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A journey of remembering “supreme love”, Prema.Yāna means the vehicle and also the “doer of good deeds” … and so this name was given to a sacred mission to share and to aspire together to this blessed supreme love… LOVE FOR NO REASON


For the Mayans, The day 5 E’ should be a good day for your journey.
And it’s the day where I am honoring the call for the dark room again.

I have been very reluctant on sharing my journeys in the dark rooms but also part of me would like to share to brake the fear we often hold in us from darkness.

For now I can only that journeying from the dark to the light back and forth has been leading to connect with my essence again. « You have journeyed so much back and forth that you have the keys to now guide people from darkness to the light and let them be! » they whispered to my soul ✨

As I get ready to go in again, I read the words of Teresa de Jesus and my heart rejoices : « ““If I ever become a saint, I will surely be one of ‘darkness.’ I will continually be absent from Heaven to light the light of those in darkness on earth.”


As humans we spend a lot of time in fear. We fear loosing what we have, not achieving what we want and we fear having things we don’t want.
Fear is a fundamental response to life itself that is activating our sympathetic system and put us on guard to what is happening.
In response to fear, we either freeze or if we have been raised by life the hard way, we convince ourselves that we need to be strong to face our fears! so we end up swallowing this fear at the expense of our body, our nervous system and our believes.
Over the past years, I have been led to stop escaping fear or facing it in the same way I used to do by being strong but to BEFRIEND it…in the same way I started befriending the darkness. For the yogis and especially the tantrums, they found that through the deeper reflection and meditation we can experience a part of us that is FEARLESS. The heart of that relates, in the ta***ic tradition, to Durga, the supreme Goddess. Durga means the invincible, the Fortress that is in each one of us where fears do not enter.
The further we connect with this space within, the more we realise that Fearlessness is not ferocity is the sense we know but is more RAWNESS and TENDERNESS.
Today as I held the morning practice at the Hermitage, I was called to keep repeating the mantra “OM DUM DURGAYE NAMAHA” allowing the power of these sanskrit words to infuse in our bodies, softening us into our strength.
Today was a humbling reminder that being fearless is not about facing things by yourself in the “familiar” way but to seek the help needed through the love surrounding us and within.
May we keep seeking the way to the Fortress that has no walls yet is invincible in Love.


🌙 As the new moon is approaching and I am lost in days and time, this is a prompt invite for our next new moon healing meditation circle that would take place on Tuesday at 8pm CET.
Nature here been churning here at lake atitlan with wild winds over the past days as soon as the night falls inviting the transition between the death of the old and the birth of the new. The dark moon or the new moon is a time to retreat.
This new moon is infused with Pisces, Venus and Neptune energies connecting us deeper to a higher love, a divine love💛.

🪷So if you feel this sweet call, join the online circle on Tuesday 21st at 8.30pm CET (9.30 pm Beirut time, 1.30 pm Guatemala time). Please let me know and I will send you the zoom link.
This offering is by donation.

🧚this is a 45 min to 1 hour healing meditation circle
Looking forward to meditate with you,
With divine love 🌙💛


Beloved sister,
Yesterday as I was asking confirmation for an offering I have been called to do for a while, I was reminded by .rising that “Venus as the Evening Star at the Wombspace allows you to follow the Dreams of your Soul which have been yearning to be expressed through YOU”.
As I was meditating, I had the vision of me navigating from dark waters towards clear waters and linking many vortexes of water in all their shades.
The dark waters represent the womb and from the womb, a clear calling is for me to launch our full moon circle weaving a connection between wombs around the earth. From the womb a new version of our online women’s circle is birthed for 2023 , this sacred year of the number 7 and with divine synchronicity the next full moon is on March 7th.
Our circle of hopefully 7 women would meet on every full moon in a safe space where we would meditate to connect our hearts and wombs, share practices to embody the wisdom of the heart and the womb, listen to each others in a form of profound communication exercises (Dyads), expressing emotions, therapy and embodied movement.
The circles will be shaped by your presence.
Often we would like to share what is alive for us with our entourage but we either feel unseen, not understood or simply cannot find the available person. Sometimes, we don’t feel like sharing but listening to others’ experience give us permission to feel ours and heal.
All of you is welcome in this circle wherever you are in this journey.
Each circle would last for 2 hours with the dates below:
Energy exchange : 22 USD
P.S: Our new moon healing meditation circles will continue on a donation basis with plenty of love !

✨Do you feel called by the wisdom of the womb, by the sisterhood and by your soul to express itself? Please send me a message for further information and questions and to register. The timing will depend on the group of women registered.
With LOVE,


1 month after … and what a month!
1 month since I left my home, my comfort zone and jumped into my journey to the unknown ✨
🌱 I arrived at The Hermitage] which I had a “coup de foudre” last summer and in which I also had an incredible rebirth in the dark retreat. At the time it already felt like home last summer and still does,
✨ I went into a retreat where we journeyed for 21 days in a “full circle awakening❤️‍🔥” led by the beautiful .piepenbreier and Severin Geser and surrounded by amazing souls. Words cannot describe the experience… getting in touch with emotions, traumas, expressing these, befriending fear, anger, sadness, grief, joy and all the beauty and magic of life every day. Feeling into the body again and teaching it to rewire. Looking in each others eyes while looking within. Becoming every day authentically naked from any layers that are not serving me anymore. Every time I thought there were no more tears left, there was even more… but I was never as happy to cry as then!
🖤 I was resting in the dark for more than 10 nights unfolding further, resting, going back to the womb.
🌙 I was honored to continue our new moon meditation circle and kick 2023 with 10 amazing women.
💛 I onboarded on a REVEAL journey with Ameya and 12 magical women and with that I REVEALED Premayana in a beautiful ceremony getting ready to start my offerings officially.
🤍 I decided to stay for another month The Hermitage] to manage it and share morning practices and healings and I am so grateful for the opportunity.
✨ I am clearer on what is to come as additional offerings online for a new full moon women circle series that is to be launched soon ✨(Goddesses stay tuned for the magik!)

