Deane Parish Church

Welcome to our page! Our sunday services are at 9am and 10.45am. You can pop into the office during week. For more information, visit

Deane is an Anglican church made up of people from many different backgrounds and walks of life. Whatever your age and wherever you feel you are with God just now, you will be very welcome at Deane Church. No previous experience necessary! Please do take a look at the information on our page and on our website

Deane Church Family News - 1st September 2024 30/08/2024

Are you a worrier? Jesus challenges us with this question ....'Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to their life?' (Matthew 6:27). This Sunday we'll be thinking about how simplicity might help us live with less worry. Sound good?! Come and join us to find out more.

Our services this Sunday are at:
9am Holy Communion
10:45am All age Service

You can find out more about what's going on at Deane here:

Deane Church Family News - 1st September 2024 Latest news from Deane Church

Deane Church Family News - 25th August 2024 23/08/2024

'Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place....' (Mark 1:35)

Thinking this Sunday morning about why Jesus found a solitary place, and why we should too!

Everyone welcome to come and join us for our all age service. Our Church family from Lostock will be joining us too. The service starts at 10:45am, with refreshments available from 10am.

Find out more about what's coming up at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 25th August 2024 Latest news from Deane Church

Deane Church Family News - 18th August 2024 16/08/2024

This Sunday we're continuing to think about the things that we can do in our daily lives which help us to rely on, and trust Jesus more. This Sunday we'll be thinking about the gift of Sabbath rest.

We have two services on Sunday:
9am - Holy Communion
10:45am - Morning Service with Junior Church

Refreshments are available from 10am - 10:30am

And don't forget that this Sunday we have our bring and share lunch after our 10:45am service!

Read more about what's coming up at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 18th August 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


Ever fast for health reasons? This Sunday we'll be thinking about how fasting helps our relationship with Jesus.

Come along and join us for our All age Holy Communion service at 10:45am. We'll have refreshments available from 10am.

You can find out more about what's happening at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 4th August 2024 02/08/2024

How often should we pray? Paul says....continually!! (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Join us this Sunday as we think more about what that means, and how prayer helps us to live as followers of Jesus.

Join us at:
9:00am Holy Communion
10:45am All age Service

Refreshments available from 10am - 10:30am

Find out more about what's coming up at Deane here.....

Deane Church Family News - 4th August 2024 Latest news from Deane Church

Deane Church Family News - 28th July 2024 26/07/2024

The Olympic Games starts today. We know that athletes have to be disciplined in training in order to compete and win.

Our new sermon series also starts this weekend. We'll be thinking about some of the disciplines that we need to help us live for Jesus in this world.

Why not come along and join us for our all age service, 10:45am, this Sunday? There'll be refreshments available from 10am.

Find out more about what's coming up at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 28th July 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


Free packed lunches available today from Deane Church Centre. For all children aged 4 - 18. Children must come along to collect a lunch.

Come along between 11am and 12noon. We're next to Deane Clinic, not far from Heron Farm Foods.

See you later!

Deane Church Family News - 21st July 2024 19/07/2024

'Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity' (2 Corinthians 8:2)

This Sunday we'll be thinking more about what the Bible says about giving and generosity. Join us at:

9am - Holy Communion
10:45am - Morning Service with Junior Church
We'll have refreshments available from 10am

Find out more about what's coming up at Deane....

Deane Church Family News - 21st July 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


Delighted to be partnering with Urban Outreach Bolton again on the Bolton Lunches project. Come along to Deane Church Centre (near Heron Farm Foods) to collect a lunch. Every weekday during the school holidays . Starting next Monday (22nd July), 11am - 12noon.

🍎 Bolton Lunches 2024 🍏

🍏 It's back for an 11th year! Through the summer holidays (weekdays 22nd July until 30th August) children can go and collect a packed lunch from any of the sites listed between 11am and 12noon.

🎨⚽ Don't forget there are lots of activities taking place across Bolton - many of which are free! For more information about what's going on in your local area for your child check out

🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ We're still taking volunteer bookings so check out our previous posts for details with those roles!

🌞 Here's to a sunny and great summer!

Deane Church Family News - 14th July 2024 12/07/2024

'...his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed' (Daniel 7:14)

As we reach the end of our series in Daniel we'll be reminded that kingdoms come and go, but God's kingdom will never be destroyed. Great news of hope and certainty in changing times.

