Maximise Health Coaching

I help women & men over 35 to reverse lifestyle disease naturally so they can restore their health!

-restore your health
-release more energy
-heal your metabolism
-strengthen your mindset
-stop food cravings


Fighting is survival. It's stressful to our body. We need surrender.

Katie ♥️ xo


These last 3 weeks...I have been busy!

Working on Maximise Health Coaching systems/processes so I can improve how I serve you with your health and I am using AI to help me.

I have found using it increases my confidence because, it's missing stuff that I know.....

me: "hey - you missed this # # which is rich in this mineral....?"

AI: "sorry for my oversight.....yes...."

Become really good at what you.

Humans are valuable!

Be the healthiest - natural - human you can be and show others how do the same.

Katie xo


don't let money be the reason you avoid changing your health. I'm a single mum who has struggled with money!


Cooking and eating healthy is the best!!!

I cooked dinner last night for new friends from Church and seeing as there will be another addition to their family soon, I wanted to make a really healthy meal. No alcohol or sugar. Just really nutritious!

There is something really therapeutic about cooking healthy. I just felt so much joy in my heart.

I love being in Katie's Kitchen cooking healthy food for people I love.


Oven baked sea reared salmon marinated in garlic and ginger
Home grown olive oil roasted potato chips
Kitchen garden salad with toasted soy and smoked paprika sunflower seeds.


Vanilla stewed no sugar peasgood nonsuch apples
Greek style homemade yoghurt.

Katie ox


Health is holistic (whole).

Physical health disease
Mental heath disease

All make up health.

Disease is disorder or chaos.

Disease is not something that attacks us that we need rescuing from.

It is not a separate entity!

It something we consciously or unconsciously create.

It is us!

Yes we may need help to solve it because we may not know how we did to create it or what to do to solve it.

For the majority of physical or mental disease symptoms (other than acute diseases, trauma, obstetrics, dentistry and surgery) we have complete control of fixing these.

Don't believe the stories of it's all genetic.
Don't believe the stories that say - the solution is all outside of you and there is nothing you did to create it.

Are we so insecure that we cannot handle the truth?

When I found this out, it was like all my Christmas' came at once!

I used to think I was helpless and not capable.
I don't believe this anymore.

Do you?

Katie xo

p.s Here's how I can help:

1) one to one coaching to heal and health issue and detox.

2) Katie's Kitchen group education (if don't feel confident in the kitchen and want to cook healthy)


I don't know who needs to hear this, stop avoiding facing your current health reality - it will only get worse if left neglected.


Happy Easter!!!

My EASTER gift to you - Vital Health Information :-)

Health is holistic (whole).

Physical health disease
Mental heath disease

All make up health.

Disease is disorder or chaos.

Disease is not something that attacks us that we need rescuing from.

It is not a separate entity!

It something we consciously or unconsciously create.

It is us!

Yes we may need help to solve it because we may not know how we did to create it or what to do to solve it.

For the majority of physical or mental disease symptoms (other than acute diseases, trauma, obstetrics, dentistry and surgery) we have complete control of fixing these.

Don't believe the stories of it's all genetic.
Don't believe the stories that say - the solution is all outside of you and there is nothing you did to create it.

Are we so insecure that we cannot handle the truth?

When I found this out, it was like all my Christmas' came at once!

I used to think I was helpless and not capable.
I don't believe this anymore.

Do you?

Katie xo

p.s Here's how I can help:

1) one to one coaching to heal and health issue and detox.

2) Katie's Kitchen group education (if don't feel confident in the kitchen and want to cook healthy)


Old brainwashing = "what do I take for this?"
New Paradigm "clean & detox so 'this doesn't exist" wooo hoo!!!


My passion is to help you improve your diet (eating habits and food choices) and make you feel better health.


I put so much love and attention into my health.

Every. single. day.

Even if I don't feel like it. Even if I want to binge on chocolate.

I value my health so much because of the effort I put in.

