Sam O’Dwyer PT

Online Coach & Personal Trainer
Helping you find confidence, build healthy habits, and transform your body.

My name is Sam O’Dwyer and I’ve been a personal trainer for over 5 years. I strive to help individuals reach their full potential, whether they aim to improve their physical health, boost their confidence, or simply lead a more active life. With a passion for wellness and years of experience in the fitness industry, I am dedicated to guiding and supporting my clients on their unique fitness journe


'You are the sum of your habits' - Our habits are the small decisions we make and actions we perform every day. Good or bad your habits got you to where you are now.

To reach your goals you will need to form a few healthy habits that you can sustain long-term.

Here are 3 tips to help make your habits more sustainable:

1. Start small and be consistent:
Starting small reduces the friction of beginning a new habit.

2. Attach the new habit to an existing one:
Use "habit stacking" by linking the new habit to an established one.

3. Use positive reinforcement:
Reward yourself immediately after completing the habit to reinforce the behaviour.

We're looking at ways to help make the habit easier!

For example, if I wanted to get into the habit of taking walks I could:
- Tell myself I’ll go for a 5-minute walk, starting small.
- Listen to my favourite podcast whilst walking, habit stacking.
- Reward myself by watching an episode of a show I like after my walk, positive reinforcement.

Think of the habit you want to form and try to find ways to make it more obvious, attractive, easier, and satisfying! 🙏

You could then track your habits with a habit tracker to maintain motivation, and accountability, and see your progress over time.

Small steps every day lead to big changes in the long term!
Like and follow for more tips and fitness advice


In just 12 weeks, my client lost 17 pounds and came out the other side with newly formed habits that will last him a lifetime.

How did we achieve this? Well, we worked together to come up with a plan that suited him. Every person has their own journey with different goals that are achieved at different stages.

At the start, my client was:
✖️Unconfident in himself
✖️And would cover his body as much as possible.

I shared my knowledge and gave compassion and patience as we took the steps to form healthy habits that slowly integrated into his everyday life.
Week by week the wins were stacking up!

12 weeks is all it takes to start changing your mindset, to build long-lasting sustainable habits and to start seeing results!

If you’re interested in learning more about my methods and how you too can have similar results, comment ‘12 weeks’ below for a no-obligation chat about your goals and how you can achieve them.

In the meantime, why not have a browse at my services!


Hi everyone! Summer is just around the corner and I'm looking to help you feel your best!

If you're interested in losing weight, building muscle, or improving your health and fitness feel free to contact me via a direct message or an enquiry through my website! I'd love to help you meet your goals!

I currently run my Personal Training sessions at BodyTek Gym PTF in Ellington. But my Online Coaching is available wherever you are!


‘Do I have to run?’ 🤔 is what I commonly hear when chatting with new clients and my answer is always no! Running is not necessary for losing weight!

To lose weight we need to burn more calories than we consume.
'Running burns calories right? So why not run to lose weight?'

Well, running isn't the only way to burn more calories!

My clients don’t run for weight loss.
They run because they enjoy it!
And if they don’t enjoy it, they won't need to run!

So if you don't enjoy running, give a sport a go, take a long walk, try cycling, and move whenever you can.
Any additional movement you can add to your day (however small!) will get you burning more calories!

Finding activities that make exercise enjoyable for you is key when trying to stick to your weight loss goals long-term.

Weight loss doesn’t have to mean running!🏊‍♀️🚴‍♂️🤸‍♀️🏋️‍♂️
What activities do you enjoy?


Here are just some of my client's weekly wins!🏆

1: ‘Managed to get the family out for a walk and ended up going way over my step goal. Everyone said they felt good for moving and it didn’t feel like a chore for a change!'

2: ‘I tried taking your advice about adding more protein into my meals and I’ve noticed I’m snacking less throughout the day. I find I’m just feeling more full In general!’

