Right Mind Fitness

I genuinely believe that there is a place in the gym for everyone, it's just finding where that place is

A page helping you understand nutrition, training and the most important thing getting results.Feel free to drop me a message for help on anything you'd like to know.


Hear Me Out

If you like and enjoy the things on the hand, that’s ok.

Im not here to bash those methods.

It’s more to remind you of the methods that have stood the test of time, the methods that will more than likely yield better results for recovery and just generally better health.

2-Nutrition and hydration
3-Stress management
4-Structured training
5-Good load management

While the above may sound nice and simple, doing the above consistently is bloody hard.

We live in a time where we all fall for gadgets and supplements etc, and in most cases these things don’t offer any benefit to our natural recovery process.

“The magic is in the work you aren’t doing” or how ever you say it.

Also swipe across to see a cool recovery pyramid.

Be mindful of people selling you problem while they also have the cure.

The health and wellness space is worth trillions.



When we set out on a fat loss journey, it’s easy to expect a smooth quick path to our desired weight or look.

But the reality? Fat loss is rarely linear, and for most people it’s going to take a lot longer than what you’d like.

It didn’t take you a couple months to gain the Body fat, its not going to take a couple month to lose it either.

Here are couple clients who have been working through a fatloss phase for a while, we’ve had diet breaks, holidays and moments of plateau where we’ve had to re-assess etc.

All the normal things that go on when we try to achieve fat loss for a long time while trying your best to have a normal life without too many restrictions.

A lot of people give up if they aren’t losing the weight quick enough or they’ve seen a stall or a rise but that’s perfectly normal, the key is to keep going, even though it feels like your progress has stopped.

Below can also be a few factors.

1-Hormonal Changes 
Hormones and even your menstrual cycle can cause temporary weight gain or stalls. These fluctuations are part of your body’s complex regulation system, and as the diet goes on the body tends to become more resistant to fat loss, hence why we need diet breaks etc.

2-Daily Variations 
What you eat, drink, and how you sleep can cause day-to-day fluctuations. It’s important to focus on long-term trends, not daily numbers.

3- You Don’t Need As Much Calories
Essentially you might not be in a deficit anymore, you’ve lost a bit of weight you will need to readjust your daily/weekly energy intake, now you have less body fat you require less daily energy.

Remember, give yourself more time to achieve the goal and understand it’s not going to be perfect, try your best to focus on the small wins, they add up over time.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 04/08/2024

The Lakeland 50 was a brilliantly organised event with an incredible atmosphere—definitely an experience I’ll be returning to in the future.

That “run your own race” mantra went straight out the window though. I knew I was moving too quickly for what I had planned, but I didn’t adjust.

This came back to bite me later.

By the time I reached the Mardale Head checkpoint, I could feel a stomach stitch coming on. I made a quick stop, gulped down a big cup of Coke (not my best decision), and moved on.

I’ve had gut issues before during ultras, often from drinking too much water or drink mix while eating—and, of course, from running relatively too fast.

As I tackled the climb after Mardale, the descent that followed should have been a fast section. Instead, the stitch became worse, and I had to resort to intervals of walking and shuffling.

The next stretch into Ambleside was slow, but I knew from past experience that if I stopped eating and drinking, my stomach would eventually settle. And it did. When I reached Ambleside, the energy of the crowd was amazing, and I got to see Hannah. We sat down, I had some fruit, and I started to feel much better.

After Ambleside, I caught a second wind—a feeling I’ve never experienced before. Usually, I’m just death marching it to the finish, but this time, I could take on fluids and gels again, slowly and morale was high because I had loads of energy in the legs, after Ambleside there are so many runnable sections.

I even managed a wee, which was a good sign.

I had set a rough target of around 12 hours for this race, but after the slow first half, I knew it would be a challenge.

However, I managed to push relatively hard until the end and finished in 12:02, which I’m thrilled about given the earlier struggles.