Join us this Sunday at 10:45am for our service of Holy Communion with Junior Church. Refreshments available from 10am.

Find out more about what's happening at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 14th July 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


We're embracing the weather and going ahead with our garden party tomorrow evening! Come along from 7pm 😅

Deane Church Family News - 7th July 2024 05/07/2024

'Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?' (Daniel 6:20)

As we continue through the book of Daniel we see again that God is able to do more than we could ask or imagine. Come and be amazed!

You can join us this Sunday at:
9am Holy Communion
10:45am All age service

Refreshments available from 10am.

Find out more about what's happening at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 7th July 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


Details of other ways you can help with the Bolton Lunches project this year....

(Thanks to all those who have volunteered to help give out lunches at Deane Church Centre!)

🍏🍎 Bolton Lunches 2024!

It's back again for our 11th year! Bolton Lunches will be once again opening it's doors to make packed lunches for children all across Bolton from Monday 22nd July until Friday 30th August 2024.

Of course - none of it would be possible without the amazing support from our volunteers. This year the opportunities we have are:

🌅 Each morning (Monday to Friday) we will need people to come and make sandwiches, put packed lunches together and help sort fruit. Doors open at 6.45am and the session should be finished around 8.30am. This will be taking place at our Food Hub (former Office outlet store), Trinity Retail Park, Springfield, BL2 1HY (limited to 50 places)

🍎 Each afternoon 2-4pm we need 2 people to help support our staff setting up for the next day. This will involve counting out fruit and moving trays around to the relevant place in the warehouse. This is also at our Food Hub (former Office outlet store), Trinity Retail Park, Springfield, BL2 1HY.

📖 We have also been asked to organise volunteers at the 2 libraries who will be distributing the lunches. Breightmet Library and Farnworth Library need 2 volunteers each weekday 10.45am-12.15pm. This role is subject to a reference and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

ALL volunteer sessions must be booked as they are all limited spaces (please do not just turn up or tell others to do so). You can book in by emailing [email protected] or calling 01204 385848 and speaking to a member of the food team. All sessions will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

🌟 Thank you for supporting Bolton Lunches and allowing it to reach so many children in the summer holidays.

Deane Church Family News - 30th June 2024 28/06/2024

God continues to reveal his power and sovereignty as we hear the next part of the story of Daniel (Daniel chapter 5).

Join us this Sunday for our joint all-age service with Lostock, at Deane, at the usual time of 10:45am. Refreshments available from 10am.

Be aware of road closures due to Ironman!

Find out more about what's happening at Deane.....

Deane Church Family News - 30th June 2024 Latest news from Deane Church

Deane Church Family News - 23rd June 2024 21/06/2024

'...the God we serve is able...' (Daniel 3:17)

This Sunday morning we'll be learning from Daniel 3 about living a life shaped by what God is able to do.

Join us for our all age service at 10:45am. Refreshments available from 10am.

You can find out more about what's coming up at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 23rd June 2024 Latest news from Deane Church

Deane Church Family News - 16th June 2024 14/06/2024

'Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it' (1 Corinthians 12:27)

This Sunday we'll be thinking about the different part that each one of us has been called to play in the church. Everyone has a place, and no place is better than another. Come and be encouraged!

Our services this Sunday are at:
9am Holy Communion
10:45am Morning Service with Junior Church
Refreshments available from 10am

Find out more about what's coming up at Deane here....

Deane Church Family News - 16th June 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


Sadly, due to the damp and chilly forecast for this Friday evening, we have taken the decision to postpone our ladies garden party. Please note the new date: Friday 12th July. Hopefully the weather will have improved a bit by then!

Apologies for any inconvenience....


Everyone welcome at our prayer for healing service this evening, 7pm at Deane Church (BL3 4LT) with Bishop Matthew, Bishop of Bolton. We'd love to pray for you!

Deane Church Family News - 9th June 2024 07/06/2024

Join us for our Holy Communion Service this Sunday at 10:45am where we will be continuing in our Daniel series (The God of gods and the Lord of kings). Refreshments will be available from 10am so do come along earlier and enjoy a time of fellowship with one another...

Deane Church Family News - 9th June 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


If you've got questions about life, faith and meaning come along to our Alpha Course, starting this Wednesday (5th June), 7:30pm at Deane Church Centre, BL3 4LT.