3: ‘This weeks squats moved really well! I can tell my lower back pain is easing up and I’m feeling more flexible so thank you!’

As you can see it doesn't always have to be based on numbers, it's can be about how you feel as well! Getting out and moving without feeling forced, feeling less hunger while dieting, and reduction in pains are huge wins, and I like to help my clients celebrate them all!🎉

What are some of your wins this week?

Photos from Sam O’Dwyer PT's post 22/04/2024

Looks can be deceiving!👀
This small cheeseburger and fries are around the same calories as a whole bowl of chilli chicken ramen with noodles. Despite the obvious size difference!

So what does this mean?🤷
You could eat either meal as your dinner and still lose weight so long as you ate in a calorie deficit.

What I’m really saying is that if you balance the numbers, you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. ✅

BUT, should you?

Short answer, No! ❌ You would be more miserable than you’d think!
The cheeseburger and fries might taste better, but the size of this meal is frighteningly small for 631 calories.

The ramen on the other hand is a full-portion meal. It’s in the ‘big plates’ section of the Wagamama’s menu, and I can personally attest to the size of it!

Not to mention the nutrients. The ramen wins hands down. Double the protein and full of vegetables.
This is a high-volume meal that will fill you up, and that high amount of protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

To get the best of both you should try to implement the 80:20 rule:
80% of your diet should be focused on eating whole, non-processed, nutritious foods, and the other 20% is for the foods you crave!

If you can follow that and consume fewer calories than your body needs, you won’t only lose weight, you’ll have a much more enjoyable diet that you’ll be more likely to stick to long term!

And that’s the secret! Keep it to yourselves…🤫
Like and follow for more!


Something caught my eye in the news! 👀

Katie Price's advert for The Skinny Food Co showing off a diet of 755 calories was banned!
This advertisement had been up since August last year and had only recently been removed for 'irresponsibly promoting a diet that fell below 800 kcal a day'.

There are only a handful of cases where diets as low as these are used and they will be prescribed and monitored by a medical professional.

I worry when those in a position of influence start touching on dieting and weight loss. Often they show drastic dieting methods and low-quality, cash-grabbing products which can influence thousands.

As somebody who helps and educates people to lose weight sustainably and healthily, I can promise you do not need to eat 755 calories to lose weight!

In fact, most won't need to go below 1,500 calories to start seeing weight loss.

So be careful with what you see online!

Read the article below:


I see this all too often. Many desire results as fast as possible and take drastic measures to get there!
I'm talking crash diets on calories recommended for a child, paired with insane workout regimes...

However most won't make it to the end of their X-week insanity program, and those who do will often reverse the progress made in a similar amount of time!🤯

So how do we get the results we want and make them stick?🤔
Well, we start by taking it slower, working some healthy habits into our lives, and then repeating them till they become second nature.
Sounds boring but it works!

Your current habits got you the body you have now.

We must work on creating healthy habits whilst breaking the patterns of old habits.

And if you'd like to know how we do that, simply like and follow for more no-nonsense advice!👋


This is one of the last things you’d expect to hear from a personal trainer, but enjoying some junk food will not stop you from making progress towards your goals!🍕🍔

In fact, withholding foods you crave for too long may eventually cause you to crack and have them anyway, sometimes in out-of-control portion sizes!😬

This can lead to guilt about ‘messing up your diet’ which is often the cause of many dropping their fitness goals.

Aiming for around 75% nutrient-dense, whole foods is a good goal to aim for.✔️
This lets you enjoy the foods you love whilst also ensuring you get all the benefits of eating well!

This method has helped many of my clients stay on the path toward their goals for significantly longer than compared to their attempts at 100% clean eating!

So don’t rule out that burger or pizza you crave! Just keep it in moderation and get some greenery on your plate too!🥗

If you’d like advice or guidance on incorporating the foods you love whilst working on your health and fitness goals, send me a message!👋

Photos from Sam O’Dwyer PT's post 01/03/2024

Weight loss is not linear. 📉
You’d expect the weight to come off slowly and consistently right?

