. Suliasi Kalounisiga Tamanalevu discusses study he carried out in 2012, regarding Avolosi R. Nawai of Narewa Village in Nadi, Fiji; the story of an early business venture of an indigenous Fijian company (Viti Kabani) from 1915 to 1945 when Avolosi Nawai advanced our social economy through 'Sosolevaki' and proved successful in the export of Banana from Fiji. This is a motivating story to remind us that nothing is impossible when there is unity.

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Our Story

The Charitable purposes of the Foundation shall be as follows:

(a) to promote the sustainable economic, social, environmental and cultural development of the Fijian people;
(b) to promote the essential elements of communal traditional leadership qualities
(c) to educate and train young leaders in Fijian communities in maintaining a vibrant and coherent village societies;
(d) to promote and educate young Fijians on traditional and customary governance models;
(e) to bridge the gap of understanding between communities and promote respect for diversity of ethnicity and culture in Fiji through education and the harmonisation of traditional and modern values and structures;
(f) to conduct policy research into good practices in governance and work with stakeholders to achieve the requisite outcomes;
(g) to promote and enable access to sharing and dissemination of information, ideas, experience, and resources (including human resources) among the social groupings and Fijian institutions throughout Fiji, including through organisations promoting other ethnicities’ interests; and
(h) to cooperate with other networks and organisations within and beyond the region which have similar objectives.
(i) to establish and promote as many commercial vehicles and initiatives as the Board of Trustees may approve, which are aimed at optimising and maximising commercial returns through prudential investment of the property, land and assets acquired.
(j) to help provide financial assistance, for the promotion of the development of good and honest citizenship and leadership skills and experience among members of the Foundation based on sound Christian doctrines, principles and teachings with a view to equipping and enabling them to face the challenges of the changing social, political and economic environment in Fiji on guidelines issued by the Foundation from time to time.

Videos (show all)

Sustainability, Security and Politics
History of Cooperative In Fiji
Deregulation & The Private Sector
Avolosi Ralawaki Nawai Business Success Story & Threat
Lost Knowledge Of Tradition and Cultural Values and Identity.
Establishing Trust For ALL Mataqali OR Tokatoka to Access International N.G.O. Partnership.
Adopting Nehemiah Concept & Principles in 'Na Yavutu' Trust Business Models
Traditional Land Boundaries Information
Palisade Structure Of The 'Matanitu Vanua' or the Original Fijian Governance System.
The Cooperative Concept Of The 'Na Yavutu' Trust to Establish a Unifying Business Model Inclusive Of ALL Clan (Mataqalis...
Some Unique Traditions We Are Beginning To Lose
Consideration for Women in the 'Na Yavutu' Trust




66 McGregor Road
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