Y Babell Biws
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Trwy'r menopos a thu hwnt - Through menopause and beyond
Theatr Clwyd
World Class Theatre on your doorstep | Theatr o'r Radd Flaenaf ar garreg drws!
“The problem when you are a strong, capable, self-confident person, is that more often than not, people think that you don't really need things like comfort, reassurance, loyalty and guidance. People are more likely to look at you and say,
"She doesn't need this", "She doesn't need that", "She's already all of this and all of that".
But then the truth is that most probably, you are a strong, capable, self-confident person because you built yourself brick-by-brick into that person; because you HAD to BECOME that person; because you had determination enough to make yourself into the image that you knew you needed to become.
At the heart of many strong, confident people, is a heart most longing of the things that most others simply take for granted.”
Words: C. JoyBell C.
Art: Amanda Oleander Art
The Little Learning Company for Business✨
We are excited to be partnering with Teare-Jones Coaching to offer this bespoke Menopause Awareness course for Senior Leaders.
Delivered either online or face-to-face to suit your needs, this 1.5 hour course covers a range of topics including:
⭐️ Legislation and Policy,
⭐️ The role of a Line Manager,
⭐️ Effects of Menopause on a person,
⭐️ Supporting someone going through the Menopause.
Get in touch to book your bespoke course today!
The Autism: From Menstruation to Menopause study Swansea University is looking for participants. They are looking for Autistic people with wombs who are willing to share their experiences of topics such as periods, contraception, menopause, and other gynaecological conditions. Please see this advertisement for more information.
Or read about it more on the website: https://www.autismmenstruationtomenopause.com/faq
Complete the expression of interest here: https://swanseachhs.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9RM9V44eJdLNLPU
If you have any questions feel free to email them at: [email protected]
Or phone/WhatsApp Harriet: 07709 720868
This morning, I saw yet another short from a famous female heavily advocating HRT for menopause and this was my response -
It's a shame that someone so influential is driving a campaign of normalising medicating of women so vehemently instead of educating women and society about menopause and what we can do to listen to our bodies and their needs and have that accommodated within our work, our families and within society. Wouldn't it have been wonderful if these 'stars' were encouraging women to embrace getting older, to campaign for women to have protected paid leave to rest during this huge change, to educate people about bone health in our teens and twenties so that when we get to menopause that they are in optimum health, to recognise that bone density does diminish because as animals of this age, high bone density isn't a requirement to the same extent, to learn what exercise and foods and lifestyles promote good bone health. Wouldn't it have been wonderful for individuals like Davina to encourage women to embrace the privilege of getting older, it's not everyone who is fortunate enough to live long enough for grey hairs, wrinkles and menopause. Many women can't take HRT, it is a risk to their long term survival. Some women won't make it through menopause without it because they are living lives that do not support their mental, phycological and physical health. Medicating women because they are women is not a new things at all, it's just sad to see such an accepted drive; that we need medicating, that this stage of our lives needs medicating. We are all free to make the decisions that we need to make about our own bodies. I would like to say here, menopause has been brilliant for me, not without it's difficulties but on balance, it's been far more a positive than a negative. I started at 37 and I talked to my elders and embraced the process that was ahead of me. If there is anyone who doesn't feel that this drive resonates with them, that it doesn't feel right to them, please drop me a line because you are far from being alone. For those of you who want to join the drive, enjoy the ride and best of luck.
art: christineowensart
“I am still every age that I have been. Because I was once a child, I am always a child. Because I was once a searching adolescent, given to moods and ecstasies, these are still part of me, and always will be... This does not mean that I ought to be trapped or enclosed in any of these ages... Far too many people misunderstand what 'putting away childish things' means, and think that forgetting what it is like to think and feel and touch and smell and taste and see and hear like a three-year-old or a thirteen-year-old or a twenty-three-year-old means being grownup. When I'm with these people I, like the kids, feel that if this is what it means to be a grown-up, then I don't ever want to be one. Instead of which, if I can retain a child's awareness and joy, and 'be' fifty-one, then I will really learn what it means to be grownup.”
Madeleine L'Engle
Max Svabinsky - Babicka v salu, 1906.
For those that needed this today. 🤍
The Fully Nourished Podcast — Jessica Ash Wellness In the Fully Nourished Podcast, Jessica explores the scientific and spiritual aspects of bioenergetics, bioenergetic centered nutrition, feminine physiology, feminine nature and more!
Shower. Not a bath, have a shower. Use water as hot or cold as you like. You don’t even need to wash. Just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. Sit on the floor if you need to.
Moisturise everything. Use whatever lotion you like. Unscented? Pound shop lotion? Fancy 48 hour lotion that makes you smell like a field of wildflowers? Use whatever you want, and use it all over your entire body.
Put on clean, comfortable clothes.