It is not a chore to look after my health.

It brings joy to my heart.

It's a process of forever learning.

A beautiful journey.

How is your health journey going? Does the subject of health feel heavy to you or do you feel a lightness and abundant feeling?

Katie xo


I just love growing and preparing healthy food!

I have learnt so much from this growing season. I love harvest.

I love Katie's Kitchen garden!

What an abundance God blesses us with.

Katie xo


Do you want to be involved in a healthy future? Do you want to experience longevity and vitality with those you love?


Our bodies are extra-ordinary. God really made something special when He made humans -we have 100,000 miles of blood vessels!


Time to re-introduce myself

I'm Katie Charlton. Born in August 1976.

I am beyond passionate about longevity, holistic health (mind, heart, spirit and body), detoxication and reversing / healing disease with a new interest in cancer healing which I am researching.

I am also a new mum and a new Christian! (thank you Jesus!!)

What makes my heart leap for joy is someone who has health issues they may be on medication too and they want to heal and they are motivated and willing to change and transform over time.

My credentials are Bachelor Science (Human Nutrition), Diploma for Science, Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics (Distinction).

I care about root cause discovery and not being afraid to do inner work, to get rid of darkness within you and drawn in the light and raise your energy levels and get rid of everything that is dragging you down so that you can have full whole healing.

Health is so much more than eating 5+ fruit and vege a day and everything in moderation!

I am a student to this myself and work everyday to become a healthier more consciousness human and learn why are we becoming sicker and why are we so fearful of health and how to change this.

I want to show you that I am an example of holistic health.

I love helping women who are in their 50's and 60's to become super healthy and enriched with hormones naturally as I start to enter these years myself I know life will get better and better naturally.

There is no quick fix.

You have to be willing to invest in yourself, do the work and go within and to turn to God.

If you want to have me help you I can by:

-working with you one to one in private coaching we can do mindset coaching or we can jump into a detox or we can combine the both. I work with everyone for 3 months initially.

-showing you how to cook healthy foods in Katie's Kitchen where you can join a group in Facebook.

Message me and share how you are feeling and what help you need.

My dream is for you to spend more healthy quality years with your loved ones.

Much love!
Katie xox


Do you feel free with food?

Having a wonderful healthy relationship with food and feeling free is the foundation for all health results (mental, and physical).

This is why I do mindset coaching so you create a really healthy relationship dynamic with food.

I used to control and manipulate food - now at 47 I don't all even after I gained over 24kg in pregnancy.

I manage food in a really healthy way. I healed the reason why I was doing it and my behaviour changed as a result of healing the reason.

Here I am in Katie's Kitchen enjoying full fat milk and yoghurt with joy.

If you:

-self sabotage and can't get back on track
-control and manipulate food
-have food addictions you feel powerless to stop
-restrict food and stop eating
-comfort eat and feel out of control
-if you binge and over eat

Then I can help you to heal!

Mindset coaching programme is 3 months.

It will heal your relationship with food and you will stop unhealthy behaviours so you can feel free and live the life you desire and have the health you want too.

Book your free zoom with me here (link in comments).

Katie xo

Photos from Maximise Health Coaching's post 04/03/2024

If you didn't learn to cook when you were a teenager - you may struggle to prepare healthy food when you are an adult.

Knowing how to put food together is one of the most valuable skills you could have.

I learnt to cook when I was 9 or 10 and I have also been practising cooking healthy food for decades.

I am very comfortable and at ease in the kitchen.

This is why I created Katie's Kitchen. A place for 'sisters' to come and learn about healthy eating if you need help to learn how to cook healthy food.

A judgement free zone!

If you would like to chat with me about joining - message me and we can talk :-)

p.s I grew Eggplant for the first time in Katie's Kitchen Garden and I cannot tell you how amazing this roasted egg plant dish was! Egg plant is an incredible food for detoxing and removing wastes!