When in fact your weight on the scales can fluctuate so much that it can often look like you’re making no progress at all!

There are many reasons for fluctuating body weight on the scales, so don’t get discouraged if you see the numbers bounce around.

If you have seen success with your methods before but you’re now experiencing a stall, keep on your path!
If it worked before and you’ve changed nothing, chances are it’s still going to continue working for you.

Scales aside, you might notice a difference visibly or physically too. The takeaway point here is that the weight you see on the scale doesn't paint the full picture!

However, if you do see no downward trend on the scales after two to three weeks then it might be time to question a change in your methods.

If your progress has stalled, shoot me a message and we’ll get you back on track!👍



You read that right! 👀
Most supplements you see advertised are not worth your time or money.🫰

The only two I can recommend are Protein powders and Creatine Monohydrate.

Protein is used to build and repair muscle tissue after your workouts, so adding in a protein shake can certainly be effective at maximising your muscle gains.

But even then, if you manage to meet your protein goals with whole foods you won’t even need protein powders!

Creatine is certainly useful. It’s well-researched and has been proven to show increases in power output and improve the time it takes for muscles to recover between sets.
Simply take 5g per day and you’ll receive the benefits!

If you want to try other supplements be sure to do your research! Though some can have their uses, not all are necessary!

If you found this helpful or I saved you any money, drop a like and a follow for more fitness tips!👍

Photos from Sam O’Dwyer PT's post 02/02/2024

It’s not too late to start.

But maybe you’ve convinced yourself that because January is over, you’ve missed the New Year's fitness bandwagon.

Sure it’s great to start the year off motivated and active, but the reality is that many of us experience January blues, and jumping into a fitness routine can be daunting.

We are 9% through the year.

That means you have 91% of the year left to make changes.

Remember, progress is progress, no matter when it begins. Take it one step at a time, stay motivated, and celebrate your successes along the way!

Good news – my New Year program is on sale until the end of February. If you're ready to see changes like the one above, click the link below and let's make the remaining 91% of the year count! 💪


Here are a few of my client's weekly wins! Everyone is smashing it this year! 👊

January can be a tough month for many but with the right information and tools, along with a bit of determination, you can reach your goals! 💪😁

Remember your fitness journey is a marathon, not a sprint!
Take each day as it comes!

Photos from Sam O’Dwyer PT's post 16/01/2024

Let’s start our 2024 fitness journey together 💪

My New Year 12-week coaching plan is now available!

If you want to focus on your health and fitness this year and would like to learn the methods for long-term and sustainable results, then this is the perfect starting point!

12 weeks of online coaching, full support throughout and all at your pace.
I design plans that are customised to your goals, level of fitness, and your lifestyle.
We’ll make sure your fitness fits into your life, not the other way around!

What you get:

✔️Full support - Regular calls will be provided as well as messaging through WhatsApp for questions, updates, and guidance.
✔️Personalised plans - Workouts that fit around your lifestyle and tastes, so you enjoy what you’re doing!
✔️Diet & activity guidance - Advice that helps you continue making progress outside of workouts.
✔️Flexibility - For those training at the gym or home
✔️Free informational guides to help you learn the methods to sustaining your results long-term
✔️Accountability and encouragement all the way along your journey!

And all for less than £1.79 a day. (cheaper than any coffee you could buy 👀)

What you don’t get:

❌Copy and paste hyped-up workouts
❌Restrictive chicken and rice diets
❌An unresponsive, non-sympathetic coach

DM me for more information or visit the link below to enquire!

Let's get this year started right. 💪😁


Happy New Year everyone! 🎉

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
If any of you are chasing some fitness goals this year I wish you all the best on your journey ahead! 💪

If you wondering how to get started or would like guidance toward your goals I offer two services, Online Coaching and Personal Training!

