Colchester Caring for Our Cats

Helping Colchesters Cats and Kittens in need

Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 12/12/2023

Colchester Caring for Our Cats Fundraising is the place for lots of goodies…..

Please click the link if you haven’t already joined.

We start the 12 Days of Christmas today with lots more great goodies available…..

Thank you to everyone who donates and purchases from this group…..

And thank you to the Admins who manage this because it’s a rather busy group and a lot of hard work…..

Merry Christmas

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Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 11/12/2023

Merry Christmas Jasper and Sylvester…..

Born outside and rescued by us with their mum Tilly who has been adopted by the lady who found her…..

Absolutely beautiful babies who went to their new home yesterday……

We are thinking they are rather settled……

The power of technology, would your puss cats sit with hats on!! Love the effect……

Have an amazing life boys, your mummy will be very proud of you…..

Be happy, be safe and behave

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Merry Christmas from Bobbie and Hannah

Both former colony cats, both loving cuddles and both survivors…..

The tree goes up this week…..


There’s something very special about an outdoor cat that trusts…….

Do you have a puss that started off as feral, outdoors or unpredictable and they have adapted to us humans??

Let’s be seeing them….



Banana 0

Selkirk Rex 1

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Lucinda is still very scared but she is venturing out now and it’s all positive steps # #


Don’t forget boxes, bags and gifts…..

We are sharing the joy this Christmas with Hollyview animal sanctuary and Frinton Feline Aid with whom we work closely……

You can drop off or we are out collecting Saturday 16th morning and afternoon
Sunday 17th afternoon

Please send us a message to book a collection

Thank you for your continued support

Merry Christmas

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My name is Shadow. I’ve been with the cat people for a few weeks now. My sister is here too but she’s a bit camera shy….

Our Daddy loved us very much and his Daddy asked if we could come and stay when he got poorly and didn’t come home.

They said Daddy is in heaven and is looking down on us, we think about him lots because he had us from babies, and that’s 5 years.

We are in a lovely house and there is a boy cat called Loki that likes to play, he shares his toys with us and that’s very kind of him.

We were very sad when Daddy didn’t come home but Grandad said he would make sure we were safe and loved because that’s what Daddy would want.

Me and my sister will be looking for homes indoors when we are a bit braver as it’s all very new to us.

Thank you to Sheena for having us and making us feel safe and loved.

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Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 10/12/2023

Of course Santa is red haired…….

We have the proof……

Rudy is one very special boy who took months to get safe and some great people out there in the community helped trap him.

He now spends his days looking rather gorgeous and promoting the benefits of 3 legs, less paws to clean….

We are so delighted to receive this update as we approach Christmas because the day he went in the trap is the day his life changed……

His family followed him from his first post and have given him the best ever home.

Merry Christmas Rudy, and we believe in Santa, Santa Paws that is…..

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You can follow Rudy on his instagram, an absolute star # # # # #


“I’m dreaming of a Red Christmas”

And another update, Frankie and Ernie looking amazing just over a week after adoption…..

There is just something about a ginger and there sure is something special about these two…..

Merry Christmas

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Oh how we love an update……

After a week in their new home Theo, Tom and Louie are settling in rather well we think…..

The boys remain best friends aswell as brothers …..

We are loving the new names……

Merry Christmas boys, what a beautiful picture of you all.

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It’s beginning to look a lot like babies…….

Daisy, who came into foster a few days ago along with her older kittens is getting ready to have her next litter…..

She is absolutely huge and we are so glad she is safe indoors and not outside in temperatures that would mean the kittens would be unlikely to survive…..

Her birthing box is ready and we think her belly is ready too…..

To be continued……

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Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 08/12/2023

Wendy and the team at Whitworth Veterinary Practice Ltd are supporting us again with their fabulous Christmas Hamper.

We are always up in Felixstowe so happy to bring back to Colchester or drop off to the surrounding area if you are the lucky winner.

Tickets are £1 per strip. It’s cash at the practice or you can comment with how many strips and pay on PayPal or bank transfer, we will forward to Lucinda at the practice to get your numbers allocated.

A great prize with all proceeds coming to us.

Merry Christmas!!

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Why did you keep selling my kittens?

Why did you leave me behind?

Why did you let me get so thin and have such bad fleas?

Why? Look at me, what did I do wrong?

Why did the housing people turn up to put grates on the house? Because you left.

Why do I still have milk? Because you sold my babies before you left.

Why am I safe now? Because someone who cared got in touch.

Welcome to safety little lady, we have done our best to settle you in and clean you up a bit.

You will be safe this Christmas.

We are absolutely disgusted with her condition and the circumstances of her arrival.

We have called her Spirit.

We are speaking with the housing officers so please be mindful on comments as we hope to get some justice for her.

Neglected and exploited
2 ish years old

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Yes it’s curly……

It makes me very special…..