Put on your favorite underwear. Cute black lacy panties? Those ridiculous boxers you bought last christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? Put them on.
Drink cold water. Use ice. If you want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost. I always use lemon.
Clean something. Doesn’t have to be anything big. Organise one drawer of a desk. Wash five dirty dishes. Do a load of laundry. Scrub the bathroom sink.
Blast music. Listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. Sing to it, dance to it, even if you think you can't do either.
Make food. Don’t just grab a cereal bar to munch. Take the time and make food. Even if it’s beans on toast. Add something special to it, like an egg or some veggies. Prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something.
Make something. Write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, colour a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. Even if you don’t think you’re good at it. Create.
Go outside. Take a walk. Sit in the grass. Look at the clouds. Smell flowers. Put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin.
Call someone. Call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. Talk to a stranger on the street. Have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. If you can’t bring yourself to call, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. Even if you don’t say much, listen to them. It helps.
Cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. Take pictures of them. Talk to them. Tell them how you feel, about your favorite film, a new book, anything.
May seem small or silly to some, but this list keeps people alive.
*** At your absolute best you won’t be good enough for the wrong people. But at your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right ones. Remember that. Keep holding on.
*** In case nobody has told you today I love you and you are worth your weight and then some in gold, so be kind to yourself and most of all keep pushing on!!!!
Find something to be grateful for!
0800 689 5652
0330 094 5717
**copied and pasted
Friendly reminder...
All the rage: the rise of the menopause novel Self-help shelves are filled with guides to surviving midlife, but where is the fiction? Lisa Allardice talks to Marian Keyes, Joanne Harris and others about ‘hot-flush lit’
Mae'r ddarlledwraig Beti George wedi dweud fod yna 'duedd o weld pobl yn eu 50au yn hen'.
Ar ôl llywio cynhadledd yn y Senedd ddydd Mawrth i drafod agweddau tuag at heneiddio o fewn cymdeithas, dywedodd nad yw'r sefyllfa yn newid.
"Yr hyn dwi'n rhyfeddu ato ydi ma' 'na duedd i feddwl am bobl hanner cant ac yn eu 50au yn hen felly does dim gobaith 'da nhw pan ma' nhw'n cyrraedd fy oedran i," meddai.
"A dwi'n meddwl bod hyn falle wedi digwydd, o'dd e'n amlwg iawn yn y cyfnode clo achos ma' rhaid i mi ddweud agwedd y cyfrynge, gwrando ar y newyddion yn y bore a fydden nhw'n sôn am yr effaith ar blant, pobl ifanc.
"Wrth gwrs, roedd hynny yn wir, yr effaith ar eu hiechyd meddwl nhw ac ati, ond prin iawn odd y sôn am beth oedd yr effaith ar hen bobl. Dwi'n meddwl am y rheiny oedd yn gaeedig yn eu fflatie yn methu mynd mas. O leia' o'dd gen i ardd, ond oedd 'na neb yn meddwl am bobl fel yna."
Mae Beti George yn credu bod gwahaniaethu ar sail oed, yn dal i ddigwydd mewn cymdeithas ac yn y gweithle.
Broadcaster Beti George has said that there is a 'tendency to see people in their 50s as old'.
After steering a conference in the Senedd on Tuesday to discuss attitudes towards aging within society, she said that the situation is not changing.
"What I am amazed at is that there is a tendency to think of people in their fifties and in their 50s as old, so there is no hope for them when they reach my age," she said.
"And I think this may have happened, wasn't it very obvious in the lockdown period because I have to say the attitude of the media, listening to the news in the morning and they would talk about the impact on children, young people.
"Of course, that was true, the effect on their mental health etc., but there was very little mention of what the effect was on old people. I'm thinking of those who were locked in their flats unable to go mas. At least I had a garden, but nobody thought of people like that."
Beti George believes that age discrimination still occurs in society and in the workplace.
“I counted my years and found that I have less time to live from here on than I have lived up to now.
I feel like that child who won a packet of sweets: he ate the first with pleasure, but when he realized that there were few left, he began to enjoy them intensely.
I no longer have time for endless meetings where statutes, rules, procedures and internal regulations are discussed, knowing that nothing will be achieved.
I no longer have time to support the absurd people who, despite their chronological age, haven't grown up.
My time is too short:
I want the essence,
my soul is in a hurry.
I don't have many sweets
in the package anymore.
I want to live next to human people,
very human,
who know how to laugh at their mistakes,
and who are not inflated by their triumphs,
and who take on their responsibilities.
Thus human dignity is defended and we move towards truth and honesty
It is the essential that makes life worth living.
I want to surround myself with people who know how to touch hearts, people who have been taught by the hard blows of life to grow with gentle touches of the soul.
Yes, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry to live with the intensity that only maturity can give.
I don't intend to waste any of the leftover sweets.
