Harriet Chiam

I help men and women to build unstoppable strength, unlock skills and new levels of self belief.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 22/07/2024

Behind every choice to become a coach, there's a story.


It's about believing everyone can be amazing at anything they want if they just put their mind to it.

Here’s the heart of it:

✍🏻 I just want everyone to feel like they can. I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t and no one should have to feel that way.

✍🏻 I’ve always loved making learning accessible. Taking something complicated and breaking it down to pass the knowledge onto others. It’s empowering for me and the learner.

✍🏻 I LOVE moving and I want everyone else to feel the same.

I became a coach to make a difference where it counts...

Helping people like you find your strength, energy, and balance, on your terms.

Follow my account for relatable tips 📲



A huge part of training is who you surround yourself with!

These people are my people.

They swim in the sea with me when it's pi***ng down outside and we've been through the toughest of workouts together.

Being a part of a like-minded community can really increase your results.

Here are some of the reasons why being a part of a community is so important:

1. It lifts you up. If you're around the right people, you always want to get off the sofa and go to training.

2. It's inspiring. Watching other people better themselves on a daily basis is incredible!

3. Sense of belonging. It's great to know there are people who will show up for you and support you even if you are a weirdo!

Surround yourself with people that support you and make you a better person.

If you need some extra support DM me and we can sort it out!

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 12/07/2024

Exciting announcement! New class!

Get fit, get strong this summer 🏋️

Join our Youth Fitness summer classes!


When: 29th July- 29th August

Coached by me and

Our program is designed for youths aged 10-16 who are eager to challenge themselves, build strength, and have a blast this summer.

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to fitness, our classes provide the perfect environment to push your limits and achieve your goals.

DM to get booked on!

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 11/07/2024

If you're looking for a way to hit your protein goals WITHOUT protein powder, save this post!

Try my cashew chicken stir fry!

👉 For the ingredients and recipe

Simple, yet SO tasty and effective.

We need a balanced diet to fuel our results in the gym... no restriction here!

Save this post for when you're next needing some inspiration in the kitchen.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 04/07/2024

Fuelling yourself does not mean having to eat chicken rice and veg everyday, chug protein shakes or live off Gr***de Oreo bars.

But these tips help my clients hit their nutritional goals so I thought I'd share with you too!

🥚 Quality protein to build and repair your muscles and assist in recovery

✅ Eating enough calories to support your training

🥯 Lots of carbs for the energy - we need them!

🚰 Hydration is KEY

⌚️ Timing your meals to support your sessions and recovery.

Ready to take your training to the next level?

Drop me a DM with the word COACH and let's have a chat!

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 01/07/2024

Its the start of a fresh month and a great time to reflect back on June, what worked well (and what didn't..!) and to set some intentions and goals for July.

I thought I'd share some of mine with you!

WWW (what went well)
- Stayed consistent with my running and set my first ever 5k time.
- Walked nearly 2000m on my hands for Maria. Thank you for all the support with competing this challenge - would have walked 0m if it wasn’t for your support and participation!
- Made time for friends and family alongside work and training.
- Clients moving forwards and hitting their goals too 💪

EBI (Even Better If)
- The sun had been out more 😂
- I could have raised more money for Maria, I tried my best but wish I could help more.

July goals:
- Make a decision on a competition - I set this as a yearly goal and haven’t committed to anything yet.
- Keep showing up!

Drop me a DM if there are any goals you're setting yourself for the next month that I can support you with!!

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 25/06/2024

I'm passionate about helping as many people as possible to achieve their fitness goals and enhance their quality of life.

I'm working on levelling up my coaching and want to make it as powerful as possible.

Please help me out by completing my quick 2 min research survey!

By doing this, I can provide more useful content to you guys and continually improve my coaching service.

As a thank you for everyone who takes the time to complete it, you will be entered into a prize draw to be in with a chance of winning a free month of coaching with me.

Click the link in my bio 📲

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 19/06/2024

Amazing wins this week from the team!

All of you are doing amazing!

Keep up the awesome work and keep smashing those goals.

Fancy joining the team?

Drop us a message or comment below.

Speak soon!

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 14/06/2024


Ok - let’s talk.

If you're restricting your food, you might be doing more damage than good.

Here's the things they don't want you to know:

1. Cut too many calories and your body will respond with, “Let’s save every bit!” Slowing down your metabolism = not what we want.

2. Eating little can mean you're missing out on the good stuff your body needs to work hard and burn calories efficiently.

3. Eating too little might have your body choosing muscles over fat for energy. Not cool, since muscles are our calorie-burning friends.

Balance is key.

