The British Unionist Peoples Voice

The British Unionist Peoples Voice

This page is about you the people voicing your concerns at the political fiasco in Northern Ireland


Join us on Wednesday evening at 8pm

Irish State Sponsored Terrorism (Part 2) Full Documentary 29/09/2023

Irish State Sponsored Terrorism (Part 2) Full Documentary The Real History of The Troubles You can view Part One by clicking on this link .....


Doug Beattie wants to return to Stormont to implement the Union breaking Protocol and operate the Stormont Brake... a car crash for the UUP waiting to happen.!

Fianna Fail set up the Provisional IRA 09/09/2023

Fianna Fail set up the Provisional IRA The Real History Of The Troubles - Irish State Sponsored Terrorism, Scene 2 coming soon. Join our Youtube Channel


It's being described as groundbreaking, mind-blowing and powerful - this documentary demonstrates that the *Irish State* was central in the formation of the Provisional IRA.

ALL subsequent societal conflict, even the formation of the Ulster Defence Association, IRA carpet bombings and sectarian massacres such as La Mon, Teebane, Shankill, Kingsmills, Enniskillen, Tullyvallen, etc, have their nexus/origins with the Irish State and Cabinet Ministers deliberately and intentionally Financing, Training and Arming the IRA in 1969.!

Will political parties in general and the NIO in particular be up to the task to call them out and make them accountable.?

THE REAL HISTORY OF THE TROUBLES - THE DOCUMENTARY Part One - Irish State Sponsored Terrorism - The full documentary This documentary is launched on the eve of what many commentators world wide, say - Was th...

Solicitor demands BBC hand over messages by Stephen Nolan staff ‘disparaging’ former SF MLA 17/08/2023

As the BBC challenges IRA/SF for glorifying and celebrating so-called volunteers that brought murder and carpet bombing to every part of Northern Ireland, challenges FĂ©ile an Phobail for holding events/acts that do the same, indeed calls out and challenges the actual sponsor's like NI tourism, the Charity Commission and Belfast City Council the last person you would think indirectly comes to IRA/SF aid is the DUP MP Gregory Campbell.. ?
What is his agenda... to censor and silence those that expose the evidence, facts & truth on IRA/SF political violence..đŸ€”

Solicitor demands BBC hand over messages by Stephen Nolan staff ‘disparaging’ former SF MLA BBC Northern Ireland is under pressure to disclose details of derogatory comments allegedly made against a former Sinn Fein MLA by staff linked to shows presented by Stephen Nolan.


Chris Heaton-Harris "The UK Government will again demonstrate this clear commitment to the Union and investing in its future prosperity through the Northern Ireland Investment Summit in Belfast on September 12-13. Delivered in partnership with Invest NI, the summit will seek to bring together one of the largest groups of international investors and businesses Northern Ireland has ever seen".
If he was sincere he will be announcing Northern Ireland's 'Free Port Zones' similar to 8 for England, 2 for Scotland & 2 for Wales. Each is in line for ÂŁbillions of Inward Investment & creation of 10's of thousands of jobs.!
Don't hold your breath, his priority is to impose the Union Breaking on behalf of Dublin and EU.
With a Border in the Irish Sea, NI is british in name only.

Photos from The British Unionist Peoples Voice's post 09/08/2023

Terrorism and the threat of terrorism does more than kill and intimate the innocent.
It undermines democratic governments, even in those perceived mature democracies like the United Kingdom.!
The fear terrorism generates distorts public debates, discredit moderates, empower political extremes, compromise the facts, polarize societies and ultimately can deliver the imposition of undemocratic bias of regulations, directives, rules and laws aligned to the very policies, strategies and agenda the terrorist groups have and demand.!

EU poised to block medicines for pets and livestock from Northern Ireland in 2026 27/07/2023

Rishi Sunak claimed the Windsor Framework “removes any sense of an Irish Sea border”.
A lie is a statement made by one who does not believe it with the intention that someone else shall be led to believe it...


EU poised to block medicines for pets and livestock from Northern Ireland in 2026 Northern Ireland is facing a potential crisis in public health and the agri-food economyin 2025 when EU rules are once again poised to block 51% of veterinary medicines coming in from GB, the British Veterinary Association has warned.

