Jill Shooter Osteopath

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes...
Osteopathy treats more than back pain! Treatment works to relieve pain & improve movement in any joint/muscle.


Such an important topic, don’t talk amongst yourselves…. Shout it out louder for those at the back!



We are looking for a new reception person to join our lovely team!


These 2 amazing men are running the in today, raising funds for to support NHS workers mental health.
and Andy are 2nd year student paramedics and will be running in full uniform including boots and carrying the weight equivalent of a kit bag , about 15kg!

Frontline workers have taken such a hit during this last 18 months.
They have a page, head to and follow the link, even £5 will make such a difference as we head into what is a very uncertain winter fir the NHS.

👍 Good Luck Edd and Andy!!!


Where in the world is important to you? I love the ocean but the mountains have my heart. Climate change is such a threat to all our habitats.
With several large, key summits taking place this year, hopefully there will be real change?
Just imagine if the energy harnessed by the recent ESL debacle took place for climate change, what a difference we could make!
What can you do to get involved?


Day of Reflection

Running finally has its own MeToo moment 19/03/2021

Would you take 5 minutes out of your day to get behind this campaign, enough has to be enough finally! It could save someone’s life.

Running finally has its own MeToo moment A campaign called has been launched which hopes to dismantle the culture of harassment that female runners regularly encounter


Here is an amazing campaign to get your weight behind!
Set up by the driving force behind Mel Bound, and The Space Between , to raise awareness of harassment faced by women runners.
We’ve all been there, enjoying out headspace on a run only to be faced with remarks from men in cars/vans/on foot remarking in our bodies and often what they’d do to it 🤬
With more and more women taking up the sport of running in this last year, now is the time to call it out!
I am well into my 6th decade and if I had a £1 for every remark sent my way whilst running or cycling I’d be well off!
On Monday a female runner was attacked by a man a few hundred yards from my house, in the evening on a well lit road, IT HAS TO STOP 🛑
Follow them on IG wewill.campaign sign up for emails on the website wewill campaign.com
This is a positive campaign discussing education, support and empowerment.
Have a look and let’s call this behaviour out and make a change 🎉
Thanks Jill


The NHS is launching a survey on March 8th asking all women their experience of NHS services and care, the results will drive forward a new policy for women’s health.

A gender bias has long existed in health care, long periods of time for diagnosis for conditions such as endometriosis, peri-menopause and menopause, with poor life quality for women and a huge impact on their families. There is poor recognition and support for female heart health, heart disease takes more lives if women than breast cancer and women are more likely to die in the 30 days after a heart attack than their male peers.

This is such a welcome study, long overdue, there is a press release on NHS.gov.uk , search for women’s health.
I will post a link when it is live. I encourage all of us to get involved, fill it in, send a link to your female family members and friends.

I see many women with long term pain or health issues exacerbated by lack of knowledge of care facilities within the NHS, we can make a difference!

I apologise if this post upsets people in the community who identify as female, I understand you have your own health concerns. This research will hopefully benefit you too in the long term .


This is the time of year I would be clipping into these bad boys 😍 Ready for some family slope time, moved and rebooked for next year.
Apart for a gap between ‘88 and ‘99 I have been skiing since I was 18 years old, I’ll leave you to work out how long that is! 😂
22 years ago we started to take the children - then aged 3 to 11 and it’s been “our thing” since.
In the scheme of things it’s not a big issue and we will go again.

Why am I mentioning this? Well, apart form a little wallowing it popped into my weekly reflection.
Once a week I sit down for an hour with a sheet of paper and a pen and go over the last week in clinic, reviewing patients seen, what could I have done differently, language used, outcomes measured, is there anything I could have improved on.... there usually is 😬
Apart from a few runners with plantar issues or shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome) and 2 over enthusiastic Joe Wickes devotees, I have seen no sporting injuries.
This has been a challenge for me, I have spent years working with athletes, from elite/Olympic to weekend warriors to park runners so it is a change of focus for my practice.
It has been good for me, working with many varied patients, it has made me consider how I practise, techniques used, rehab exercise offered ( you won’t leave my clinic without at least 1!)

Lockdown is tough, don’t let aches and pains get you down, go see your local osteopath !
Sorry, I can’t help you with your homeschooling 😢
Move better, feel better.
www.YewTree clinic.co.uk


The one thing I am really missing, apart from seeing my family and friends and going fir coffee and browsing bookshops..... is buying fresh flowers and plants. My local supermarket has a very small choice 😢
It is a very small thing and I hesitate to mention it in the face of families losing loved ones and exhausted key workers.
On I managed to nab these last 3 bunches with my weekly shop and yes, they are lifting the household mood.

We need to embrace whatever we can to provide a coping strategy in these “unprecedented” times.
What makes you smile?