Feed your body with the good stuff. It’s all about giving your body and your mind what it needs to thrive.

Struggling to strike that perfect balance? I’ve got your back.

DM me 'NUTRITION' and let's have a chat.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 07/06/2024

Swipe left to see my journey from gymnast into a skilled CrossFitter in ONLY 18 months ➡️


Ever since I left gymnastics, I felt lost, broken and like I’d never be a part of a community or a sport that great ever again.

I was told I was old and I didn’t think it was ‘normal’ to continue doing gymnastics as I got older. I also had multiple ankle, knee and shoulder injuries so thought I was done with high impact sport.

It left me desperately unhappy and trying to fill the gymnastics hole for over 10 years. I tried A LOT of different sports and none of them ever quite did it for me.


I’m feeling like I can do anything I put my mind to and that I’m capable of much more than I ever thought possible.

If I want something, I’ll do what it takes to get there and more.

I avoided trying CrossFit for a long time because I thought ‘I’ll never be able to do a ring muscle up’. With my perfectionist mindset, I thought there wasn’t any point in trying.

How wrong I was.

Starting my fitness business was where I turned a corner with both my mindset and training. I found a way to incorporate my love of gymnastics with the training I was doing at the time and I started to post about it on my Instagram.

It was then that at saw what I was doing and reached out to me asking if I wanted to coach CrossFit. I thought ‘why not?’, tried a class to see what it was all about and the rest is history.

I realised that CrossFit is more than just being able to do ring muscle ups. It’s about progression, longevity and being a part of an incredible community.

Now I help CrossFitters to achieve the skills they’ve always wanted and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of their journey.

Your journey can start today, whether you're looking to gain strength, learn new skills, or simply move better, let's make it happen together.

Ready to transform your ME THEN into an empowered ME NOW?

DM me "READY" and let's chat!


I've had a few new followers on here recently so thought it only right to do a quick re-intro to me!

My name's Harriet, I'm an ex-gymnast, CrossFit coach and whatever the female version of a ‘jock’ is!

I live in Bournemouth, I've been a gymnastics coach for nearly 20 years 😅 and have been coaching CrossFit for 18 months.

My passion is to help CrossFitters to hit the gymnastics skills they’ve always wanted and build confidence in themselves and their performance.

My mission is SIMPLE: to empower YOU to become the strongest and most skilled version of yourself.

I may be a fitness coach but I love...

🍫 Eating Nutella straight out of the jar.
📙 Loosing myself in a good book - one of my recent favourites is Room. Couldn’t put it down!
🙈 Crocs! I’m a recent convert but I’m now obsessed.
🍕 Pizza Friday every week with (the guy with the moustache!)

I'd love to get to know more of you guys!

Comment below who you are and where you're from or DM me and let's connect.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 23/05/2024

👋 Who wants to have some fun and learn new skills?

The time has come for the next Adult Gymnastics!

Sunday 16th June
Gymstars Gymnastics Academy

Early Bird tickets are now available! Save your spot before the 2nd of June for the lower price.

DM me 'READY' to get signed up and secure your spot.

This session is for everyone, and so is gymnastics.

The focus of this class will be to work on the fundamentals of gymnastics and applying them to each piece of equipment - Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor.

No experience needed, I’ll be there to coach you through everything, building on progressions throughout the session.

But if you’ve been to one of my sessions before, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to build on the skills you have learnt so far.


I speak to a lot of people who say they want things but if we're honest, they don't truly get after the things they want.

Imagine where you would end up if you just went for it and kept going through all the ups and downs.

So really, one of my biggest fears is being the same person I was and not learning from my mistakes.

I often think about where i'd be if I had never quit my job to pursue fitness and coaching and the thought of me being in the same place, stressed, never having any time and feeling unfulfilled is very scary! It's the one thing that keeps me going when times are tough.

So tell me, what's your fear?

Handstands, never being able to get your fitness back, getting injured?

Let me know if the comments!


There's always more than meets the eye.

I'm going to be super honest here...

I look like I'm full of energy in this picture but before going away, my battery was running dangerously low and I knew that if I didn't go I was going to completely run flat and burn out.

How did I know this?

Because I'd been there before. I knew what to look out for and I knew that I needed to take a break.

I needed to take time to step back and reflect on my business, health and fitness in order to move forward.

I'm a big advocate of looking after yourself on a daily basis and I still do this everyday.

But life throws us challenges and whilst we try to do the right things, sometimes its takes some extra care to make sure we stay on track.

Being overwhelmed is okay. But it's not okay to stay overwhelmed.

I'd originally wanted to have it as a working and training holiday but I changed my mind.