Now, it’s time to start doing some smaller races between the bigger ones—I need more practice, as training runs just don’t compare.

I’ve had a full week off training which I haven’t done for a few years and it feels fantastic, but I’m also chomping at the bit to get moving again.

If you made it this far, well done!

As always thank you I felt really strong going into this race.


First race back and my first 50 miler.

It’s been a while, probably a bit too long.

But that Dragons Back Race took my soul and knee.

I also did that thing where you try to return to high volume training too quick after a race and it made things worse (shock)

So the next phase of training was all about the building and just taking my time.

And now we’re here.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

Anyways tracking link in in the bio

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 18/06/2024

Now I’ve used the dog to get your attention again!

Water, I know us Pt’s harp on about this kind of stuff, but it’s pretty important.

Swipe across to learn some stuff about water.


Do you drink enough water 👇🏻


After witnessing the sterling effort from the falcons on the SDW 100.

There was a common theme amongst the race, the dreaded C word.


It has been believed for many years that cramps just come down to salt intake.

But as always, it’s never just that simple.
(running would be much smoother if it was just the salt)

Like most things when it comes to training/racing its multifaceted, its never usually the one thing.

-Are you conditioned to the environment you’re about to race in?

-Did you do enough hill work? not just the ups, the downs too?

-Did you let yourself get dehydrated?

-Is what you’re about to do something new?

-Have you got your electrolyte balance right?

-Are you just really bloody fatigued?

-Have you accounted for the heat?

As you can see, there are many questions we need to ask, not just blame salt intake.

The quicker we realise it might not be a salt issue, the quicker we can try and work out the real potential issue.

As always, this a personal thing.


Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 22/05/2024

Hear Me Out

If you like and enjoy the things on the right cool, that’s ok.

I’m not actually here to bash those methods.

It’s more to remind you the things on the left are some of the pillars for recovery and just generally better health.

We live in a time where we all fall for gadgets and gizmos, and in most cases these things can actually hinder our natural recovery process.

The simple things done well still yield the best results in most cases.

The hardest thing is getting people to do the simple things consistently.

“The magic is in the work you aren’t doing” or how ever you say it.

Also swipe across to see a cool recovery pyramid done by .physio

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 30/04/2024

Stride Strong

It’s up and running again.

A strength plan that won’t have you looking like you are carrying carpets while running.

Instead we’ll be focusing on the muscles and joints that will have a positive transfer to your running, we’ll also do some sleeve filling too.

One of the biggest issues that runners face when they try to add weights to their running is the application.
That changes in this plan.

Not only will you learn some moves that will improve your running, you’ll learn how to apply those moves.

You’ll save money by purchasing one of the four options this week.

Swipe across to see if you are the right fit.

Strength in Stride: Balancing Weight Training with Running 22/03/2024

Maximizing Your Running Performance with Weekly Weight Sessions -

Strength in Stride: Balancing Weight Training with Running Today, I’m excited to delve into the realm of combining weight training with running, offering insights into my weekly regimen and how it contributes to my overall fitness goals. As a dedicated runner, I prioritize trying to squeeze out what I can with my performance while ensuring that my workout...


Who remembers when they used to be helpful and informative??

This post is based on podcasts revolving around nutrition.

I heard a saying the other day which feels very pertinent in the realms of Podcasts.

“Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary evidence”

This signifies that the more unlikely a certain claim is, given existing evidence on the subject, the greater the standard of proof that is expected of it.

Podcasts have just become a cesspit of misinformation, and in some cases we have credible people enabling the issue.

I even heard a PHD the other day comparing Coca Cola to orange juice along with many other misleading claims.

Then again we all know that Professors agenda.

When it comes to people making these claims, just think what’s init for them, they usually have a product to sell to you.

“We’ll tell you about the problems you didn’t know you had, and we have the solutions”

Us falling for this stuff comes down to a common trait we all have.

Authority Bias, we trust people with fancy titles.