Don’t forget to reach out, talk with family, friends or call ☎️ lines if you need to, don’t struggle alone, we’ve got you 🤗


This, was taken in January 2019 by Tracy, my yoga teacher, after the usual Xmas break from classes. At the time I remember thinking I’m not taking a break like this again, too long!
We know what happened next 🦠
I went from 3-4 classes a week to zilch!
With longer hours in clinic I haven’t been even able to make the Zoom classes.
Having spent 2 days in a complete black funk, same s**t, different day, I got out my mat in the kitchen. Mirepoix on the stovetop, instead of sitting and mindlessly scrolling I did a 3 minute morning routine i had saved earlier last month ( thanks Elinore) and went through it twice.
How do I feel?
Blinking marvellous although I did regret the earlier custard creams I’d inhaled.
I will endeavour to get my mat out in a regular basis and let’s see where it goes?
Yes, Emma, your voice is in my head 😂
Enjoy the rest of your weekend , maybe try a little movement?
Stay healthy peeps 😘


2020.... there are not enough words.

I will just wish you all a Happy New Year, here’s to 2021 and a brighter future.

Stay safe and healthy and we will all be together as soon as we can 🤗


Well, here we are!
Like many of you, our familyXmas plans took a serious hit last night .
Whether we like how this is all be handled or not, we have to face up to this horrible situation. We took a collective family deep breath.
We will plan a get together in the NY , hopefully this is only a short hiatus. We have invested too much time and effort keeping family safe and well to buckle now.
Thankfully we have no family member who will be on their own.
Sending you all a big virtual hug as we move forward.... again!
Take care!


National Kindness Day.
If there as ever a time we needed kindness, then 2020 is it!
As the saying goes - if you can be anything in the world, be kind.

It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, a simple thank you to someone as they give you space on the pavement or a smile or wave is enough.
All it takes is a little something, so, as Ghandi said - be the change....
Have a good weekend everyone, stay safe and dry!

Lovely illustration courtesy of
If you haven’t read “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” please try and get a copy, it is heartwarming.


As a health care professional, I will be continuing to treat all your aches and pains, even during lockdown. Osteopathic treatment will continue to be available under healthcare appointments as listed by the PM last night.
PPE and rigorous cleaning in place to keep us both as safe as possible.
The therapy room at will be closed BUT I am available on Tuesday and Wednesday at the YewTree clinic, Stoke lane, Westbury on Trym.
📞 Mandy or Sally on 0117 9146645 and ask for my list.
If you have any concerns about visiting for treatment pop me a DM and we can have a chat about your concerns.
This is a challenging time for us all, taking care of your physical health and keeping moving and active is a priority for everyone.
Take care, see you soon.


Just had to post this!
Face coverings work, if you’re wearing them correctly.....
Stay safe and have a lovely Friday.

Just seen this on Fb.....made me laugh....as soooooooo TRUE!


Allied Health Professionals, a trusted body of clinicians working for all aspects of your healthcare.
As an osteopath I am very proud to stand alongside my colleagues from many branches of health care such speech therapy and physiotherapy, paramedics, radiographers. We all have high standards of training and registration.
Trusted by patients ever day to deliver quality, focused care for you and your family!
Intrigued as to how I might help you move better? I am always happy to chat 💭👍


Here is one for your diary, today is
Catchy title hey!

Arthritis is a surprisingly common condition, two of the most common ones are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

OA affects around 9 million people in the UK with varying levels of symptoms, pain and disability. It’s the one usually described as ‘wear and tear’ 🤦‍♀️ Not a term I like or use. It is a condition where the smooth covering of the ends of bones (cartilage) can become thin and worn, not always a result of overuse although previous trauma to a joint does often mean it may develop at a later date.

The joint looses its ability for smooth function and the result is pain, stiffness, occasionally swelling. You may experience some or all of these symptoms or none at all. At its worst it is a horrible, debilitating disease.

The reason for the picture of my feet? I have OA in my big toes, not painful unless I’m walking up and down stairs in bare feet when the reduced range of movement available makes it very sore.

What can you do? Move as much as the discomfort allows you to, weight bearing activities if possible. All that allows your body to keep your joints as healthy as possible. Build up the strength in the muscles surrounding an affected joint, giving stability and balance to your joints.
Have a chat with your GP if you’re particularly worried or in pain.
Come and chat to me too, we can devise a plan with treatment and exercise to keep you moving as much as possible and doing the things you love to do.

With the right level of training, food muscle strength and range of movement in my ankles, hips and knees, these toes if mine are able to complete triathlons and the odd 10k.

See what you can do!


One of the strategies I have decided to start, following on from is to have Sunday as a social media and news feed free day.
I must confess I am a news buff, I love being up to date and informed, yet this last few months the constant drip feed of COVID news, the US election (don’t get me started on that!) and the looming Brexit (heartbreaking IMO) has gradually worn me down.
So, peeps, here goes, see y’all on Monday 👋


There will be no Friday clinic this week, I will attending, virtually, a full day conference on Consent & Communication 🙌
A full day to look at research and explore ways to make sure you are as safe and protected as you can be when you come in for treatment.

I will, of course, be practising what I preach in terms of standing/sitting balance during the day, stretching and taking breaks. The ironing board is coming out of mothballs and I will use that as an alternative height to work on!