Doug Beattie MC MLA Comments on the Lords Report on the Windsor Framework 25/07/2023

Doug Beattie appears to be wearing his night sights during daylight hours.!
He can't see that going into Stormont to implement an 'imposed' Irish Sea Border along with the Union breaking Protocol come Windsor Framework is delivering the breakup of the Union.

Doug Beattie MC MLA Comments on the Lords Report on the Windsor Framework Doug Beattie MC MLA today commented after the release of the Lords Sub-Committee on the Northern Ireland Protocol’s report on the Windsor Framework.

Jaguar Land Rover-owner to spend ÂŁ4bn on UK battery factory 19/07/2023

Why did Jaguar Land Rover not invest their ÂŁ4billion UK battery plant in NI to get 'best of both worlds' with access to both EU and UK markets via: imposed EU/Dublin Protocol.?

Perhaps Rishi Sunak, Chris Heaton-Harris, Steve Baker, Michael Gove and co could clarify ?

Jaguar Land Rover-owner to spend ÂŁ4bn on UK battery factory Jaguar Land Rover-owner, Tata, is going ahead with plans for a multi-billion-pound factory in Somerset.


All criminally is wrong.
But where's Doug Beattie's twitter posts against Nationalist celebrators that glorify IRA murderous, nefarious criminal activities ?
No, he'll rather attack *all* loyalists rather than the political representatives in Sinn FĂ©in/IRA.! Santa's little helper comes to mind.

Bhoys of the Auld Brigade, Bik McFarlane, Rebel Sunday at the Rock Bar June 23 13/07/2023

Where's Doug Beatties damning twitter tweets against Nationalist celebrators that encourage individuals to join an illegal terrorist organisation and glorify IRA murderous, nefarious criminal activities ?
No, he'd rather attack *all* loyalists as he plans and plots the UUP's return to Stormont with IRA/SF apologists.!
We've heard of Santa's little helpers, what does that make Doug ?


Bhoys of the Auld Brigade, Bik McFarlane, Rebel Sunday at the Rock Bar June 23

Ulster Unionist Party to close office in North Belfast 11/07/2023

Doug Beattie's policy to return into Stormont and defacto endorse and implement the Union Breaking Protocol/Irish Sea Border has seen the electorate abandon the UUP in their thousands..!

Ulster Unionist Party to close office in North Belfast -

Ulster Unionist Party to close office in North Belfast The UUP was unable to regain seats in North Belfast in either the Stormont election last year or the council poll in May

BBC to carry out ‘content’ review of Stephen Nolan radio show as SDLP and Sinn Fein boycotts continue 08/07/2023

SDLP trying to use political muscle to influence the BBC broadcasting of Northern Ireland current affairs.?

BBC to carry out ‘content’ review of Stephen Nolan radio show as SDLP and Sinn Fein boycotts continue The BBC has ordered a content review into Radio Ulster’s Nolan Show amid ongoing boycotts by Sinn Fein and the SDLP.

Spain hatches audacious bid to take over Gibraltar airport in post-Brexit row 27/06/2023

Rishi Sunak defends Gibraltar Sovereignty.?

Spain hatches audacious bid to take over Gibraltar airport in post-Brexit row Rishi Sunak's spokesman said Britain will not tolerate any "compromised sovereignty" amid his Government's diplomatic row with the Spanish.

Photos from The British Unionist Peoples Voice's post 23/06/2023

Doug Beattie the leader of UUP is quite animated, vocal and public at the judicial judgement of a former Unionist representative William Walker. However, he's silent when it comes to the benign, facilitating judicial judgements regarding individuals on IRA 'murder' or IRA 'bombings' charges...?

If he's going to speak out on the Judiciary he should at least be consistent across the board and especially focused on ongoing light touch judgements and bail conditions for those on IRA terrorist charges.

One law for IRA suspects and convicted murderers and one for the rest of society.?

Unbelievably Eamonn O'Boyle was released on bail (to his home address in the ROI ) following his appearance in court charged with an IRA bombing even though the judge said there was prima facie evidence to connect him to the charges.?
It seems the Judiciary in Northern Ireland at a whim accept and deliver bail conditions to individuals charged with serious IRA crimes such as murder and bombings. Not only that but allows the accused to travel and stay in a foreign country.?
Eamonn O'Boyle now joins the likes of Patrick McDaid charged with serious IRA crimes released on bail to attend yoga and sea swimming lessons in Donegal, we also had Jordan Devine the man accused of murdering journalist Lyra McKee released on bail to go on holiday to Donegal and John Downey who was previously convicted (in a civil case) of the Hyde Park bombing and the murder of four soldiers released on bail by a Criminal Court in NI in 2020 to live in Donegal having been charged with murdering two UDR soldiers outside Enniskillen, as long as he has Skype video calls with a PSNI officer twice a week..?
One couldn't make it up.
It appears the reach of IRA secret deals such as the 'On the Run Letters' is very much in the mix with or without an 'ineffective' Stormont Minister of Justice, NIO ministers and some Unionists.!