Lots of love,
Katie xo


It is a wonderful feeling to know you are taking full responsibility and feel in control of your health!

Do you want to jump into the Spring of wellbeing with me?

Here is how I can support you:

1. Katie's Kitchen - Healthy Recipe demos (monthly subscription)

2. Mindset coaching - Heal your relationship with food for self sabotage emotional eater (3 months with instalment options)

3. Cleanse Restore - Holistic Natural Health Detox (3 months with instalment options)

Book your free zoom (link in comments)

Katie xo


Dis-ease in your body happens when your body is not AT-ease.

I have learned that my body talks to me when it needs help.

It talks to me through 'symptoms or signs' so I see dis-ease as a good communication strategy.

I have learnt over the years that to get better I must find WHY it is talking to me this way.

What does it need?
Why is it doing this?
What is the cause of it wanting to talk to me this way?

What is the root cause?

Then I will take action and meet that need.

I never take an antacid if I have indigestion - I see that indigestion as communication and I find the reason why it's doing it.

So if you have a health issue your goal needs to be that you find the root cause rather than just thinking - "what pill can I take to make this symptom go away?"

You need to ask yourself:

How do I find the root cause?

Katie xo


Our health results are tied to our habitual behaviours. Our results don't happen by luck or chance or 'genes' - we create them.


Last Friday a man was driving and didn't stop at a stop sign - he just kept driving and almost T-boned me as I was driving along a main road.

I have no memory of how I swerved around him - it was a very strange moment which I have never felt before.

I pulled over shaking and crying and thanking God for his Grace and feeling rather angry at this man.

Now I have a sore lower back.

Everyday it is getting better, but the lower back aches. I am using my mind and posture and lots of rest, and liquid tiger balm to help.

I am reminded of how valuable our health is.

We can so easily take it for granted.

We have 'other' priorities - that is until we have health issues, then we wake up.

We have to re-train our brains so that we stay on track and keep health and healthy eating and healthy behaviours top of mind, top of heart and top of our priority list.

Do you agree?

Katie xo


What does health freedom mean to you?


We all have different body shapes.

It is our job to make the best of that vessel God gave us.

Whether you are average muscle mass frame like me, or whether you are lucky athletic muscular frame or thin frame....we are all special creations.

We should not try to be someone we are not.

I tried to be skinny in the past, I have also tried to get more muscle.

When I just accepted me for who I was. I felt so much happier.

There is accepting your body type and natural frame.

Then there is your health and getting as healthy as possible for your frame.

Not comparing yourself to someone else and judging you are them.

God judges we are not to.

We are to take care of and steward the resource (health) He gave us and support others.

Step away from the unhealthy consciousness of the masses and change your health - I do this to please God and show Him how grateful I am for my vessel.

Much love!
Katie xo


Hello beautiful friends!

My two part free training series on healing sugar addiction is complete.

It felt so good to do this training!!

I learnt that you just have to move forward and if something doesn't go according to plan, we learn from it all and take the lesson for our tool kit for the next time.

It makes my heart sing to help you with your health and show you what is possible for you and your health.

Are you ready to move forward?

Here's how I can help you:

1) 3 month mindset coaching to heal your emotional relationship with food if you're struggling with self sabotage comfort eating.

2) 3 month Cleanse Restore - my NEW holistic natural health detox - to release toxins and heal health issues, increase energy and clean your body from the inside out!

3) Katie's Kitchen - to learn about cooking healthy food - if you are struggling with creative healthy ideas that are on a budget!

Book your free zoom to chat with me and start your break throughs!

(link in comments)

Katie xo


Doesn't this seem strange to you:

The sugar intake guidelines have been lowered and significantly and yet, sugar is everywhere.

On the one hand we are told to cut back even more to a level that if everyone followed would dramatically change the state of the health of the western world.


Sugar is being pushed on you. Everywhere you turn.

Eat me! 🧁🍦🍥🍧🍬

Hardly anyone is keeping to the guidelines.