I have appointments next Friday, look online www.jillshooterosteopath.com

I also have availability on Tuesday and Wednesday at my lovely new venture, I have joined the team at YewTree clinic in Westbury on Trym, call Mandy or Sally on 0117 914 6645 and ask to be put on my list!
Even more ways for you to take advantage of osteopathic treatment 👍✅

In the meantime I will keep practicing smiling with my eyes 😂


Virtual 2020

I was a road Marshall for the inaugural London marathon held, predictably in drizzle, in March 1981.
I was a Sports Science undergrad, and. Uni running club member, a course tutor had been a track Olympian and was mates with Chris Brasher. There were not many takers so the shout went out, about 10 of us hopped on a coach and headed down the M1.
There were less than 7 thousand runners!

Mass participation Marathon running was in its infancy in the UK.
I remember being cold and wet with sore hands from clapping.
Who would have imagined it would grow so much!

Good luck to all you runners today, it’s probably the worst weather ever! I have seen a few of you brave souls running around the Downs this morning.

Make sure you warm down probably, hop into a warm shower, drink hot drinks and refuel. Keep moving around for the rest of the day, avoid the desire just to collapse into the sofa 😂

Best tip? B**g a pillow under the sheet at the bottom of the bed to elevate your legs while you sleep for the next few days, help drainage and recovery.

Well done 🙌🙌🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🥇

Photos from Brainbox Coaching & Fitness's post 02/10/2020

Always lovely to see one of my favourite runners in clinic, tendon injuries are always unpleasant but we’ve caught this bad boy early, rest is the order for the next few days!


International Literacy Day 🙌

Reading! 📚 Something I really enjoy but struggle with finding the time.
A few days away last week gave me the opportunity to finally get to grips with the Kate Atkinson that I had bought in May and then left forlorn on the table (alongside the other 6 books I had bought and not opened 🤦‍♀️)

A clever, pacy book that I managed to devour in just over a day, why hadn’t I gotten to it earlier!

What genre or author makes your heart beat a little faster?


Just for the next few days there will be ...
No pandemic
No climate emergency
No Brexit
No US election
No economic uncertainty

The next few days will be about the restorative power of fresh air and salt water.
I will be holding my family close, reading 600 books, consuming my weight in locally produced food and drink, playing cards, walking, paddling my own canoe and being the inelegant one on the paddle board.

Next week, all will be back to as before but hopefully I will have a little more resilience and energy.
I hope that this week is kind to you all too.

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

The Science of Running 🏃‍♀️
I am always looking to improve how I can help you with rehab and returning to movement and the activities you love.
I have always treated runners, I have run most of my adult life so appreciate how it makes you feel and how it can contribute to injuries.

I find a book like this with good illustrations helps me to explain science and theories around tour rehab. Who doesn’t like a good picture ✅🏃‍♀️

If you’ve added running to your schedule during the pandemic or have been a long term devotee and struggling with an injury as you’ve upped your mileage?
Whichever category you fall into, maybe give osteopathy a go and see how treatment can help with your movement!

The book is by Chris Napier.

Timeline photos 21/08/2020

I have been an ardent fan of the Moomins since I was 8 years old, when I went into my school book fair with my pocket money and bought a Moomin book. I still have it 💕

I have my morning ☕️ in this wee mug every morning, a black americano, since you ask.
We all need little rituals that get you through each day, especially at the moment.
What is your go to, one thing you look forward to each day?
Have a good Friday.

Timeline photos 19/08/2020

I took the time to sit and watch this BBC programme last night, I found it very powerful and moving and a stark reminder of how serious this virus is and how little we knew about it.
It is not just a virus that strikes down the old but also the young and fit. It also has many manifestations, the moving story of the young man who had had a serious of strokes and who just wanted to get back to his children especially as his wife had died from breast cancer just a few short weeks before!

We are getting back out there, visiting our favourite cafes and restaurants, working and socialising yet the virus is still with us.
Whilst death rates, thankfully are falling, infection rates are steady but still too high, we can see from Spain and France how quickly it can take a hold in the community.
Yet there is so much to be optimistic about, we can beat this, so as you head out to the bar or cafe, hairdresser or nail bar, when you go into work, hand hygiene, face coverings (please cover nose and mouth!) keep your distance if possible. Smile at your fellow passengers, say hello to the checkout staff, buy that pint and enjoy yourself, just remember the guidelines.

The new salvia test will make testing quicker and easier, if you are asked to isolate please stay at home, no ifs, buts or maybes! Don’t think it’ll be ok if I pop out for some milk! Keep infection rates low.
Come on, we’ve got this!
If you haven’t already, take an hour to watch this programme.

Timeline photos 31/07/2020

After a pause of a few weeks the online appointment booking system is back up and running! 🙌
There are a few tweaks, some additional wording and you will now receive screening forms which you can fill in, sign and send back to me all from the comfort of your mobile device or desktop

This gives you much more control to book, amend or reschedule your appointment with ease.

You will find the big bright BookOnline button at the top right of the first page of my website

The Neals Yard clinic is still closed - hopefully there will some good news on that over the next week.
For the time being you will find me at the lovely Family Practice. 116 Gloucester Road in Bishopston.

Have a lovely weekend. 🌞

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Yew Tree Clinic , Stoke Lane , Westbury On Trym

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