If you're interested in losing weight, building muscle, or improving your health and fitness feel free to get in contact via a direct message or an enquiry through my website! I love to help you meet your goals!

I currently run my Personal Training sessions at BodyTek Gym PTF in Ellington. But my Online Coaching is available wherever you are!


It can be tricky to balance your health and fitness goals with the festivities of the Christmas period. Here are five tips to help you be Merry and Mindful! 🎄

1) Indulge mindfully. Enjoy your favourite holiday treats but in moderation! Savour each bite and focus on quality over quantity.

2) Stay active. Keep moving! 🏃 Perhaps you can schedule a quick workout amidst the festivities! Even a little brisk walk can make all the difference!

3) Prioritise protein and veggies 🍗 Load up on protein and veg to maintain a nutritious balance with those treats and to help keep you feeling fuller for longer.

4) Mindful choices. Be selective and choose your indulgences wisely! Just mentally check in with your cravings before you dive in!

5) Plan and prep. Prepare some healthy snacks or meals in advance to avoid impulsive choices when hunger strikes!

I hope you find these tips useful, though do remember the holidays are a time for celebration and they only come around once a year!

Enjoy the food, the drinks, and the company,
we can still find balance between enjoying the festivities whilst maintaining our health and fitness goals!

If you have any tips for staying balanced during the holiday season share them below! 🎁🎄


Let's talk about all these '10-minute fat-loss workouts'... 🤔

Whilst they are certainly better than nothing, they are not nearly as effective as they claim!

No humane amount of burpees or star jumps is going to burn enough calories on its own to make fat loss occur.

The ‘10-minute fat-loss workout’ you saw on Facebook isn’t going to make your weight loss dreams come true.

At best, your full effort will burn around 200 calories (give or take!) in 30 minutes.

And if that workout leaves you exhausted and ravenous, you might just replace those calories burnt and then some! 🍔🍕🍰

I know these quick fixes sound great, and we all wish they were true. But the cold hard truth is that we cannot replace consistent effort and discipline!

Aim to cut back on calorie-dense, highly processed foods and replace your ‘10-minute fat-loss workouts’ with a 30-minute walk.

I promise these will work far better and you’ll feel far better too!

If you’d like guidance and support towards your fitness goals, feel free to message me here or get in contact via my website!


"I don't have time to go to the gym but I need to lose weight"

Whilst the gym is an amazing tool for growing muscle and increasing calorie expenditure it is NOT necessary for weight-loss alone.

And that might sound strange coming from a personal trainer!

If time is an issue and you cannot find a way to make it work then that's okay.

I’ve worked with clients that have achieved great weight-loss results through food and walks alone!

Focus your efforts on making smart food choices and learning about nutrition.

Combine this with an increased step count and you’ll be well on your way to your weight-loss goals.

I hope this helps some of you who have avoided getting started toward your goals due to time constraints, you can make it work!

If you'd like support and guidance to help propel you towards your goals then send me a message here or visit my website linked in my bio!


For those who didn't already know I offer two services, Online Coaching and Personal Training!

Whether you are just starting out on your fitness journey, or you're looking for guidance towards a goal I can help!

I currently run my Personal Training sessions at BodyTek Gym PTF in Ellington. But my Online Coaching is available wherever you are.

If you're interested in losing weight, building muscle, or improving your health and fitness feel free to get in contact via a direct message or an enquiry through my website! I love to help you meet your goals!


Have you struggled with weight loss in the past?
A couple weeks in you begin to doubt yourself and throw in the towel?

Well, I've got some advice to help combat the doubt!


Everyone starts with the best intentions of meeting their weight loss goals. They set high targets and implement hefty lifestyle changes.

But the trouble is everyone expects perfection.
If you miss a gym session or fail to eat a salad for the fourth dinner this week, you start to doubt yourself.

That doubt builds over time until you decide to listen to it...
“I can’t do this”, “It’s too much”, “Perhaps this isn’t for me...”