It's not too late to sign up, or just turn up on Wednesday evening. We'd love to see you!

Deane Church Family News - 2nd June 2024 31/05/2024

We're starting a new series in the book of Daniel this Sunday. There are some stories we may have heard about before, things that might seem a bit strange on first reading, but most of all it's a book packed with hope to help us live as Christians in this world.

This Sunday we'll be getting into the account of Daniel and his friends refusing to eat fine food and wine, and choosing vegetables and water instead (Daniel 1:1-21). Come along and find out wasn't to do with dieting 😂

Join us at:
9am Holy Communion
10:45am All age Service
Refreshments are available between the two services.

Find out more about what's happening at Deane here......

Deane Church Family News - 2nd June 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


In the Bible we read Jesus followers asking the Lord to 'Stretch out your hand to heal.....' (Acts 4:30) We'll be joining with that prayer on Sunday 9th June at our Prayer for Healing Service, 7pm at Deane Church (BL3 4LT). Bishop Matthew, Bishop of Bolton, will be with us, speaking and praying for people. Everyone welcome!

Deane Church Family News - 26th May 2024 24/05/2024

Have questions about Jesus and the Christian faith? Come along to our service this Sunday morning and bring your questions with you!

Join us at 10:45am. Refreshments available from 10am.

Find our more about what's coming up at Deane Church here.....

Deane Church Family News - 26th May 2024 Come along and join us at Deane Church!


If you have questions about life, faith and meaning then why not come along to our next Alpha course?

Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.

Starts Wednesday 5th June, 7:30pm at Deane Church Centre (on the corner of Horsfield Street and Junction Road), BL3 4LT.


Come and be our guest! We'd love you to come and join us this Sunday, especially if you've never been to church before, have been wondering whether to give it a try, are just curious or have big questions.

No need to dress up - just come as you are.

We'll have refreshments available from 10am.


If you've never been to church before, have been wondering whether to give it a try, are just curious or have some big questions then next Sunday (26th May) we're having a service especially for you!

Come along and join us at 10:45am, with refreshments available from 10am.

If you'd like to know more before you come then do get in touch with us through the Church office....01204 659637 / [email protected]

Deane Church Family News - 19th May 2024 16/05/2024

We're looking forward to having Phil Rawlings with us at our 10:45am service this Pentecost Sunday. Terry will be leading and speaking at our 9am Holy Communion service. We'll be thinking more about the gift of the Holy Spirit and what that means for us today. We'd love to see you.

Refreshments available between our two services.

Find out more about what's coming up at Deane here.....

Deane Church Family News - 19th May 2024 Latest news from Lostock Church

Deane Church Family News - 12th May 2024 10/05/2024

Come along to our family service at 10:45am this Sunday to hear from Paul Hardingham as he brings us our teaching this week looking at Hebrews 13 (Jesus: the same yesterday, today and forever). For more information on all that is happening within Deane Church have a read of our weekly Church Family News:

Deane Church Family News - 12th May 2024 Latest news from Deane Church


😃 Check this out!

We have set up a donate page with Give Today to make it easier for you to donate food to The Food Hub!

By visiting our page on the Give Today site you can see what our most needed items are and purchase them through the site where they're delivered straight to our door!

We also have bundles that you could choose from such as drinks bundles, new home bundles and baby bundles!

If you fundraise for the Food Hub this would be a great way to purchase those much needed items!

Visit for more information 💙


Have questions about the Christian faith? Interested in exploring those in an open friendly environment, where you can share what you think and here what others think too?

Join our next Alpha course, starting on Wednesday 5th June, 7:30pm - 9:00pm at Deane Church Centre.

Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs. It’s free and there’s no pressure to come back.

Get in touch if you'd like to book a place, or you'd like more information....
..or just turn up to the first session! We'd love to meet you.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Have questions about the Christian faith?  Interested in exploring those in an open friendly environment, where you can ...
It’s not too late to come down to our Carols by Candlelight service at Deane Church. You would be so welcome! 6pm start.
Come and find real joy this Christmas!  We'd love you to join us at Deane Church.
An invitation from Deane Church
An invitation from Deane Church



Junction Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 12pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 12:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 12:30pm
Friday 9:30am - 1pm

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