Doesn't that seem strange.

Some pie in the sky ideal that most are tuned out too.

So if you want to snap out of the sugar trance.

Come to my part 2 training tomorrow in this Facebook group. Link in Instagram bio or Facebook comments.

It's free and recording will be posted.

Katie xo


I am preparing for part #2 of my free training series on breaking sugar dependency so your health will soar....

Part #2 is sugar "the science 101"

As an aside....because I am researching sugar and bananas....

Do you know bananas are so good for your heart health?

We need around 5000mg of potassium each day and around 100g (this picture 📸) contains 350mg of potassium?

A great way to get you on track 👣 to meeting your potassium goal.

Did you know that even eating 1500mg of potassium lowers your heart disease risk by 26%?

Potassium is one of many ways you can lower your blood pressure naturally!

Nutrition rocks!!

Don't neglect it in your life.

Katie ♥️ xo

P.s if you want to join this training and get the knowledge click on the link in the bio or Facebook comments 😀


Harvested my peach tree today.

Do you wish you could be satisfied with healthy natural sugars only and enjoy refined cane or beet sugar on special occasions?

Our relationship with sugar is very much emotional.

Do you understand the sugar story?

This is vital if you want optimal health and longevity.

With understanding comes wisdom and knowledge.

You'll get the big picture and feel empowered and be able to breakthrough your sweet tooth cravings and sugar dependency.

I'll be sharing The Sugar Story in Part #1 of my free training series tomorrow morning 6.45am NZT Wednesday 14th February.

To watch live or the replay join this Facebook group (link in Instagram bio or Facebook post comments)

Katie xo ♥️


Do you ever feel like you NEED....MUST HAVE something sweet every day?🍥🍨

Here is a sign that you need to look at your relationship with and dietary intake of sugars in your diet.

-you are looking to have something sweet everyday and a naturally sweet food, e.g. plum or apple or pineapple or nectarine - just doesn't satisfy your sweet tooth.🍓🍍🍌🍒

This means that you have poor sweet tolerance.

Your sweet taste buds (on the tip of your tongue) are numb to the taste of naturally sweet foods that God created.

You need to get a certain feeling from food and the foods that contain sugar are the only ones that give it to you.💔

Eating sugar provokes deep primal instincts - and is the hardest food to get in control of.

However, sugar is everywhere (a photo from a checkout today) and it's being PUSHED on us.😡

Excess consumption is linked with many health issues - not to mention gut problems.💔

Wonder why you feel brain fog and low energy??

👉This is why I am pouring my heart into doing a free live video training series on "getting into control of your sugar eating"

Stopping sugar dependency!

👉There are 2 x trainings (one this week and one next week).

👉The first one is Wednesday 14 Feb @ 6:45am NZT in this ⬇️ Facebook Group.⬇️ click in Instagram bio or Facebook post comments.

I look forward to seeing you there!!

Katie xo


I know how much you want to be more consistent with your healthy eating.

Your health goals are so important to you!

It's so hard to achieve them when we're habitually eating sugar, sugar is everywhere and it's snuck into our lives in such an insidious way, to the point where we're eating it pretty in one form or another every single day without realising it.

The thought of NOT eating it can leave you feeling quite uncomfortable!

On Wednesday 14th February at 6.45am NZT in this Facebook group (link in instagram bio or Facebook comments) I'll be sharing my story of how I gave up control around binge eating sugary foods to achieving relaxed freedom around sugar.

I'll share my story and the exact steps I took and you'll have an exercise to complete until the next call to help you.

It's FREE my gift 🎁 to you. Let's close the door on what we don't want and open doors to new life!!

Lots of love!

See you there!

Katie xo ♥️


Something has happened to me!

I have been so reflective this year so far.

I've decided 2024 is the year of organisation.

Of stewarding the resources God has given to me well.

All my life I have battled mental illness - anxiety, panic, fear and shutdown and dissociation.

