Corpus Christi College Boat Club

The boat club of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Founded in 1828 and rowing on the Cam.

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 14/05/2024


Some days will go down in Corpus rowing history. Bedford Regatta 2024 is one of them 🏅🏅

Race one saw Corpus take on our bumps neighbours Pembroke W2, who they won against by over three boats lengths. An incredibly solid race to kick off the day and get a feel for the course!

After an ice cream and a nap for some crew members, the evening saw them take on Churchill W2. The opposition gave a big start, but Corpus held their ground and stayed well ahead for a powerful race to the finish, adding a second win to the day.

The final round was set to be tense - Corpus were to face Peterhouse W1, a boat over 10 places above them in the Bumps chart. They set off hard, keeping pace with Peterhouse until around halfway, where they made their move, coming through the inside bend to track them down. As the last 500m hit, and James told them to ‘row for their lives’, our girls pulled everything out of the bag to overtake, and finish 3/4 of a boat length up on Peterhouse. It was a simply incredible win, and a total showing of the team spirit and hours of training.

We are so amazingly proud!!! ❤️🤍❤️🤍

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 11/03/2024

To celebrate 40 years of women at Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, the boat club invited our lovely alumni for a rowing session!

It was so nice to have some ex-rowers back in the boat for a spin, and some old corpuscles try their hand at the sport we love so much❤️ Such a lovely (if rainy!) way to welcome our alumni women back and for our ladies side to meet the women who blazed the trail for them in their bumps days!



W1: BUMP ⬆️

It’s day three and a mixed day for our lovely Corpuscles!

W1 had a beast of a row: Girton was swift off the start line, but the ladies pushed them away! They kept rowing hard, coming into the plough, and as usual our ladies pulled our all the stops in front of the crowd! Gaining on them in front of the pub garden, they delivered a decisive bump on Ditton corner! 🏅

Our gents were out with strength today - a huge row off the start to defend their bump from yesterday. But just as they met Grassy corner, Churchill went in for the kill in a slapping revenge for yesterday - bumping them with their quick starts. We are amazingly proud of our boys, and we’re sure they’ll be out with extra strength tomorrow! ❤️❤️

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 29/02/2024



It’s day two and what a day it was!

First up was our ladies who set off out for a big bump chasing down Magdalene. Following some tight corners, a boat sandwich formed of Corpus, Magdalene and Medwards. As our girls pulled two whistles on Magdalene, they just caught a bump on Medwards! The ladies then had a smooth, safe row over - conserving energy to grab Medwards tomorrow.

Our gents were out for blood today, grinding Churchill down in the long game until they grabbed them just before the P&E - adding a second to their collection. A hard-earned bump we are really proud of! Is that blades I smell for our boys do we think..? 👀

As usual, insanely proud of both teams who put out huge rows today in the rain! ❤️❤️

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 27/02/2024


Both Corpus Men and Women made sure they ate their greens today - making a big old chomp into Girton on both sides.

Our ladies pulled an amazing row, managing to handle an overhead crab and STILL pull a bump on Girton just outside the plough - as usual the girls perform their best with a crowd!

Our gents came of the start line strong, getting a whistle on Girton, who just managed to pull away. The boys took advantage - tiring them out until they couldn’t do it anymore. The lads banked a great bump on Ditton - righting last years row over!

The crews have tomorrow off, but tune in again on thursday to see W1 chase Magdalene and M1 chase Churchill ❤️🚣‍♀️

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 27/02/2024


S: Lachlan. At 6’3 of scottish accent, we’re never sure if lachlan’s competitive streak is about a love for rowing or a wish to beat the english at everything. Either way - he’s experienced, strong, and ready to pilot the men’s boat to victory!

7: Tom. Tom has rowing talent in his blood, and fondly seen as all brawn and no brain in the boat (despite his maths degree). What we do know is that he pulls massive watts - so no one minds!

6: Wipsey. Grandad will said no rowing. Grandad will is still in the boat. Grandad will is so experienced and natural in a boat that he will inevitably find his way back into one, even against his will. Poor grandad will.