So what can you do to combat this? How do you beat the doubt?

In my experience, setting realistic targets and being kind to yourself is the antidote.

5 sessions at the gym and salads every night is a tough target!
How about you try 3 sessions a week and focus on making vegetables a priority in each dinner?

And if you miss one session, or end up with a takeaway after a long day keep faith in yourself that tomorrow you’ll do your best!

Every little win adds up. Each time you stumble you can find your footing once more.
Changes get easier with time, and consistency creates results!

So do what you can manage now, and once it gets easier see if you can handle a little more.
And when you mess up, acknowledge it, accept it, and move forward!


I hope this helps you on your weight loss journey!
My inbox is always open if you have any questions or need advice!

And if you’re ready to tackle your fitness journey head on I can help guide and support you along the way through my online coaching program.
Just send me a message and we’ll get you started!


Ready to learn the best-kept secret diet for weight loss?

The one diet proven to work.

Well, here it is...

Follow these 3 easy guidelines:

1. Avoid fats like the plague.
2. Avoid all sugars, they spike insulin and prevent fat loss.
3. Avoid any and all processed foods. Get your energy from sunlight instead.

Okay okay, you got me... Now I'm really going to tell you the best-kept secret diet for weight loss.
..The truth is, there isn't one! 🤷

Whatever diet you decide on plays little to no part in deciding if you'll lose weight or not.

All diets that claim to work do so by creating an energy deficit.
Simply put, you're taking in less calories than you're burning.

So if you enjoy the keto diet? Great.
Do you prefer a meatless diet? Cool.
Do you want to keep eating chocolate? No problem.

Any and all diets will work for weight loss if you can ensure the energy balance tips towards an energy deficit.

My best advice?

Pick the diet that suits you the most, the one you can stick to when it gets hard.
This is the best way to ensure long-term, sustainable results.

If you're ready to make a change and start your weight loss journey, send me a message!


Here are some weekly wins from my fantastic clients.

This has to be the best part of my job, seeing all their hard work and effort pay off! Change is never easy, but these guys always push through.

I give them the knowledge, tools, and support they need to push toward their goals and they put in the work!

If you're interested in starting your fitness journey feel free to message me directly!


Are you ready to make a change? Ready to tackle your fitness & health goals head-on?

I’m offering 3 individuals looking to make a change to their body and mindset 12-weeks of my Online Coaching package at a 50% reduced rate whilst I trial new software!

Online Coaching is a fantastic option for anyone with fitness experience or not.
You get all the benefits of a personal trainer without the time constraints of set sessions and at a fraction of the price.
Together we’ll work to create a plan specifically designed for you to propel you toward your goals!

Throughout the 12-weeks you will receive:

- Diet and lifestyle advice suited to you so that we work on building sustainable and healthy habits that last.

- Personalised training programs designed around your goals and preferences so that you always enjoy your sessions.

- Full support with regular contact through WhatsApp messenger, weekly feedback, as well as scheduled fortnightly calls to keep an open dialog.

If you’re interested, please follow the link below to enquire or message me here.
I’d love to schedule a call to chat about your goals!

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Cambridge?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

When I began my weight loss journey I thought all I needed to do was run, so that's what I did.I tried to run almost eve...
It’s always been my goal to help people live their lives happy and confident; knowing I’ve helped my clients achieve thi...
Not getting the results you want from the gym? Make sure you’ve got these nailed down!Having a plan, tracking your sessi...
You don’t need to put in hours at the gym! ⏳We all think doing more will be better for us, but this often leads to a lot...
Here’s a quick, easy, and healthy snack with 25g of protein for just 300 calories!Greek yogurt makes for an ideal snack ...
You don’t need to avoid your favourite foods to meet your fitness goals!One of my favourite foods is pizza🍕 In fact it i...
Making like for like swaps in your diet can help to reduce your calorie intake with very little effort!We’re simply swap...




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