Thank you for saying nice things about me……..

Lots of love Lucinda

Survivor and brave girl

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Tonight Lucinda took on some huge fears…..

She allowed touch and responded with head bumps…..

She is still very jumpy and hides at the slightest noise……

We have no idea what she has been through but we do know giving her time and space means when she’s ready, she will come to us….

Of course the lure of the toy box is just too much….and with Phoenix as her bouncer there was no stopping her!!

Merry Christmas Lucinda, lots of lovely things will be under the tree for you this year little lady….

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Sometimes there is just that bond……

Bobbie is making sure Pumpkin has washed behind his ears…..

Merry Christmas Bobbie and Pumpkin

2 of our most special little boys.

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Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 07/12/2023

Merry Christmas Cookie was Tabitha……

These little cats amaze us….

After experiencing the worse they go on to experience the best…..

And make lots of new friends along the way!!

Now living the best life, her time as a stray a distant memory…..

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Merry Christmas Willow

Currently modelling the charity shop bargain basket ermmmm made for the fuller figure blue cat…..

The first blue Christmas of safety not exploitation……

Merry Christmas

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Fern is loving her new life……

Here she is practising her new skills….

Christmas tree still intact we see!!

Merry Christmas Fern, so glad you found the home you so deserve.

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Merry Christmas Phoenix…….

If ever there is a reason not to make your bed it comes in blue, with legs and a tail….

Inclined to hiss but is a big softie at heart….

Thank you for all the support the blue cats have received since they were saved in May this year….

Phoenix is very much looking forward to her shoe box on Christmas Day

Merry Christmas

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Please bear with us on messages….

We are just back in from trapping, we went out to assess the job and the cats were there….so 8 plus hours later……

7 in the traps and 1 heavily pregnant mum safe…..

Well done to all involved and to Jo and Carol and your family for helping these cats and getting in touch…..

We were so worried for mum as kittens born outside in these temperatures would mean a high chance of them not surviving…..

We have 6 more to contain so in the words of Arnie…..

“I’ll be back”

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Extra thanks to Wendy and Hollie for fostering the 5 older kittens at very short notice….

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Ps this is a library picture showing how we feel, the cats are slightly more active than this……

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Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 05/12/2023

Amazing news……..

The final 2 cats from the Copford Colony went in the traps …….

We have supported these boys with daily feeding for the past 16 months and they are numbers 47 and 48 in the traps. Many others were born in our care.

We estimate this colony cost around £14,000 to neuter, spay, treat for illness, undergo surgery and relocate either in mainstream or alternative lifestyle homes.

Blackie and Splodgy are at last safe, and luckily our vets neutered them the same day…..

Thank you to everyone for your support as we tackled this mammoth task…..

Well done to our team for your immense commitment and to Amanda, who was the main feeder and finally got the trap aware boys to surrender!!

Please neuter and spay. It has not been easy to see the level of neglect and suffering from out of control breeding.

Blackie and Splodgy smiling at the camera


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Ps if you adopted a Copford cat please post them in comments as you are amazing for giving them a chance # #


Back by popular demand……..

The shoe boxes, bags and gifts bring such joy to cats and kittens in foster.

They will be filmed opening them and we will be posting throughout the festive period.

Christmas is a time for giving and sharing and this year we will be making sure the cats at Hollyview animal sanctuary, Frinton Feline Aid and some special cats in the community have boxes to open on the big day.

Thank you again for your amazing support because we could not do what we do without you.

Merry Christmas

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Dear Mummy Bethany

I thought I would write and let you know I’m safe and love my new home.

You looked after us so well and protected us when we were outside.

I hope you find a new home very soon because you are beautiful inside and out.

Thank you for being the best

Merry Christmas Mummy

Love Daisy

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Merry Christmas Bonnie

Great to see you looking so well after a pelvic break following an RTA

What a lovely message you have sent to your new mummy.

We hope Santa brings you lots of goodies as you are definitely on the nice list.

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Ryder-Davies and Partners Veterinary Surgeons Small Animal Page thank you for helping her and asking us to provide foster space, she’s loving life # #


We have kittens needing laps to curl up on, so we are opening our kitten waiting list..

With some being ready to go now and next week and some not till after the new year.

If you are interested in adopting a furry forever purring machine please drop us a message telling us a little about yourself, family and home set up, and if you could include a phone number and tell us if you use WhatsApp that would be great..

Adoption is subject to a home check and an adoption fee..


Tonight the other half of the magnificent 7 went to their home….

Godfrey, Gilbert and Gareth have certainly fallen on their paws…….

All born outside with the most amazing mum in Bethany, she put her babies first and fed them as she struggled to feed herself….

Good luck boys, absolutely beautiful update picture ….we normally say double trouble so triple terrors??