Most of all, everyday I am learning to die to every experience and wake up with a blank sheet ready for magic. I am pursuing this beautiful healing journey that seems to be never-ending but where the further i go, the further I confirm that it is not a painful one as the mind would want to perceive it but one of self exploration and self love 🤍


Apart from it being a beautiful day in this 22 Magdalene year, Divine orchestration made it that this day marked my last day in the corporate world after 17 years on the job. This job for which i thrived for years, that I thought defined me for for years too and an industry with which i had a love/ hate/ challenge relationship.

As I was writing my farewell speech and not knowing what to write, I thought I would share part of my story, not from a place of egocentricity but for the sake of sharing my journey.

I started my career in banking because when i was 16, i spent a day in one of the fanciest bank’s trading floor in Place de l’Opera in Paris and Oh how i was impressed not only by the number of men (and hence the very low number of women) but i was also impressed by the smell of success and challenge.

Coming from a modest family, raised between an entrepreneur father and 3 boys, this was definitely a challenge to take … the sort of challenge that would put me on the same level as the boys, to please the father and mostly as superficial as it sounds it would allow me to have a social status: to buy all shoes, bags, brands i wanted because all of this defined success at the time.

Little did i know about the conditioning of society, consumerism and influence of patriarchy. ..Little did i know about myself as a matter of fact….

At the time, i did what i did best: I fought, made myself a place, got my first management position at at a very early age took a management position. My revolutionary side thought i achieved success for women. Little did i know that I did that by acting like a man.
*CONTINUE in comments


After the rush and the craziness of these days…and before the next rush, I invite you to PAUSE, maybe find a moment to meditate and contemplate on the true spirit of Christmas beyond consumerism and what religion taught us…
This year, this Holy day combined with Yule and a new moon have even a more potent meaning for me… the start of a new book but before doing so, there is a big call to PAUSE… and how much I wished the whole world paused…would you join me for 5 minutes ?
I am pausing and contemplating on this beautiful text By Paramahansa Yogananda written Written from India in 1935, shortly after his visit to the Holy Land, to all students and friends of Self-Realization Fellowship
« From Jerusalem and India, reinforced by the perception of the Great Ones, I bring unto you a new message of Spirit. Blessed is my soul to be thus an instrument of the Divine.
The pen of thought writes on the dark page of ether and makes the Spirit-Truth invisibly visible, and my fountain pen makes the unseen thoughts visible. So on this page I am painting God — with ink, thoughts, and Self-realization — that all may behold His glory.
As Truth peeps through the window of thoughts and words, so God manifests through Christ Intelligence and vibratory creation. When the beads of nations are not held together by the thread of universal perception of Christ Consciousness, of Christ Peace, they fall apart, knocking and scattering on the rocks of selfishness. The Christ of Christmas must be celebrated in the hearts’ love of all races for one another.
I pray Christ be born in the cradle of a new international understanding; that out of the dark night of war, the star of Christ Love may illumine a new United World. I pray Christ be born in all nations as love of unity, in all men as spiritual ambition, in true friends as the Divine Friend, in students of this path as Self-realization, and in all deep devotees as eternal, ever new Joy and perpetual Wisdom. 
Earth-bound possessions and glory all fade away, but God-bound possessions hold through eternity, serving with supreme usefulness.
Cont. in comments


As a new cycle is starting with this new moon, taking the time to ease into the body and the mind with some self care and self care.
Over the past days, I have been feeling like spending some time with myself withdrawing my energy from anything external that leads to soul defragmentation, and just being present for this body and self… being present and alive for no reason, no commitment, no to do list… and oh how sweet this is!

And with this new cycle I am shifting our healing meditation cycle from a full moon one to a new moon one.
We have been holding these circles for the past 2 years in a private circle but somehow today I feel like sharing it in this space if you feel the calling to join.
Our circle is usually a women circle but somehow with this moon in Libra I feel like opening it to men too.
Since the new moon in Leo back in august the divine feminine (present in all gender) has been roaring for change, for finally being who we are meant to be, to speak our truth and accept that the universe has been preparing us for this big shift, for more collective healing and balance. Over the past days and with the equinox I felt a collective call of healing between the feminine and masculine within and in the outer world… hence the broad invitation.
I am looking forward to hold your hands if you feel the calling and witness what this new balancing moon will Grace us with.
This is my invitation for us to meet this Monday 26th of September at 7pm CET.
The circle will be held in person in our center in Sciez and online.
For more information, please send me a private message.
With love,

View on Instagram 14/09/2022

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From the Heart, you are greeted in this space.
Premayāna is seeing the light through a continuous journey of self inquiry, healing and navigation in this life and grace on earth.
A journey of remembering “supreme love”, Prema.
Yāna means the vehicle and also the “doer of good deeds” … and so this name was given to a sacred mission to share and to aspire together to this blessed supreme love… LOVE FOR NO REASON

Together we reconnect with the spiritual heart through gentle Hatha Yoga from the Heart space, healing meditations and/ or different techniques of healing ( Energy healing, Theta healing, …)

In private or collective classes this is a space to hold you in your journey ✨

Offerings can be given in your space or in a beautiful center in Sciez called “IAHIA” (the reborn, the enlightened), a place of sharing, learning and healing 🙏

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