Doug Beattie Calls for the Immediate Return to Stormont 16/06/2023

Doug Beattie's veil has slipped.

He has moved to Sinn FĂ©in's position, return to Stormont and implement the Union Breaking Protocol taking regulations, directives, rules and laws made in Brussels.

He should at least drop the word 'Unionist' from the party name as his way, strategy and policy is to facilitate and calibrate with the breakup of the UK.

Doug Beattie Calls for the Immediate Return to Stormont ‘The Ulster Unionist Party remains convinced that to secure and promote our place within the United Kingdom we must have a functioning devolved government. Boycotting Stormont may be popular for some but frustration leads to bad choices. It has proven to be ineffective and is now becoming more dam...

Iceland Ireland told to recall UK products 'of animal origin' 16/06/2023

Ireland now rolling out the same customs checks as those *imposed* on NI via the EU/Dublin Protocol & the Windsor Framework.
The outworking is breaking the supply chain with the UK even though 6 million Irish citizens live in the UK and avail of frozen food products from Iceland and similar supermarket outlets throughout the country with no health risks or issues.!

Iceland Ireland told to recall UK products 'of animal origin' The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has directed the withdrawal of frozen foods of an animal nature.

Photos from The British Unionist Peoples Voice's post 08/06/2023

Year on year Sinn FĂ©in representatives from Stormont Ministers, MP's and MLA's have participated in the Republican South Armagh Memorial Committee parade to glorify and celebrate the sectarian murders and bombings carried out by so-called IRA volunteers.?
Obviously setting the context of Sinn FĂ©in's perverse version of working for all, outreach, respect and integrity to Unionists and ALL Innocent Victims for their New Ireland aspirations.

The RUC recorded 1,255 bombings and 1,158 shootings around a radius of ten miles from the geographic centre of South Armagh inclusive of 10 Protestants returning from a day's work and callously lined up and cold bloodedly murdered. One of those listed on the Ti Chulainn memorial was Raymond McCreesh who was captured with a weapon that was forensically linked to the sectarian murders at Kingsmills.
The 2023 parade is from Mullaghbawn Community Centre to Ti Chulainn it's been promoted and advertised on SF hoardings and SF websites and across social media.
Interestingly their submission to the Parades Commission has specified 100 participants, one band and zero supporters.

Be interesting if the PSNI will be on the ground regarding traffic control and monitoring to ensure the Parade Commission submission, content and parade details are adhered to.?


Coming soon to Forgotten Voice Prodctions

Photos from The British Unionist Peoples Voice's post 28/05/2023

Exclusive Exposure: Doug Beattie again showing how politically naive he and UuP leadership are.
He rolls praises on Bertie Ahern the individual that was the nexus of the OTR 'get out of jail letters' for the IRA.!

While the British were delicately attempting to maintain that the British Attorney General and the British Courts should remain entirely independent of the government of the day – Bertie Ahern was stating plainly that the Irish Government suffered no such complications (just like the arms trial in 1970 were Charles Haughey and Neil Blaney were dismissed as cabinet ministers for alleged involvement in a conspiracy to smuggle arms to the IRA in Northern Ireland. All charges against Blaney Haughey, along with co-defendants Captain James Kelly, John Kelly and Belgian businessman Albert Luykx, were dropped)
Ahern was stating the Irish Attorney General, the Irish Director of Public Prosecutions, the Irish Police (An Garda Siochana) and Courts were subject to the will of the Irish Prime Minister/Taoiseach of the day and would do as they were told – they would quietly drop all outstanding investigations and prosecutions of wanted IRA terrorists.!


As Mary Lou McDonald points to 12 years of failures with Fine Gael in government it's obvious she needs to go to spec savers... as Sinn FĂ©in has been in government in Stormont from 2007, 16 years of abject failure and waste.!
Unionists need to awaken to avoid sleepwalking into an 'one party' socialist/communist state.?