Be happy, be safe and behave……

Thank you to everyone involved in the care and containment of Bethany and the 7 babies, and of course to you for following their story…..

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Frinton Feline Aid

Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 03/12/2023

It’s ok Pumpkin….

No one will ever neglect you again….

The paw of Bobbie will protect you

And Bobbie, I will protect you too with my Pumpkin paws…..

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Colne Valley Vets


What a way to start a Sunday…

Henry was James….


Merry Christmas Henry, total star!!

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Ps videos take a few mins to load so keep watching…..

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Resident cats are so important in the recovery of foster cats.

Thank you Hannah for being kind to Bethany and sharing.

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Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 02/12/2023

Graphic Content……….

Baxter is popping by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas ……..

Trapped by us with a horrific neck injury from a burst abscess, the reality of toms with poms fighting!!

Baxter is a legend, the night he went to the emergency vets we saw a hedgehog get hit, after a bit of a chase we got him. Ear stitched up and antibiotics and later released…..

Baxter however needed extensive surgery as his wound wasn’t healing…..

He then gave his fosterer the slip and went on the run for 44 days……

After containing him with his favourite food the rest is history……

Here he is, loving his life and a true survivor….

Merry Christmas Baxter, you certainly kept us on our toes…

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Having some chilling time……

Bethany is mum to the 7 kittens born outside …..4 are in their new homes, 3 are off tomorrow all going together!!

She will be posted for adoption tomorrow along with our other fur babies looking for their furever homes……

So if you are looking to adopt, keep a look out for posts in the morning.

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Photos from Colchester Caring for Our Cats's post 02/12/2023

This is Dobbie……

Yesterday he underwent life saving surgery to correct a huge umbilical hernia……

We normally correct hernias at neuter and spay but this was too big to leave and if it had become strangulated, Dobbie’s life would have been at risk.

These hernias are normally caused by mum shortly after birth or human interference with the cords, do not ever pull or tug an umbilical cord, they drop off and if ever in doubt, contact your vet.

He is the smallest kitten we have put through surgery and it was done after a full assessment with our vets, and Jamie, the practice owner of Whitworths and head vet operating.

Dobbie is back with Mandy in the nursery and is recovering well, he is being closely monitored and we wish him a speedy recovery.

As always, our vets are extremely kind to us and we still have rather large bills with both our practices.

This is caused by the level of neglect and injury cats and kittens have when coming into our care, if there is hope they get that chance.

We are desperately trying to reduce them, a penny or a pound will make a difference….

So ways to donate this Christmas….

PayPal click the link

Direct to either of our vets
Colne Valley Vets
Whitworth Veterinary Practice Ltd

Via bank transfer
Metro Bank Business Account
23-05-80 sort code
38700391 acc no

We will be out collecting food donations before Christmas and launching our shoe box appeal, more details to follow.

We are constantly fundraising over on
Colchester Caring for Our Cats Fundraising
So join the group for some great items coming this December.

Thank you so, so much for your continued support.

We can’t change the world, but for every cat or kitten coming into our care, their world changes.

Merry Christmas

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Spot the Rex……

Lucinda opts for the blending in surveillance tactic…….

She’s still very scared, but she is eating, using her litter and has been venturing out for an explore on her terms……

We have no idea what she has been through but what we do know is it won’t be happening again….

A truly beautiful girl and we will support her through her recovery…..

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Whitworth Veterinary Practice Ltd

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Videos (show all)

Banana 0Selkirk Rex 1XxxxxxxxLucinda is still very scared but she is venturing out now and it’s all positive steps xxxxx
Yes it’s curly……It makes me very special…..Thank you for saying nice things about me……..Lots of love LucindaSurvivor and...
Tonight Lucinda took on some huge fears…..She allowed touch and responded with head bumps…..She is still very jumpy and ...
Sometimes there is just that bond……Bobbie is making sure Pumpkin has washed behind his ears…..Merry Christmas Bobbie and...
Fern is loving her new life……Here she is practising her new skills….Christmas tree still intact we see!!Merry Christmas ...
What a way to start a Sunday…Henry was James….WowMerry Christmas Henry, total star!!XxxxxxxPs videos take a few mins to ...
As we start the run up to Christmas….yes the C word!!!!Willow and Phoenix smile…….We have lots going on in December……Wat...
Back from the vets……Neutering what neutering?#neuterandspayXxxxxxWhitworth Veterinary Practice Ltd
We call them housework stoppers because they put you under a spell when they play….The spell that says watch don’t do yo...
Pumpkin…..Pumpkin continues his recovery……Under the watchful eye of Bobbie……He has amazed us with his progress after the...
BethanyThis beautiful girl had 7 kittens outside and alone…..We managed to get the kittens safe and Bethany within an ho...
Pumpkin…….His progress is amazing…..His head wound was horrific and he wasn’t responding to treatment until he was taken...





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