I made sure I didn't train or work (apart from looking after my online clients).

I want to share this because I want to show that it's okay to change your plans, to look after yourself and that if you do, you will not lose the progress you have made and you will even come back stronger.

I had an amazing holiday and this week I've felt so much stronger in the gym, I've been so much more efficient when working and have had more energy to give - to myself, my relationships and my clients.

Give yourself a break!

And if you need someone to listen, reach out to someone you trust. It's worth it and so are you.


You don't need to be fit to start!

Starting is how you get fit.

Some of my clients are just starting out or getting back into their fitness journey.

Some are working on their higher skill gymnastics to support their CrossFit training.

But all of them are gaining confidence, strength and fitness along the way!

Give them a '🎉' in the comments to help them celebrate their achievements and dedication!


Your lack of patience is the thing that is holding you back from AWESOME fitness results.

Weight loss, strength, mobility, whatever your goal is...

Read these tips on how to be more patient in an instant world...

1. Take a step back. People often overestimate what they can do in 12 weeks but underestimate the power of 12 months.

2. Set weekly process goals. And get them ticked off! E.g. walk 40 mins a day, hit the workouts you planned in. Hit you protein goal for the week.

3. Set a goal that is performance based and TRACK IT. This keeps things interesting and gives you more reason for consistency. E.g. Get a pull up, squat your bodyweight, run 5k.

4. Reward yourself! Positive reinforcement works. We need intrinsic motivation too but having things to look forward to are what can keep us going long term. (Avoid using food as a reward if you are trying to repair your relationship with food.)

5. Find a hobby that gets you off social media. Comparison is what fuels impatience! And the negativity that makes you want to stop.

If you enjoyed this, please tag a friend if you think this would also be helpful to them!

Last week I opened 5 spots for my brand new FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge, starting on 6th May.

If you want to lose body fat, build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months...DM me 'FITFORLIFE' for more info.


Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 02/05/2024

I get asked this a lot and as always, there is no 'best'.

But there is the BEST thing that works for you.

If you're training first thing in the morning what you choose to eat may look very different to someone who decides to train after work.

When I train in the morning, I eat porridge, dark chocolate and raspberries for my breakfast.

When I train later in the day, scrambled eggs on a toasted bagel with butter is my go to.

Sometimes, I'll even have something I fancy like a bowl of coco pops (the best cereal!)

The thing is, I still turned up to all of those sessions.

The pre-training coco pops probably saw me flag towards the end of the workout...

BUT I'm not going to to that before every single workout AND that was what worked for me that day.

Remember there's no right or wrong.

And what you eat is a CHOICE.

✅ Keep to unprocessed proteins, carbs and fats.
✅ Be organised with your meals, snacks, training and plan ahead.
✅ Throw in a bit of what you love.

You can't go wrong with the fundamentals and a bit of balance!

If you find it hard to create the balance you want out of nutrition or training, my NEW online FIT FOR LIFE challenge will be a game changer for you!

Starting on 6th May.

DM me 'FITFORLIFE' for more info.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 01/05/2024

What's it like on the inside?

Here's some feedback from my amazing online clients!

Individual goals and needs but the desire to be the best and fittest version of themselves is what brings us together.

I have 5 spots for my brand new FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge, Starting on 6th May.

If this sounds like something you'd love to be a part of and you want to take control of your health and fitness in time for the summer...

Follow the link in my bio to apply now!


You don't need to be training all the time in order to see the progress you want!

Rest and recovery is what makes sure you can keep going.

Give me a '👊' in the comments if you agree!

Last week I opened 5 spots for my brand new FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge, Starting on 6th May.

If you want to lose body fat, build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months...DM 'FITFORLIFE' for more info.


✅ Gaining new skills
✅ Moving pain free
✅ Learning to adapt training
✅ Unstoppable confidence

Just some of the wins we've had this week!

Give the HC team a 🎉 in the comments to show your support!

Last week I opened 5 spots for my brand new FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge, starting on 6th May.

If you want to lose body fat, build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months...DM 'FITFORLIFE' for more info.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 26/04/2024

Saved the best one for last! 🧡

Do you agree?

Let me know in the comments!

Last week I opened 5 spots for my brand new FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge, Starting on 6th May.

If you want to lose body fat, build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months...DM 'FITFORLIFE' for more info.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 25/04/2024

Healthy eating isn't limited to bland chicken, rice, and broccoli! 🥦🍗

Embrace variety, flavours, and colours on your plate.

From tacos to burgers... There are endless delicious and nutritious options to explore.

Swipe to see 3 recipes to help you scrap the chicken and rice! 👉

Let's break free from the stereotype and make healthy eating exciting and enjoyable!