It prevented me from being organised. I cannot tell you how frustrating this has felt!

The Grace of God has been helping me.

He has had mercy on me for dishonouring Him and myself because I have let fear control me, rather than expressing the gift that He gave me.

Have you let fear control you too?

or is it something else?

Perhaps sugar? 🍫🍫🍨🍨

I have a sweet tooth - I only became aware of this since having my son and I have found a way to heal it.

I want to share this with you.

👉Join this Facebook group (click link in Instagram bio or see comments in Facebook post)for my FREE video training series on how to break sugar addiction/dependency so you can enjoy it on your terms and not feel controlled.

The first one is next week!🎊🎊

✨️⬇️Click the link in the bio or Facebook comments to join where you will find out day/time etc it's happening.⬇️

Let's get healthy and do this together.

p.s this raw chocolate I bought last week is cane sugar free!

Lots of love,
Katie xo


Do you feel like you're being controlled by sugary foods? 🍨🍫

Well I used to feel this way with people and business/money.💰

I felt this addiction to giving money away to others after I earnt it - like it was the only way I could feel any kind of strength but then feeling awful about myself for doing it because I never did find what I was seeking!💔

Luckily I have never given up on my inner work and I have learnt a lot from coaches who have been kindly helping me to learn why I was doing this and how to break this pattern.

Now I understand why, I can stand more confidently around others and do what feels right for me, it feels wonderful to make decisions knowing, it's what I really want to do.

Not what I think I should do to please them!

👉Do you feel like you are powerless to resist sugary food and do you hate yourself afterwards for having it?

👉Is your health getting affected by too much sugar in your diet?

When we have feelings of being powerless in certain circumstances, it's about what is going on inside of us and that needs to be healed so you can feel stronger.♥️

There is a step by step process to healing sugar addiction and I am going to show you!!

I have decided that in 2024 I will do FREE live video training (series of 2 videos) in my open Facebook group (link in the comments) and the first series starts next week!🎊

It is on:

✨️overcoming sugar addiction and dependency on sugar!✨️

It's absolutely free and I am so excited about it.

I will be sharing more leading up to it, over the next few days!🙌

If you would like to break free then please attend! (it's free)

👉click the link to join the Facebook group - click in the comments below.

Katie xox

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Maximise Health Coaching

Hello - I’m Katie and welcome to Maximise Health Coaching.

I’m a mum, experienced health coach and lover of food. I worked as a Registered Dietitian for 12 years and now I work as a health coaching helping emotional eaters lose weight for good.

My inspiration is to help you experience the greatest health you can and to feel good in your clothes and solve your struggle with food and your weight.

This is a way of life - not a ‘diet regimen’.

Vidéos (voir toutes)

Bedtime 🌙 Grounding. Hot winds and beautiful sunsets 🌇 Katie ♥️ xo
What will you change this year?What will be different for you? Heal and come off a medication? Heal your mental health? ...
Merry Christmas 🎅 from Maximise Health Coaching. Join my Cleanse Restore Natural Health Detox in 2024.This is my signatu...
The secret to feeling no food guilt or shame is to heal the trauma from dieting and RID yourself of these unhealthy toxi...
There is no better feeling than....⬇️A breakthrough feeling!!I would love ❤️ to be on this journey with you!Message me B...
Because God is so worthy AND He made you. You are so worthy of receiving great health ❤️ Take home:You have to learn how...
Katie's Kitchen is one way you can work with me.Do you want to change your health and life?Learn how it could help you.K...
We're scared that what if we decide to work on our health and really change it. We'll fail and it won't work out right?Y...
...until I learnt how to break that cycle for good and if you struggle you can break it too.I can show you how.If you're...
I recired thisvideo for you!What if you believed your body was brilliant? That you can reverse disease and heal.Here's y...
Mindset training 👌
Katie's Kitchen 🍋Health tonic from spray free organically grown lemons. I have to use the skin.I am addicted in a health...