I am sure they will be delicious, much more than what I have eaten so far.
My goal is to reach the end satisfied
and at peace with my loved ones
and my conscience.
We have two lives.
And the second begins when you realize you only have one.”~
~Mário Raul de Morais Andrade
(Oct 9, 1893 – Feb 25, 1945)
Brazilian poet, novelist, musicologist, art historian and critic, photographer
Many have heard of the red tent, this is the purple tent. The red tent is traditionally for women in their reproductive years and the purple tent for those beyond those years.
We may be approaching, in the middle or beyond the menopause.
There is so much in the media and within our communities that gives us the idea that the menopause is something to be uncertain about, to fight against, to step to the side of, to medicate, to prevent, to push through.
I am saddened by how many women I have spoken to about menopause who have, a few days or a few weeks later, contacted me to tell me that I was the first person to speak positively about it, the first person to make them feel they could thrive within and on the other side of it, to feel empowered by it.
It is so sad that, at another point in our lives, we are forced to believe that we need to be medicated to be manageable for our workplace, for our families, even for ourselves.
There is so little gentleness to the process of moving through this period of our lives, so little guidance on 'letting go' in this part of our lives, so little celebration of self-recognition and the growth that this part of our lives offers him.
There is so much more available to us these days to learn about how to help our aging bodies but so often this comes with an attitude of, "whatever you do, don't start looking 'old', don't start to act 'old', don't act your age because being over 45 are a bad thing in some way". There is such a huge lack of celebration of the years of experience and wisdom we have gained, a lack of encouragement for us to settle in our bones rather than trying to remain something other than what we really are, and all this from under the imposed social and destructive patterns and conditioning we are hollowed out from the moment we are born.
I hope this page will offer opportunities to learn new and old ways of being as we approach, go through and live beyond menopause.
Mae llawer wedi clywed am y babell goch, dyma'r babell biws. Mae'r babell goch yn draddodiadol ar gyfer merched yn eu blynyddoedd atgenhedlu a'r babell biws ar gyfer y rhai y tu hwnt i'r blynyddoedd hynny.
Efallai ein bod yn agosáu, yng nghanol neu y tu hwnt i’r menopos.
Mae cymaint yn y cyfryngau ac o fewn ein cymunedau sy’n rhoi'r syniad inni fod y menopos yn rhywbeth i fod yn ansicr ohono, i ymladd yn ei erbyn, i gamu i’r ochr ohono, i feddyginiaethu, i atal, i wthio drwodd.
Rwyf wedi fy nhristau gan faint o fenywod rydw i wedi siarad â nhw ynghlun a'r menopos sydd wedi, ychydig ddyddiau neu ychydig wythnosau yn ddieweddarach, wedi cysylltu â mi i ddweud wrthyf mai fi oedd y person cyntaf i siarad yn bositif amdano, y person cyntaf i wneud iddynt deimlo y gallent ffynnu o fewn ac ar yr ochr arall iddo, i deimlo eu bod wedi'u grymuso ganddo.
Mae hi mor drist ein bod, ar adeg arall yn ein bywydau, yn cael ein gorfodi i gredu bod angen inni gael ein meddyginiaethu i fod yn hylaw i'n gweithle, i'n teuluoedd, hyd yn oed i ni ein hunain.
Mae cyn lleied o addfwynder at y broses o symud drwy’r cyfnod hwn o’n bywydau, cyn lleied o arweiniad ar ‘gadael fynd’ yn y rhan yma o’n bywydau, cyn lleied o ddathlu’r hunan-gydnabod a’r twf y mae’r rhan hon o’n bywydau yn ei gynnig iddo.
Mae cymaint mwy ar gael inni dyddiau yma i ddysgu am sut i helpu ein cyrff sy’n heneiddio ond mor aml mae hyn yn dod ynghyd ag agwedd o, "beth bynnag a wnewch, peidiwch â dechrau edrych yn ‘hen’, peidiwch â dechrau ymddwyn yn ‘hen’, peidiwch actio eich oedran oherwydd yr oedran hwn, mae'r rhai dros 45 yn beth drwg mewn rhyw ffordd". Diffyg enfawr o ddathlu'r y blynyddoedd o brofiad a doethineb yr ydym wedi'u hennill, diffyg anogaeth i ni setlo yn ein hesgyrn yn hytrach na cheisio parhau i fod yn rhywbeth heblaw'r hyn yr ydym yn wirioneddol, ac hyn i gyd o dan y patrymau cymdeithasol a dinistriol gosodedig a chyflyru yr ydym wedi ein gwagu oddi tan o'r eiliad y cawn ein geni.
Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd y dudalen hon yn cynnig cyfleoedd i ddysgu ffyrdd newydd a hen o fod wrth i ni nesáu, mynd trwy a byw y tu hwnt i’r menopos.
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