We hear a Dr or a professor saying XYZ and in most cases we’ll believe it, but a lot of these people have no qualifications in nutrition.

By the way there is tons of good information out there on podcasts, unfortunately they get flooded by the sh*tty ones with the wild claims.

Just remember most of these people get away with saying the things they do, because they know that people won’t go to look up check what’s been said.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 09/01/2024

Low calorie diets.

I mean they do work, if you can STICK to it.

But let’s be honest low calorie diets have been rammed in our faces for years, and no wonder it’s created this low calorie/overeat/low calorie/overeat then fast for 9 days culture.

People constantly losing empowerment or a belief they can achieve the result, because they have been set up to fail.

Here are some of the issues attempting a low calorie diet.

-Most people go at it alone.
-Lack of education around nutrition.
-Not tailored to your needs.
-Over restrictive.
-Can be antisocial.
-People try to do it for too long.

Scroll across to see one of the reasons thats not spoken about!

So when you look at the above, now combine this with an exercise plan, you can see why there is issues with sticking to a low calorie diet.

Always remember, the Dr or person who’s been on a podcast who has an app or a book about nutrition knows nothing about you!

And they usually have no qualifications in nutrition.

He/She doesn’t know you personally.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 04/01/2024

A couple of 8 week online training plans starting this Monday.

For runners who want to lift weights and it not impede on their running.

A strength plan that won’t have you looking like you are carrying carpets while running.

Instead we’ll be focusing on the muscles and joints that will have a positive transfer to your running, we’ll also do some sleeve filling too.

For people that can only train at home and still want to make progress.

All done within the comforts of your own home.

Don’t worry about whether you have kit or not.

I have a plan for both.

Swipe across to see if you are the right fit

Please share this with people you know who would enjoy training at home.

If you are interested or know someone who it will help, then let me know.

And If you fancy getting a specific running plan, then is ya man 🤙🏼


Ready for change?

I know the new year can be a great motivator of change.

But is your environment conducive to change?

It’s ok if it isn’t, I Know there are tons of pressures around at this time of the year.

Don’t feel bad if you start next Monday or even later than that, its your journey.

Let this week be a chance to catch up on work/routine etc, the gym will be there next week.


Fair play to that person stepping into the gym, us coaches know it can be viewed with some fear.

If you are one of these people, then the key is to keep going, consistency triumphs everything, you already know this though.

Try not to worry too much about what to do in the gym, it doesn't matter too much at the moment, just getting there is more important.

Machines are a great place to start btw.

Also, most people that are in the gym, have those same barriers you have.

If you are in a place where health is high on the priority list, then invest in a coach who can guide you to understand the gym a bit more.


After doing one of my online plans

Lucy asked for some nutrition advice, like most people she was fed up of the feeling of you have to track calories to get results.

There is tons of other methods out there to build a better diet.

Here are some of the things we focused on.

-Understand portion control.
-Eat more fruit/veg
-More protein
-More fibre

Now it may seem the above is just too simple, but learning how to adhere to those things consistently is the hard part, most of the time you’ll need guidance on this.


It’s always interesting when you are coach and you here people say:

“Im waiting to get fit enough to get a coach”

I actually think this is about timing over whether a person is waiting to get fit to work with you.

Just remember it’s our job to help you achieve the fitness you are after along with many other things.

The beginning of this whole fitness malarkey Is probably where you need some help the most.

Over the years I’ve heard “I wish I started this sooner” too many times.

Reach out to that coach you’ve been thinking about working with.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 23/11/2023

Run Swole

A strength plan that won’t have you looking like you are carrying carpets while running.

Instead we’ll be focusing on the muscles and joints that will have a positive transfer to your running, we’ll also do some sleeve filling too.

One of the biggest issues that runners face when they try to add weights to their running is the application.

That changes in this plan.

Not only will you learn some moves that will improve your running, you’ll learn how to apply those moves.

You’ll save money by purchasing one of the four options today.