5: Jonny. Jonny is by far the softest spoken in the boat, thoroughly loved by all, even if he only just discovered hip flexors. He’s experienced, calm and majorly talented. Johnny is cool but fierce in 5.

4: Owen. Have you seen the blonde guy? You know the blonde guy? With the bandana? Iconic hair is Owens most notable trait - but turns out he’s also MEGA in a boat.

3: Aadi. Insanely strong. Questionable technique. Easily voted the most vocal in the boat (for better or worse!) Aadi embodies the traditional three seat role in every way - except we have to admit he can pull some insane watts.

2: Kamil. With height on his side, Kamil is nicknamed ‘the three seat of bowside’ - please refer to aforementioned commentary on three. Kamil is ready to get some power in to track down a bump.

Bow: Richard. Both W1 and M1 bow seats run by the same philosophy that being short with massive thighs works. Richard’s enormous power, despite limited height, makes him the perfect bow.

Coxing is Luce, thoroughly loved by every club member. Luce is calm - so calm in fact that they have become well known for sneaking in a nap any time, anywhere. Jokes aside, Luce’s laser focus is sure to win some solid bumps.

Coaching is the great Jack Hughes - new to the Corpus team this term Jack has trialed his hand with the Corpus men to wonderful results. Alongside him is the trusty Forbes, who has sailed the men to victory in the past. Let’s go for another huge bumps campaign!

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 26/02/2024


S: Mayeule. With her velvety french tones and consistent reminders that breakfast is at the end of every outing - her and her whopping erg scores are ready to pilot this boat into bump after bump.

7: Carla. Carla brings heaps of experience to the boat while also organising most of the W1 social events! Her leg power and love for the ladies side is totally unmatched.

6: Bella. Bella needs no introduction. There are few rowers who have ever watched her erg - mainly because they would simply faint at her insane times. She’s truly the whole rowing package - fit, strong, and hugely experienced.

5: Amber. Powered by chaos and quads, Amber is the power house ex-rugby player every boat wishes they have. With an infectious laugh and muscles we are all very jealous of, Amber is a well oiled machine in 5.

4: Millie. The first of our 2023 novices, it was love at first erg for W1 and Millie, as half of us panicked we were about to lose our seats to this complete natural new rower. Millie’s first bumps is sure to be an amazing one.

3: Sophie. Sophie is wonderfully experienced, sandwiched between our two 2023 novices, and her endless fitness from ultimate frisbee has us all wondering how she can simply go on forever!

2: Julia. The other half of our 2023 novice duo, Julia’s incredible calm and natural technique made her a perfect 2. Totally lovable in all ways, the whole boat has their trust in Julia to give us those tricky taps at the start!

B: Erin. At 5’3 I’m not sure watts is my strength - but I cross my fingers that experience makes up for it! If I’m not naming the wildlife, my competitive streak is emerging in sparring (especially if against a men’s boat!)

Coxing is the wonderful James. Trying to quantify W1’s love for James is impossible - it is simply too large. Favourite calls include ‘maybe try this time’ and ‘sit. the. boat’ - both work about 50% of the time.

Of course, we wouldn’t be anywhere without Luke and Tak. Tak’s firm but fair hand has brought us far, and our ability to convince Luke we don’t need to do another reach run has brought us even further 😉 We adore them, and thank them for their time, care and effort. ❤️

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 25/02/2024

Norwich head - just wow. A wonderful day on an amazing river with the best people! 🏅

This weekend, W1 packed up the trailer and took on Norwich head. With two overtakes on 99s and COWS, it was truly an exceptional race to bring home a stunning win in the division - super super proud! A special shout out should be given to our cox James, who was simply exceptional and guided us through a gruelling 5k with skill, grit and encouragement.

After trekking through small lakes, being up to our thighs in water, squared up to be a swan, and 3/8 rowers ending up on their asses in mud, our ladies had the best day - fuelled by dates, chocolate raisins, sophie’s homemade cookies and of course mint tea.