What's your favourite nutritious meal?

Last week I opened 5 spots for my brand new online FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge, starting on 6th May.

If you want to lose body fat, build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months...DM 'FITFORLIFE' for more info.


Stop comparing yourself!

Easier said than done.

BUT if you let comparison take over your fitness journey, you won't enjoy it and will be doing everything for the wrong reasons.

Comparison steals the joy right out of our hands.

All of these things sound cliche but that is because they are true!

Everyone is unique, comes from a different background and has different things going on in their lives.

Each step forward is worth celebrating, regardless of how it measures up to someone else's.

Let's focus on our own progress, our own growth, and our own victories.

Getting 1% better every day.

Embrace your journey, cherish your accomplishments, and remember, you're doing amazing just as you are.

Last week I opened 5 spots for my brand new FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge, Starting on 6th May. If you want to lose body fat, build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months...DM 'FITFORLIFE' for more info.


Nutrition, strong legs and good lifts!

Celebrating all the wins this week 🏆

All alongside the ups and downs of life, work and social events.

Give my team some support by dropping a '🙌' in the comments!

I just launched my brand online NEW FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge! Starting on 6th May.

If you want to build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months AND BEYOND... DM me a '💪' for more info.


What social media tells us fitness should look like... An 8 week plan with before and after photos.

What fitness should actually look like... A lifelong journey of adapting exercise and eating habits to the challenges that life gives us.

I'm not negating any hard work that genuinely goes into a transformation photo because for some, it can be the best way to measure progress for your goals.

I just want to highlight to you, that there is always more than meets the eye.

And my approach to coaching is that you are more than just a weight on the scale, the way you look or what weight you can lift.

Give me a 👍 in the comments if you agree!

I just launched my brand NEW FIT FOR LIFE 12 Week Challenge! Starting on 6th May. If you want to build a body you feel proud of and conquer your mindset ready for the summer months AND BEYOND... DM me a '💪' for more info.

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 15/04/2024




12 Week Challenge

If you want to use the lead up to summer to kick start your health and fitness journey and:

◽ You're over the frustration of standing on the sidelines and comparing yourself to everyone else.

◽ You’re sick of the idea of a ‘beach body’ and want to look AND feel fit and healthy year round.

◽ You want to build a body that you feel proud of.

This programme is for you.

Move well, feel amazing and build healthy habits for the summer AND BEYOND.

Because our bodies are for life, not just for summer.

DM me 'FITFORLIFE' for all the details!


Who wouldn't want to be winning on a weekly basis?

It's so easy to get caught up in negativity, it's important to make time to notice and celebrate the wins.

These are what keep you going.

Give the team a 🙌 in the comments to show your support!

Photos from Harriet Chiam's post 12/04/2024

Ready to embark on your fitness journey?

👉 For more details on who I coach!

Whether you're just starting out or ready to take things up a notch, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

I use functional training to help men and women achieve AWESOME things.

Your awesome thing could be losing weight, building muscle or getting a new PB on a lift.

Either way, I'll make sure you are able to make your goal a reality WHILST moving well, feeling amazing and building healthy habits so you can sustain your progress.

DM me the word READY and I will be in touch with your next steps!

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Bournemouth?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

The secret to getting toned? Stop lifting like you were told you in a magazine, high reps low weight. Start lifting like...
DOORS ARE OPEN! 🎉On my NEW FIT FOR LIFE 12 week challenge! So, here’s the deal:I’m on a mission to help you move well, f...
Stop doing things you hate! Start finding things you love. You don’t need to be eating boring food or doing workouts you...
🔥EXCITING NEWS INCOMING!🔥As we all start dreaming about those summer vibes, longer days, and beach holidays, I’ve been t...
How I stay ‘in shape’ all year long!I don’t do bulking or cutting. I have no reason to. But I do know how to stay ‘in sh...
It’s important to have clear goals before embarking on a journey to achieve them. But there are different kinds, and it’...
Many people still think that lifting weights will cause injury, they’ll do it wrong and that doing more cardio to lose w...
4 things you can do to instantly improve the quality of your life that don’t cost you any pennies! 1. Care less. We base...
Just because your workout is hard doesn’t mean you are building muscle! Here are 3 tips to help you build muscle and str...
Do you agree? I’ve learnt the hard way and had to fight through issues with my physical and mental health because of it....
🤸LEARN TO FLIP🤸I am excited to announce an exciting opportunity for those eager to take their fitness journey to new hei...
Tag someone who needs to see this ❤️Happy International Women’s Day! I am grateful to everyone who supports my page and ...




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