Swipe across to see if you are the right fit.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 15/11/2023

Gathered a good amount of interest on stories with this, and some people are currently running through it.

So I thought I’d actually make a post.

An 8 week strength plan to see you through Christmas.

All done within the comforts of your own home.

Don’t worry about whether you have kit or not.

I have a plan for both.

You will be guided via my app with exercise videos and clear instructions on what to do.

No second guessing on what to do.

There will be tasks and some downloadable resources that will help you on your path to success.

This could also be the perfect plan that eases you back into the gym.

All of that for £50

Swipe across to see if you are right fit

If you are interested, there is a form for you to fill out in the comment box.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 06/11/2023


As much as it seems to be in every food product these days, I think you’ll be surprised when you find out how much we actually need.

Swipe across to find out when you might need to add more.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 01/11/2023

As soon as Lewis sent over the pic on the left I immediately got him to re take a newer picture.

Here are some of the great things Lewis has noticed with dropping some body fat and lifting some weights.

-Waking up with more energy
-Rides his mountain bike better
-Has a good routine with training
-Getting stronger in the gym
-Feels more confident

The list could go on

One of the other great things lewis has learned around nutrition is the fact he went on holiday for roughly 4 weeks and managed to maintain his solid habits, which kept his weight at maintenance.

Lewis has done all this while being a young parent too.

If you fancy learning about how to get some sustainable results, then drop me a message :)

I currently have 2 slots available for 121 online coaching.

Please share this if you know it will help someone.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 28/10/2023

Low calorie diets.

I mean they do work, if you can STICK to it.

But let’s be honest low calorie diets have been rammed in our faces for years, and no wonder it’s created this low calorie/overeat/low calorie/overeat culture.

People constantly losing empowerment or a belief they can achieve the result, because they have been set up to fail.

Here are some of the issues attempting a low calorie diet.

-Most people go at it alone.
-Lack of education around nutrition.
-Not tailored to your needs.
-Over restrictive.
-Can be antisocial.
-People try to do it for too long.

Scroll across to see one of the reasons thats not spoken about!

So when you look at the above, now combine this with an exercise plan, you can see why there is issues when sticking to a low calorie diet.

Always remember, the Dr or person who’s been on a podcast who has an app or a book about nutrition knows nothing about you!

And they usually have no qualifications in nutrition.

He/She doesn’t know you personally.


A lovely review from Vic.

She probably is my busiest client to date.

The constant travel across the country.

The issues working around injuries.

The nutritional barriers we faced.

But we got there, we managed to gain some control amongst the chaos.

I’ll share the HOW on stories tomorrow.


Lois originally came to me for some nutrition coaching and guidance after getting great results from working with her husband.

And as much as she has nearly lost two stone, the biggest thing I’m proud about is taking someone who doesn’t like exercise at all to exercising a few times per week.

And now exercise has become a part of who she is.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 05/10/2023

Dragons Back Blog days 4 to 6 and some things that helped me.

What an amazing event and the ending couldn’t have went better.

I will tweak some bits when I’m home, but for the time being I’m sat next to a pool, lager in hand with the crustiest feet on the complex.


The link is in the comments

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 24/09/2023

Day 2/3 blog is up.

Link in the comments

Day 3 is definitely one of the big hurdles in the race.

It’s long, still a lot of elevation and it’s bloody hot.

And there are also some shops and a pub halfway to tempt you back to reality.

Block those things out and keep plodding.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 28/08/2023

The famous old kit muster for the Dragons Back Race

Bringing back some memories from the Royal Marines.

Next Monday is the start of the simple task of putting one foot in front of the other and not stopping.

Excitement and nervousness are an understatement.

Hopefully by now I would have washed my nuts in a river and eaten lots of chips.

Later in the week I’ll let people know the tracking number etc, I’ve created a link in the bio for donations and other info.

But for now, feet up and eat.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 17/07/2023

What a great day.

Honoured to be a groomsman for Mr and Mrs Mitchell.