Enormous thank you to our coaches and who we completely cherish and wouldn’t be here without!

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 06/02/2024

Action shots have arrived from Newnham Head!

Our three boats raced fiercely at Newnham head this weekend - Our men throwing a huge row to bring about 3rd out of 10 in their division, and the Ladies 1s bringing a powerful 6th out of 14. The wind got the better of our gorgeous W2, causing an argument with the bank but they’ll be back with vengeance for bumps!

Super proud of all three boats who raced hard and fast through the wind to produce a stunning race - and some equally lovely photos!

Up next, Pembroke Regatta (my personal favourite race) is looming it’s head…

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 28/01/2024

Head to Head update!!

Corpus takes the first race of 2024 - and what a race it was! With each crew covering 4k each, there was plenty of time to show how meaty they were 👀

All three teams enjoyed fresh legs and the right winds in the first half - legging it up to the motorway bridge in the first half. The W1 4+ even managed a cheeky overtake as a result of another crews crash!

After a spin, the crews set on the leg home, where both 8s crews really showed their stuff with some monster rows and sexy times for all crews 👀 We are hugely proud!

Keep your eyes peeled for the next fleet of red boats in the coming weeks…

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 30/11/2023

Let’s hear it for the ladiesss!!!

Our Senior women are treating us with not one, but TWO boats! An action packed 8 and a formidable 4 - let’s see what the ladies have in store for us on this cold winter week!


Ladies and Gentlemen it is time to welcome… The Corpus Originals!!

Made up of Corpus’ best alumni (two of whom also happen to be our wonderful current coaches) this boat is sure to ROCK fairbairns with their experience and talent. Bring it on!

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 29/11/2023

‘Twas the night before fairbairns, and all through the boat, not a rower was stirring, just hoping they’d float…

It’s fairbairns-eve kids - crews just dropped. Tune in tomorrow to see how our noble novices did 👀

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 20/11/2023

It’s that time of year again for Emma sprints! ❤️❤️

Our ladies brought a beautiful win in against Medwards, thanks to some absolute power rowing! But sadly, Emma just about beat us when a crab attack occurred - but hey would it be Emma sprints without a crab or two? Super proud ladies, bring on fairburns!

Our fantastic gents had a great day in their pyjamas - with an initial loss to Clare Hall the lads came back fighting to kick Christs to the curb for a brilliant win!

Massive congratulations to both teams for strong rows!!

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 13/11/2023

Winter Head time!

First up it was our men’s 4+! This photo displays the vibes so well it just had to come first - Tom, Richard, Gary and Joe composed the fantastic foursome who stormed their race with a super strong result! Big love for these guys!

Our terrific ladies had a power house of a row - we had big watts to deliver a strong result of 14th out of 25 in the div! It was especially nice to see the lovely Georgette back to sub for us :) And to see those cracking uni suits back on the water, we are looking cool as ever! Go corpus ladies! (some mean action shots promised)

And of course - our wonderful men’s 8, whose speed was just too much for the boat in front! With the 4 from earlier in the day back for round 2 with the rest of the team, our men were just too fierce and ended up in a bit of a pile up as the boat they chased wouldn’t give up their race line. But have no fear, they still pulled an amazing time and will be back with vengeance! (lachlan promises to personally challenge any non-conceding boats to a duel in the future)

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 07/11/2023

Huge congrats to our wonderful novices for Quergs this weekend! We pulled some massive watts on both teams and couldn’t be prouder. Onwards to Winter head coming this weekend 👀 watch this space …

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 29/06/2023

And finally, it’s me, as your new social media manager!

My name is Erin Stoner and I am a third year HSPS student! I’ve spent the past year rowing for W1, and I’m super excited to be responsible for all the online goings on of the boat club! I’ll be posting regularly to update on all our antics, and hype up our members! Enjoy putting a face to all the posts made on here for the next year, and be prepared for maximum dad jokes :))

(swipe for a cute ‘handing over of social media’ photo of me and Oliver)


As Captain of Boats, it’s Bella Becket!