Restore Stormont before NI gets more funding, says Secretary of State 24/05/2023

Exposed: Chris Heaton-Harris.
He's now employing direct 'Blackmail' and literally throwing '30 pieces of silver' at the DUP.?
Chris Heaton-Harris previously stated at a Westminster Committee he would charm, coax & beguile (deceive) Unionists into Stormont. Now he's deliberating stating that departmental budget cuts from Health to Infrastructure and Education will not be properly funded until the DUP returns to Stormont and implements the Union breaking Protocol.
Though if it's delivering and protecting SInn FĂ©in's demands of maintaining Cross Border Bodies or funding ÂŁ140m for 270 minute's of Euro football at Casement there's no problem.?

Restore Stormont before NI gets more funding, says Secretary of State -

Restore Stormont before NI gets more funding, says Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris also said Sinn FĂ©in becoming the largest party is a "general question for unionism"

Photos from The British Unionist Peoples Voice's post 20/05/2023

The cost for Casement has since doubled but Chris Heaton-Harris states the funding (reportedly in excess of ÂŁ150m) is secured.
"We'll get the money, don't you worry," he said.
Quite unbelievable that Westminster delivers another dirty deal to Irish Nationalism and their justification is to guarantee an estimated '270 minutes' of Euro football in 2028.!
You couldn't make it up, but nothing has changed "what IRA/SF demand, they get" even if NHS and other governmental departs from education to infrastructure does without..


Chris Heaton-Harris confirms once again the ÂŁ130m + will be found and gifted to the GAA for Casement so 270 minutes of Euro soccer can be played there in 2028 BUT when it comes to the money which was guaranteed for Irish League stadium upgrades it's a different story !

The Secretary of State whilst gifting a Sinn FĂ©in Casement demand says quite deliberately and typical of an anti-unionist narcissist that the
Irish FA will have to bid again against ‘other important things’ when Stormont finally returns as clubs were told in 2011 and 2020 that £36m was ‘ring-fenced’.?

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Videos (show all)

Will the DUP be Blackmailed PROMO
Chris Heaton-Harris "The UK Government will again demonstrate this clear commitment to the Union and investing in its fu...
Irish State Sponsored Terrorism
So called Justification for IRA murders "Is Absolutely Worthless"Today the silence of Lord Eames, Unionist leaders and o...
IRA Sinn Fein have a victim mentality
Gerry's Success Story.!How many Sean's were used, abused and compromised by the likes of "Stakeknife" and Others...?
Chris Heaton-Harris speech at Queens University lauding and praising Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams is disgusting and...
Listen to Joe Biden comments in the Dail romanticising and speaking light of the two sides of the same coin; de Valera &...
Join us on Wednesday at 8pm Promo
Challenges like this from Andrew Neil  are very much lacking from Doug Beattie MC MLA.?
Did you know Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman are spending ÂŁ3.5 billion of your taxes on immigrants in hotel accommodati...
Unionist leaders need to be honest with their electorate




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Andras House, 60 Great Victoria Street
Belfast, BT27ET

The grassroots organisation for women member's of the UK’s Conservative Party in Northern Ireland.

Salvini Trump Berlusconi Augustin Alliance Salvini Trump Berlusconi Augustin Alliance
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QUB Labour Students QUB Labour Students
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Unionist Youth Network Unionist Youth Network

Empowering Young Unionists for Active Political Participation and Cooperation

Councillor Bradley Ferguson Councillor Bradley Ferguson
Belfast City Hall
Belfast, BT15GS

I am a DUP Councillor for the Lisnasharragh DEA 07826511657 [email protected]

Daily Updates On Lizzys Health Condition Daily Updates On Lizzys Health Condition
26+6=1 Palestine Street

New Ireland Commission New Ireland Commission

The New Ireland Commission seeks to build a movement for a New Ireland

Jolene Bunting U.K. Jolene Bunting U.K.

Conservative-Christian, Ulster-Loyalist, Political Activist, Former Belfast City Councillor

UUB Ógra Shinn FĂ©in UUB Ógra Shinn FĂ©in
Ulster University, York Street
Belfast, BT151ED

Ulster University Ógra Shinn FĂ©in are an all inclusive society based in the ideals of Irish unityïżœ

Owain Phillips for QUBSU President Owain Phillips for QUBSU President
3 Elmwood Avenue
Belfast, BT96AZ