A good friend I’ve had for many years, even though his organisational skills are shocking, his other traits make up for it.

Rumour on the streets, Hannah is already more punchy now she’s a Mitchell.


Some of you may have seen some punchy misleading headlines last week about Aspartame.

But once we peel back some layers of the topic there seems to be a common similarity that occurs with most things in life.

Things in moderation.

Below is one of the parts that has been glossed over.

“Aspartame is safe to consume within accepted daily limits, for example, an adult weighing 60kg would have to drink 12-36 cans per day of diet soda every day to be at risk”

As you can see the danger is in the dosage.

Let’s be honest, this is like most things when it comes to nutrition and health, hence why us Pts bang on about moderation so much.

Anyways I hope this has cleared somethings up, drop me a message if you have anymore questions.

Im off to consume 11 cans of diet coke.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 28/06/2023

We’ve been lied to again.

The Metabolism.

It may not function the way you think.

Myth 1

-Eating late at night slows down your metabolism.

Eating late at night will not slow your metabolism down.In fact our bodies are still active at night, keeping us functional and healthy through processes like breathing and maintaining our heartbeat. 

Myth 2

-Eating certain foods or taking certain supplements can speed up my metabolism.

You’ve probably seen claims about the idea that certain superfoods or supplements have the ability to fire up your metabolism. These are usually pushed by the people who have something to sell to you.

Myth 3

-Slim people tend to have faster metabolisms.

Generally speaking, slimmer people don't have faster metabolisms than people who weigh more. In fact, the bigger your body, the more calories you burn. Basal (or resting) metabolism refers to the total number of calories all the cells in the body need to stay alive and functioning.

So the next time someone tries to sell you some metabolism pill, it’s probably a load of Tripe.

I hope this post has cleared a few myths that you thought to be true about your metabolism.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 15/06/2023

Hear me out

I know the time we live in is all about calorie deficit, tracking, fasting etc.

But in most cases we are not actually nourishing our needs.

But here is something I have found with clients which has been a massive success over time and its quite simple.

Eat more

But there’s a catch

It needs to be good quality

Adding good quality Protein/Carb/Fat sources and lots of veg to your main meals in most cases leaves you feeling satisfied.

With most of my fat loss clients, we don’t really talk about removing foods, but adding better quality foods

This can be a great tactic for people that struggle with snacking too.

Try it

Also, three solid meals a day is a good idea.

Photos from Right Mind Fitness's post 12/06/2023

F*ck me that was hot!

Great couple of days training across the Rhinogs and Cadair Idris.

Fortunate to have the heat, of late day 1/2 have been hot, so some good practice.

Thank you to you guys were very helpful and knowledgeable, loads of good tips to be had.

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Videos (show all)

PART 2 Earlier in the week we covered some nice basic movements.And this week we’ve progressed some of them.As always, f...
There is still fear mongering in our industry around exercise.What to do, what you shouldn’t do.Ignore it, doing anythin...
Dragons Back One PushTrying to do the DBR course in one go, something like the Spine ish.What an epic few days seeing th...
A few of the perks of adding some strength work to your diary while running.As always, many people have issues with the ...
Heart Rate Monitors Every dam time, even worse when its still wet from the last session.Also, not my idea, saw this on e...
A common saying among most of the people I work with.“I wish I started sooner”I know we can all fall to the defeat of ag...
The weekly tick over.Hitting all the muscle groups that assist with running and some extras.Between 3/5 sets and 4/8 rep...
As annoying as niggles can be.You can always still work around them.With running it may be dropping mileage or frequency...
I’ll always have a bias to people being coached, and it’s not just down to me being a coach or because I get coached.It’...
Take your time.Especially when starting out, or returning back to training.Let your body gain some strength and momentum...
A few tips for your gym success.1- Needs to be affordble.If it’s more expensive, hopefully you get a better service.2- K...
Reposted because insta cut it short, but then again you probably skipped past anyways.Wearing the right kit can make the...


Unit 17

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