Bella is in the third year of her PhD in Biology, and her role is - in short - the head honcho of CCCBC. As Captain of Boats, she oversees everything on both the men’s and women’s sides and is responsible for the overall well-being of CCCBC - she is the main representative of the boat club. As the 2022/23 Womens Captain, Bella has plenty of experience both on and off the water with the club to be an awesome Captain of Boats!


As Women’s captain, it’s Mayeule Huard!

‘Hi!! I'm Mayeule and I will be women's captain this year. I started rowing as a novice four years ago in Corpus and have since then absolutely loved the sport and the wholesome atmosphere of the boat club! I am doing the ELAC MPhil specialising in Italian literature. I'm really excited for this new year and all it will bring !’ - words from the lady herself!

As women’s captain, Mayeule will be organising the women’s side to keep their rowing as strong as ever!


As Men’s captain, it’s Lachlan Kennedy!

‘I’m Lachlan and I am going to be this years Men’s captain. I’m a third year music student and have rowed for 2 years, novicing at Corpus. I’m really looking forward to carrying on the success that M1, M2 and our NM1 have enjoyed over the last year or 2.’ - Mr Kennedy himself

As Men’s Captain, Lachlan will be using his Scottish tones to organise the men’s side to make their race campaigns as huge as ever!


As Men’s Captain, it’s Lachlan Kennedy!

Lachlan is a third year music student, and his role is to use those Scottish tones to organise the men’s side and all their adventures this year! His job will be to oversee the men, organising outings and setting teams as well as acting as men’s representative. With his undying devotion to all things rowing, we know Lachlan will make a brilliant captain for our men!


As sponsorship officer - it’s the wonderful Amy Folkard!

Amy is a fourth year earth scientist, and a has been a fantastic cox for the club for the last two years. Amy’s job is to keep in touch with our wonderful alumni to make sure that the boat club is well supported, and promoting the club outside of Cambridge to show everyone just how cool we are!


This years Lieutenant is Jack Sydenham!

Jack is in his third year of his Chemistry PhD, and is a devoted rower for the men’s side! As Lieutenant, Jacks job will be to sort stash and Boat Club dinners for the boat house (the two best parts of rowing of course). He is also responsible for maintenance of the ergs (the worst part of rowing of course…) We’re super excited to welcome Jack to the committee!


For Womens Lower Boats Captain, we have Carla Briggs!

Carla is a second year PhD student in Biology, and her role will be to recruit our newest members during novice term! Her job will be to look after the lower boats organisation, fitness and team setting, as well as keeping track of all our wonderful novice women! We know that Carla will be the best WLBC for our budding rowers!


For Men’s Lower Boats Captain, we have Jonny Lynne!

Jonny is a second year Bio Natsci, and has been rowing for M1 for the past year! His role will be to recruit the new novice men into rowing and look after the lower boats fitness and organisation. We look forward to seeing him keep track of the brand new rowers who will be joining the men’s team as novices this year and watching them progress in the terms to come!

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 26/06/2023

And that's it from us this term! Here are some of the highlights from the last few weeks!

Now Mays is over, we also handover to the newly elected 2023/24 CCCBC Committee. Best of luck all and we look forward to seeing where you take the club!

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 20/06/2023

Mays '23 BCD!

Rounding off an incredible term and a brilliant Mays campaign, the club celebrated in style with BCD on Saturday night!

You've all put so much into the club this term, and we've all had a real blast.

For some of you, this will sadly mark your last campaign with us. We hope you've had an amazing time rowing with us at CCCBC, and you will all be sorely missed. Thank you for everything you've given our club, and we all wish you the best as you move on to bigger and better things. You will always have a place in our Corpus family and we can't wait to welcome you back to future BCDs and look forward to having you cheer our crews on from the bank! Make sure to keep following us on social media for the latest info on alumni boats and events!

For those of you who'll be back with us in Michaelmas, we hope you have a lovely summer - you've earned it! We can't wait to continue our journey with you in the Autumn!

Yeeaahh Corpus ♥️🤍♥️

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 19/06/2023

Mays '23 - Day 4 Round-Up!

The last day of Bumps had everyone on the edge of their seats, and was a real rollercoaster of a day for the club.

▶️ M1 began the day +3, and so were on the hunt for blades. They truly gave it everything and showed off their rowing prowess with an incredible performance that demonstrates all the hard work they've put in this term. However, unfortunately for the boys, they weren't quite able to catch up to Fitz in front before they bumped out, resulting in a solid row over that saw them pushing right till the end.

🔽 W1 had a tantalising race, setting off in hot pursuit of Medwards in front of them, out for revenge after yesterday's row over. Once again, the girls powered off the start and were within a length of Medwards right till the end. However, hot on their heels was Pembroke W2 who just managed to get the bump on our W1 coming out of Ditton. Despite this, the girls' spirits remained high, and rightfully so, as they've had a great campaign and there's lots to be proud of!

🔼 M2 made it 3 bumps in as many days, coming out of the blocks strong to catch and bump Hughes M2 before grassy. The bump was almost identical to the one the boys secured against FaT on Friday, and highlights their consistent strength and conviction off the start. Our boys have had a great campaign and you should all be immensely proud of what you've achieved and how far you've come since Lents.

▶️ W2 rounded off their campaign with another textbook row over, fighting off a charging Girton W2 from behind to cement their position at the top of their division. The crew have really given their all to this campaign and you should all be insanely proud of your efforts.

That's it for another year! Massive massive congratulations to everyone who rowed, coxed or coached for Corpus during this Mays campaign - there's so much to be proud of!

Photos from Corpus Christi College Boat Club's post 17/06/2023

Mays '23 - Day 3 Round-Up!

Friday was another great day for us on the river, with good vibes and great rowing all round!

🔼 M1 continued their rampage yesterday, with a gutsy row to secure another bump, this time on Wolfson M1. Once again, the boys demonstrated their tenacity and endurance, overcoming a brush with the bank round Grassy and stepping back on it to close back up to Wolfson and make the bump. Another really strong row boys - very proud. Best of luck tomorrow on your quest for blades, we're all rooting for you!

▶️ W1 dug deep yesterday and were able to bag a comfortable, if exhausting, row over. The girls were chasing Murry Edwards the whole way and were within touching distance, but sadly the bump just evaded them. Nevertheless, the crew showed they have unbelievable persistence and commitment, not once giving up and staying hot on their heels the whole way. With Medwards also rowing over, the rematch is very much on for today and we're all going to be cheering you on!

🔼 M2 capitalised on their success from day 2 to secure their most impressive bump of the campaign so far. Our boys were electric off the start, closing right up behind FaT, and were able to convert this into the bump before they were even out of the first corner. A hugely impressive row and this crew just keeps on giving. Best of luck for your chase with Hughes today.

⏩ W2 now find themselves as the sandwich boat, heading up one division whilst also racing in the division above. This can be a tough position, necessitating racing twice in the heat, but this did not phase our W2. They rowed two incredibly strong races, securing two row overs and proving they've got buckets of stamina. Fantastic work girls, looking forward to seeing you capitalise on this result today!

Good luck to all our crews for the final day of racing - it's going to be a good one!

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Videos (show all)

Lents '23 - Day 4 Race ReportThere's nothing to report from bumps today, as all racing was cancelled due to the conditio...
Check out our latest highlights video of Corpus Women’s recent trip to the other place… 4 ‘bumps’ races in a day, in a 4...
Following The Boat Race here is the highly anticipated highlights video  of W1 taking on the Tideway!Skip to 9:00 for an...
🚣‍♀️ Introducing Corpus W1 🚣‍♀️⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Our final June Eights Regatta crew announcement is W1! After smashing X-Press He...
🚣‍♀️ Introducing Corpus M1 🚣‍♀️⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Next up we’re announcing our magnificent M1 crew. Stroked by the Men’s Captain B...
🚣 Introducing the Corpus M2 4+ 🚣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Tomorrow the Corpus M2 4+ will be racing in the May Bumps replacement Small Boa...


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